Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 452 Lan Yu’s Return

Chapter 452 Lan Yu's Return

Lu Haichuan, Fang Lei, and Liu Gang were all named, and their expressions turned ugly.

Right now, they were all in power, and they already had the aura that those in power should have. But now, facing the mysterious woman, the so-called aura completely disappeared, and they were threatened and threatened by her.

Fang Lei said unhappily, "Woman! Who are you? What is your relationship with my big brother Qin An? Why do you know our names?"

The mysterious woman shook her head and said,

"I am just a small foot, you may have long forgotten my existence!

My relationship with Qin An can only be said to be my benefactor, someone I am willing to give up everything to repay!

I will continue to hide by your side, invisible, to eavesdrop on all your conversations, and you will not be able to discover my existence when I do not appear.

Because after I was invisible, my body truly disappeared from this space. I can see and hear you, but you can't find me in this space!

I'm leaving! The reason why he didn't disappear immediately and instead waited for you to come over was because he wanted to say these words to everyone!

In short, take care of your own people. Since this place was founded by Qin An, no matter if he is here or not, I will not allow anyone to betray him!

So what if there were many people?

I can kill one by one, day by day! Put up the announcement and let them remember who the owner of this place is! "If there is anyone who has an ulterior motive, I will kill one of them, and I will kill a thousand of them if there is a thousand of them!"

The mysterious woman's voice was very soft, but it was deafening to everyone's ears.

Who is she? Why are you willing to do such extreme things for Qin An? And why did she have the ability to be invisible?

No one understood.

The black-clothed woman's figure suddenly disappeared, as if she had never stood there, never appearing again.

Fang Lei walked forward curiously and peeked back and forth with his arm where the woman was standing. There was nothing left.

Could it be that this woman was really hiding in the cracks of space and spying on everyone as she said?

Everyone in the vicinity held torches and illuminated this place. Everyone was helpless. No one knew the origin of the mysterious woman, and no one could stop her from killing people!

Now, the only seven mutants in Qin City had been killed, which was not a small loss to Qin City.

Needless to say, the seven of them must have said something bad about Qin An behind his back, which was why the mysterious woman heard them kill him!

From the moment the mysterious woman appeared for the first time until tonight, nearly a hundred people had died at her hands.

Everyone in Qin Chao's organization knew that the word Qin An was a taboo in this place.

You can mention it, but you absolutely can't say anything bad about him. Otherwise, if the mysterious woman hears about it, she will definitely die.

Li Zichuan sighed and said to the others,

"Sigh, this woman's methods are a little too extreme, but I don't think it's anything much to do. After all, we don't have a city lord now, which is not conducive to the stability of the situation!

Although we haven't been together with City Lord Qin An for a long time, we have been blessed by him!

Wen Juan, Liu Gang, and a dozen others were brought to Qin City by the City Lord in the small supermarket.

Fang Lei and Lu Zichuan, you also voluntarily left Fate City. City Lord Qin An has given you a space for development.

Then, the reason why everyone who came to Qin City and Qin Jun City were able to obtain protection in the apocalypse was all because Qin An had established Qin Chao's power here.

As the saying goes, drinking water requires thinking about the source. As long as Qin An does not return to Qin City for a day, Qin City cannot change the city lord! I agree!

How about this, Qin Chao would change to the alliance system! Isn't the Construction Department preparing to build Qin Feng City and Qin Lan City? In the future, the Fire Wings and Eagle Eye Guild will move over! Liu Gang's Guard Legion should change its name. How about it be called the Iron Claw Legion?

After the construction of the two cities, the three of you will each occupy one city and be responsible for defending and guarding the city.

My only request is that each of the three regiments should be limited to 10,000 people and should not be increased.

The six departments that originally belonged to Qin City continued to manage the internal affairs of Qin Prefecture, Qin Feng, Qin Lan, and Qin City.

We only have four thousand guards in the four cities for patrol and security.

This would be considered a separation of military and government! Because the three of you are divided, I'm not worried about any conflicts between you.

At the same time, because the six of us are in charge of the management of the three cities, we can maintain the connection between the three cities and prevent them from splitting up.

You can choose a team of 2,000 from the third and fourth ranked citizens of Qin City as your peripheral military forces, and have them search for supplies and clean up the zombies.

As for the remaining people in Qin City, I will let them go to Xiuxin City! And give them food as a reward.

Oh, another important thing is to set up an alliance seat.

Set up thirteen seats! Commander of the three regiments and I, these are four fixed seats.

The other nine seats will be randomly selected from the group of cadres who arrived at Qin City the first time. Thirteen people will vote together to decide all matters. Once the results of the voting are out, no one is allowed to go against them!

If that's the case, even if City Lord Qin An cannot return for the time being, we can still allow Qin City to develop in an orderly manner!

The three commanders are in charge of the army, while we are in charge of the people's livelihood and supplies. In this way, there won't be too many conflicts if everyone needs each other and is separated from each other.

In the future, they would restrain their subordinates and tell all the newcomers that the leader of Qin Chao's organization was Qin An! If someone wants to cause trouble, as long as we managers are able to make decisions in accordance with the Thirteen Seats method, then all the problems can be solved!

Gentlemen, do you think my method is feasible? "

Everyone nodded slightly after hearing this. Lu Zichuan sighed with emotion, "Vice City Lord, I really didn't realize that you actually have this kind of talent in the past!"

Liu Wenjuan smiled and said, "Back in the small supermarket, he was able to become the leader of a group of people. Naturally, he has some management talent!"

Everyone took this opportunity to discuss the specific details of the implementation of Li Zichuan's policy on the streets for a while, and finally decided on this proposal.

Deeper into the night, Li Zichuan ordered his men to dispose of the corpses of the mutants. After that, everyone dispersed. Although the killing behavior of the mysterious woman did not conform to the legal rules of Qin City, no one would pay too much attention to this matter. After all, the mysterious woman was using Qin An's name to kill people. If anyone was too serious, they might be considered to be scheming against Qin Chao's rights!

Once people settle down, there will always be all kinds of contradictions, all kinds of competition, all kinds of suspicions and distrust, which is the inevitable contradictions of human social life.

Just as everyone was about to disperse, Wang Zhiyuan, the deputy commander of the Guard Group, who had changed his name to Iron Claw Group, ran over panting!

Liu Wenjuan was the first to welcome him!

She has established a love affair with the man who is more than ten years younger than her.

This was also fate. Back then, they were trapped in a small supermarket and followed Qin An to Qin City Prison.

If it was before the apocalypse, she might not be able to let go of worldly ideas, but after the apocalypse, she no longer cared!

Humans cherish the meaning of life more, is to do what they want to do, don't let time continue to waste!

"Zhiyuan, what's wrong with you? Look at your sweat?"

Under the starlight, Liu Wenjuan took out a handkerchief and wiped away Wang Zhiyuan's sweat.

Wang Zhiyuan grabbed Liu Wenjuan's hand and looked at him, his eyes filled with joy.

Afterwards, he looked at every manager of Qin City and said, "Tell everyone a piece of good news! Lan Yue is back! I just sent someone to bring her from Qin City to Qin Prefecture City! Follow me to the conference room and take a look!"

Everyone was slightly stunned, and then they remembered that Lan Yue was the little girl who left Qin City with Qin An six months ago!

Everyone became excited!

Since Lan Yue had already returned, did City Lord Qin An also return?

Fang Lei was the first to jump up and say, "Haha! Let's go! Hurry up and go to the conference room. I want to see if my big brother has lost weight or become fat! Why did he leave for so long?"

Everyone was also gone, rushing to the meeting room together.

However, when they entered the conference room, they only saw Lan Yue sitting in the chair with an ugly and fat boy and a beauty.

Where's Qin An? Where's Qin An?

Everyone's excitement turned into doubt. They walked forward and greeted Lan Yue before they sat down in the conference room and asked Lan Yue to tell them about her experience and ask where Qin An was. Even the superstar Weng Die and the others didn't care too much about it.

Lan Yue, Weng Die, and Guo Shuai had experienced hardships and obstacles along the way. Under Guo Shuai's Heavenly Awakening Sword God's ability, they managed to seize the only gap in the zombie tide and escaped, finally returning to Qin City!

Seeing Liu Wenjuan and the others who weren't familiar in the past, Lan Yue's heart was still very excited! After all, the name of this gathering place was Qin! She was finally home!

After the excitement, Lan Yu calmed down and began to slowly tell everyone about Qin An leaving Qin City. After being trapped in the Twin Towers for ten days, the subway passageway escaped and entered Shanlan City where he was in danger. After that, he was surrounded by the corpse tide, trapped in the thirty-sixth cube space, as well as the many things that Qin An had done to lure the corpse tide away.

Everyone was shocked to hear this.

Among them, Fang Lei and Liu Wenjuan were the most excited!

Liu Wenjuan said in disbelief, "Lan Yue, what did you say? My sister Liu Wenli is still alive? And she has become a mutant?"

Lan Yue nodded sincerely to her.

Liu Wenjuan threw herself into Wang Zhiyuan's arms and cried endlessly! In the apocalypse, there was nothing more delightful than the news that their dear relatives were still alive.

Fang Lei's eyes were bloodshot as he said in a trembling voice, "Lan Yu! No, no, no! Sister-in-law! You said that you and my big brother are already married in the thirty-sixth dimension, right? Then I'll call you Sister-in-law! Sister-in-law! My mother, Wang Fang, has really become a mutant as well? Where are they now with Jin Gang?"

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