Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 421 Can’t Love Anymore

Chapter 421 Can't Love Anymore

"I know you're in a bad mood! Ah, that's why I'm in a bad mood!

However, as your Parasitic Sword God, when you break through to the Combination Rate and have the ability to unlock higher-level Sword God Skills, it is necessary for me to explain to you some of the details of the Sword God Skills that I have learned!

Xuantian Four Skills:

Profound Heaven Physique, you will have stronger muscular strength and athletic ability.

Bloodthirsty Berserk. When you slaughter angrily, you will have a speed that surpasses your usual strength. In other words, the angrier you are, the more slaughtering you will have, the stronger your strength will be.

Infinite Soul Absorbing. The ability to duplicate other Sword God abilities remains unchanged. You will be able to easily combine various Sword God abilities together to achieve better results.

Symbiosis, this passive skill didn't seem to have changed, just like before.

Red Leaf Three Skills:

Spiritual Sense, your super hearing and vision will be able to lock onto any movement of a target further away, about 1,500 meters away. Moreover, you will have the ability to see through the human body, and you will be able to clearly see all kinds of tissue activities within the human body!

The Rain of Red Leaves, also known as the Red Leaf Throwing Knife, will allow you to shoot a total of 30 red leaves at a time with faster speed and stronger strength, and you will be able to shoot four groups of red leaves in a row! However, with its large area of destructive power, it has become less frequently used. If you use this four-shot Red Leaf Throwing Knife skill, you will no longer be able to use the Red Leaf Throwing Knife for a day.

The Fallen Leaves Movement Technique allows you to enter a few seconds of suspension when you land, completely disengaging the Earth's gravitational force. However, after using this ability once, it will take around ten seconds for you to reform your functional organs and be used again.

Phantom Three Skills:

Phantom, you will be able to present three phantom images at the same time, With your body for a second, Furthermore, you can randomly control where these three phantoms appear. In other words, when you activate the phantasm ability body and disappear, the three phantoms will appear anywhere within thirty meters of your heart's assignment. In less than a second, the body will appear near the activation point of the skill and can coexist with the three phantoms for one second.

Teleportation: Increases the distance to 30 meters, and allows you to use the main body instead of any one of the three phantom shadows when using the phantom.

Teleportation, distance increased to 30 meters.

Transcendent Body 2 Skills:

Hyperbody sub-form, faster movement speed,

The transcendent mother form possessed even stronger superpower.

The effects of the skills you fused with, such as Sword Breaking through the Eight Desolates, will naturally increase with the level of the Basic Sword God Skill!

The other thing I want to explain to you is that because your body lacks some elements of the Transcendent Sword God, you can only replicate the two skills of the Transcendent Body, namely, the Child Form and the Mother Form.

Also, Wenxin knows that you are in a bad mood, so let me help her explain what she wants to tell you in one go.

The three-phase female demon had also reached the third level of mutation.

In the future, both the Spirit Strengthening state and the Time Deceleration Magnetic Field would increase to two minutes. As for the remnant soul's physical strength, it would also increase.

Moreover, because the three-phase female demon was controlled by Wenxin as her soul, she was completely different from other parasitic mutated beasts.

There was no such thing as beastly, semi-beast, or beast realm distinction.

Your current physical strength is already sufficient to match the strength of a three-phase female demon, Therefore, in the future, you will be able to freely take out a Three-Phase Female Demon from your body, allowing her to have the same combat strength as you. She can even use some Sword God skills, but only for a very short period of time, because Wenxin's mental strength is not enough to allow the Three-Phase Female Demon to use her abilities multiple times. After using your Sword God skill, Wenxin will fall into a dormant state. She won't wake up for a single day. After that, the Three Phases witch will become a pure melee warrior.

Qin An, I know that life in this world seems to be a little difficult, I hope you can be stronger!

I have the same memories as you, so now I am you, and Wenxin is the same, we can understand your sorrow!

Only when our union reaches 100% can we truly merge into one, and only then can our souls be completely restored, and finally can we regain the freedom to wake up every day! For your own sake, but also for our sake. Come on, you must be strong! "


Qin An suddenly said to Xuan Tian, "Every time I level up, you can wake up and tell me something about my abilities. Why can't the Flame Flame Sword God do this?" "If she had told Liu Xia that the Third Grade Destiny Poison Fire Skill had mutated and that the recipient would be transferred from Liu Xia to the Liu Xia family, how could today's tragedy have happened?"

Xuan Tian sighed and said, "The Sword God is not omnipotent. Especially after entering Earth, we are already a kind of creature that has to rely on parasitic humans to survive. What else can you ask of us?" I think the Flaming Fire Sword God must not know that the doomed Poison Fire has undergone such a mutation. Otherwise, it would be impossible for her not to warn Liu Xia! "It's just like your Wireless Soul Absorbing ability. You can synthesize some skills yourself. However, I don't know what kind of skills you can synthesize after reaching the third level of Unlimited Soul Absorbing!"

A sorrowful mood arose in Qin An's heart, unable to dissipate.

At this moment, he didn't have any joy after his strength had increased. All he had was sorrow.

As Qin An's Parasitic Sword God, Xuan Tian could feel all of Qin An's sorrow, which made him very uncomfortable. Xuan Tian only existed as a soul creature now, so Qin An's sorrowful emotions had a great impact on him.

Seeing that Qin An did not have any thoughts of continuing to communicate with him, Xuan Tian quickly put himself back into a deep slumber to avoid this sorrowful emotion and destroy his soul.

Qin An, on the other hand, continued to stand there motionlessly. He activated his clairvoyance ability and looked at Liu Xia who was holding her mother in his arms and crying so hard that she almost fainted.

Li Na also shed tears beside Liu Xia. She kept comforting Liu Xia, but the effect was obviously not too good.

At this time, a middle-aged man in his thirties ran over from outside the courtyard. This man was now in charge of the overall management of more than a thousand civilians, and his work was similar to that of the village chief. Positions like this were arranged by Yin Hanchao on the day Qin'an caused a commotion in the Western City.

He hurriedly arrived in front of Qin An and said, "Lord Doomsday Spirit Child, hurry up and save us!" We are poor people living in a tent near the western wall in the thirteenth district! The enemy had come to attack the city. They had used catapults and the like to throw many mutated monsters into the city! Those monsters moved strangely and ferociously, specifically looking for a small child to attack! Now, dozens of children had been killed! Some of the guards on the city wall came down, but those monsters moved too fast for the guards to hit them with their guns. "The four Mutants also came to help, but there's nothing they can do about it. If this continues, it'll be chaotic when those monsters scatter and run away from our Western City. That's why I came here on my own to find Lord Doomsday Spirit Child. You must save us!"

Qin An was slightly stunned.

He had actually forgotten that someone was attacking the city!


Haha, Qin An's eyes suddenly widened.

Perhaps slaughter could temporarily heal his broken heart!

Finally, she looked at Liu Xia in the room. Under Li Na's persuasion and consolation, she stopped crying, or she no longer had the strength to cry.

"Sister, although we are not very familiar with each other, I sympathize with what happened to you! Listen to me and tell you that I have transmigrated to this world fifteen years ago!

Don't you dare not believe it! You can ask Qin An. Actually, we are classmates of junior high school and senior high school! In this world, I am the only one familiar with Qin An! My parents don't know where they are right now. They left me in time and space before, but now they don't even know that I exist! So what happened to me was also very tragic!

Things have happened. Those who are alive must continue to live! Those dead families outside of you can't stay on the ground all the time. You need to bury them quickly! Auntie also needs to be buried, don't you think? "

Perhaps it was because Li Na's story was too legendary that Li Na looked at her with her hazy eyes. Then, she lowered her head and hugged her mother as she continued to sit on the bed in a daze.

She whispered a sentence. Because her voice was too soft, Li Na didn't hear it, but Qin An, who had super hearing, could hear it clearly.

"I even lost Qin An. We can't love him anymore..."

Qin An turned around and didn't look anymore.

This was a sadness that could not be resolved. Even if Liu Xia could temporarily get rid of the pain of her dead family in the future, Qin An knew that they would not be able to come together.

Because as soon as the two of them met, they would remember that Liu Xia's entire family had died because they were together.

With a slight thought, Qin An activated his phantom ability. His body disappeared from where it was, controlling a phantom to appear thirty meters away. Before his main body leaked out, he activated the teleportation ability. The main body appeared in the position of the phantom. The two coincided, and the main body replaced the phantom.

Then, he activated his teleportation ability and left the courtyard with a teleportation distance of 30 meters.

The combination of the three abilities of Phantom could allow him to cross an entire sixty meters in less than a second!

The middle-aged man who came to report the news was already stupid!

Actually, he did not believe that the apocalyptic spirit child was really the reincarnation of a devil or god. He only believed that this child was also a mutant!

However, when he saw Qin An's figure suddenly disappear from the courtyard and never appear again, he had doubts about his cognition.

Who could have such an ability? What was this? Invisibility? Escape? Traversing space? If this ability did not belong to the Fiendgods, what could it belong to?

In the next moment, he knelt on the ground, praying for the apocalyptic spirit child to be able to rescue the suffering citizens of the city from the Sea of Misery.

After Qin An left the courtyard, he quickly ran towards the west wall.

Now that he was moving a little faster, he could catch up to a speeding car on the road.

Not long after, Qin An was still about two thousand meters away from the western city wall.

There were many tents that had just been erected nearby, and they were new homes for the people in the city. Yin Hanchao divided the western city into twenty-four districts to facilitate the management of the people, and this was the thirteenth district.

Qin An could clearly see that a thousand meters ahead, the residents of District 13 were running in all directions, shouting for help.

There were fifty or sixty strange creatures in the crowd. They were about two meters tall, human-shaped, covered in hair, and had a thick and long tail on their buttocks. Their nails are very long, and both their tails and nails can be used as weapons.

Qin An only took a glance and was sure that this was a dangerous creature that had mutated from a monkey.

Some soldiers were chasing after the mutated monkeys in the crowd. Ba Tian, Jin Gang, Big Dipper and Qin Bing were also helping. Several mutated monkeys' corpses fell to the ground.

However, more mutated monkeys were already too scattered. They were mixed up in the crowd, moving very quickly, making it impossible for the soldiers and the Four Heavens Monarch to do anything to them. As they watched, more and more people died. This kind of mutated monkey was obviously afraid of hardship. They would pick some petite old men, women, and children to attack. Their methods were extremely cruel.

Qin An's eyes turned blood red. He continued to run forward, and then activated his super vision and super hearing. He was ready to start a massacre!

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