A Sorcerer's Journey

Chapter 227: The Shadow Calamity IV

Chapter 227: The Shadow Calamity IV

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Ding dong, ding dong...

Lightning Mirror in the lake.

Besides a few ripples on the water formed by loose debris falling randomly from the stalagmite-like rock structures, the lake was completely still.

Grimm meditated on the Lightning Mirror. The usually stable Lightning Mirror’s energy supported both the weight of Grimm and the giant rocks above.

As Grimm furthered his research, he gained a deeper understanding of the Lightning Mirror’s properties.

Behind this Lightning Mirror, sat the unknown Void World. Somehow, he felt that it had a connection to the Shadow World.

Yet, he could not tell what it was exactly.

If only he could master Advanced Boundary of Relative Space Ability, he would be able to identify the precise location of the absolute boundary, and then attempt to tear it away to have a good look at the Void World.

But for now...

Another failure. Grimm could feel frustration etching away his soul. He was so close to unveiling the secret of Void World. Nonetheless, he had to admit that he was far from reaching Kylie’s highest potential, and still had much to learn in the field of relative space.

What lay within the mysterious Void World behind the Lightning Mirror?

Why did the Lightning Mirror emerge here? What purpose did it serve? How did the great ancient beings create the strange Void Law?

Grimm was filled with beguiling questions.

The one true way of knowledge seeking—curiosity. He had a strong desire to look for the answers to his questions.


Suddenly, Grimm reached into his sorcerer’s robe and took out his crystal orb. After a moment of observation, he unexpectedly learnt something that raised his eyebrows!

In a resolute manner, he teleported to the lake’s surface and proceeded to unlock the magical protection over his lab before marching in.

“Hmm... What’s wrong, Master Grimm?” asked Myna who was teasing and playing with his Crystal Turtle.

Grimm swiftly packed up everything inside the lab. “The Battle Command has issued a top order. Every Demon-Hunter is to assemble at the nearest Battle Command immediately without delay. This is an urgent Rank 1 Battle Report,” he replied while resuming movement of his hands.

“Rank 1 Battle Report? Oh. My. God. I wish you luck, Master! Something bad might have happened to the expedition. Do you have anyone up there who might know of something?”, Myna held its head, pretending to be in pain.

“Quit messing with me, how would I know any-”

Grimm stopped mid-speech. Something strange occurred to him. “Oh, wait! I can try to contact Master Deidarion to ask him what’s going on.”

Inside the underground Camphoragate Cave, all the Shadow Empire’s Fallen Amonros forces were mobilized. They seemed to be executing the order issued by Shadow Empire’s city, which was also the Second Battle Command.

Grimm flew away from the underground Camphoragate Cave and hovered from a distance. He was utilized the time to pick up messages from his crystal orb.

“Huh? Master Deidarion is in Shadow Empire’s city?”

From Grimm’s location right now, the travel time to the Void Fortress or Shadow Empire’s city were the same. To him, a few hourglasses of time and two days made not much of a difference.

But Grimm’s curiosity of the mission’s details got the best of him and at a whim, he swiftly flew toward the Shadow Empire’s city.

Rank 1 Mission Battle Report related to the crucial mission that would decide the life or death of the expedition. In other words, it decided the fate of all Demon-Hunters.

Two days had passed.

Similar to the Fallen Amonro’s base in Shadow World which the Demon-Hunters had built for forty years, every brick of the Shadow Empire’s city was built by the Demon-Hunters according to the Sorcerer’s Principal Will.

Perhaps certain individuals in the current leadership of Fallen Amonros were the baby Amonros rescued by Dark Sorcerers the likes of Grimm from the nursery when they were young, then raised and trained by Bright Sorcerer to be the backbone of Shadow World’s Fallen Amonro forces.

As Grimm entered the Shadow World’s city, he quickly sensed something amiss.

All the Golden Amonros were flying in the sky!

Grimm could not believe his eyes. As concluded previously by the Demon-Hunter pioneers, the probability of ordinary Golden Amonro evolving into Shadow Amonro and even gaining flight was a mere seventy to one.

At this moment, what crossed Grimm’s vision were the flying Golden Amonros of the Shadow Empire’s city from every corner regardless of size and height. Besides, the lazy, grumpy and impatient characteristics of Amonro were all gone, now replaced by an agile, calm composure.

This was something abnormal, or to him at least, extraordinary.

Grimm then activated his crystal orb. Moments later, Master Deidarion answered.

A face full of wrinkles, armor and helmet as red as blood, with his dark long hair blowing in the wind; his body as muscular as it was in his prime. Thus, was Master Deidarion’s image in the crystal orb.

Grimm politely bowed to the senior sorcerer. Master Deidarion nodded in response. “Coming for the Rank 1 Battle Report, I suppose?” he asked in a somewhat knowing and steady tone before Grimm could even open his mouth.


Grimm nodded and then asked carefully. “Sir, if you know of any detailed changes to our battle mission, could you indulge me please?”

While enquiring Master Deidarion, Grimm could not help but notice that a number of Demon-Hunters had started to command Fallen Amonros to enter their battle-ready mode, scrambling toward all directions.

“I’m afraid that I will have to disappoint you, for I myself am not too clear about the details of the battle plan. All I’ve heard was that something happened over the Crimson Sun World. Shadow World’s city’s mission was to defend every Prism Fortress, so we have seven hundred and twenty five points of interest to defend. You’ll most likely be assigned to guard one of it, along with Bright Sorcerer, with part of the Shadow Amonros and Soul Slaves under your command.

Master Deidarion himself seemed to be unsettled, almost irritated. The sudden changes in a war plan usually meant that something ominous was about to happen.

Unable to garner any useful information from the senior Sorcerer, Grimm felt a little disappointed. At the same time however, he reckoned that no information was also information all in itself.

If high-ranking Sorcerers the likes of Master Deidarion were ignorant of the battle plan’s details, the Rank 1 Mission Battle Report must have been issued as an emergency by the Battle Command. This meant that there must be more to this world than meets the eye!

A brief moment later...

After a chaotic and rushed mission assignment, Grimm and a Dark Sorceress of which he first met joined a small legion of thirty Bright Sorcerers, a hundred Soul Slaves and six hundred Fallen Amonros. They began their journey toward Prism Fortress number three and number thirty two.

Flying at full speed, they reached their destination in one day.

Unexpected by Grimm, the sky and land were still consumed by darkness. He imagined that the ray from Crimson Sun World would have made this place as bright as daylight. He saw several vague shadows surrounding the Prism Fortress. These should be the previous batch of Soul Slaves and Demon-Hunters stationed here.

Pew, pew, pew, pew...

The Prism Fortress shot down some Amonros from the gray sky. The dead Amonro bodies steadily piled up on the ground.

Subsequently, the Bright Sorcerer who led Grimm’s small legion immediately cast a Beacon spell as a signal to notify Prism Fortress of the arrival of reinforcement.

The Bright Sorcerer in charge barked his order. “Keep this straight in your head, Demon-Hunters! Our mission is to defend Prism Fortress at all cost. In the case where stuff hits the fan, recover the Prism Stone and smart mechanical marionettes. We’ll set up the final defense atop the Prism Fortress. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, sir!”

The rest of Bright Sorcerers answered in unison, greatly lifting their spirits.

Meanwhile, Grimm and the Dark Sorceress gazed at the distant Shadow Cloud-filled sky and mumbled in disbelief. “In the name of Sorcerer World, where did the Crimson Sun World go?”

It appeared that the whole Shadow Continent of the Shadow World had merged into a single entity.

Had the law of this world changed? Or perhaps, a phenomena natural to the Shadow World similar to a solar eclipse in the Sorcerer World? One could only beg the question.

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