Chapter 136

Everyone who heard Alex speak simply stood there looking at him in silence . They couldn’t understand what just happened . The way Alex delivered his lines, made them actually feel like they were in the battlefield . Just for a second they actually hallucinated Alex being surrounded by wounded soldiers .

"That . . . Was . . . Amazing!!! How did you do that? Did you guys see that too? Did you see the almost dying soldiers near Alex? Did you feel the weight of his role?! It was soo amazing!" Sayaka excitedly asked all the other members, if they all experienced the same thing she did .

"I got to admit, you are better than me for this role . . . Alex . " Even Niel who always feels like he was perfect had to admit that Alex’s portrayal was better than his .

"As expected of you my comrade . "

"Now do you all believe me? So who do you think is the best fit to play this role?" Emily was totally enjoying herself, as it seem like this time everything is going her way . It was time to redeem herself from the mishaps that happened yesterday .

"Alex . " All the members of the Mercenary Club unanimously agreed that Alex was the best person to portray this role .

"Are you guys sure, I should be doing this? I have no experience in the art of acting . "

"As long as you do the same thing you did earlier then it’s all good . " Once Rachel said that, the group changed topics and started talking about their trip to the amusement park . Lyner who was listening in got bored and went back to sleep .

. . .

It was after school and Alex’s group was waiting for someone at the school’s gate . Everyone except for Evangeline was ready to leave . After waiting for a few minutes without Evangeline showing up, Alex’s group decided to head towards the student council room . Upon entering the student council room, the fist thing that greeted them was stacks of paper .

It looked like the whole student council was extremely busy today . Eva who noticed Alex’s group entering stopped looking at documents, to talk to them . Evangeline’s secretary who saw this frowned at Alex’s group, but didn’t say anything .

"Sorry guys there seems to be a lot of work that piled up when I was out of town . So I guess I’ll be finished after an hour or so . I’ll just catch up with you guys, a bit later . "

"You sure Eva? Alex and I can pick up Lilitth and the others can wait here . " Sayaka suddenly made a random suggestion .

"Why should you accompany Alex? Shouldn’t I do that, since I already know Lilitth while you don’t . " Rachel suddenly interrupted Sayaka’s suggestion .

Sayaka who heard what Rachel said, really wanted to back out and allow her best friend to accompany the guy she likes, but aside from her all of the club members have seen Lilitth . Heck even Eva has already seen Lilitth . Sayaka just wanted to see Lilitth as soon as possible, because she doesn’t want to be left out, also she heard that Lilitth was extremely cute and wanted to see if that was true .

"By your Logic Rachel, shouldn’t I accompany Alex? Since both of us are childhood friends and Lilitth ojou-chan adores me . "

Rachel who heard Emily’s counterargument wanted to respond but didn’t have anything to counter with . So Rachel simply stood their silently, while Emily was having tons of fun teasing Rachel, which Sayaka obviously noticed . Sayaka was about to help her best friend out of this dilemma was cut off by Evangeline .

"No need to fight guys . It’s alright to leave me here . Truthfully you guys being here is just slowing things down . I can finish faster if you guys just leave . You don’t need to worry about me, I’ll be there for sure . "

"If you say so Eva . Just contact us once you get to the amusement park . Oh, also the amusement park will be going to is called Fun Land . " Rachel told Evangeline the name of the amusement park and left the room .

The other members said farewell to Evangeline as well, before leaving towards Lilitth’s school .

. . .

Alex’s group upon arriving at Lilitth and Niki’s school, saw the two talking to each other . Lilitth and Niki who saw them dashed towards their respective brothers . "Onii-sama!" "Nii-Nii!" The two little sisters jumped towards the chest of their brothers .

Sayaka who saw Lilitth and Niki was thrilled to see how cute they were . She wanted to snatch them from their brothers and hugged them like stuff toys .

While this was happening Alex noticed that there was even a woman who was waving goodbye to the two . This was Sarah Resti the one with the callous hands due to her devotion to the arts .

She was one of the few teachers that actually stuck to what she said to Alex, and actually helped Lilitth . Seeing her waving goodbye Alex bowed his head, in which Sarah responded with her own bow and a blushing face . Rachel quickly took notice of this and asked

"Hey Alex who is that?"

"Oh that person? That’s Lilitth’s art teacher, she’s really kind and a very proactive person . She really loves what she teaches, as evidence by her callous hands . "

"How come you know so much about her? Have you known her for a long time? Also are you into older women?" Emily and Sayaka who heard Rachel’s question started to snicker .

"I don’t really know much about her aside from her love towards the arts . Also I don’t understand your question about older women . Are you asking me if I’m physically more attracted to older women, is that your question?"

Rachel who heard Alex rephrase her question, finally noticed how upfront she was being, and started blushing as she nodded her head .

"In truth I don’t really have a preference between old or young . Since I haven’t really thought about it before . "

"Can you think about it now?" Rachel for the first time pushed forward in her attack .

"Sure, but I wont get an answer immediately . I need to think this through . . . Why do you need to know anyway?" Alex was confused at this whole Q and A . Even Lilitth who was in his arms got confused at Rachel’s questioning .

"Fine, think it through . Just tell me when you have an answer . " Rachel done with her questioning turned around .

"Roger that . " Still confused by the series of questions, Alex who didn’t get any answers decided to just comply to Rachel’s demands, since no complying might result to her being uncomfortable .

Rachel who was not facing Alex anymore was smiling cheerfully . The other members of the mercenary club simply shrugged their shoulders, already used to the two’s shenanigans . Emily on the other hand was excited to see a real romcom situation happening before her very eyes .

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