Chapter 827 Yin Wind


Crises are everywhere in the apocalypse.

Qin An had a deep understanding of this sentence.

Fate City had been abandoned 15 years ago. Why did he actually see the skinny old man Chen Chuhe in an empty room at the Pentagon?

This was obviously a bit unusual.

Fifteen years ago, there were more than ten thousand white bones in the Pentagon. In other words, all the people in Fate City had died. How could it be that Chen Chuhe was the only one who survived?

And why did everyone die in the Pentagon? Instead of dying outside the Pentagon? One had to know that the Pentagon was full of 3,000 people. Back then, Chen Chuhe's plan was to close the Pentagon so that no one would be allowed to enter.

"Have you ever encountered a zombie siege here?" Qin An asked Liu Yuanchao.

Liu Yuan shook his head and said,

'"There was no such thing five years before the apocalypse. Every year in Zangxi, there were zombie maps showing the distribution of zombies. There was no record of large-scale arrival of zombies near Hanghai City. Didn't I say that this is an open case? Zangxi sent several investigators but they were unable to find out the real cause of the deaths of more than 10,000 people here."

Qin An's heart became more and more uneasy, and he had a bad premonition.

"Xiaoyan, can you hear me?"

Qin An tried to contact Qin Xiaoyan.

Qin Xiaoyan had just arrived a kilometer away and was looking for a place to take a bath with Gong Xue, Rongrong, Li Na and Heke Liusu.

Super hearing ability can now play a role as long as spiritual energy is not affected by special emotions, so Qin Xiaoyan hears Qin An's voice.

'"Hmm, what's wrong? We haven't found a place to take a bath yet. Hehe, Rongrong said that she can become depressed and keep warm. After all, she doesn't have a system to protect herself from the cold. It's so happy to have Rongrong by her side!"

"Come back. All of you have left. I'm afraid there will be an accident here."

"Accident? Is there any hidden danger nearby?"

'"There is an old friend in the Pentagon. I'm not sure if he is a dangerous person. Anyway, come back to guard the camp first. After I go check it out, it's not too late for you to go take a bath after dinner."

Naturally, Qin Xiaoyan would not reject Qin An's suggestion. Although the members of the team were not bad, everyone knew that the dangers in the apocalypse were often unpredictable. Even Sword God Style experts would perish if they were not careful.

Thus, Qin Xiaoyan brought a few women back to the camp. Rongrong turned into a Thousand Thoughts Ring and returned to Qin An's hand. Qin An instructed Qin Xiaoyan again to pay attention to using her Heaven Scryer Spiritual Sense to scout the surroundings. After that, she entered the range of Fate City and quickly ran towards the Pentagon.

While running, Qin An had been observing Chen Chuhe's movements with his super vision and hearing. The skinny old man had been sitting in a room about 40 meters above the ground.

The room was incomparably dark because there were no windows and the door was not open.

There was nothing else in the room except a bed, and Chen Chuhe was sitting on it.

Qin An thought to himself, "It seems that he doesn't know that we have come to Fate City. Otherwise, there wouldn't be no reaction at all." However, this was even more strange. If Chen Chuhe was really an ordinary old man with a poor soul, why would he stay in the dark room alone? Has he been here all these years? How did he survive alone?

A few minutes later, Qin An, who was filled with all sorts of doubts in his heart, had already arrived at the bottom of the Pentagon. Then, he activated the Phantom Movement Technique and instantly entered the Pentagon. After a few turns, he finally stood in front of the door of Chen Chuhe's room.

After hesitating for a moment, Qin An did not immediately enter. Instead, she summoned An Ya, one of the Nine Blood Spirits, and let her appear in the room first.

An Ya had the ability to confuse people. Anyone who looked into her eyes would be confused.

Qin An was already very cautious. After walking in the apocalypse for so many years, it was normal for him to be so cautious.

The Nine Blood Spirit was by Qin An's side, possessing a high IQ and self-awareness, and was also able to speak.

An Ya was dressed in a red robe and stretched lazily before laughing out loud.

"Sigh, seems to have been asleep for a long time.

Master, if you have nothing to do in the future, please let us out for a breath of air.

Right now, your Sword God level is getting higher and higher, and our intelligence is getting closer and closer to humans. Although we can't exist for a long time, we can still walk around outside for dozens of minutes. We don't know where you threw our Ninth Brother back. Really! "

An Ya's voice was beautiful and full of temptation, and Qin An felt goosebumps when she heard it.

When the Nine Blood Spirit first became Qin An's ability, it was a puppet-like existence. Now that it not only had intelligence, but also spoke like a human, Qin An, as their host, naturally wouldn't be able to adapt.

"Anya, go take a look at his condition!"

Qin An used his consciousness to communicate with An Ya.

An Ya stopped talking nonsense and wiggled her plump butt forward. Soon, she arrived beside Chen Chuhe.

It was almost New Year's Day 2040. Although it was located in the south of the Yangtze River, the weather was still very cold. The temperature outside was less than ten degrees, and the room was only eleven or twelve degrees.

However, Chen Chuhe only wore a white vest on his upper body, black shorts on his lower body, and tattered slippers on his feet, as if he wasn't afraid of the cold at all.

He was dressed like that super expert from the movie Kung Fu, Fire Cloud Heretical God, from before the apocalypse.

However, Chen Chuhe was too skinny now. His skin was wrapped in bones, and he really looked like a skeleton.

"Hey old man, raise your head and look at me. Are you alone in this small black room? Do you want elder sister to accompany you? Elder sister's kung fu is very good?"

Hearing what An Ya said, Qin An's body trembled again, and he felt that a black line had already risen on his forehead.

This way of speaking was clearly the same as Earth people. It seemed that the Nine Blood Spirit had learned a lot from humans in its own body!

After An Ya finished speaking, Chen Chuhe did not react at all. He continued to sit there with his eyes closed and breathing steadily, as if he had fallen asleep.

An Ya naturally wouldn't give up. She gently used her fingers to touch Chen Chuhe's face. After realizing that he still hadn't reacted, her entire hand touched Chen Chuhe's head.

At this moment, something unexpected happened. A trace of viciousness that even Qin An could feel outside the room suddenly surged out from Chen Chuhe's body.

An Ya was attacked by that fierce aura and let out a miserable scream. In the end, she turned into a red light and returned to Qin An's body.

Qin An was so frightened that he took two steps back. When he opened his clairvoyant eyes and looked inside, he saw Chen Chuhe had already opened his eyes!

His eyes were really strange! It was actually shining brightly. Because of the existence of this pair of eyes, it looked like a person who was about to die of illness, but now, it suddenly became like a martial arts expert that was hidden deep inside.

He turned his head and looked out the door. The pair of eyes met Qin An's eyes, causing him to suddenly feel a chill.

His body suddenly trembled. Qin An knew that this was the power of the Sword God calling him. At this moment, the situation he was facing was already very critical.

Back then, when he saw Wu Zhongguo, the Five Bodies and Giant Demon Zombie Host, Qin An felt this sense of danger, but his body's reaction was actually stronger than the previous two times!

Clay Horse, what kind of situation is this? Could it be that the skinny Chen Chuhe is even more terrifying than Wu Zhongguo and Wu Physique? Is he also a super big boss?

And what exactly was the fierce aura that surged out from his body just now? He actually instantly killed An Ya, one of the Nine Blood Spirits! ?

In the room, Chen Chuhe revealed a strange smile on his wrinkled face.

He opened his mouth trembling and said in an extremely hoarse voice, "Who did I think it was? It turned out to be Qin An, my old friend! You look much younger than before. Two years ago, I heard that you had left Qin City for many years. Why? Now that you've finally returned, haha, welcome."

"Little friend Qin An, did you pass by here, or did you come to see me, Chen Chuhe?"

Although Qin An had a lot of experience, he couldn't help but be shocked.

Right now, the entire Pentagon was in darkness, and there was a door between him and Chen Chuhe. In other words, Chen Chuhe possessed the same night vision and vision as Qin An.

This was the thing that shocked Qin An the most.

Qin An and Chen Chuhe hadn't seen each other for twenty years, and they had only met in a hurry a few years ago.

Logically speaking, it was impossible for Chen Chuhe to recognize Qin An.

In other words, this Chen Chuhe should possess extremely strong mental energy, allowing him to obtain memories that were different from those of ordinary people!

Now, Qin An also had this ability. Because of his strong mental strength, Qin An would not forget the people or things from the past. Although he might not be able to catch up with Rongrong, Qin An's memory was much stronger than ordinary people's.

After concentrating his spiritual energy, Qin An activated his strongest state. Any movement within a few kilometers of Fang Yuan was controlled by Qin An's consciousness.

Raising his hand, he pushed the door open, and a dark breeze pounced towards him. Then, a musty and rotten smell came from within.

Qin An frowned slightly and did not walk in. He stood in front of the door and said,

"Elder Chen, I haven't seen you for many years. How are you?"

Chen Chuhe, who was sitting on the bed, was slightly stunned. After a long time, he laughed loudly.

"Haha! It's been more than twenty years. Although your appearance hasn't changed much, you've grown a lot.

Qin An, is this the question you came here to ask me?

Look at me like this, does it look like I'm having a good time?

Haha! '"…"

Chen Chuhe's laughter was a little crazy. Perhaps it was because his laughter was too intense, and tears had already flowed down his eyes.

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