A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 516 You’re A Natural At This

Chapter 516 You're A Natural At This

When he arrived at the garden, he saw Ella, Halime, Sera, Hemera, and Leira sitting at a table, which they saved a spot for him.

Archer walked over to them and greeted each one with a kiss on the forehead before sitting down.

As he did, Ella spoke to him with a smile. ''Hey, Arch. How were your quests? How many have you done so far?''

''We've completed five so far. It was good we cleared out some orcs, goblins, and wendigos, which were creepy. They made my skin crawl.'' He answered.

The four girls laughed, but Sera asked in a curious voice. ''What's a wendigo?''

Halime shifted her gaze, revealing her yellow snake eyes, and explained to the dragon girl. "They are eerie humans who skulk in forests and abandoned towns. According to the books, they were once ordinary people, but their transformation occurred after resorting to cannibalism and feasting on human flesh during hard times.''

Archer's curiosity was piqued, but before he could say anything, Professor Summerwild interjected, "Wendigos are both dreadful and captivating beings. My former mentor once kept one in captivity, providing a fascinating opportunity for study. They typically shun the light but venture into it when the need to hunt arises."

He turned to the older woman, who was smiling as she continued. ''There are many creatures that lurk in the dark corners of the land.''

She continued talking. ''During my journey here, we were attacked by cannibal tribes that roam the Murkwood Swamp. It was daunting, but the guards were skilled.''

Following the professor's instructions, the students were told to retrieve their beasts and stay seated.

Then, Archer opened a portal and summoned Juno, the owlbear. In the ensuing moment, a ball of fluff emerged from the portal, finding its place on Archer's lap.

Simultaneously, he conjured the Astral Serpent gracefully slithered out of the same mystical gateway.

The snake climbed up his body and wrapped around his neck before speaking in a quiet voice that only he could hear. ''Can I stay with you? You left me in that place for a while.''

Archer nodded as he stroked the little snake before replying. ''Yeah, I haven't got any battles planned so you can hang out for a while.''

As he spoke to the snake, Juno climbed onto his lap and started nibbling his neck, which caused him to shiver.

The four girls laughed as Hemera spoke. ''Why are you speaking to the snake? What does she want?''

Archer stroked the owlbear, who loved the attention, before replying to the sun elf. ''She wants to stay around my neck. I left her in the treehouse until now.''

Everyone smiled as they got up to retrieve their creatures. All the girls went to get theirs while Archer waited behind.

As the students exchanged glances and nodded in agreement, Professor Summerwild finished, "Now, to aid you in this endeavor, I recommend a visit to the library. There, you'll find a wealth of knowledge on magical creatures and their care."

Everyone nodded and started paying attention to their creatures. Archer was stroking Juno, who was rolling around on his lap.

While he was doing that, the four girls were pampering their creatures. Ella stroked the little white Aetherwing standing before her, chirping.

Sera was tickling the Drakeling she chose, who was wiggling around, trying to escape from her, but Archer could see the little beast was enjoying it.

Archer turned to Leira, who was stroking the Thunderfeline and acting like a house cat as it just sat there enjoying the pampering.

He turned to Halime, who was talking to the Venomshade in an unknown language, who was curled around her arm.

While those three were doing that, Hemera talked to her Dawnfeather, who listened to every word she said.

When Archer saw this, he thought to himself. 'That bird is really intelligent. It looks like a student listening to a teacher.'

A contented purr-like sound emanated from the owlbear as he stroked Juno's feathers after he stopped thinking to himself.

The gentle bear nestled in his lap, clearly enjoying the attention. Archer's fingers traced her feathers, and he marveled at the softness beneath his touch.

"Hey there, Juno," Archer whispered with a smile, his eyes reflecting his genuine affection for his little bear. "You like that, huh?"

She tilted her head in response, her large eyes blinking slowly as if in approval. The owlbear's cute noises continued a mix of soft hoots and endearing chirps that echoed in the serene garden.

He chuckled, "You're such a softie, right?"

Getting closer, Archer skillfully navigated through the feathers around Juno's neck. The owlbear's eyes gently closed.

As Archer ventured into uncharted territory, his fingers unearthed a tender spot beneath Juno's ear.

The owlbear's immediate reaction was a harmonious chorus of delighted coos and joyful hoots resonating through the garden.

Professor Summerwild approached with an expansive smile, her voice radiating happiness. "Archer, you're a natural at this. I can see that little Juno is absolutely reveling in the pampering, and she's clearly quite thrilled. It's remarkable, especially considering owlbears are typically known for their ferocity – not the easiest creatures to approach."

Archer smiled as he stroked Juno before talking. "I can understand them and know what they want, making it easy for me to care for them."

The older woman nodded in agreement, her smile widening as she continued, "My husband is the same. All sorts of creatures flock to him like he's a haven. It makes me jealous."

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

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