Aldwulf was caught off guard when Archer's fist connected with his face, the impact felt like he had been struck by a raging giant.

He hurtled backward, crashing onto the ground with a thud.

Archer's eyes blazed with intensity as his rage took over, and it was clear he wasn't going to hold back.

Sera jumped off him and started flying around, but Archer quickly opened a small portal and watched her fly through.

Pallius froze with fear as he watched his little brother, who was adorned with giant white wings, four horns, and razor-sharp claws.

Without hesitation, he charged forward and grabbed hold of Pallius, pummeling him with a ferocity that was both terrifying and awe-inspiring.

Archer flung him towards a group of trees, crashing through a few before finally smashing to the ground.

While Pallius lay in a daze, Archer sensed an imminent attack and swiftly raised his wings to defend himself, bracing for impact.

A powerful Wind Blast slammed into his wings, but he shrugged it off with ease. With even more determination, Archer quickly cast his new spell.

'Crown Of Stars.'

Seven shimmering violet orbs materialized around his head, hovering motionless in the air.

Archer's gaze flicked up to Pallius, and in a blink of an eye, he Blinked behind him. With a swift lash of his tail, he brought his brother crashing to the ground.

As he hit the ground, Archer pounced on him and started punching him with such ferocity that blood splattered all over him.

Suddenly, a voice rang out from behind him. It was Teuila, who was holding Ella on her shoulder, her face etched with worry.

"Arch, Ella's really hurt. I'm taking her to the Domain to get treated, but I'll be back," she informed him urgently.

Archer nodded in understanding and opened a white portal for her to pass through. As she disappeared, he turned his attention back to Pallius and continued to pummel him mercilessly.

"Please, brother, stop," pleaded Pallius, his face swollen, blood gushing from his wounds. Archer paused, glancing over at Aldwulf, who stood up and pointed his hand at him.

"Wind Explosion!" he screamed.

But before the spell could launch, The Crown Of Stars activated and shot out a violet ray, wiping out the spell before it could even fire.

Aldwulf looked at Archer with fear creeping in, getting up and facing him.

"Why are you trying to kill your own brothers over a damned maid?" he spoke, blood coming out of his mouth.

Archer stopped slapping Pallius and looked at his older brother, Answering with venom in his voice.

"You call yourselves my brothers? Ha! You've never treated me like one! And she belongs to me! How dare you lay a hand on her!"

He Blinked again and reappeared in front of Aldwulf, slashing him across the chest, sending him crashing to the ground screaming in pain.

As he moved forward to deliver the final blow, a sudden pulse from nearby deactivated his Draconic form.

Archer was taken aback by the sight before him. He looked up and saw his father, oldest brother, all of his mothers, and a few of his sisters staring at him with expressions of shock and horror etched on their faces.

Aldwulf attempted to flee towards them, but Archer grabbed his foot and dragged him over to where Pallius lay unconscious.

He threw him on top of him and held his hand toward them with a violet flame in his hand, he looked at his so-called family and spoke with a growl.

''Move and I'll kill them.''

[Duke Ashguard's P.O.V]

After his commanders had left, Leonard sat at his desk, lost in thought.

"Why did I banish him?" he wondered. "He's clearly talented, motivated, and if the rumors are true, he's caught the eye of the Imperial Family so much that they want the 4th princess to marry him."

Leonard shook his head, never having regretted something as much as he did right now, he started thinking about Archer.

Remembering when Larka gave birth to him, he was the spitting image of her and was treated well until the incident.

Slamming his fist down on the desk, realizing there was nothing he could do now. The boy hated him with a passion.

Archer despised everyone except for that little maid. At first, Leonard couldn't understand why he liked her until he asked some of the maids.

They informed him that she was the only one who stayed by his side when he was shunned.

The maids also shared that he used to get abused by his siblings while everyone stood by and watched, except for her.

She tried to kick them out of the room, but they continued to reveal how his mother had neglected him in every possible way.

Even Larka's own sister, Sia, had declared her unfit to be a parent, this revelation deeply affected her, as she held her sister in high regard.

She wanted to be just like Sia but hasn't spoken to her since Archer fell into a coma.

As Leonard wallowed in his own thoughts, all of his wives entered the room and sat down. Janna spoke first. "Darling, did you hear? Archer's in the city."

Before he could speak his first wife spoke up.

"He mutilated your vassal's child. He deserves to be punished," Ksara spoke up in a vicious tone.

Larka watched her two sister wives converse, lost in thought, as she had been doing a lot lately.

For weeks, she had secluded herself in her room, and during this time, she had come to the realization of how much she had failed as a mother to him.

She had placed too much emphasis on strength and had never shown him any love or affection.

'I never showed him love, affection, or what it was like to have a mother,' she sighed.

Janna noticed Larka's mood and flicked her green hair to the side before speaking in a sarcastic tone. "Regretting not being a mother to the boy?"

Larka glanced up at Janna but quickly averted her gaze, unwilling to meet her sister's eyes. She knew that what she had said was true.

Janna continued, "None of us cared for the boy after the incident, including me. He lost one fight, and we essentially abandoned him. I have no doubt that one day, he will seek revenge against this family."

Ksara looked at her and spoke, "He wouldn't dare."

That's when Larka spoke up, "The rumors are saying that he has a fiancé from a southern kingdom, and the emperor wants to tie him to their family."

She was looking down when Leonard spoke up, "It's too late to wallow in our pity and regret. We have other children to focus on."

Just as Ksara was about to speak, a loud boom of thunder made all three women jump. They soon heard a commotion outside, and before they knew it, the study door burst open.

Serril, the butler of the Ashguard family, burst into the room, his voice trembling with panic.

"Master, young masters Archer, Pallius, and Aldwulf are fighting in the gardens, and it's escalating," the butler spoke urgently.

Before Leonard could reply, another man rushed in, holding a device that was given to him by the Church of Light.

"Duke Ashguard, I have the device that can stop the fighting," he said urgently.

Leonard hesitated for a moment before nodding and rushing out of the room, followed by his wives and some of his daughters who saw him rushing past and decided to follow.

As they approached the garden, they heard spells being cast, but then it suddenly went quiet.

At that moment, they caught sight of Archer, who now stood at 6'2, lean, and with scruffy snow-white hair. He noticed them and immediately began to drag Aldwulf away.

Leonard stepped forward and spoke as Archer pointed his hand at the two.

[Back to Archer]

With a stern gaze fixed on his father, Archer listened as the man began to speak, a look of concern etched on his face.

"Why are you doing this? Is it because I banished you? Or because you received no love during your upbringing?"

Archer gazed at the man before him and burst into laughter, startling everyone. However, he calmed down as he caught sight of the Deacon who had battled him years ago standing beside Leonard.

The Deacon held a golden orb, which Archer recognized as the source of his Draconic Form's deactivation.

Without hesitation, he swiftly incapacitated Aldwulf with a swift kick to the head, leaving both of his older brothers slumped over each other.

Archer faced Leonard and spoke with conviction, "I'm doing this because these two hurt Ella, and she's mine."

With a big smile spread across his face, he turned around and delivered swift kicks to his brothers.

Ksara watched in shock as her sons were getting kicked. In a fit of rage, she exploded and began to scream at Archer.

"What do you think you're doing? You unwanted child! Why can't you just disappear?"

Archer's head swiveled towards the blonde woman, his eyes blazed with a bright intensity that sent shivers down the spines of those present.

Larka, his mother, watched her son's dramatic transformation from a book-loving boy to a formidable and intimidating figure.

She couldn't help but blame the family for the way they all treated him.

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