Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 774 A Heart-Shaking Past

Chapter 774 A Heart-Shaking Past

Qin Xiaoyan's face turned pale. In fact, her mood had only improved a little in the past few days. Although her mother had been dead for many years, she had only just received news from Qin An that her mother was indeed dead.

Now, hearing her mother's name again from Liu Yuanchao's mouth would naturally arouse her sorrow.

Qin An was also nervous. Previously, he told Qin Xiaoyan that she had not turned into a zombie when he met He Qin. That was a completely white lie. Now that Liu Yuanchao mentioned He Qin again, he didn't know how much difference the truth he was about to tell Qin Xiaoyan would be from what he had told Qin Xiaoyan.

Liu Yuanchao continued to look at Qin Xiaoyan and said,

"Of course you should remember that name, for she is your mother.

What I'm going to tell you next may hurt because you're not the inhumane woman you were before. But please listen to me, for the ending is often unexpected. "

After licking his lips with his tongue, the peerlessly handsome man began to truly recount the unknown past.

"When I met He Qin, she was pressed to the ground by three men, her mouth stuffed with rags and her clothes taken off.

I wanted to save her, but I didn't have the ability at that time. How could a bad old man beat three hungry wolf-like men?

I don't want to go into the details. In short, He Qin and I will be controlled by the three of them in the future. As laborers, I have to cook for them and do odd jobs. And He Qin … became their common woman! "

At the beginning of the story, Qin Xiaoyan was already dumbfounded, her entire body trembling. She did not expect her mother to have suffered such a tragic thing when she was alive.

Qin An was also a little shocked. He didn't know why Old Liu told Qin Xiaoyan about this. Since he was already dead, why did he make the living feel even more sad? Perhaps even if He Qin survives, she doesn't want her daughter to know about these past events, right?

Qin An, who could not stop Liu Yuanchao from narrating, sighed depressingly. Then, he carried Qin Xiaoyan, who was trembling, into his arms, wanting to comfort her.

Unfortunately, Qin An's actions were meaningless to Qin Xiaoyan. This woman was still so heartbroken that she wanted to die immediately. At this moment, tears were streaming down her face.

Liu Yuanchao let out a long sigh, but he still insisted on continuing.

"The three men were vagrants. They discovered the wonders of the Poisonous Corpse Grass Forest and settled there.

He Qin and I were in great pain during that period of time. She committed suicide twice and was rescued by me. In fact, a person's life is already filled with many dirty things, but living should always be a good thing, right? At the very least, we can feel the pain we have to endure!

If he died, there would be nothing left!

Our days slowly passed in the Poison Corpse Grass Forest. The Poison Corpse Grass in the forest is really a treasure. Not only can they help us avoid the zombies, they can also serve as food for us to eat in our stomachs. Everyone should know that there are very few mutated species that can be eaten, so we can be considered lucky in our misfortune!

Half a year later, He Qing and I were somewhat numb. Although we hated the three men who treated us as slaves, we were helpless against them.

At this moment, an unexpected event occurred.

He Qin, Xiaoyan, your mother, is actually pregnant. "

Hearing this, Qin An, Jin Gang, Liu Wenli, and Wu Zhen all widened their mouths in shock. As for Qin Xiaoyan, who was sad, she was also shocked and forgot to cry. She looked straight into Liu Yuanchao's eyes, not daring to believe what he said.

"After knowing that He Qing is pregnant, the three men's attitudes towards us have improved. Although they don't know who the child in He Qin's belly is, the animal's nature makes them look forward to the child's arrival in the world.

At that time, He Qin was in great pain. She did not want the child in her stomach, because she hated the three men thoroughly.

However, in the end, she did not have the heart to get rid of the child. After all, it was her own flesh and blood!

Another day after seven months passed, He Qin's birthday finally arrived. The three men and I were very excited. We put down our past grudges and waited excitedly for the child to arrive in this world.

He Qin's stomach ached for a whole day, but she failed to give birth to the child. Her painful cries finally alerted a flock of zombie birds flying over the forest!

Those terrifying creatures were only the size of palms, and their bodies were covered in a paste of red and yellow liquid.

The Poison Corpse Grass lost its effect the moment we were discovered by them. Hundreds of zombie birds dived into the forest and attacked us with their sharp teeth.

Three men who were hated by He Qin and I actually showed their humanity as fathers at that moment. They told me to flee with He Qin who was about to give birth, while picking up wooden sticks and sticking to gasoline drives to ignite them and attracting the zombie birds to run in other directions.

In the end, they rushed to the group of corpses outside the forest without any way to retreat, and were eaten by the zombies. And because of their bravery, He Qin and I have temporarily survived …

Allow me to say their names, Guo Kai, Lu Renjie and Chen Lang.

Of course, these three people are not heroes, because they did evil things when I was in trouble with weak women and children like He Qin.

But they are not demons, because they stood up in the worst of times, just so that the baby could come to earth! "

Liu Yuanchao said forcefully, and the story he told shocked everyone.

Everyone did not speak, listen to Liu Yuanchao continue to speak.

"Ah, later things are a little sad.

Although He Qin and I weren't eaten by the zombies, we were also bitten by the zombie birds.

Two hours later, He Qin still hadn't given birth, and there were signs of a corpse.

Her skin is getting grayer and grayer, her body temperature is gradually rising, her eyes are turning gray and her pupils are becoming smaller. I thought that He Qin would turn into a zombie in a few seconds.

That kind of despair cannot be expressed in words.

What I didn't expect was that He Qin didn't immediately turn into a corpse. Her consciousness was so strong that she couldn't continue to say the complete words, but she still maintained her humanity.

He Qin was wearing a 20-centimeter-long dagger. It was something Chen Lang had given her to defend against when she met the zombie bird.

"This woman held the knife in her trembling hand and slowly cut her stomach open in front of me …"

Tears appeared in Liu Yuanchao's eyes. Liu Wenli and Wu Zhen were already crying, Qin An and Jin Gang's eyes were already wet. Qin Xiaoyan did not cry, The tears on her face were all from before. She looked at the little loli sitting beside Liu Yuanchao like a fool. The little girl had been lying on the table, so she could not see her expression. But her surging shoulders had already indicated that she should be crying as well. She was crying silently, but it was definitely heart-wrenching.

"In the end, she took out a female baby by laparotomy, and it sounded a little ridiculous, didn't it? But I saw it with my own eyes, and perhaps it was the natural power of a mother that allowed her to accomplish such a thing.

How brave of a mother to give birth by Caesarean section before turning into a zombie! As for me, who was watching from the sidelines, I was cowardly. At that moment, I cried like a child!

He Qin used her last bit of consciousness to hand the child over to me, revealing the most beautiful smile I've ever seen in my life. She said to me in a vague and intermittent voice, "What's my surname? This child has my surname!" She was born at a time when her mother was in danger, and she had Mother Ke's fate, so in the future, her surname would be He Ke. Mother is gone, she will be exceptionally difficult in the world, as pitiful as the ears of wheat floating in the wind, then her full name is Heke Liusu! Hurry up and leave. Wait for her to grow up and tell her about me! Please help me hand her over to my other daughter, Qin Xiaoyan! Let her take good care of her …

I can't imagine how a woman who is about to turn into a zombie can insist on saying so much.

I remember every word of it, because every word she said at that time would pause. That was really the last word she left after exhausting her life force! I can't forget, and I don't dare to forget!

When I carried the crying baby girl away from He Qin, she finally turned into a zombie. After circling around blankly, she let out a roar, then left the Poison Corpse Forest, and disappeared forever after that … "

At this point, Liu Yuanchao exhaled as if he had completed a mission. He helped the little loli who was lying on the table up. The little girl had already sobbed into tears, but she was lucky that she didn't cry at all.

"Then, Qin Xiaoyan.

Today I will fulfill your mother's last wish and let you two sisters recognize each other.

This little loli is your half sister, Heke Liusu!

You may have forgotten that she actually came to see you seven years ago, when she was even younger, and you were the famous cold-blooded woman. She finds an opportunity to ask you where your mother is, and you just treat her as a passer-by and say to her, You're alone, and you don't have the heart to go

Who cares about other people's lives?

The little fellow cried for a long time when she came back and decided not to recognize you as her elder sister because you broke her heart. "

Liu Yuan wiped the tears off the little loli's face with his hand and said to her,

"Liu Su, you heard what Qin An said. Your sister is not heartless. She was only affected by the alien Sword God. Now, are you willing to forgive her and recognize her sisters?"

Liu Su remained silent, crying.

At this moment, Qin Xiaoyan's heart was broken. First, she got the news from Qin An that her mother was dead. This man had obviously lied. When he met her, her mother should have become a zombie! Of course, Qin An could not be blamed. Qin Xiaoyan knew that he was afraid that she would be too sad.

However, after accepting this statement, she suddenly heard such a shocking truth. How could Qin Xiaoyan bear it?

"Sister …"

Qin Xiaoyan suddenly stood up from the chair, her lips trembling, and her voice was hoarse as she spat out two words!

The accumulated emotions could no longer be suppressed. She stepped forward and tightly hugged the little loli named Keke Liu Su into her arms. The two sisters instantly cried even more furiously …

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