Chapter 157

Rachel unaware of what was happening to the other members of the clubs, was still thinking about what Emily said during their practice .

They actually changed the script, and they added a female lead, but Emily and Katrina wouldn’t tell who the female lead was . They said they would announce it tomorrow . Why? Wasn’t the play suppose to be showing next Friday? Do they really have time to do this?

While Rachel was still thinking over what was going through Emily’s head, she suddenly sense something ominous . Thanks to her family trip, Rachel’s awareness has improved greatly . Being constantly attacked by someone of Dan’s level had greatly improved the family’s detection skills .

At this very moment Rachel knew that there was someone aside from them in their house . Knowing this she proceeded to head towards the dojo . Rachel’s mother and brothers had a similar idea .

. . .

"Mom, how many are there?" Rachel asked, as the Regius family clustered together into a circle .

"Two, three, fifteen, I can’t sense all of them, they seem to be adept in hiding their presence . The only thing I’m sure of is this house is surrounded . The neighboring houses have also been occupied . "

Kumiko calmly told her children what their current situation was like . Joseph, Roland, and Gabby were already getting ready to fight .

"So what do we do? Do we call the police?" Rachel as usual was the only one who was thinking normally . When they heard what Rachel said Kumiko and the three brothers look at Rachel in a weird way .

"Sorry honey, I don’t think the police will be able to help us, even if we do call them . Actually they might only add to the body count . "

"Okay . . . Then what do we do?" Rachel was a getting a bit tense at the abnormal situation . Although she has already experienced a lot of abnormal situations, but this was the first time, she actually felt real danger to her life .

Kumiko hearing her daughter’s question smiled a smile of excitement . Even though she wasn’t as obsessed as her husband, but in her core Kumiko also like the feeling of improvement in her martial art . She wanted to test her skills on others and prove that her husband’s martial art was the best . So now that this opportunity presented itself, she was getting excited, and so were her sons .

"What are you talking about Rachel? What do we do? Are you really asking that question? We bear the name Regius, practitioners of the ultimate martial art . The only thing we can do in this situation, is fight!"

Kumiko and her three sons fighting spirit was on the rise . Rachel on the other hand was shocked by her mom’s statement . She was once again reminded how crazy her family really is . Still because of what her mom said, she didn’t feel anxious at all anymore .

As the family’s moral was rising up, a strange kind of gas was being released into the dojo . When Kumiko saw the gas she acted quickly, she used RELEASE and punched towards the area towards the exit .

The sheer wind pressure of her punch was able to push back the gas . With that one punch the gas that was coming from the exit had dispersed . It was an unbelievable sight to behold, but Kumiko was able to do it .

"Everyone run outside now!" Kumiko shouted at her children, who responded by sprinting at full strength towards the exit .

Once they were outside, they were greeted by a bunch of people with weapons . Guns, swords, lances, knives, and other assortment of weapons were seen . These were assassins, mercenaries, and even some random desperate people that were given information that might change their lives . All of them were aiming to kill Rachel .

If this was any other target, the other assassins and mercenaries would have attacked each other by now; but seeing as the target this time, is the daughter of the blond devil they all decided to cooperate for now .

They all came to an understanding not to bother each other . Killing Rachel will depend on ones luck and skill, fighting amongst themselves will only lessen their chances .

"What do you people want?" Kumiko stood in front of her children . No one gave a verbal answer to Kumiko’s question, but a response came in the form of killing intent . The moment Kumiko and her children felt the dense killing intent they were now all in high alert .

Kumiko and her children without anymore hesitation were the first to attack . The assassins were caught by surprise but they didn’t back down and counterattacked .

. . .

Alex who had received a call from Sayaka was riding his motorcycle at full speed . Sayaka had just told him that Rachel has a bounty on her head . She could be in trouble at this very moment . Alex didn’t question how Sayaka got this information, he just believed in her as he hurried to Rachel’s house . While riding he contacted the surveillance team back in the mansion . Yet no matter how much he called them, he just couldn’t connect .

Alex had a bad feeling about what’s happening but he decided that the people in the mansion can handle themselves . At the moment Rachel was his top priority . How could he let this happen?! Why did he let his guard down?! Alex was getting angry at himself for the first time in ages .

At this moment Alex was actually praying with all his might that Rachel was okay . He couldn’t think straight as he sped up even faster .

’Is it going to happen again?! Am I once again going to lose someone?! Even though I already have the strength, am I once again going to go through that?!’

Alex who was suppressing certain emotions and memories deep in his subconscious, was having a difficult time at the moment . The emotions he buried deep inside to become something more than human was trying to burst out of him .

At this very moment Alex’s ever stoic face has finally shown a different emotion . He was showing a look of fear and anxiety, something that hasn’t happen in a long time .

. . .

Rachel and her family was holding up pretty well against the hitmen, but Rachel had made a fatal mistake and was now about to be stabbed . Kumiko who saw her daughter was in trouble wanted to save her, but was stopped by one of the hitmen .

Rachel’s brothers were also blocked from saving Rachel . The four of them were now fighting like mad men as they tried their hardest to reach Rachel .

Rachel on the other hand was seeing things in slow motion, she wanted to move but was unable to . As Rachel saw the blade getting closer and closer to her heart, she saw her life flash before her very eyes, and in the end she saw him with his ever stoic face smiling at her . Even at the moment near her death, Alex was the person who filled her mind .

’Heh, who knew that in the end I would be thinking of you . My only regret is never telling you how I truly feel, you idiot . ’ As Rachel was about ready to face her death, someone barged in the middle of her and the blade . Like a knight in shining armor, he once again appears in her most dire moment . Seeing that strong back of his protecting her, made all of Rachel’s anxiety go away .

Alex without looking at Rachel spoke to her . His voice was no longer that indifferent tone, his voice sounded relieved as he spoke . "Like I said before . I will protect you . "

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