Archer locked his gaze with Ksara's piercing golden eyes, but her relentless assault of cruel insults persisted.

"You've never been wanted!" she spat venomously. "Since the day you were born, we only tolerated your presence in the hopes that you would prove useful to the family. Instead, we were burdened with a worthless brat who knows nothing about gratitude for those who allowed him to exist!"

Her words dripped with venomous malice, each one delivered with a twisted sneer of contempt on her face.

"No one has ever loved you," she hissed. "Not even your own mother. We reveled in the torment we inflicted upon you, finding joy in every moment of your pain and suffering. We all laughed at you, you pitiful little boy. We mocked your weakness, your vulnerability, your absolute insignificance."

Her words sliced through Archer's heart like sharp daggers, leaving him feeling shattered and utterly forsaken.

He had always been aware of his family's indifference towards him, but the cold cruelty with which Ksara expressed it threatened to break his already fragile state of mind.

Relentlessly, Ksara continued her torment, relishing in Archer's vulnerability. "Do you recall that time when you fell into a deep slumber?" she taunted, a malicious glint in her eyes.

"We all took pleasure in tormenting you while you lay there, completely defenseless and at our mercy. We unleashed our cruelty upon you, using anything we could find to inflict pain. We even fed you the discarded scraps from the stable that not even the beasts would touch."

Her words dripped with venom, and Archer felt a sickening sensation in his stomach as he was reminded of the countless times the old Archer had endured his family's sadistic mistreatment.

With a twisted satisfaction, Ksara reveled in his torment, recalling the beatings Archer had endured. "I vividly remember how you pleaded for Larka to intervene," she sneered. "But she simply looked upon you with indifference and walked away, leaving you to suffer at the hands of your own siblings."

The weight of Ksara's words pressed heavily upon Archer, the painful memories flooding back, fueling a mixture of anguish and resentment within him.

Archer's heart sank as he remembered how his own mother had turned a blind eye to the abuse.

"And it wasn't just that one time," Ksara continued, her voice cold and cruel. "You were beaten so many times, and she never once intervened. It's almost like she enjoyed watching you suffer."

The memories of the months after he lost in the beast fight flooded back to him, he felt a deep sense of pain and betrayal at the realization that his own mother enjoyed his suffering.

As anger coursed through his body, he was suddenly greeted by a comforting hand on his back. Teuila emerged from the shadows, her eyes ablaze with fury, fixed upon Ksara.

"So you enjoy abusing children?" she spat, her voice dripping with disgust.

But before anyone could reply, two shrill screams pierced the air, causing everyone to turn in alarm.

Archer had turned around to stamp on Pallius and Aldwulf. He then turned back to Ksara, his eyes blazing with anger.

"Say one more word, witch, and I'll turn your sons into eunuchs," he threatened, his voice low and menacing.

Ksara's eyes widened in fear, and she quickly shut her mouth, realizing that she had pushed Archer too far.

As he stood there, seething with rage, he noticed that guards and knights from the church were flooding into the garden.

Realizing that they were surrounded, but that didn't worry him, Archer spoke to the people who had tormented him for so many years.

"You lot treated me like dirt, even the maids were treated better," he said, his voice choked with anger.

"There were days when I went hungry, and you all just watched it happen. For that, I'll never forgive you."

His words hung heavy in the air, and his family members looked at him with a mixture of guilt and glee.

But Archer wasn't finished yet. "Larka," he said.

"I wish you the best in life, but from this day forward, you are not my mother." He paused, his eyes filled with unknown emotions.

"You know I only ever wished for a mother who would love me, who would care for me, but unfortunately you were never that person."

His words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of years of disappointment and hurt.

"I was only a child, and all I wanted was to be loved by my mother. But alas, here we are...''

Before he could finish talking the Deacon stepped forward and spoke with venom in his voice.

''You foul dragon, stop spouting your lies, no one believes your words.''

Archer looked at the man in his black priest robes with disdain and said three words, ''Fuck off idiot.''

The Deacon's face twisted with anger, but before he could say anything, the Duke intervened.

"Hold on a moment," he said, turning to Archer. "Who is the young woman next to you?"

Archer looked at Teuila, who nodded and stepped forward with narrowed eyes.

"I am Teuila Aquaria, the 4th Princess of the Aquarian kingdom, and I am also Archer's fiancé," she announced with a confident tone.

With wide-eyed wonder, Archer's sisters watched as Archer and Teuila stood before the guards.

Suddenly, the Deacon's patience ran short, and he cast a Holy Beam at the young couple, hoping to put an end to their defiance once and for all.

But before the beam could strike its target, Archer's Crown Of Stars activated, and a bright violet light shot out.

The Deacon's spell dissipated in an instant, prompting other priests to step forward and join the fray, casting their own spells at the couple.

The church knights closed in, Archer and Teuila stood their ground, ready to face whatever came their way.

Suddenly, a barrage of Light Beams shot toward them, threatening to overwhelm them with their blinding power.

But Archer was not one to be easily defeated, he grabbed Teuila and cast a Cosmic Shield, a powerful barrier that stood firm against the onslaught.

The knights were relentless, but his memories kicked in, and he recognized them from his past life as the old Archer.

''The Legion of Faith.''

Surrounded by knights, they dashed forward fearlessly. Acting swiftly, Archer conjured Thunder Wave, pushing the knights back and creating a crucial distance between them.

Without wasting any time, Archer opened a portal and shouted through it, "General, prepare yourself!"

The portal expanded, and to the astonishment of all a hundred Dragon-kin warriors emerged from it.

They marched out, clad in black metal armor and wielding formidable weapons with large shields. Mohamet bellowed, "Form up around the king! No one is to lay a finger on him!"

The Dragon-kin quickly formed a protective circle around Archer and Teuila. Each of them was tall, muscular, and brimming with fury.

Archer couldn't help but grin to himself. 'The beasts I hunted have proven useful,' he thought.

Mohamet approached Archer and knelt before him holding a massive axe in his right hand.

"My King, you called, and we have answered. It is our honor to fight by your side," the man declared with reverence.

Archer nodded in acknowledgment before posing a question. "Did you happen to see the girl Teuila brought into the Domain?"

The man nodded his head and replied, "Yes, your majesty. Jethro and the elders are tending to her. They assured me she will make a full recovery."

Archer felt relieved knowing Ella was in good hands. Without wasting any time, he issued his next command.

"Take some of your men into the castle. Retrieve the woman who resembles her, and ensure that all your soldiers have the bracelets to escape. We must act quickly."

Mohamet rose to his feet and nodded in determination. He quickly ordered two dozen of his best men to follow him as he charged toward the Legion of Faith knights.

Like a raging rhino, he plowed through the knights, knocking many of them to the ground with his sheer force. His massive axe sliced through any who dared to stand in his way.

Archer watched them run, the rest of the Dragon-kin troops circled around him. But he called out with confidence.

"Thank you for your protection, but now it's time to show them why it's a bad idea to underestimate someone they know nothing about. If anyone attacks me from behind, take them out."

The commander left behind saluted Archer, his eyes gleaming with admiration and respect.

He quickly formed up with the other soldiers behind him, ready to fight alongside their fearless King.

Archer raised his right hand and cast Cosmic Sword. He imagined the legendary Dragonslayer sword from a beloved anime.

Gasps of disbelief echoed through the chamber as a colossal sword materialized in Archer's hand.

It was unlike any weapon they had ever seen before, resembling a slab of iron more than a traditional sword.

Archer's sisters retreated, guarded by the Duke's personal guards, Janna forcefully dragged the sullen Larka to safety with the other girls and watchers.

But Ksara and Archer's father stood transfixed, their eyes wide with awe.

With a resounding boom, Archer plunged the massive sword into the ground, sending shockwaves rippling through the garden.

The church knights, undeterred by the display of power, charged forward with grim determination.

Archer smiled as he saw them approaching, holding the Dragonslayer even tighter by the handle as they got closer he swung at the knights at the front.

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