Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 438 The Most Mysterious Sword God

Chapter 438 The Most Mysterious Sword God

"I'm surrounded by fresh human flesh, but I can't eat them at will."

The meaning of this sentence was that he could still eat human flesh, but because he was restricted, he could not eat it at will!

When a mutant can't eat human flesh at will, will he suffer as much as a drug addict can't obtain poison?

Qin An thought that it might be possible, but it was definitely not that exaggerated! At this moment, Justin was already like an abnormally gluttonous monster!

Thinking of the words "abnormally gluttonous", Qin An's face immediately turned pale, because he remembered two more people.

The first was the Deep Awakened Wang Cheng he had killed in Misty Mountain City!

The second was the Awakened Su Zhen Mei who had been killed by the Three Bodies!

Both of them had said that they could not survive in the crowd because the smell of human flesh would drive them into a frenzied state, unable to control their abnormal appetite.

Heavens! Wasn't this Justin also a deep Awakened? !

Combined with what Justin had said, Qin An understood what he meant: Justin's body should have been controlled by someone else for the past six months, so he couldn't eat people at will! Therefore, he had to endure the torment brought by the scent of human flesh in Myriad Kingdom City at all times!

The more Qin An thought about it, the more he felt that things should be like this. If Justin was really a deep awakened person, wouldn't it mean that those people who were bitten by him would eventually become zombies?

Thinking of this, Qin An's heart trembled.

Qin An turned his gaze around and activated his super vision. He locked onto all the people who had been bitten by Justin. The number of them had already reached almost a hundred.

Suddenly, among these people, Qin An discovered the first abnormal person. His skin began to turn red, and then turned white; The whites of his eyes began to turn grey, and his black pupils quickly dimmed. There was a sticky liquid flowing out of his saliva!

Corpse Transformation!

F*ck, Justin is really an Awakened!

Those who were bitten by him would become zombies as if they had been bitten by a zombie!

Qin An felt that his nervous breathing was a little difficult. Now, the people in this dream space were all crowded together, and the density was very concentrated! In other words, once zombies appeared in this group of people, the situation would become extremely critical and would soon be out of control.

Just as he was thinking this, Qin An discovered that the other two people who had been bitten had also turned into corpses!

Damn it!

Justin did this on purpose. The reason he only took a bite on everyone was to make them turn into corpses!

Without any hesitation, Qin An teleported out of the encirclement of a dozen mutants and chased after Justin 30 meters away.

There were two things he had to do. The first was to kill the people who had been bitten by Justin. Even if they hadn't undergone a corpse transformation, Qin An had to kill them before they could get hurt! The second thing was to kill Justin! If he didn't do this, it wouldn't be long before everyone in the Dream Space would turn into zombies!

After Qin An left, the dozen or so mutants surrounding him were all very surprised.

Originally, when they saw the figure of the apocalyptic spirit child disappear, they were still worried that they would be attacked. However, they didn't expect this kid to abandon them as if he was chasing after Great Commander Justin. They don't know if they should follow and help at such a time?

At this moment, two people suddenly rushed out of the Red Square camp and entered the encirclement.

It was an old woman and a young girl. If Qin An was still here, he would definitely be depressed to death, because these two people were Nurse Rong and Li Na!

Earlier, Qin An ran over the heads of the red camp and ran to the junction of the red and yellow camp. Actually, he happened to pass by Nurse Rong and Li Na. However, because Qin An only paid attention to the battle situation, he did not discover the existence of the two of them.

Li Na saw Qin An at a glance, so she pulled Nurse Rong through the crowd of yellow camp and finally broke into the encirclement in a daze.

The two of them looked a little embarrassed. Li Na casually tidied up her clothes that had been squeezed into wrinkles and asked doubtfully, "Nurse Rong, it's so strange! I seemed to see Qin An standing here just now. How did he disappear? Did he use the teleportation ability? Did he teleport there?"

At this moment, Nurse Rong's expression was very bad. She did not put all her attention on Qin An like Li Na, so she noticed the dozen people in yellow clothes and the mutated beasts around them.

Li Na was not blind either. Although she focused all of her attention on Qin An, when she looked around, she found those strange mutated creatures and a group of people wearing different colors from her.

Nervous, Li Na grabbed Nurse Rong's hand and timidly said, "Granny, have we crossed the line and barged into the enemy camp?"

Nurse Rong almost burst into tears, but at this moment, she could only helplessly nod her head.

Li Na was really scared now. She tightened her grip on Nurse Rong's hand and shouted softly, "Then let's run back!"

After Li Na finished speaking, Sima Ni, who had been frightened to death by Qin An's ability, ran out and shouted, "These two must be friends of the apocalyptic spirit child!" The little girl had just said that the person she was looking for had used her teleportation ability to leave! Apart from the apocalyptic spirit child, who else would be able to teleport this kind of ability? "Quickly kill them and avenge our dead!"

Simone shouted while shaking her fat body, but she didn't dare to step forward.

Friends of the apocalyptic spirit child?

The other mutants reacted to Simone's reminder.

They discovered that the figure of the apocalyptic spirit child had already gone far away, disappearing into the crowd of Huang Fang's camp. For a time, they had gained courage, so why would it be difficult to kill the old, weak, women, and children?

A Second Grade mutant named Zhu Wenhai made the first move. He controlled the tiger-sized Second Grade mutant beast standing beside him, but it was actually in the form of a cat. It directly pounced towards Nurse Rong and Li Na.

Li Na was completely flustered. After all, she was only a seventeen-year-old girl. Moreover, she came from a decade ago, when she was seventeen years old, but she was not as mature as the seventeen-year-old girl of today's era.

Without any other choice, Li Na could only shout, "Qin An! Come and save us!"

Unfortunately, Qin An had already walked a long way, and his super hearing was focused on those people who were undergoing corpse transformation, so he did not hear Li Na's call for help.

Nurse Rong was nervous. She could feel Li Na's fear, because Li Na was already shaking her little hand!

What shall I do? Could it be that he was just waiting to die here?

If it was in the past, perhaps it could only be like this.

However, a few days ago, Nurse Rong discovered that his body had undergone some changes! Or perhaps she had some special abilities!

Nurse Rong had always wanted to ask Qin An about her special ability. Unfortunately, Qin An was obsessed with Wanguo City's management and was so busy that she didn't have the chance to talk to him about it.

Qin An had told her a little about the Sword God at the very beginning, but he didn't explain it very clearly.

She only knew that the mysterious sword at the bottom of the Gu Tian River had already parasitized into her body. She also knew that the sword was ranked 31st on the so-called Sword God Rankings and was called Wan Nian.

As for his special ability, it should be caused by Wan Nian.

But could this ability be used to fight? Nurse Rong doesn't know.

Forget it, he might lose his life right now. What's there to hesitate about? Just give it a try, maybe she can save herself and Li Na and resolve the crisis in front of her.

Thinking of this, Nurse Rong's mind trembled and his body quickly changed!

The dozen or so mutants who formed the encirclement had originally looked down on Nurse Rong and Li Na, but at this moment, something strange happened!

That old woman … actually … actually changed!

To be more precise, the old woman had changed from an old woman to an old man!

What exactly was going on? The mutants in Wanguo City were completely dumbfounded!

This old man was very special!

He was no longer wearing the yellow shorts shirt, but a tattered coat.

The coat was really tattered, as if someone had joined it together in a square rag; Not only that, there were many holes in this worn-out coat!

The old man was not tall and looked shorter than the old woman before. He had silver white hair and a long white beard that covered his chest! The most incomprehensible thing was that the old man had a green cane in his hand out of thin air!

The walking stick was completely dark green. It seemed to be very valuable, but it was also very strong.

Blonde Green, Great Dongyang Sheng, Simone, and the other foreign mutants naturally didn't know who this old man was.

However, Zhu Wenhai and the rest of the Z people were able to tell at a glance who this old man who appeared out of thin air was!

Isn't this fucking ridiculous?

Hong Qigong? Nine-fingered Divine Beggar? Hong Qigong, who possessed the two ultimate techniques of hitting a dog with a stick and 18 Dragon Subduing Palms, actually appeared in the real world with a jade hitting a dog stick? What the fuck is going on?

Hong Qigong, who had been transformed from Nurse Rong, did not have time to pay attention to the enemy's sighing and shock.

The reason for that was because the Second Grade parasitic mutated beast, which had always been the size of a tiger, had already thrown itself in front of her.

Nurse Rong could only feel that his body was filled with power, as if something was surging.

She dodged quickly, but her speed was really very fast! He managed to dodge the attack of the mutated beast in an instant!

Afterwards, she waved the dog beating stick in her hand and used all her strength to smash it towards the mutated beast's head!

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