A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 515 I've Sent Out The Cats

Chapter 515 I've Sent Out The Cats

Archer, sensing the approaching danger, swiftly sprang into action. He unleashed a barrage of Element Bolts, his magic slicing through the forest's darkness.

The deadly dance unfolded as the Wendigos closed in. Their grotesque forms met with the swiftness of Archer's spells.

Each Bolt was made from a different element that burned, shocked, or poisoned the creatures.

The forest echoed with the anguished cries of the Wendigos, their numbers dwindling under Archer's magic.

The Shadowspawn's attempt to bolster their forces proved futile in the face of Archer's prowess as he emerged victorious against the encroaching darkness.

He went around and collected the hearts of the creatures before turning to the girls, who were now grouped up, getting ready to fight.

Archer looked up and spoke with a smile. ''We got enough time to do another quest if you ladies want to?''

All three girls agreed and wanted to deal with the orc menace plaguing the villages along the coast opposite the Shadowleaf Forest.

When Archer heard this, he smiled and told them to wait here as he dismissed the Stone Men before casting Gate.

He stepped through and appeared in the familiar forest before summoning his wings and taking off.

The forest stretched beneath Archer as he soared through the sky, the rhythmic beat of his wings echoing in the stillness.

Below, the dense canopy of forest sprawled like a vast tapestry of emerald, interrupted only by occasional clearings and the glimmer of winding rivers.

The air was crisp, and the distant sounds of wildlife created a serene symphony. Archer finally saw clusters of villages appear on the other side of the forest.

His sharp eyes scanned the landscape, each settlement a humble farming village. The people below went about their daily lives without a care.

Archer stopped flying before he started scanning the land until he identified the largest village.

He angled his descent towards it, spotting the settlement on the Star River's banks. Archer landed with a thud before dismissing his wings.

That's when he saw farmers in the distance tending to cattle who stopped to stare at him, but he ignored them and opened a portal to the domain.

Archer called for his scouts again, and the Tressyms appeared and wanted pets from him, which he happily gave before they flew off to find the orcs.

While they did that, he walked down a path next to the river and found a bench. He sat down and cast Gate.

When the violet portal appeared, the three girls stepped through while looking around at the scenery.

Nala spoke while looking at the river. ''Your spell is so helpful it would take us days to get here, and the far-away quests would be impossible.''

Archer nodded, addressing the girls, "I've sent out the cats. They'll return shortly but join me in waiting."

He gestured towards a bench, and the three sat down, gazing at the serene river. After about ten minutes, the flying cats returned.

More orcs emerged from the shadows and brandished their crude weapons. Archer, Teuila, and Nala recognizing the renewed threat, seamlessly shifted into action.

Teuila, her eyes ablaze with determination, drew her sword with a fluid motion. Beside her, Nala, still charged with the energy of her previous battle, unsheathed her blade.

The two warriors moved as one, a synchronized dance of deadly prowess. While they did this, Zarina cast spells into groups of orcs.

With a shared understanding, the three girls engaged the oncoming orcs with a flurry of precise strikes and well-coordinated maneuvers.

Teuila's sword whirred through the air, each swing a testament to her agility and combat finesse. Nala displayed a combination of strength and grace.

Her swordplay was a symphony of calculated slashes and evasive movements as she effortlessly moved through the chaos of battle.

A clash of steel and the roars of the orcs reverberated through the air as Teuila and Nala met the new threat head-on.

The orcs, caught off guard by the ferocity of their attackers, struggled to mount an effective defense.

In a matter of moments, the combined efforts of Teuila and Nala proved victorious. The orcs, thwarted by the skillful swordplay of the two warriors, lay defeated on the ground.

The village, once again, was spared from the immediate danger. Teuila and Nala, their swords still gleaming from the battle, shared a nod of acknowledgment.

Archer watched the three girls with pride in his eyes but noticed the redhead looking tired, so he threw her a mana potion.

Zarina caught it and gave him a small smile, but he soon summoned the Stone Men and ordered them to collect the orcs' hearts and bodies.

The Stone Men rushed off to complete his orders as Nala and Teuile approached him. He saw sweat running down Nala's face.

Teuila smiled at him, but Archer cast Aurora Healing on the two, which made them feel refreshed.

Nala stepped forward and gave him a kiss, followed by Teuila. Not long after that, the Stone Men returned and threw the bodies down.

Archer smiled before storing the orc bodies and hearts in his Item Box before stretching. The girls brushed the dirt off them before Teuila stepped forward.

With a smile, she spoke to the group. ''We need to head back to college. I think classes will start soon.''

Everyone agreed, causing Archer to open a Gate to the college grounds. The four stepped through to hear the bell going off.

When they arrived, Zarina said bye to the three and walked off to her class while Teuila and Nala jumped on him.

The two girls kissed him before Teuila spoke. ''We'll see you after classes, Darling.''

The lion girl nodded her head with a big smile before leaving with the ocean princess, leaving him alone in the college gardens.

Archer remembered that he had Magical Creature Study and made his way there.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

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