A Sorcerer's Journey

Chapter 228: The Shadow Calamity V

Chapter 228: The Shadow Calamity V

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Grimm’s reinforcement party swiftly took their positions among the Sorcerer Legion that was stationed here. The Fallen Amonros and Soul Slaves also scrambled to bolster the defense of the magical array.

While the Bright Sorcerers were busy setting up a magic formation, the relatively small number of five Dark Sorcerers appeared relatively silent.

Under the grayish-white Mask of Truth with a spiral pattern, Grimm gathered with the rest of the Dark Sorcerers wearing a loose sorcerer robe with a rather chubby Myna roosting on his shoulder while listening intently to the battle instruction.

Hidden inside a loose sorcerer’s robe with tendrils poking out from the back was a sorceress sporting a deep voice.

“As it appeared...a change has happened to this world’s principal law. It’s palpable. The Shadow Energy has surged until it eliminated its opposite Crimson Sun Energy. If my conjecture is correct, perhaps the Crimson Sun Energy has been purged from this world, leaving the Shadow World in its complete form.”

A complete Shadow World...

That meant every Amonro could traverse the once formless Crimson Sun Cut-off Point, and would now pose a threat to the Sorcerer World.

Hiss, hiss...

His scarlet red long hair blew in the wind. A snake partially emerged from under his sleeve, flicking its tongue incessantly. His eyes were unsettlingly cold.

Another Dark Sorcerer spoke in a hoarse voice. “I have collected some live specimens in these past two days. The body constitution of the Amonros itself showed no changes, but their endocrine hormones would shoot up under the effect of immense Shadow Energy. As a result, they tend to go berserk at the slightest provocation.”

Puff, puff...

Standing at one point six meters tall, this last Dark Sorcerer was a stout man. A golden armor plate was clearly visible under his sorcerer robe. His bald head and a thick cigarette in his mouth proved that he was not a guy to be messed around with.

As he extended his hand, Grimm noticed that a dark hole had appeared in the mean-looking sorcerer’s palm, as if he was making contact with an unknown dimension.

After a wild movement of his sizable fingers, he summoned an ‘octopus’ creature. The creature’s bodily features were not clear under the dim light but its struggling claws and fangs were visible.

It bent and twisted its soft body helplessly to escape his grasp, but to no avail.

Sealing Ability!

Grimm felt a chill ran down his spine. This was the first time he saw such an incredible ability.

“I name this strange creature Shadow Tentacles. This new species hasn’t been discovered for the past forty years... until today. It can ignore sorcerer’s protection barriers to sneak into the shadow of the unsuspecting victim’s body, defiling them with Shadow Energy. The victims will lose their sense of energy under the sunlight. Once they’re infected, it’s very hard to cure,” he said grimly.

“Why didn’t you report this to Battle Command? Successfully finding a cure to this kind of infection is enough to earn you a Rank-3 Honor Badge!” said the appalled sorceress who came along with Grimm.

The bald Dark Sorcerer replied with a sneer. “Relax, girl. This creature just happens to be one of the most difficult things to handle among the thousands of new strange Shadow species that burst out into existence.”

A thought flashed through Grimm’s mind. “How many Magic Stones for this specimen? I would like to purchase it,” Grimm said suddenly.

“Well, since you asked nicely, you can have it for free.”

The bald Sorcerer called upon the force of nature. Moments later, he wrapped up the Shadow Tentacles and transferred the captured creature to Grimm. To everyone’s surprise, Grimm threw it directly into his own shadow right after he received it!”

“What the?!”

The Dark Sorcerers were dumbfounded by Grimm’s abrupt action.

Crunch... crunch... crunch...

They could hear something being chewed.

“Looks like this Shadow Tentacles is just another creature from the bottom of the food chain. They were always here, in every corner of Shadow World. It’s just that they were so weak that we overlooked it. Perhaps the changes this time stimulated them to become active, and their unique ability posed a great threat to every sorcerer alike,” said Grimm.

Apparently, a Shadow Hedgehog that resided within Grimm’s shadow was responsible for making the chewing sound. The Shadow Tentacles became its appetizer.

Grimm gained an insight through this experiment. He was now excited to find out the feeding relationships between Shadow Tentacles, Neon Green Amonro, and Neon Green Beetle.

What was ‘pollution’ to a sorcerer might be another creature’s gift of evolution.


The remains of a three meter long Soul Slave fell next to the five Dark Sorcerers. Its blood soaked the ground wet.

The five Dark Sorcerers inspected the corpse of the Soul Slave. To Grimm and the Sorceress’ horror, the six-legged jacketed creature had lost its head.

Judging by the way it died, it was not Amonro’s doing.

“It’s the Neon Green Mantis. A Neon Green Beetle and Mantis riding Neon Green Amonros with high resistance to Magical Array carpet bombardment have started to penetrate our line of defense to hunt Fallen Amonros and Soul Slaves,” the sorceress with tendrils at her back explained.


Suddenly, a huge hexagram was formed in the sky, and caught the five Dark Sorcerers’ eyeballs. The formation illuminated the sky, like a ray of hope that appeared during the darkest of times.

The artificial light from the impromptu Magical Array courtesy of the Bright Sorcerers was built using primitive materials and their wisdom and knowledge.

Bamf! Bamf! Bamf! Bamf! Bamf!

The five Dark Sorcerers disappeared in a heartbeat. They scrambled to defend the magical arrays against the hostile creatures alongside Fallen Amonros and Soul Slaves.

With the aid of Prism Fortress’ beam and magical array, waves and waves of Amonros horde were annihilated.

Grimm was caught in a battle with a two meters long Neon Green Mantis. Even though he had his staff firmly in his hands, he had to be wary of its two sharp luminescent blades.

The Magical Array around them fired a green magic spell at the Neon Green Mantis.

A direct hit! The creature was paralyzed. However, the attack was not powerful enough to harm it due to its strong resistance. It was then when countless of neon green spikes pierced through its body. It was ambushed by Grimm’s Shadow Hedgehog!

Grimm wasted no time and delivered a solid whack onto its head with his staff while it was still immobilized. Crack! The creature’s head exploded upon impact.

“Woah! Allow me, Master.” Myna proactively salvaged its remains for living flesh.

Grimm gave his permission and rushed into the next battle without stopping to rest. Hundreds of Golden Amonros surrounded tens of Fallen Amonros and Soul Slaves. It appeared that they were planning to overrun a weak point in the Prism Fortress’ defense.

Flap, flap, flap...

Three Fire Bats were sent to the high enemy activity conflict zone. Before long, three rounds of explosions shook the ground. A large part of the sky was lit up by the flames. Grimm began to slaughter these simple lifeforms. At the same time, beams of laser spells continuously fired toward here.

After fighting for half an hourglass of time.

The last, the hostile Amonro slumped into lifelessness and the Bright and Dark Sorcerers could finally rejoice and catch their breath. Two Dark Sorcerers quickly recharged the Prism Fortress with a new Crystallized Energy Stone.

Outside the magical array, there were movements in the dark but they seemed to be retreating from the heavily defended Prism Fortress.

The outer layer of the Magical Array slowly emanated with light again, indicating the return of an energy supply. The sorcerers could finally sleep tight tonight.

Booom! Brommbrromm! Pitter, patter!

All of a sudden, lightning flashed through the sky from the Shadow Cloud. Rumbles of thunder captured the attention of the resting Demon Hunters. They could not believe their eyes... and ears. Too much had happened within one day. Everything felt so surreal to them.

“It was... about to rain?”

“Rain in the Shadow World?! But how?”

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