Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 955 Qin An in Wolf Skin

Chapter 955 Qin An in Wolf Skin

Only then did the old chairman look at Wan Ziliang and say,

'"Hongluan should be Qin An's people, including Shadowless Night Demon, Liu Gang's wife Su Zi, Lu Haichuan's woman Li Kuilan, and many mutants in the seven cities. In fact, they are all Qin An's people! I had someone count them yesterday. There are more than 200 of them in total. This can only be described as terrifying. There are more than 200 mutants!"

At this point, the smile on the old chairman's face finally faded away. Although he did not know about the existence of the Shepherd Organization, he knew that Su Zi, Li Kuilan, and the others had already voted for Qin An.

There was no need to think about it. These people must have been arranged by Qin An beforehand. Otherwise, how could they automatically leave their original identities as soon as Qin An appeared and claim to be Qin An's personal guards?

The old chairman sighed and continued,

"Originally, I haven't studied these things, don't want to talk to you, now that the words have been said here, then take out what I know to discuss with you.

Sigh, my spies didn't notice this before, because these people don't have any contact with each other. Who would have thought that they were actually an organization?

Perhaps they didn't know each other, or even knew of each other's existence. They were all acting alone?

If that was the case, then Qin An would be even more terrifying!

Now, these people had completely moved from concealing their identities to reality, returning to Qin An's side and weaving their way into Guo Xiaomei's cavalry camp.

"This is a mystery. Qin An has been traveling around the world for 22 years. The think tank beside me has racked its brains in the past month to gather all the information about the Qin Alliance. However, no one can tell when and by what means Qin An planted so many people in the seven cities of the Qin Alliance!"

The meeting room became completely silent. Even Wan Ziliang was stunned. The others were even more dumbfounded.

What? Qin An had placed people in the Qin Alliance? Moreover, they were more than 200 mutants? That's impossible. Didn't he travel around the world all these years? Intelligence said that he had never returned to China, so how could he have planted so many people? Still mutants?

The old chairman narrowed his eyes and swept across the people in the meeting room. After a moment of silence, he realized that they didn't seem to have anything to say, so he continued,

"Civilian Commandery City Lord Wang Sixi left Tang Yu and joined the Qin Alliance, my think tank thinks it has something to do with Qin An.

All sorts of signs indicated that Wang Sixi had declared independence to prevent Tang Yu from invading the Qin Alliance, and then quickly entered the Qin Alliance system.

Like Hongluan, after entering the Qin Alliance, he had done little for the development of the Qin Alliance.

They had neither left the Qin Alliance nor promoted its reunification over the years, nor had they any connection with each other, as if they didn't care about anything.

However, whenever Qin Alliance faced an external crisis, Civilian Commandery and Peak Absolute Peak were the first to stand up for the seven cities to unite!

In short, Wang Sixi might also have something to do with Qin An, otherwise he wouldn't have given up on Tang Yu.

At that time, Tang Yu was very influential. Joining the Qin Alliance was definitely not a good choice. If Tang Yu was really angry, even though there were a lot of people on the side of King Sixi, he was still several levels weaker than Tang Yu. He was definitely no match for him.

Sigh, these things give me a headache when I think about them.

A few months ago, Qin An arrived in Zangxi. I was surprised. Why did Qin An, the Lord of Qin Alliance, not go back to his hometown first, but go to our territory?

At that time, I thought it might be on the way. He came back on foot from Europe and happened to arrive in Zangxi. There was nothing wrong with that.

However, he did not stop by. Starting from the Mediterranean Sea, if he walked north through Georgia to Kazakhstan, then he would arrive in China. Then, he would cross Xinjiang, and then from Inner Mongolia to the south, he would be able to enter the outer reaches of Jiulong Mountain.

In other words, Qin An had spared a long way to Zangxi.

After we learned that Qin An had appeared, we naturally paid attention to him.

Qin An's performance was truly shocking. In the Battle of Crying Blood, he killed many enemy Adepts, which contributed greatly to Dong Junwei's success in attracting zombies in the wilderness.

At that time, I wasn't in Zangxi. Tian Hua, that old ghost, was guarding Zangxi. He also called me. The two of us had a conference call.

During this period, we have always believed that Qin An's appearance is an opportunity for us. We should tie him firmly with Zangxi and help him gain the authority of Qin Alliance's Alliance Leader, so that Qin Alliance can officially fall under our control.

Now that I think about it, isn't Qin An using us? He received support from us, so after returning to the Qin Alliance, Liu Gang was able to support him so attentively and firmly! After all, Liu Gang was originally from the army, so he didn't want to be our enemy. After all, we are the most orthodox state organs left behind after the end of China.

In that case, Lu Haichuan of Hawkeye City should also have considered our factors before handing over the Qin City Prison Area that he originally controlled to Qin An.

Think about it, if Qin An returned to the Qin Alliance on his own, what would the situation be like?

Can Lu Haichuan sell the land? Will Liu Gang firmly support Qin An again?

I don't think so. Perhaps the situation of dividing Qin Alliance into seven cities will continue. Of course, this was under the premise that Hongluan and Wang Sixi were not Qin An's side!

In other words, we feel that we are using Qin'an. In fact, Qin'an is also using us!

Ai, what you said is actually correct. I didn't expect Qin An to complete the reunification of Qin Alliance within a few months after returning to Qin City! He was already prepared. With his people in Qin Alliance and support from Zangxi, he would naturally be able to easily become the true master of Qin Alliance.

However, it was still the same question.

I can't imagine when Qin An put his heart into Qin Alliance and made so many arrangements! Perhaps no one would know about it except Qin An himself!

Haha, it doesn't matter anymore. Anyway, this is the situation we want to see.

"I just feel a little frustrated. I was actually played with by that kid."

At this point, the old chairman decided to end Qin An's topic because he felt that his goal had been achieved. It was to make these people pay attention to Qin An. He must not think that Qin An was just a lucky guy. After all, the people who would deal with Qin An in the future were the people below.

Now, the invasion of the alien race had begun. As the most powerful person in China, he actually knew some things about the collapse of the nine Master Gods and the alien planet. However, his knowledge was limited, similar to Qin An's.

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