Chapter 135

"The Drama Club? What do they do?" Alex asked still unaware of what the majority of the clubs in this school do . Everyone who heard Alex’s question was already used to Alex’s lack of knowledge in random things .

"The Drama club is a club made for students that like to learn about acting, play production, and stage work . Basically they act out stories . " The one to answer Alex’s question was Emily, who was trying to contain her excitement .

"So how do we help them? What do they need from us?" After knowing what the Drama Club does, Alex as usual just directly asked what needs to be done .

"They just need some extra people for some vacant positions . I actually think that Alex will be the best fit for this . "

The moment Emily said those words, all the Mercenary club members even the sleeping Lyner stood up and looked at her as if she was crazy . Did this girl, who is supposedly Alex’s childhood friend suggest this friend of hers that has practically one expression in his face, can act?

"Hey Emi, I think I misheard you . Did you say that Alex? Alexander Samarita, will be a good fit for playing a role in the Drama club’s play?" Sayaka who was as mischievous as Emily couldn’t understand were she was going with this .

"Yup Alex is the perfect person for this . " Emily simply repeated what she said awhile ago, without explaining any further .

"You mean as an extra right? The Drama Club just needs extras right?" Even Rachel was confused hearing what she just heard .

"No, actually its the main role, the protagonist of the story . " The Club Members almost spitted out the lunch they just ate, when they heard this .

"Why Alex? Isn’t Niel a better fit for this role? You know this guy is a pretty good actor, so why not him?" Even the usual sleeping Lyner gave his opinion on this matter . The others couldn’t help but nod at what the lazy teacher suggested .

"Hmm, it’s true that Niel is the better actor between the two, but I believe that Alex would give a more authentic feel to it . "

"Really?" Even Oliver who always believed in Alex was doubtful .

"Yeah, why don’t you guys believe me? Here I already have the script of the Drama Club’s next play . How about all the guys in the club try saying a line from this epic war drama, and then we all judge who did it better . "

When the other club members heard the theme of the play they now somehow kinda understood what Emily was claiming, but even with a theme that felt okay for Alex, wasn’t Niel who can act better still the best pick?

"Okay that sounds like fun . Sure let’s do it . Let’s see here, what line should they use . " Sayaka took the script from Emily and started scanning the script for a good line .

"Oh this one, the line the protagonist says to the other soldiers after the death of their comrade . "

"Oh that’s pretty nice who should go first . . . How about you Oliver, seeing as your the President and all that . " Oliver who was suddenly called out took the script from Sayaka, and read the line he was suppose to say .

"I just need to read this right?"

"Yup . "

Oliver who was obsessed with anything to do with soldiers and mercenaries, had seen a lot of movies and shows about this topic, so he felt like he could say this line with a perfect movie quality to it .

"This is war we’re having do you think one man’s death means anything? We are soldiers! We do what we are told nothing more, nothing less!" Oliver delivered his lines with such an intensity coupled with his muscular body was truly a scene to behold .

"Wow! That was better than expected! Who knew Oly can act . " Sayaka and the other members started clapping at Oliver’s unexpected performance .

"Okay next is Kei . " Sayaka handed the script to the nervous Kei, who had never acted before . He hasn’t acted not even during a school play . So he was a bit nervous, but he still delivered his lines, the best he could .

"This is war we’re having do you think one man’s death means anything? We are soldiers, we do what we are told nothing more, nothing less . " Kei delivered his line in such a normal bland manner, it was actually quite surprising to hear that such lines could be delivered in such a normal way .

The Club members still clapped for the embarrassed kei .

"Okay then, next is Niel . " Sayaka tried to give Niel the script .

"There is no need Sayaka, I know the lines now . "

"As expected of our Niel . Okay then, lights, camera, action . "

"This is war we’re having . . . Do you? Do you think one man’s death means anything? . . . We are soldiers! Soldiers do what they are told to do . . . Nothing more , nothing less . "

Niel added some lines here and there, but the passion the sadness in his voice was so good, that nobody even cared that he did so . Oliver who was a fan of war movies, almost actually teared up when he heard Niel .

"That was amazing Niel! After seeing that Emily, do you still think Alex has a chance?" Sayaka looked at Emily with a questioning gaze .

"Yes I do . It’s as expected Niel is very good an actor, but I still think Alex could top that . "

"Well if you say so . Here Alex it’s your turn . " Sayaka handed Alex the script, who read at how the scene progressed to that line .

"So I just need to say these words?" Alex asked Emily, who was trying her hardest not to laugh .

"Yes you just need to say those words, with the emotion you think that fits the scene . "

"This is war we’re having, do you think one man’s death means anything? We are soldiers, nothing more, nothing less . " Alex said those lines while imagining himself back in the battlefield . His conviction to see the mission through could be heard in his indifferent tone of voice . Even his facial expression which was stoic fit the scene perfectly alongside the way he delivered the line .

Everyone who saw how Alex did it, felt like they were really there, it was as if they were transported into the battlefield . Everyone except for Emily was stunned speechless at the way Alex delivered that line . Emily on the other hand was smiling in glee in her mind, as things were going just as she expected .

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