Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 995 Female Soldier

Chapter 995 Female Soldier

At this time, Qin An was sitting on the ground on the roof, and he could see the outside with his head out.

Qiu Jinse sat three meters away from Qin An. Although it was dark and this was the top of the building, Qiu Jinse did not want to expose her upper body to the outside world, so she would rather dirty her clothes and sit on the ground.

Qin An seemed to have taken out a bottle of water from his backpack and tossed it to Qiu Jinse.

Qiu Jinse hesitated for a moment before finally reaching out to receive it. Looking closely through the moonlight, she discovered that the bottle was actually milky white liquid, not water. Could it be milk?

Qin An really didn't want to forcefully insert the advertisement halfway through, but his spatial ring did store some drinks from before the apocalypse. For example, this bottle was called "Nutrition Express Line". It tasted delicious. It had been placed in the ring for more than 20 years, so it was unknown whether it would expire or not.

In the past, Qin An did not like to drink this thing, but now it is a rare thing, so the taste of antiques is naturally different from others.

"You must be thinking that even if a female soldier named Song Jiaren disappeared, this woman in front of you might not be her, right?"

Qiu Jinse really wanted to nod at Qin An, but she still held back and looked at Wei Hong.

"Look at her, should be around 30 years old? From the age of the soldiers missing wife Song Jiaren matched.

This woman had a well-proportioned body, no extra flesh on her lower abdomen, and her curvaceous muscles when she slightly raised her arms. This meant that she should be training frequently, and it should be very intense training. Perhaps it was because she had been a soldier.

Beneath the woman's left shoulder, there was a long scar near her chest. Judging from the color, width, and saturation of her skin texture, it was estimated that it was left four to five years ago. Furthermore, it should have been injured by the claws of the mutated beast. If it was an ordinary person, the wounds would usually be left behind, because the first reaction to seeing a mutated beast would be to flee, but this woman's wounds were on her predecessor. Is this possible? Was she scratched head-on against a mutated beast? Then who would face the mutated beast head-on? I didn't think too much about the rest. In short, I knew that the soldiers would do it because their mission was to clean up dangerous mutated beasts.

And then there was this woman's temperament. Men do not make the seductive sounds of ordinary women, but breathe heavily and roar occasionally, as I know many women soldiers do when they are in love with men. Her short hair was also the favorite hairstyle of the green flowers in the army.

Taken together, I conclude that this woman should have been a soldier, and this profession matches the missing Song Jiaren once again.

However, even so, it could not prove that she was Song Jiaren,

You are a smart girl, do you have your own analysis? "

Was he smart? Qiu Jinse wasn't sure. In the past, when she wasn't in prison, her comrades in the army had called her a foolish girl.

She only becomes smarter and more cautious when fighting people.

No, this has nothing to do with intelligence.

She was just cautious enough, because she knew that when she was on a mission in the army, she thought that a single person's mistake would annihilate the entire army! She had experienced such a thing before.

Also, her skills were pretty good. She had been playing martial arts in primary school, and she had been playing with guns since she became a soldier. She had also fallen into a fascination.

The other was talent. Qiu Jinse's eyes were different from ordinary people's. This did not mean that she possessed a special ability. However, she could see a wider range of things from her perspective, and the scene in her mind was also more stereoscopic. Even at night, she could see things from a distance, which allowed her to accurately choose her target and become a natural sharpshooter.

Technique, caution, and talent made her able to defeat many powerful enemies in battle.

Then all of this should have nothing to do with IQ!

Therefore, Qiu Jinse did not have any analysis of her own, so she was only suitable to be an audience.

Qin An quickly caught the hesitation on Qiu Jinse's face and was stunned.

It was like a young girl who had emerged from the mortal world, as if she was ignorant and ignorant.

She tried her best to think, her brows slightly wrinkled, her mouth slightly opened, as if she was filled with endless sorrow.

Qin An almost immediately shifted his gaze away from Qiu Jinse's face. Then, his heartbeat accelerated and he clenched his teeth.

Mud horse... How does that feel?

It was as if one of the tens of thousands of people in the talent market suddenly saw the figure who was looking around blankly with his resume in his arms.

And that figure was his favorite woman, Weng Lan!

Regardless of whether it was Lan Yue, Liu Xia, or even Liu Ru, Qin An didn't feel the same way when he first saw them.

Beauty is beauty, difficult to enter the heart.

And this little mute girl … she's so fucking evil!

The expression on Qin An's face was a little stiff, mainly because he couldn't see through his heart. Although love at first sight was a legend, he had experienced it before. Weng Lan was the one who chased after him at first sight and returned home to be his wife.

However, he was already the father of the child and had four wives. How could he still have such thoughts?

Moreover, she was also a criminal who killed thirteen members of her family. Although Qin An had some doubts about the case back then, she had already admitted her guilt, and the physical evidence was complete, so there shouldn't be any discrepancies.

After calming down, Qin An slowly closed his eyes and adjusted his mind to his previous thoughts, not daring to be distracted.

"It seems that you have no ideas, then let me continue.

Our team passed by here yesterday afternoon. There were no living people in the town, but there were some dead people.

Some had died for an unknown amount of time, turning into skeletons.

However, some of them had just died, and the flesh on their bodies had just begun to rot, causing the vultures to land on the ground to eat.

It wasn't a problem to encounter corpses of dead people in the apocalypse, just like seeing a stray dog sleeping on its stomach in the streets before the apocalypse. We didn't care about it at that time.

But now I suddenly remembered what I saw at the corner of the street not long after I entered the town yesterday. There were more than a hundred vultures gathered there eating a corpse.

Because the corpse was surrounded by vultures, we didn't see the situation inside. However, I saw some tattered clothes through the gaps in the vulture's body, as if they were fragments of the camouflage clothes we were wearing.

At that time, I only had this kind of suspicion, but I didn't think too much about it, because our squad has already advanced at the front of the troops, and no comrades should die before us.

Perhaps the cloth was just a little similar to the clothes we were wearing. That's what I thought at the time.

But if the soldier who had lost his wife was included, no one knew where he had gone. That was to say, even if he died in this small village, it was still possible.

The short-haired woman reminded me of the corpse that was eaten by the bald eagle,

And if the corpse is indeed the soldier who lost his wife,

Then … why is he here? Is it related to his lost wife, Song Jiaren?

And is this short-haired young woman, who looks like a female soldier, Song Jiaren? "

Hearing this, Qiu Jinse was stunned for a moment, and then she quickly ran down the roof.

Qin An shook his head slightly. She was really an executive girl. He didn't need to guess what Qiu Jinse was doing.

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