Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 462 Great War Begins

Chapter 462 Great War Begins

Those were the eyes of a six-year-old girl.

Her mother leaned against the north gate of Ruyan and cried out, praying that the little girl could be put into the city. However, the city gate would not open again.

The little girl did not seem to know that danger was imminent, so she raised her head and looked up.

In the dark night, she actually couldn't see anything, but she knew that there was someone up there, so when she looked up, her heart was blank and she didn't think of anything.

As a six-year-old girl, she was as pure as a glass of water.

The apocalypse was a world of extinction for adults. They had all experienced the stability before the apocalypse.

The apocalypse was the beginning of a world for children the size of little girls. They were destined to grow or die in this world!

Qin An took a deep breath and said to Liu Ru, who was beside him with tears rolling down her eyes, "I can't do much, but I will do my best!"

With that, Qin An directly jumped down from the city wall. After falling 50 meters, he activated the Fallen Leaves Movement Technique and stepped on top of a person's head. However, it was as light as goose feathers and did not exert any gravity on the person below.

From the city walls, Ma Qiang and the others felt that this man called Qin An was like a chivalrous man who knew qinggong in ancient action movies. How could his movements be so light?

Liu Ru was dumbfounded. With her ability, it was not easy for her to jump down fifty meters and stand on the ground steadily. Besides, there were so many people below. If he really jumped down, he would have to smash one and a half of them to death. Didn't she use her butt to smash Qin An's face...

When Qin An arrived at the bottom of the city wall, he directly held the six-year-old girl and her mother in his hands. Then, he threw them up with all his strength and shouted, "Nurse Rong! Help me!"

With that, the mother and daughter were thrown over ten meters tall by Qin An, and they were still rising. In the end, they only started to fall back down when they reached a height of more than twenty meters.

Ma Qiang and Su Ling'er were dizzy. Qin An's movements were too fast. They had no choice but to help Qin An and save the mother and daughter who had been thrown into the city.

Liu Ru was even more worried. She had already stepped out of the city wall with one leg, intending to reach out to pick up the mother and daughter. However, they did not rise to the height of fifty meters.

Even with Qin An's strength, he couldn't throw the two living beings fifty meters high.

Just as everyone thought that the mother and daughter would eventually fall back to the ground, a ten-meter-long white feather eagle suddenly appeared beside the mother and daughter in the dark. Then, it stretched out its claws and grabbed the mother and daughter. It flew directly onto the city wall and placed them on top of the city wall.

After Liu Ru saw it, she felt overjoyed. Qin An was indeed capable. He saved two people as soon as he took action.

Ma Qiang and Su Ling'er were already stupid.

What was this White Feather Great Eagle? Was it Qin An's parasitic mutated beast?

But why was Qin An able to summon the parasitic mutated beast out of his body without going through the process of blood sacrifice and separation? Isn't this too strange?

While they were in a daze, the eagle had already turned around and flew downwards. When it arrived at Qin An's side, it immediately disappeared. The entire journey lasted for exactly ten seconds.

Ma Qiang and Su Ling'er's eyes went straight, and they still couldn't believe what they had just seen.

Among the many mutants in the Western Tibet base, they had never encountered a mutant who could summon his parasitic mutated beast without using a blood sacrifice.

At this moment, Nurse Rong had once again transformed into the Myriad Will Ring and brought it to Qin An's finger.

Qin Ansi did not hesitate to save the mother and daughter before continuing to run to the other children beside her.

The reason why he saved the children was because Qin An believed that since these children had already arrived at this chaotic apocalypse, they should be allowed to experience death!

Before the apocalypse, I often heard people say that children are the future of our motherland.

In the apocalypse, children are still the future. If these children who grew up in the apocalypse are properly raised, they will have a different world outlook from the people before the apocalypse. They will be more adapted to this apocalypse, and they will be able to survive in the apocalypse better, and make greater efforts for the continuation of humanity!

Seeing Nurse Rong's ability to change, Qin An was both shocked and pleasantly surprised.

He said to Nurse Rong in the depths of his soul,

"Granny, your change is really amazing. What else can you change? Or can you change anything?"

Nurse Rong woke up naturally when Qin An's soul was communicating with her. At this moment, he could feel Qin An's anxious mood and didn't have time to think about his sorrows.

"Everything can be changed, but all kinds of changes are very complex.

I need to use my brain to do the calculations and then give the orders.

I can fantasize about the documented characters that have appeared in movies and on TV, because it's relatively simple to become them, and my changes need some goal frameworks.

Then, through the brain's analysis of the ability of the changing characters, we can find out the source of power.

For example, Superman could fly, and his strength was boundless. Why was it like this?

That must be because Superman has incomparably strong muscles, which is why he has so much strength, so my body structure will change, forming a strong muscular structure.

Why can you fly so fast without thrust? This does not correspond to the theories of flight dynamics.

So I had to use my brain to create a reasonable explanation for his ability to fly, to form a scientific parameter and a theoretical framework.

First, I need to make my body a breathable material to reduce air resistance, and then I need to make a micro-propulsion launcher on my body to get power.

In order to maintain my flight speed, I would also form an anti-gravity system in my body that would reduce my exposure to the gravity of the earth so that I would be able to maintain a high speed while flying.

I have read a lot of books in my life. Because I have the ability to remember, I actually know a lot of things.

This allows me to analyze and set the results I want to achieve in a very short period of almost a second, and finally achieve the various parameters required to embody the ability of the fictional character.

This process is extremely complex and consumes a lot of energy. I can only guarantee the time parameter for ten seconds at most, and then it will be affected by the logical error caused by the meeting of various complicated parameters. I can't continue to maintain the normal operation of those with the ability to change.

After all, the parameters I set are all fictitious and illogical.

However, it is impossible for me to reconstruct a character that has changed in the same day. This seems to be restricted by some kind of restriction. I think it may be related to the Sword God in my body. Its ability should also be restricted by some laws that belong to our Earth system.

Because there are so many restrictions and complicated processes, some of the characters I created are simply unable to display their abnormal abilities in the virtual world.

For example, if you turn me into a dead object like an aircraft carrier or a tank, it would be very difficult for me to do so, because there are many kinds of knowledge involved.

For example, if you turn me into a living creature like the Great Sage of Heaven or the Dora A-Dream Robot Cat, I won't be able to realize their abilities because their abilities are too illusory to imagine.


As Qin An listened to Nurse Rong's words, he quickly grabbed the other two children in his hands.

At the same time, he turned Nurse Rong into a huge net pocket and put the two children in it. Afterwards, he continued to search for the other children and put them in his net pockets.

In the crowd, the mother of the child immediately understood what the person who descended from the sky wanted to do. He was saving the child!

In the next moment, these mothers began to use all their strength to hold their children high in their hands, hoping that their children would be saved.

Qin An trampled on the heads and shoulders of the crowd and went around to collect the children. Within a few dozen seconds, he had put more than twenty children into his net pocket.

At this time, more than a dozen D3 mutated jumping zombies had arrived nearby! Qin An tied the hole in the net pocket tightly, and then let Nurse Rong change a long rope from the net pocket, throwing the rope towards the city wall.

Ma Qiang, Su Ling'er, Liu Ru, and the others all focused their attention on Qin An.

Discovering that Qin An jumped down to save the child, Ma Qiang did not have the mood to think about why Qin An had so many strange abilities, and where did the big net bag in his hand come from. I just hope that Qin An can succeed and save more people.

Therefore, when Qin An threw the rope onto the city wall, Ma Qiang was the first to grab one end of the rope and pull it hard.

Qin An carried a large net pocket with more than twenty children on his back and quickly arrived at the side of the city wall, allowing the net pocket to be forcefully pulled down by the horses on the city wall and climbed up vertically.

After Qin An released his net pocket, he turned around and saw that more than a dozen D3 jumping zombies had already rushed towards him. Perhaps because he was standing above the crowd, he had become the target of the jumping zombies.

More than a dozen D3 jumping zombies scratched and injured many people along the way.

Some of these people had already turned into zombies and started to bite the others around them! At this moment, everyone was crowded together, making it impossible for people to escape. They could only watch the zombies beside them bite them with their bloody mouths, and then turn into zombies in the end.

The situation became even more chaotic! More than a dozen D3 jumping zombies trampled the human head within ten meters of Qin An.

Qin An's expression turned cold. The time deceleration magnetic field was activated, and then he turned Nurse Rong into a huge sword shaped like a Profound Heaven Heavy Sword!

This sword was emitting a silver light. It weighed about a hundred kilograms, and its blade was tens of times sharper than the Xuantian Heavy Sword.

Qin An grasped his sword and glared angrily at the zombies, while the speed of the D3 jumping zombies slowed down to less than a tenth of their previous speed under the effect of the time deceleration magnetic field!

A trace of determination rose in Qin An's heart!

This battle between humans and zombies should begin here!

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