Chapter 551: The Meeting

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Wu Chengyue’s car parked before the hotel where Yuan Tianxing and Chen Yuting had already been waiting for him with their people, right by the entrance.

As Wu Chengyue got off the car and then carried Wu Yueling out, Yuan Tianxing came up to him and greeted him with a smile, “Chief Wu, good to see you again!”

“Yeah, so soon… Alright, take me to your Boss,” Wu Chengyue smiled and said.

“Our Chief is waiting for you in the conference room….After you!” Yuan Tianxing smiled and nodded, then stepped aside as he invited Wu Chengyue inside.

Wu Chengyue carried Wu Yueling as he followed Xiao Licheng and the others into the hotel. Yuan Tianxing walked by his side, half a step behind him and near Wu Yueling. Wu Yueling lay on her father’s shoulder as she sneakily glanced at Yuan Tianxing with a pair of watery eyes.

Noticing her gaze, Yuan Tianxing turned and waved a hand at her. In response, she flinched and then buried her entire face into Wu Chengyue’s neck.

“I’d like to confirm if our Deputy Chief Yan is still alive or not,” Wu Chengyue said abruptly.

Yuan Tianxing calmly gave him a glance, then laughed, “Of course she’s still alive! Our Chief is going to give her back to you, so you can take her back home and then deal with the problem yourself. We won’t hurt her.”

“Good then! Your Chief seems to be aware of the situation,” Wu Chengyue turned and gave Yuan Tianxing a glance. The faint smile remained on his face while his eyes sparkled with a cunning look.

“Chief Wu, our Chief is not silly!” Yuan Tianxing gave him a glance as well.

They were both wearing a faint smile and appeared to be relaxed. Moreover, they were both handsome. Quite some ladies in surrounding all turned to them with glowing eyes.

They soon arrived at the conference room, where the door was wide open. Wu Chengyue looked inside and saw the long conference table with chairs places on both sides. Lin Qiao was sitting on one side of the table, wearing a black army suit with her hat on the table.

Wu Chengyue was also wearing a formal army suit. The long, black military coat produced a solemn vibe, only broken by the adorable Wu Yueling who was carried in his arms.

Lin Qiao heard the footsteps of Wu Chengyue and the others, then watched them come in. She didn’t stand up, but remained sitting there, looking at Wu Chengyue. She raised a hand and pointed at the other side of the table to signal for him to sit over there. “Please have a seat!”

Hearing her voice, Wu Yueling immediately raised her head from Wu Chengyue’s neck and gazed at her. The girl’s eyes shone brightly.

After offering Wu Chengyue a seat, Lin Qiao winked at Wu Yueling.

At that moment, the people in the room sensed that something weird seeming to have mixed in the solemn atmosphere within the room…

Wu Chengyue sat down, prepared to start talking. However, Lin Qiao talked first.

“Ling Ling, come over here!” She put one elbow on the table, then rested her head on her palm while waving at Wu Yueling with the other hand. As expected, Wu Yueling chose her instead of her father without hesitation. She quickly slid off from Wu Chengyue’s arms and then ran to Lin Qiao.

Wu Chengyue was left speechless.

He opened his mouth as he watched Wu Yueling trot to Lin Qiao and smoothly climb onto her lap. The others watched all that in confusion as well.

“Haha!” Seeing the stiff and speechless look on Wu Chengyue’s face, Yuan Tianxing couldn’t help but turn his face away and titter.

Chen Yuting raised his head to look at the ceiling.?‘Can’t we just start the serious talk??’ he thought.

Lin Qiao put Wu Yueling on her knees, then raised her head and looked at Wu Chengyue, “Alright! Let’s get down to business.”

Wu Chengyue blinked, then immediately put on his symbolic faint smile and responded, “Okay, let’s do it! You have already told me about what happened, and I’ve sent my people here to confirm that it’s true. But, can you please bring Deputy Chief Yan here and let me see her? I just need to make sure if she’s still alive or not.”

“Sure!” Lin Qiao smilingly glanced at him, then raised a hand and crooked her fingers toward Qiu Lili, who was standing behind her. The other turned and headed toward the door.

Wu Chengyue didn’t say another word, but quietly looked at Lin Qiao with that faint smile on his face. More specifically, he was observing the latter.

Her vibe had grown further stronger and turned a little different. When he saw her the last few times, her vibe wasn’t as mature and stable as it was now, and was sharper.

That sharpness wasn’t gone, but was restrained by Lin Qiao.

Wu Chengyue was aware that ever since he stepped into this room, Lin Qiao had been controlling the atmosphere in this room. Even his vibe was affected by her as he wasn’t unprepared.

He was planning to boost his vibe after sitting down. However, she summoned his daughter with a few simple words and destroyed his vibe for good.

“Tell me, what is your condition?” Wu Chengyue put both hands on the table.

When Wu Chengyue sat down, Xiao Licheng took the seat on his left side, then took out a notebook and started making notes. Lin Qiao had no other people around her, except Qiu Lili standing behind her.

Yuan Tianxing and Chen Yuting came in and each took a seat while the others all stepped back to the door.

Lin Qiao raised her eyes and looked at Wu Chengyue, “So straightforward? Aren’t you gonna wait for her? Maybe you should wait until you have asked her a few questions and figured out the whole thing.”

“I’ve looked into this, so that will be unnecessary. Just tell me about your condition. Anything within my abilities is negotiable,” Wu Chengyue smilingly looked at Lin Qiao in the eyes and said.

It seemed that Lin Qiao wasn’t wearing those cosmetic contacts that he gave her before. Her pupils were green. Was that the real color of her eyes? What about the white parts of those eyes?

“Alright! Miss. Yan was, undoubtedly, welcomed in our base. She arrived yesterday, but last night, she sneaked into our conference room. We don’t know what she was trying to do.”

“As you can see, many files about this new base are stored in the cabinet behind me. It would be inappropriate for her to accidentally read some of them, wouldn’t it? Not only did she break in, but also killed the soldier who was guarding this room. Doesn’t she know that the people in my base are mostly survivors from Hades Base? We are already underpopulated, but she killed one of my people for no reason, like uprooting a grass. Your Deputy Chief doesn’t seem to be a decent person!” Lin Qiao stated what Yan Fangyu did and criticized her.

Wu Chengyue quietly listened to her. She was right, every single word she said made sense. Therefore, he could not argue against her, and only nodded smilingly.

As a guest, Yan Fangyu should have never entered that conference room without permission. Normally, the people who did that kind of thing would be arrested and punished as an information thief.

Yan Fangyu was a Deputy Chief, so what she had done would lead to even more serious consequences.

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