Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 399 Camp Wanguo City

Chapter 399 Camp Wanguo City

Ruyan City was located in the southeast corner of the Doomsday Land. To its east was the vast ocean, and to its south was the Gutian River, which was about a hundred meters wide from the city wall.

The cliffs on both sides of the Gutian River are about 30 meters tall. It is a rare seaside canyon landform in the world.

At night, the river water in the canyon is poured into the sea by the power of the upstream river.

In the daytime, with the arrival of the tide, there would be a spectacle of seawater pouring into the canyon!

Countless zombies piled up on the other side of the Gutian River.

Most of these zombies came from the Jianghai City and were unable to move forward because of the obstruction of the Gutian River.

However, the current temperature was so low that it was estimated to have reached minus twelve or thirteen degrees Celsius. It was very likely that the surface of the river would slowly freeze!

When the river was frozen, it meant that the zombies could cross a 30-meter-deep canyon from the other side and enter the Doomsday Land!

Without the influence of external forces, the zombies might not fall into the frozen canyon of the river, afraid that the people of Wanguo City would attract the zombies to cross the river! Of course, this was a terrible thing!

According to normal understanding, when zombies crossed the river, the first ones to attack should be the camps of Myriad Kingdom City and Forgotten Worry City.

After all, Ruyan City was protected by a 50-meter-tall wall.

However, if the people of Wanguo City wanted to attract zombies to cross the river, they would naturally retreat quickly. Once the people of Wanguo City retreat, Wangyou City will also receive news to retreat. A war between the three kingdoms was likely to end with the appearance of zombies.

However, there was an important question that Qin An did not dare to ignore. Was there still a long-range weapon as destructive as the 122 howitzer in Forgotten Worry City?

If there were, as long as they fired at Ruyan City from a distance, the sound of the shells exploding would definitely attract the attention of all the zombies. At that time, Ruyan City would face the situation of zombies surrounding the city!

As more and more zombies gathered, and the enemy kept firing cannons outside, wouldn't Ruyan City be trapped to death?

The howitzers and other long-range cannons of the modern army could not only be equipped with conventional lethal artillery shells, they could also be equipped with flame shells, armor piercing shells, and other types of artillery shells!

As for the so-called armor piercing bullets, they were lethal weapons that could pierce through tanks with thick armor, let alone city walls.

In the absence of zombies, even if the city walls were blown open, or the city gates were destroyed.

As long as the people in Smoke City used the defensive fortifications built in the city as cover, they could still continue to fight against the enemy.

However, if the enemy were not ordinary humans, but hundreds of thousands of zombies, then it would really be dangerous!

In a zombie community, there would definitely be mutated giant zombies and mutated jumping zombies!

Giant zombies were good at breaking through city walls, while jumping zombies were good at killing!

An ordinary mutant might be able to defeat a D2 leaping zombie, and a D2 leaping zombie's ability to kill ordinary humans was definitely much stronger than a mutant's! Therefore, zombies crossing the river was definitely not a good thing for Ruyan City!

Qin An's heart was filled with anxiety. He quickly reached the southeast corner of Smoke City, climbed up the city wall, and jumped out of the city.

After running a few miles along the river, Qin An's heart calmed down a little.

The Gutian River was still flowing rapidly under the dual forces of the upstream river power and the downstream seawater swirling force.

Although large pieces of floating ice had already formed on the surface of the river, they were all washed into the sea because the river water was flowing.

Sea water does not freeze easily. One reason is that there is a lot of salt in the sea, so the freezing point is about two degrees lower than normal river water. Another reason is that seawater has swirling power, which increases the temperature of the water and causes the newly frozen sea level to rhythm and rupture, leaving only thin floating pieces of ice that will eventually dissolve if the air cannot remain cold for long periods of time.

After discovering that the Gutian River had not been frozen, Qin An's mood relaxed a lot. At least tonight, the zombies should not be able to cross the river.

Standing by the river for a while, Qin An bitterly smiled. He finally understood that even if the zombie really crossed the river, he would still be powerless to stop it! For today's plan, we can only wait for Yin Hanchao! I hope that he will live up to his expectations and return as soon as possible!

Qin An temporarily put aside his worries about the zombies and remembered his original intentions.

After he woke up, he ate some food and ran out. Originally, his only purpose was to explore the Myriad Kingdom City camp at night.

No matter what, he couldn't let go of the possibility that Li Ying might be in the Wanguo City camp.

After calming down, Qin An waved his short legs and ran about five miles north, approaching the camp that Wanguo City had set up five hundred meters west of Ruyan City's city gate.

The camp in Myriad Kingdom City had been built into a circle. The ridiculous moat had been filled with soil by Myriad Kingdom City. As for the guard tower outside Smoke City, it was also controlled by Myriad Kingdom City. Machine gunners were placed on the 50-meter tall tower, standing opposite to the guards on the walls of Myriad Kingdom City, becoming an important point of attack to suppress the firepower of the walls.

When Qin An saw all of this, he couldn't help but curse Wang Han in his heart!

This old brat is really an idiot. He doesn't have so many heavy weapons, why would he build such a high defensive tower?

After complaining in his heart for a while, Qin An slowly approached the Wanguo City camp in the night.

The outer circle of the camp was guarded by the cannibal tribes. They were guarding against outsiders sneaking into the camp as well as the slaves in the inner circle escaping.

After sleeping for a while, Qin An's stamina had basically recovered. Using the movement technique of the Super Body Sword God Child and the Phantom Sword God's teleportation ability, he easily dodged the outer circle guards and entered the camp.

In the camp, there were many tents.

Wanguo City had plundered many resources from the gathering places, so although their resources were not comparable to Wangyou City's, the poor people in Yanxi City, for example, were much stronger.

Tents made of thick canvas lit campfires inside, keeping them warm even at this low temperature.

At this time, it was not even nine o'clock at night, and many of the cannibals in the camp were still awake.

They lit campfires in groups and sat on the snow to eat roast meat. The meat they roasted was naturally human meat.

"This old man's meat is so fucking ugly! He can't even bite after being roasted! Alas, it's a pity that I've kept the best seasoning for a long time!"

"That's right! I really want to get a delicate woman to eat!"

"Tsk, you don't understand! What's so good about women? Fat! Meat loose! Last time I ate a man who was a fitness trainer before the end of the world. His meat was roasted, chewy and delicious!"

"By the way, what did you do before the end of your lives?"

'"I'm a chef. My specialty is cooking meat and vegetables, but now I'm cooking human meat for you all every day. What's funny is that I'm used to it now! If I don't kill a living person every day, I feel uncomfortable in my heart!"

'"You're right! At first, they let me eat people and I didn't want to die. But now, I feel that I should have eaten human flesh a long time ago! Because human flesh is the most delicious food in the apocalypse, why should I feel wronged?" ...

Qin An's heart slowly turned cold.

These people were still dressed in human skin, but they were no longer human beings.

After staying in the apocalypse for a long time, Qin An thought that he didn't mind eating human flesh anymore, but at this moment, he knew that he couldn't ignore it.

How many of these people had eaten? To think that they would be able to eat human flesh so calmly while chatting about the feeling of eating human flesh with a smile?

Suppressing his anger, Qin An could not continue listening. He was afraid that he would rush forward and kill these people if he could not bear it!

Qin An quickly dodged in the shadows between the tents. He crossed this part of the area and finally arrived at the center of the camp.

There were more than seventy white tents here. With super hearing activated, Qin An could tell that there were close to a hundred people in each tent.

However, these tents weren't that big. It was very difficult to fit over a hundred people in. Therefore, it could be said that these people were actually stuffed into the tents. Perhaps they didn't even have the space to lie down. At most, they could fill the tents by sitting on the ground.

There were people guarding the tent with guns. Qin An felt nervous. He knew that these people in the tent should be the legendary slaves in Myriad Kingdom City. Then, was Li Ying among them?


On the west side of the Myriad Kingdom City camp, a brazier in the center of the tent was burning brightly, illuminating the entire tent.

Although this cube tent was only built temporarily, the decorative layout inside was very exquisite.

There were mahogany floors on the ground and furniture in the corner of the tent.

These things had all been moved here from Wanguo City, so the status of a person who could receive such treatment was naturally not simple.

At this time, there were four people sitting on the sofa in the tent, three men and one woman!

They were the top four commanders of Myriad Kingdom City.

First place Justin, second place Janoy, third place Scattero, fourth place Simone!

The three men were all standard Westerners with deep facial features and distinct outlines.

Meanwhile, that woman, Simani, was an Indian. She was almost thirty years old, and her body was sturdy. She estimated that she weighed more than two hundred jin.

She only wore a pair of black shorts, and her upper body was naked. The fat that was stacked together made people feel disgusted and wanted to vomit.

Simone didn't mind the gazes others were looking at her. She was currently hugging a human thigh and tearing off the piece of meat on it. Blood flowed down the corner of her mouth. Her appearance was somewhat terrifying and made her heart tremble.

First Commander Justin looked at Symani and frowned. In the end, he said helplessly, "Fourth Brother, can you put on your clothes? Judging from your flesh, I don't have any illusions about women anymore! Also, why do you always eat when we're in a meeting?"

Simone looked innocently at Justin Wayne and pouted, "Boss!" This is not my reason! You know, it was all caused by this parasitic mutated beast in my body! Do you think I want to eat like this? Have you forgotten my arrogant S-curve before the apocalypse? Ai, I'm really depressed to death. It's impossible for me to return to that time now! "As for why I'm not dressed, I just want to say that if you had my fat body, you would know how cold a fat mutant would be!"

Justin smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Simone, on the other hand, continued to eat.

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