Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 796 Weng Lan Story-Visitor

Chapter 796 Weng Lan Story-Visitor

Fortunately, now that she has four children, even if she can't meet Qin An in this lifetime, she can still live, right?

As Weng Lan thought this, tears rolled down her eyes.

For her, she was separated from the man she loved for only a few months; However, to Qin An, they had not seen each other for twenty-four years!

This was truly a sorrow, because Weng Lan knew that twenty-four years was enough to make the world cool and emotions fade … Time was the most terrifying thing in the world!

Just as Weng Lan was feeling sad, a deep and hoarse male voice suddenly sounded behind her. Although she spoke Chinese, it sounded rather stiff.

"This little girl is really beautiful. Unfortunately … she will have no mother in the future!"

Weng Lan felt a chill run down her spine, and her body trembled endlessly.

She quickly turned around and saw a handsome man in black standing beside her daughter's bed three meters away!

Weng Lan's legs went soft, but her heart was beating fast.

She should have fainted, but she persisted!

Suddenly, an oriental man who did not speak standard Chinese appeared in his tent. The content of his words was clearly filled with hostility. Weng Lan did not think that this man was passing by to take a look. In other words, he must be coming for her!

It was self-evident that the opponent was most likely a member of the Gang Alliance! Moreover, if he was able to break through the zombie encirclement and avoid Jess' alert, he would definitely be an Adept if he quietly appeared in the tent!

What should we do? He was standing right beside his daughter. What if he hurt Xiang Ming?

Weng Lan's mind was a little dizzy. She completely forgot what the other party had just said: Xiang Ming might not have a mother anymore, not that Weng Lan was about to lose her daughter.

The black-clothed man slowly raised his head and turned his gaze from Qin Xiang Ming to Weng Lan. Then, he frowned slightly.

"Before I came here, I thought you are what kind of stunning, now it seems very ordinary!

How sad! Why resist?

Actually, this is just a small matter, and it should be considered a good thing for you.

Even I have to admit that New Moon City is a good place. Although it is a simulated ecosystem and there is no real natural light illumination, the scenery there is really good and the construction facilities are very scientific!

Three years ago, I went there to attend a meeting with them to discuss the disposal of New Moon City garbage and the sale and exchange of their resources and energy in the United States, so I knew all about this very well.

A few months ago, a garbage ship in New Moon City passed a ruin between Williamsburg and Richmond.

On that ship, the son and daughter of the City Lord of New Moon City happened to be there. His brother's name was Poseidon, and his sister's name was Yamena.

The reason for that was because Poseidon saw you through a remote video capture device. Then, he arranged for his men to send a message to his friends in the New York Gang headquarters. There were photos of you inside, and all they wanted was to send you to New Moon City.

This was really a small matter! Whether it's for the gangster headquarters or for you! So, you shouldn't have resisted! This matter is so small that even Poseidon may have forgotten about you, because he never let his subordinates contact New York for this matter again! Unfortunately, this matter had become very big now!

"Do you know one of the guardians in the Demon City, Bai Chuansuke?"

Weng Lan had been standing there motionlessly. She knew that she had to remain calm because she was a mother. A woman was weak, but a mother was strong. Such a sentence had already become Weng Lan's motto.

Weng Lan also felt a little sad in her heart. It turned out that the cause of this matter was actually like this! Who exactly was Poseidon? Why did he send someone to snatch her after looking at her? Does he think she's a cargo?

In the next moment, Weng Lan realized that this was the apocalypse. How could the value of a person be the same as before the apocalypse?

With a thought, Weng Lan thought of Bai Chuansuke again.

She naturally remembered that it was an old man who didn't have much ability. It seemed that he had a keen sense of smell and was killed by Seven-Colored a few months ago.

The black-clothed man looked at Weng Lan's pale and green expression. He sighed and nodded,

"It seems you do! Then I'll tell you a story.

I was born in the United States, my ancestral home in Japan, in my father's generation they brought the family to settle in the United States.

Including my father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, and their children, my cousin.

When the apocalypse broke out, I was five years old. It was very sad. My family had all died, leaving only my uncle and me wandering in the apocalypse!

It was a really hard time. The apocalypse was cruel. A cowardly man who wanted to protect a child from being eaten by other refugees needed to put in an unimaginable amount of patience and effort!

In the end, he succeeded, allowing the child to gradually grow up until he possessed a powerful ability! You can turn around and protect him!

Therefore, this man was not only the child's uncle, but also his regenerating parents. He was his benefactor and his only bloodline in this world!

At this point in the story, I believe you should be clear!

That uncle is Bai Chuansuke, and that child is me, Baichuan Wulong!

Uncle's character is actually very kind. He often helps the weak and cares about the younger generation!

I originally intended for him to enjoy his old age as a city guardian in the Devil City, but I didn't expect that this would end up like this... "

When Weng Lan heard this, she could no longer remain calm. Obviously, Baichuan Wulong had come here to avenge his uncle! What should we do? How can I protect my daughter?

Weng Lan's voice trembled, but after thinking for a while, she raised her voice and said,

"So it's Mr. Bai Chuan! Nice to meet you!"

Let me introduce myself. My name is Weng Lan!

I suppose you have a misunderstanding, haven't you? Or is the information your subordinates sent you inaccurate? "

Bai Chuan's Five Dragons Eyes revealed a trace of surprise. He could see the fear on this woman's body. Since she was so scared, why could she speak in such a calm tone?

While Baichuan Wulong was thinking, Weng Lan continued,

"The little thing you mentioned just now is a big deal for a woman like me! Because I can't fight against your forces at all, I'm just a weak woman!

Therefore, when your uncle, Mr. Shirakawa-suke, wanted to take me away, I didn't want to resist!

However, at that time, Qin Qicai was by my side. He was the one who stopped me and opposed your forces!

Therefore, Mr. Baichuan Wulong, your enemy should be Qin Qicai, not a weak woman like me!

Didn't you just say that Poseidon wanted me to go to New Moon City? I can go with you now! After that, you can immediately seek revenge on Qin Qicai for your uncle! "

When Weng Lan said those words, tears rolled down her eyes. She had no other choice but to use this method to protect her daughter.

Baichuan Wulong was stunned when he saw the trembling woman standing straight in front of him.

What the hell was this woman?

She actually abandoned her patron saint, Qin Qicai, without taking a stand?

In the next moment, when Baichuan Wulong saw Weng Lan's tearful eyes looking at the little girl beside him, he suddenly came to his senses.

It turned out that she was afraid that she would hurt her child... Baichuan Wulong was a little shocked.

An ordinary woman should either kneel down and beg for mercy or shout for help to escape when facing this situation, but she could calmly give up all her positions for the sake of her child!

Indeed, what she said was very convincing.

Baichuan Wulong had originally come here for two purposes. The first was to take this woman away, and the second was to kill Qin Qicai to avenge his uncle!

As for her, she had directly fulfilled her two requests, which could undoubtedly stop him from having any other thoughts!

What a calm and wise mother!

Perhaps, she was still thinking about how to escape on the way back to New York after falling into her hands, and finally return to her child's side, right?

Because she was thinking about something, Baichuan Wulong ignored a small problem. That was, Weng Lan's voice was a little loud just now.

The tent was very thick, and although her voice was not loud enough to travel very far, if someone was standing near the tent, they could still hear some of the voices inside.

As a result, when Weng Lan was frowning and distracted in Baichuan Wulong, she began to secretly look around the tent. In the end, she saw the white-robed old man who had floated into the tent and was silly standing behind Baichuan Wulong, leaning against the wall!

Weng Lan was pleasantly surprised. She knew that Big White would definitely be able to sense her fear and would eventually come to her side to protect her!

However, why didn't Big White sense the existence of the five dragons? Could it be that the five dragons of Baichuan didn't have any malicious intentions towards him? Impossible. Even if he didn't want to kill him, he still wanted to capture him. This should be considered malicious, right? According to her understanding of Big White, as long as someone with malicious intentions was within a few meters of her, Big White should be able to feel it. Could it be that this man called Baichuan Wulong was truly too powerful, suppressing Big White's spiritual perception? Even if Big White entered the tent, he didn't take the initiative to attack the five dragons?

Weng Lan didn't know much about abilities, so she could only randomly guess!

Ever since the birth of the quadruplets, Big White had become smarter than before. He could already feel the fear and joy in Weng Lan's heart, and he could understand some of Weng Lan's orders.

Therefore, Weng Lan did not think too much. After realizing that Baichuan Wulong was a little distracted, she used all of her strength to run in Xiang Ming's direction. At the same time, she shouted loudly, "Big White! Bite him!"

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