Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 879 Bring It On

Chapter 879 Bring It On

They ate together in the morning. After that, Qin An would follow Ling'er's instructions and create various kinds of alchemy items. Ling'er would transform these items into high-tech accessories for the city and then go to produce mechanical products.

They would still eat together at noon. Ling'er usually didn't say anything. Qin An would tell Ling'er some of his thoughts and ideas. In the afternoon, Qin An would run to the construction site and do it personally. Some of the projects might take hundreds of people a few hours to complete. Qin An could directly transform into a giant like a building block and finish it in less than ten minutes. At this time, Ling'er usually didn't seem to notice Qin An doing her own things in a place not far away, but in fact, she would secretly look at Qin An! He was surrounded by a group of people to flatter him, and then he smiled like a child.

At dinner time, they would still eat together. On the construction site, Qin An would hold his rice bowl and discuss with Ling'er about tomorrow's city construction plan while eating! Then after dinner until midnight, Ling'er would still stay with Qin An, Because they're doing quality checks, After all, Ling'er was the only one who could understand many of Hanging Sword City's facilities, In order to prevent any mistakes, Ling'er naturally had to take on the responsibility of being in charge of the engineering inspection. Qin An followed Ling'er like a dog, learning some of the scientific theories of Sword Spirit Star. Although he had obtained the ability of the Divine Machine Sword God, he was still an earthling. If he didn't learn it, he wouldn't be able to use Ling'er's Sword God skill properly.

Just like that, after two months, the image of Qin An in Ling'er's eyes changed.

He was no longer that perverted pervert. He had become a good man who was willing to work hard for his career!

Ling'er noticed that Qin An was actually very gentle. He would always kindly chat with the uncles on the construction site and greet them warmly. She didn't mind them hooking their shoulders and shoulders with dirty hands at him in the slightest.

Ling'er discovered that Qin An was actually very handsome. Every time he went to work personally, he would sweat all over his body. The masculine smell that followed would often turn the human genes in Ling'er's body into wild beasts.

Ling'er discovered that Qin An was actually very quiet. When they were busy for a day and were about to leave at night, Qin An would always smoke a cigarette in a deserted place. Ling'er sometimes really wanted to understand what Qin An was thinking at that moment, but she didn't know what to do.

Ling'er noticed that Qin An was actually very shy. When he walked into the camp of the Leopard Mark Legion, countless female soldiers would pounce on him and hug him. Some would even ask for a kiss. Qin An's face was so red that he hurriedly refused, and he would even activate his ability to dodge.

Ling'er found out that Qin An was actually very fair. He would punish those construction workers who stole, raped, and played tricks severely. At the same time, he would reward advanced workers without any hesitation.

In short, after spending two months together, Ling'er got to know a different Qin An.

This made her a little confused!

For tens of thousands of years, on the Sword Spirit Star, Ling'er's clansmen had been far away from creatures with male genes! This should be a morbid persistence in the eyes of the people of Earth.

As a genius girl of the Divine Mystery Race, Ling'er had never thought of anything wrong or bad with this tradition before coming to Earth.

After arriving on Earth, Ling'er possessed the human body and began to learn the knowledge and thoughts of the people on Earth.

Slowly, she could accept that a man had appeared beside her! Her first Sword God Skill, the Divine Machine Apprentice, had transformed into Zangxi's mad devil scientist Wei Zhongtian, and Wei Zhongtian was a male! Ling'er didn't know why she wanted the apprentice to become a man. Perhaps she was already curious about the men in some sort of subconscious!

By chance, Qin An had violated her. Ling'er had a lifespan of tens of thousands of years, so she naturally wouldn't look for death. She was just filled with hatred for Qin An! That was why she wanted to seek revenge on Qin An!

The appearance of the First Sword God was an accident and a pleasant surprise for Ling'er.

When she knew that she still had a chance to return to the Sword Spirit Star, she was extremely excited!

As long as Qin An obtained the abilities of the other Sword God Host, would that be enough? When he reached the peak, his body would be occupied by the First Sword God! What a good thing!

That was why Ling'er began to think of a way to let Qin An obtain her own Sword God. She even sacrificed herself once again and had a second intimate contact with Qin An!

And that time, the feeling was completely different from the first time!

Qin An was very gentle. His fingers seemed to have an electrostatic system installed on them. Just gently sliding over his body, Ling'er would feel as if she had been electrocuted.

Qin An was also very rude. He always knew how to force her into the clouds, which made her feel disgusted, but her body couldn't let it go!

It had already been two months, but Ling'er was still unable to forget it, and she still remembered it vividly.

Recently, Ling'er had completed the fusion of fifty percent of her body and the divine sword, and had entered the sixth level of the Sword God Physique.

The power of the Sword God Skill had naturally increased, and at the same time, her spiritual energy had become even stronger! Therefore, Ling'er suddenly discovered something that she couldn't believe, and that was that her soul trajectory had actually been modified! In other words, her memories might not be true, and her knowledge of the Sword Spirit Star might very well be wrong!

This caused Ling'er to panic. She was a true Sword Spirit Star Sword God. Who had modified her memories? Why didn't the First Sword God tell her about this when she appeared? Also, since her memories had been modified, was the so-called First Sword God really real?

Thinking of this, Ling'er felt terrified. In her subconscious, she actually had a strange idea. Perhaps the Sword Spirit Star was not as beautiful as she imagined! Perhaps, it was once a hell that was even more terrifying than the end of Earth!

In that case, was she still going to return to the Sword Spirit Star? After all, her current life was actually not bad … More importantly, after spending two months with Qin An, she actually did not hate Qin An so much. Why was this happening? Ling'er simply couldn't understand!

'"Ling'er, the Great Empress of the Tang Dynasty, Tang Yu, has always asked me to meet her. I didn't pay any attention to her. However, for the sake of Kowloon City, I have to make a trip to the capital of the Tang Dynasty!" Right now, several large cities on the other side of the Sword Peak are building walls between the cities. They are going to join the city. Our Qin Alliance and the Tang Dynasty should also start building! "

Hearing Qin An suddenly speak, Ling'er nodded her head in shock and said, "Yes, but I saw the blueprint you gave me yesterday. It doesn't seem to agree with what you thought before."

Qin An smiled proudly and said, "Yes!" Is the so-called plan always perfected little by little in the process of execution? At first, I wanted to build a huge city wall in the entire outer circle of the Nine Dragons Mountain, but later, I discovered that this kind of project is too big. And once the zombies attack, if they attack from a single point, the city wall will not be able to stop them even if it is high!

So, the night before yesterday, I used a month to modify the layout of the Kowloon City drawings!

We don't need to build an outer ring wall, we just need to build an attack tower controlled by the Mayan system in the outer ring.

After that, we will connect all the cities in the entire Nine Dragons Mountain with tall walls! Form a city within the city, outside the city there is a city network system! In this way, even if the Corpse Tide breaks through the layers of defenses around us, they will only fall into the encirclement of our city and be killed in the end!

There is an old Chinese saying that offense is the best defense.

So my previous thoughts were wrong!

In the apocalypse, there was no invincible city to live in. The focus of Kowloon City's construction was not on defense, but on taking the initiative to attack!

Five years from now, I will turn Kowloon City and the surrounding area into a huge killing array! I'm not trying to block the zombies from the outside, but I'm trying to destroy the zombies and all the evil forces! This place would eventually be a battlefield for humans and outsiders!

Ling'er, I've figured out a lot of things these past few days!

You've always wanted me to obtain the Sword God ability in your body, and you also want me to obtain the abilities of other Sword God Host. It can't be for my own good! Because you still hate me, don't you?

Then, is there someone who wants to occupy my formed body?

Was he the First Sword God?

Actually, I have always thought that you are a good person, because you have a kind heart, at least you are better than me!

The earth before the apocalypse was actually not a good place. There were too many injustices that made life difficult for most people, but people were still alive!

After the alien virus arrived, most people died! This was absolutely unforgivable. No one, no matter what the reason behind it, had the right to deprive billions of people on Earth of their right to exist!

I, Qin An, am not a big shot, but I will not be slaughtered. If there really is a powerful figure behind you, please tell him for me!

I can die, but I can't do nothing!

If he wants to obtain any benefits from me, then let him go! I won't give up on myself, and I'm not afraid of him!

On the contrary, he should be very afraid of me, right? "I don't know why, but I think it must be like this. Otherwise, he would have already jumped out and begged me for anything!"

After saying those words, Qin An turned around and left Ling'er, walking into the distance. After taking a few steps, he said,

"Ling'er, the construction of Kowloon City is up to you. I have to do something more important. After merging with the major powers in a short period of time, I will lead the troops to battle!

Hmph, I'm not a puppet. If they want me to wait for five years, I'll obediently wait.

Within five years, I will destroy the Heaven's Will Sect in the north, execute the Spirit Sect in the east, and then fight the southwest provinces to eliminate all zombies in the country!

Five years later, I would like to see who it is. I, Qin An, will never be able to recover! "

Qin An's tone was cold, causing Ling'er to tremble!

Looking at Qin An's gradually disappearing back, Ling'er was a little intoxicated. So this man knew everything! He is really smart, not stupid at all, and … his appearance just now is really unfamiliar, yet attractive …

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