Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 841 Inflatable Doll

Chapter 841 Inflatable Doll

"Honey, if you marry me in the future, you must buy me a lot of food!

I'd like Canadian ice wine and maple syrup; Irish chocolate; British citrus jam; Dutch muffins; German sausage; French black truffle; Italian grape red wine; Hungarian tokay; And Romanian wine!

By the way, have you ever been to the United States?

My mother took me there last summer vacation. There are many delicious food there, and they are only available in the United States.

Let me see what's there… Reuben sandwiches, Mexican steak, fried chicken steak, meatloaf, Mexican spicy stew, lobster rolls, Buffalo wings, Chicago pizza, and American burgers!

Haha, I've eaten all of them, and I like them!

Darling, if we get married in the future, can you take me to America to eat too?

I'm not a foreigner, but the United States, as the only foreign territory I've ever visited, really feels that it's a good place.

Have you heard of the five English phrases MARCJACOBS, DKNY, Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein and COACH?

Hey, you idiot, you definitely don't know.

"I don't care. Whether you know it or not, you have to promise me that when we get married in the future, you will buy clothes, jewelry, and perfume bags of these brands for me. If you don't buy them for me, I won't let you kiss me!"

This was what Lan Yue said to Qin An on QQ back then.

At that time, she had no idea who Qin An was. They were completely in a virtual relationship on the Internet!

This relationship had lasted for almost two years!

Lan Yue and Qin An met after the apocalypse. Actually, they didn't stay together for long. However, after so many years, Lan Yue still couldn't forget Qin An. In fact, the fundamental reason was because the two of them had had a lot of sweet-talking online love!

In reality, Qin An was Lan Yu's first love.

On the Internet, Qin An was equivalent to Lan Yue's love mentor!

It was Qin An who taught Lan Yue what it meant to be a man and woman through chatting tools, so Lan Yue naturally couldn't forget this experience!

It's been so many years! Lan Yue did not expect Qin An to remember what they had said on the Internet back then. Moreover, one day, he would really collect all these things and bring them to her eyes.

Should she be moved?

When Lan Yue had this question in her heart, her eyes were wet. In fact, she was already touched.

Raising her hand and wiping away her tears, Lan Yue turned her head to the side and said, "Don't think that I will forgive you!"

Qin An nodded helplessly.

"I know. I don't want you to forgive me. I just feel that since these items are collected for you, they should still be given to you!"

Lan Yue did not dare to look into Qin An's eyes, because she was afraid that she would be soft-hearted, afraid that she would not be able to suppress her emotions and directly pounce into Qin An's arms.

After a long time, Lan Yue calmed her heart down a little.

"Hurry up and put it away. It should be something from at least a few years ago, right? Isn't it a waste to come into contact with the air if it breaks down? Also, put away these clothes. I don't have any abilities right now. I'm afraid of the cold, so I can't wear them for the time being!"

Lan Yue's voice was very soft and gentle.

Qin An hurriedly put the items on the table back into his spatial ring.

Unexpectedly, Lan Yue added, "Leave the big hamburger, I want to eat it! Put away the rest … Since these things are all for me, then help me keep them. You are not allowed to eat them yourself, nor are you allowed to give them to anyone else! Even if Weng Lan appears, you can't give them to her!"

Lan Yue's last sentence was a bit fierce. Qin An was stunned for a moment, and then he smiled brilliantly.

He put all the items back into his interspatial ring, leaving behind only the American burger in a plastic bag.

Lan Yue did not stand on ceremony. She picked up the big hamburger and opened the package. After looking at it, she gently took a bite.

Qin An asked nervously, "How is it? After all, it has been stored for almost 20 years. There is no odor, right?"

Lan Yue chewed carefully for a while before saying, "It's delicious, but it's a little cold. If it's hot, it'll be even more delicious!"

Qin An smiled and raised his right hand. A metal tray appeared. Later, he said that Lan Yue took the hamburger in her hand and placed it in the tray, activating the Heat's ability.

The so-called heat is actually the ability to control the heat in the air, different from Liu Xia's ability to create flames in her hands.

However, Qin An could also raise the temperature of a local area quickly, so it wasn't too difficult to heat up the big hamburger on his palm.

A minute later, when the burger returned to Lan Yue's hands, it was already steaming hot.

"I want something to drink. Give me the Romanian wine."

Qin An was like an obedient servant. His mind moved slightly. Red wine and a glass appeared on the table. Then, he opened the wine and poured it into the glass.

Romania and France both have territories in the 45-degree north latitude region, where the geographical location and climatic factors are similar, so Romania has the same excellent grape-growing environment as France and is able to grow very sweet grapes.

"I prefer Romania's centuries-old winemaking techniques to French wines, so I naturally like their wines!"

As Lan Yue spoke, she drank all the wine that Qin An had poured into her glass. Then, she frowned slightly and said, "Not as pure as I drank at home before!"

Qin An said helplessly,

"My body was brought to Romania by my little brother Zhang Geng in the twenty-one years of the apocalypse, The country is almost in ruins, and most survivors have fled elsewhere in Europe, so it is not easy to find a preapocalyptic old man who can trade an inflatable doll for his own post-apocalyptic wine. "

Lan Yue was slightly stunned. She opened her eyes wide and looked at Qin An. She said in disbelief, "You said that this bottle of wine was exchanged for an inflatable doll from a wretched old man?"

Qin An chuckled and said, "He is not vulgar. It's just that he hasn't touched a woman for too long. You should know that men are old and unfailing in the apocalypse." When I asked him to get the wine, he told me very calmly, either kill him and snatch the wine, or find a woman to trade with him. It's a pity that I can't find a woman in that area, so I can only use inflatable dolls to exchange for her! "

Lan Yue shook her head and said discontentedly, "The key point is, why are you carrying an inflatable doll? Did you give the old man what you used?"

Qin An's face turned slightly red as he whispered, "Of course not!" I got that inflatable doll from a small town in California in the seven years of the apocalypse! The town was a gathering point for survivors. There were about three hundred people living in it, and only twenty of them were women. In other words, the ratio of men to women was very inconsistent. However, the atmosphere in the town was pretty good. Everyone was very kind. On my first day in town, I met a Japanese man called Mingkian Ono. This fellow was a businessman. He had accumulated a great deal of wealth by making and selling inflatable dolls in the apocalypse. He then used this wealth to support more than twenty women in the town. Afterwards, he used these women as a welfare and hired some bodyguards and workers. In short, he was very economically minded, living in a small town like a fish in water. The reason I met him was because a Chinese man sneaked into his house at night to kill him, and he desperately shouted for me to happen to pass by. The reason why the Chinese wanted to kill him was not because of historical hatred, but because they were jealous of his wealth! At that time, I was very indignant about that Chinese person's behavior, so I beat up Ono Mingjian fiercely. After that, I snatched all the inflatable dolls from Ono's family. After all, that was not a small fortune. Later on, I used them to exchange for quite a few good things! "

Lan Yue wanted to laugh, but she felt that she couldn't give Qin An a good face. So she could only cover her mouth and suppress her emotions for a moment before saying, "You're really willful. It was clearly that Chinese who wanted to kill people for money, but you beat up the Japanese Xiao Ye and even robbed him of everything! … What happened afterwards? What did you do to that Chinese?"

Qin An poured another glass of red wine for Lan Yuedao. It was already night and it was already dark. Qin An took out a few red candles from his interspatial ring and lit them on the table. Then, he took out a set of tents and began to quickly assemble them.

While busy with his work, Qin An continued to tell Lan Yue with a smile.

"The Japanese Mingjian Ono is actually a good person. I can't help the Chinese kill him. However, since it was the end of the world, people couldn't be too kind. Some selfishness was always good. The Chinese are at least my fellow villagers. I won't let him kill and I haven't let him obtain Ono's wealth yet. It's already considered a punishment for him! The reason I beat Little Ye up was just to educate the Chinese. After I beat Little Ye into a pig's head, I pointed at the nose of the Chinese and said, 'Did you see that, kid?' Be a good person for me, don't lose face of the Chinese! If you want to live a better life in the apocalypse, organize your forces to fight with the Americans, the Filipinos, Indians, Koreans, and indigenous black people for territory! Or forgive the Arctic Circle and return to China from Russia! Don't do all this sneaking around! If I ever run into you doing such a bad thing again, I'll beat you up like this Japanese! Look at his swollen face, it's already turned into a pig's head! '…'

Lan Yue finally couldn't help but laugh out loud, "You're actually so shameless! I've never seen you take sides like this! After that, did the Chinese tear up for you and change his mind?"

At this time, Qin An had already finished setting up the shelves of the tent and was unfolding the thick canvas. The tent was very large. It was almost six meters long, six meters wide, and about 2.5 meters high. Lan Yu and the table were surrounded by the tent.

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