Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 929 Little Shoes

Chapter 929 Little Shoes

So it was so painful to have children, then what would they do when they gave birth to their own children? Actually, it was a little unnecessary for the two women to think like this. They were the hosts of the Sword God Body, and their physical strength was much stronger than that of ordinary people. This made them feel less pain. If they really wanted to give birth, it would definitely not be as troublesome as Li Na. And they can choose to throw a caesarean.

Qin An possessed the ability of a Pudu Sword God. He could cut the child apart with a knife and take out the child. Qin An could restore the mother to her best condition in minutes.

However, with Li Na as an example, Lan Yue and Liu Xia might not choose to ask Qin An for help. Having a child is a serious matter, and they don't want to feel like an assembly line. Look at Li Na. How brave! She laid an egg like a child from such a small place. This is definitely the most unforgettable thing a mother can remember!

Qin An leaned outside the window and heard the voice from inside. His originally calm heart jumped up nervously and excitedly again. He no longer had the mood to pay attention to Jing Yi and the other girls in the courtyard.

He was born, he was finally going to give birth, he was going to be a father!

How many years of expectation was this? He, Qin An, should also have a child of his own!

Looking at the people beside him, Jin Gang, Ba Tian, Guo Shuai, Cheng Gang, their children were all able to give birth. Obviously, he was not slow at all.

Haha, let's continue living from now on! Every wife gives birth to three, and a wife gives birth to twelve…

Qin An had this kind of teasing thought in his heart, but he didn't know it at all and felt that he was very great.

Twenty minutes later, there was a long cry in the delivery room and the baby was finally born.

Lan Yu immediately teleported out and rushed into Qin An's arms to report his happiness. It was indeed a daughter!

Qin An's face blossomed with laughter. He immediately announced that his daughter was called Qin Wenxin. Then, he opened his X-ray vision and looked inside. After the doctor cleaned up the child and wrapped it in a quilt, Li Na also tidied it up. Qin An quickly teleported to Li Na's side and comforted her by pulling her hand.

Li Na was a little weak in bed. Seeing that Qin An came to see her first instead of looking after the child, Li Na was very touched. Whether Qin An's actions were fake or not, it could only prove that Qin An really had a wife in his heart.

Holding Qin An's hand, Li Na said softly, "Idiot, I don't want to die anymore. I just want to be Li Na now, because I can't be as happy as I am now!"

Qin An was stunned for a moment, and the smile on his face became gentler. He gently raised his hand to brush Li Na's body, and the light of all living things shot into Li Na's body, allowing Li Na to recover from her weakness quickly.

"En, you won't die. I swear, I will protect you properly!"

A promise is better than a thousand words!

After comforting Li Na, Qin An hurriedly ran to see the child in Qin Xiaoyan's arms.

'"She's so beautiful … Look at her eyes, how much she earns! How could this be like a newborn child!" Youyou, pitiful, why are there still tears on her eyelashes? Haha, she cried so hard just now, but now she's not crying anymore. Little baby, look who's looking at you? She's father! "

Qin Xiaoyan's voice was gentle as if it could turn iron stones into tenderness.

Qin An looked at the child in her arms and was stunned!

This child is really different!

Her body size was no different from that of an ordinary newborn, but it didn't look like she had just been born! The little face was very white and smooth. There were no wrinkles at all. A faint blush appeared on her cheeks. The strangest thing was that her eyes were actually round and round. Moreover, her gaze was not dull. It seemed that she could see something. At this moment, she was slowly rolling her black eyeballs and looking around. She did not know what she could see. She looked dumb and adorable.

Was this … Was this his daughter?

The moment Qin An's gaze met the little girl's unconscious gaze, he almost burst into tears! He had finally become a father! At this moment, his life could be considered perfect!

Qin An's hands trembled as he took the child from Qin Xiaoyan's embrace with both of his hands. At that moment, he felt that the little thing he was holding was the whole world!

The Qin Manor is delighted!

Qin An gave a big banquet on the night of the baby's birth and didn't mind others calling him extravagant and wasteful! He also said that he just wanted to celebrate May Day, celebrate the success of the Kowloon City Foundation Establishment Ceremony, and then give his daughter a birthday banquet.

This could be said to be Sima Zhaozhi's heart. Everyone knew that there was only one real reason for Qin An to set up the banquet, and that was to celebrate his precious daughter's first birthday!

Man's destiny is truly destined by heaven.

Qin An was already a famous figure in the Nine Dragons Mountain, so Qin Wenxin was naturally the pride of the heavens.

This time, the banquet was very high-level. There were a total of six tables at the banquet. There were all kinds of delicacies!

The people present were all influential figures from the Qin Alliance, and President Xi even sent representatives to congratulate Qin An.

Such a lively matter naturally required the presence of reporters, However, for the sake of protecting his daughter's privacy, Qin An did not let them enter the banquet hall to take photos of her daughter. He only sent out one of her shoes and had the messenger express his gratitude to the reporter. He also gave her a red envelope and said in Qin An's original words, "The little girl is six jin two taels. She is a real beauty!"

The reporters were all stunned. What did Qin An mean? You won't let them in to see each other, and you'll give them a shoe?

The reporter did not know who shouted,

"This Qin Alliance's boss is too narrow-minded! Isn't he angry because we said in the newspaper a few days ago that he was a human slaughterer? That's why he is wearing shoes for us now!"

When everyone heard this, they immediately understood what was going on and became angry.

However, there was nothing they could do. If the children did not allow them to take pictures, they could only take small shoes!

The next day, the headlines of the major newspapers were filled with images of a pink shoe.

Everyone knew that Qin An was delighted to be a beautiful girl. That was a treasure. Therefore, although they were displeased with Qin An, they did not dare to curse the child. However, it was untrue for them to write that the child was a genuine beauty. This was because these people did not even see a hair on the child's face.

As a result, the reporters of the various newspapers racked their brains, and then all sorts of strange headlines appeared in the newspapers.

For example, some said that the daughter of the Qin Alliance's Alliance Master was deeply loved by Qin An at a glance. She would probably be spoiled and spoiled. When she grew up, no one knew whose kid would dare to marry her. For example, if one of Qin An's four most beloved wives was happy with her daughter, her mother would immediately rely on her daughter. The other three wives would soon be left behind, and Qin An's backyard would not be able to live peacefully…

In short, they didn't dare to say it openly, but it didn't affect them in the slightest. They were just playing some word games, right?

The reporters were more or less related to some big shots, so they actually understood Qin An. They knew that although this person killed people like numb flesh and blood, he would not fight with civilians for no reason. Naturally, they would dare to say something wrong about Qin An without any scruples.

Qin An really didn't care about this.

At his daughter's birthday party, he actually didn't think much about the reporters outside.

With Jin Gang, Ba Tian, Cheng Gang, Liu Yuanchao, Zhang Geng and other brothers at the banquet to push a cup to change a cup, is very happy.

Occasionally, she would carry her daughter from Li Na's embrace and walk back and forth between the six big round tables like a grocer walking through the streets. Occasionally, she would sell the mysteries of her daughter Qin Wenxin to the people on the table.

Fortunately, the leading figures in the Qin Alliance were people who were very close to Qin An, so they knew him very well. Otherwise, everyone would have thought that he was a human trafficker who sold his daughter.

In the end, it was Li Na who intervened to stop Qin An's actions.

After all, Xiao Wenxin had just been born, and had yet to display any abilities. She had long since been trapped.

As a mother, Li Na naturally had the right to snatch her daughter back from Qin An. After eating something, she left the banquet and went back to her room to nurse her child and coax her to sleep.

Qin Xiaoyan, Lan Yue, and Liu Xia also followed. They were really envious of Li Na at this time. He truly loved Qin Wenxin!

The three women secretly swore in their hearts that they would definitely let Qin An sow seeds in their own rooms. They also wanted their own dolls!

Look at Little Wenxin, how beautiful he is! Dokawi!

There were many other women in the room, including Wang Hui, Rong Rong, Wang Yunzhi, and so on.

Anyone who had something to do with Qin An had a toast to Qin An.

Most of them had known Qin An for many years, so they naturally knew that Qin An was not easy. Having a child at such an old age was definitely something to celebrate and celebrate.

After sincere congratulations, the women left.

Their hearts were filled with bitterness as they began to think about their own future. Could it be that they really wanted to be tied up with a man who would not marry them?

At the end of the drink, there were only a few men left on the wine table, women who did not have any emotional entanglement with Qin An.

Liu Yuanchao's face turned red. He really drank a lot of wine. He looked at Qin An and raised his glass again.

"Brat, you have to work harder! I was obviously unhappy when I saw my precious great-granddaughter leave just now. Now that Li Na has a baby, you have to make my Liu Xia pregnant as well!"

"You, what are you talking about? Why are you being so disrespectful?" Beside Liu Yuanchao, his wife Wu Yan scolded him without giving him any face.

Qin An laughed heartily and teased,

"Great-grandfather, look, my great-grandmother said that about you, didn't she? I'll let you have a hard time!"

"Qin An, can… can you stop messing around? How old am I? You just called me Granny. Didn't we agree to talk about each other?" Wu Yan was a little embarrassed and glared at Qin An reproachfully.

"She can call you Granny. You are my wife and he is my great-granddaughter's husband. Of course, she will call you Granny!" Liu Yuanchao winked at Qin An, but the purpose was to tease his wife.

Qin An did not say anything. Seeing the two of them laughing and teasing, he slowly picked up the wine in front of him and drank it all in one gulp. He remembered the experience of being trapped in the Twin Towers for ten days.

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