Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 789 Great Victory

Chapter 789 Great Victory

Three bodies?

Of course, Qin An remembered that he was a powerful lifeform fused together by three mutants.

With super abnormal movement speed, body repair ability, and attack power! He had three brains in his body. As long as he didn't kill three brains at the same time, he would be able to quickly repair all kinds of injuries to his body. Moreover, he was able to casually combine and disintegrate in the process of battle.

Back in Smoke City, the three bodies disappeared after the group of corpses attacked. They reappeared outside Dark Light City in Russia and took Liu Ru away.

At that time, he had become mentally weak because he knew all of Weng Lan's secrets. He did not know how to face the fact that Liu Ru was Little Ru, so he did not look for Liu Ru. He had not heard from her for so many years.

A few bad memories surged into his mind again. Qin An's expression became somewhat gloomy. He looked at Jin Gang and said, "Why did you suddenly mention him?"

Jin Gang said quickly,

"One of the creators of Mo Ling Sect, God Monarch Mo Ling, appeared a few days ago. The Hero Academy guards attacked him, but he killed dozens of mutants in less than a minute.

Of course, this wasn't the main point. The main point was that he called himself the Four Bodies!

After I heard this, I remembered the Three Bodies from back then, so I ran over and told Big Brother! I remember that at that time, the Three Bodies killed Big Brother's friend! I wonder if the three bodies have anything to do with the four bodies. "

Four bodies?

Qin An was stunned for a moment, then said, "What ability does he have?"

When Jin Gang told him what he had heard, Qin An's face gradually turned pale. The so-called four bodies must have evolved from three bodies!

In other words, they found another person with a super gene and devoured him?

Back then, Qin An had fought against the Three Bodies. Even with the decelerating magnetic field and the Phantom Movement Technique, he was unable to beat him. Now that the Three Bodies had become Four Bodies, their strength should be even stronger, right?

However, Qin An felt that he was much stronger now than he was back then. If he really encountered him, even if he couldn't kill him, he shouldn't lose!

However, since the Three Bodies could become Four Bodies, would they become Five Bodies, Six Bodies, Seven Bodies, Eight Bodies, Nine Bodies, Ten Bodies … Perfect Body, Perfect Ultimate Body?

"What happened afterwards? Did he escape?"

Cheng Gang asked.

Jin Gang nodded.

"I escaped. The convoy applied for airplane bombing support. The four bodies originally wanted to escape with Goosen and a machine, but they failed in the end. Before the cannonball landed, the four bodies left Goosen and the machine and ran alone.

The Black Iron Prison was blasted to the ground, and the four bodies disappeared without a trace. However, he did escape. When he left the Black Iron Prison, he killed dozens of mutants.

"Ah, although the Dark ones from the Dark Blacksmith Camp, Gu Sen, Wu Zhenjiang, and the others were all killed, they didn't catch all four of them, and they lost so many people!"

Jin Gang's tone was filled with regret.

Qin An was also depressed. His original plan was to personally meet the so-called God Monarch of the End Spirit for a while, but he was trapped in a maze. Now that he heard that Divine Monarch Mo Ling was the upgraded body of the Three Bodies and Four Bodies, his mood naturally became even more unhappy and filled with worry.

Suddenly, Qin An's heart skipped a beat. He had heard the conversation between Goosen and Wu Zhenjiang. He knew that the reason why the so-called Divine Monarch of the End Spirit had come to Sunshine City in Zangxi was for the sole purpose of transplanting male artifacts and officials, so that he could marry and have children with the woman he liked! !

Then … who would that woman be? Could it be Liu Ru?

Thinking back to the experiences after meeting Little Ru in the East China Sea and being trapped on Dongding Island, as well as Liu Ru's own child that she didn't know if she had given birth, Qin An's heart was no longer in a dilemma.

Qin An did not love Liu Ru very much, but which man would feel good when he encountered such a situation? I only hope that the woman with four bodies is not Liu Ru's best!

Tyrant continued, "Now that Zangxi's orders have been delivered, it will be easier to wipe out the Dark Ones. There are only a few dozen Dark Ones on our side."

However, a soldier wanted to take away Zhang Geng's wife, Shattered Jade, but was stopped by Rong Rong … To be exact, those soldiers were scared away, and Rong Rong directly turned into an eight-clawed monster with fangs on her face … "

Jin Gang's expression was very strange, as if he wanted to laugh but felt that the timing was wrong.

Qin An looked worriedly at Cheng Gang.

Cheng Gang nodded and said, "Naturally, General Dong Junwei will not have any problems, but the order was issued by Zangxi. Don't worry, I will contact a friend from the Political Department and report the situation of Shattered Jade. After all, she is your brother's wife. I believe that Zangxi will not make things difficult for her!"

Qin An nodded his head in satisfaction and did not express his gratitude to Cheng Gang. Now, the two of them could be considered to have a mutual understanding.

At noon on the 11th, the zombies were still being evacuated.

The red-headed document from Noah City's headquarters arrived at the maze, informing the entire army that the Battle of Crying Blood was a great victory. All the soldiers and civilians in the maze were rewarded, and the dead soldiers were chased after as martyrs.

Unfortunately, the deceased was already dead, and such a grand-sounding thing was meaningless.

In order to boost morale, Dong Junwei rewarded the three armies in the name of the West Road Army Headquarters. In any case, they could withdraw tomorrow. As long as they had enough supplies left for the journey, they would be fine. Zangxi had already sent another 20,000 troops to take over the defense of the labyrinth. The zombies outside the Heavenly Prison Great Wall were also like a flood.

To be able to eat and drink so much made the surviving warriors quite angry. Everyone celebrated the rest of their lives after the war and paid tribute to their dead comrades. Was it painful for the government to be lenient? Afterwards, they would be drunk until late at night.

Qin An also drank happily with his brothers this night.

Of course, Lu Lu and Ye Lingxuan came to cause trouble again, but this time Qin An took some countermeasures, that is, before they were ready to play drunkard, he directly sent them back to their room, drunk to the point of being unconscious.

Cheng Gang was very impressed, but at the same time, he was also very puzzled.

"Qin An, you were a complete dick before the end of your life! If Weng Lan can marry you, it's definitely your family's ancestral tomb that emitted green smoke!

It's nothing. Isn't it time for bastard to go see mung beans?

But now I don't understand. Why are you so attractive to women? "These big girls and young wives all like to run towards you. Why is that?"


Every woman seemed to have their own reasons. Then, there was also Qin An's own factor. Other than Qin Xiaoyan and Li Na, he did not express any attitudes to any other women who showed him goodwill. Thus, some seemingly ambiguous relationships were formed.

Qin An really didn't do this on purpose, but he didn't realize it.

Cheng Gang suddenly thought of his own daughter. His originally rosy face turned pale from drinking.

"Qin An, you have to stay away from Jiayao in the future. If she runs to you like Ye Lingxuan and Lu Lu, I will go crazy!"

Hearing Cheng Gang's words, Qin An's face turned pale. He hurriedly picked up his wine glass nervously and drank with Liu Yuanchao, Jin Gang and Ba Tian as if he hadn't heard Cheng Gang's words.

Cheng Gang wanted to pull Qin An over to warn him, but Qin An pretended to be drunk and didn't listen to him.

In the end, Cheng Gang could only give up. Then, he thought that he might be worrying too much, right? How could his precious daughter, Cheng Gang, fall in love with Qin An? He had forgotten that even he had become good friends with Qin An now, so what could not happen in this world?

Just like that, the wine-fighting show between the few of them slowly ended under Qin An's active clamor. Jin Gang and Ba Tian went back to their rooms to find their wives to sleep. Cheng Gang and Liu Yuan were now living in the same room. Both of them drank a lot. They walked shoulder-to-shoulder while bragging about each other's achievements.

When Qin An was the only one left in the living room, he quickly left his underground bedroom and arrived at the northernmost part of the maze. Then, he saw the lonely boat floating on the river outside the wall!

Qin An felt that his face was getting hotter and his body was moving.

Although Qin An's mentality and body weren't old, his essence was already an old man. He was a lot less green and pure. Now that he was about to climb onto a woman's bed under the influence of alcohol, he was naturally excited!

Within the walls of Heavenly Prison City, there were many residential areas built. In every residential area, there would be many bars.

At this time, Lan Yue and Lu Xiaocha were sitting in a corner drinking wine in a bar called "Hong Zhuang" in the residential area measured within the city wall of the sixth defensive area, section G.

"Wow, big sister, look at those orcs. They dance so well! In Qin Lan City, it's really rare to see mutants who maintain their half-beast state at such a time!"

Lu Xiaocha was extremely excited.

Lan Yu curled his lips and said, "That's where you go less. Actually, there are quite a few orcs in Qin Lan City, and more in other cities on the Nine Dragons Mountain."

Seeing Lu Xiaocha being mercilessly beaten in the face by Lan Yue, she was very unhappy in her heart, so she said evilly, "Sister, we've been at the Great Wall of Heavenly Prison for half a month now, haven't we?" When are we going to find brother-in-law? I've heard that he's now showing off his divine might in the maze, killing many zombies! "Sister, let's go to the maze and take a look. I've only seen that big city on TV!"

When Lan Yue heard Lu Xiaocha mention Qin An, her mood really turned bad. She said very irritably, "Why should I look for him?" Hmph, I'm not going anywhere, I'm right here! I heard that the people from the maze are retreating, so I decided to wait here! Little Cha, to tell you the truth, I will not meet him this time. I just … I just need to look at him from afar! I want to confirm one thing! "

Lu Xiaocha asked curiously, "What can you confirm with just a glance at him?"

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