Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1772 The Death of Wu Jiaojiao

Chapter 1772 The Death of Wu Jiaojiao

After a series of explosions, Three buildings with survivors near the Emperor Star Tower were hit, Although Qin An wasn't a military fan, he could still recognize the three missiles that flew over. The bombs were the conventional weapons on the Navy destroyer. This thing seemed to be able to shoot more than 300 kilometers at most. It had an intelligent navigation and tracking system, and the accuracy rate of hitting the signal release point wouldn't exceed five thousandths. It was extremely amazing equipment.

Damn it, Qin An, who had experienced the beginning of the apocalypse several times, had never seen a regular army before. He never thought that the weapons of the regular army would be used on him now.

After the explosion, one could imagine how panicked the survivors around the Emperor Star Building were. Everyone in the Emperor Star Building was also woken up, and the soaring clouds of flames intimidated the hearts of the people.

What worried Qin An even more was the surrounding zombies. They were originally in a dormant state, but now they were woken up by the explosion and surrounded the building. The number of zombies in all directions could not be counted. What was terrifying was that some of the water ghost zombies that were skilled in hunting were also attracted to the outside of these zombies.

Weng Lan's face was somewhat pale. She had originally thought that this place was a safe place, but this cannon fire was so fierce that if it hit the Emperor Star Building, it would definitely not be able to withstand it.

"Qin An, what exactly is going on?"

"The enemy has warships, I'm only able to gauge its approximate location now, But I don't know how far it is, Maybe outside Hanghai City, After all, there were buildings underwater in the city, "This warship usually draws four to five meters of water. Entering the city is not conducive to navigation. Furthermore, long-range attacks are their specialty. There's no need to be anxious when fighting at sea. Their plan is to take over the Star Emperor Building and snatch away the women and food here, so we still have time to think of a way."

Qin An's voice wasn't loud, but it was steady and powerful.

Weng Lan looked at Qin An's side face with the help of the moonlight. His facial features were very straight, and his nose looked like it was from a foreigner. It was very tasty.

No wonder, no wonder the two younger sisters treated Qin An so well after being brought back by Qin An. This was indeed a reliable man. He was calm and composed as if he had experienced countless such scenes before.

Weng Lan did not know how many times Qin An had experienced a crisis more dangerous than this. The terrible thing about the apocalypse was that there was no place that was stable. The true meaning of Apocalyptic city was that as long as the apocalypse did not disappear, the existence of any city could face an apocalyptic disaster at any time!

"What's wrong? What's wrong?"

The other women also ran out, not knowing what had happened. Li Na was the most straightforward and straightforward, so she asked.

Weng Lan narrated what had happened. The women were all extremely shocked. Naturally, they had no idea at this moment and all their gazes fell on Qin An.

Qin An pondered for a while and calmly said, "There are three things that are very important right now. The first is to stabilize the hearts of people. The hearts I want are only a part of them. We need to leave behind people who are truly trustworthy and useful. Leave the rest to him!"

"Yes, that's what I've been doing. I've already asked Tang Jiang to screen it many times. A group of people who can be trusted live on the two floors below us. There are more than a hundred of them."

This was what Qin An had instructed Weng Lan to do early in the morning. In the apocalypse, the hearts of people were even more complicated. It was not easy to have some real brothers.

"The second is to fight the upcoming zombie tide, "Everyone upstairs and downstairs is trained. If they don't dare to face the zombies, then they will only die. We control the food, so they can only listen. Now is not the time to be soft-hearted. Lock up every floor and destroy the zombies one by one. Even if they can break through one floor, we still have another floor to retreat to."

Qin An had also been making arrangements in this regard. Every floor could be sealed off, and the ones that posed the greatest threat were the water ghost zombies. They could climb up. Although they were not flexible, they could not be left unguarded.

After pondering for a while, Qin An looked at the girls and whispered, "The third thing I need to do is to leave immediately. Before the zombies surround this place, I need to find the enemy's warship and kill them all! This is the necessary condition for us to be rescued in the end, so you can only rely on yourselves before I return, understand?"

This time, even Weng Lan was a little panicked. Qin An had always been the backbone, but Weng Lan did not think that he was very important. Now that she heard that he was leaving, she suddenly realized the importance of Qin An.

But at the same time, Weng Lan also understood that Qin An was right. If she did not kill the enemies hidden in the distance, it would be even more dangerous.

"How long will it take?"

Weng Lan's question represented the hearts of all women.

"I will use my fastest speed."

There was actually another thing that Qin An was worried about in his heart, and that was the sudden mutation of Liu Xiaomei!

Emperor Star Tower's defense against zombies was still very strong. After all, it was so tall, and there weren't many mutated zombies that were truly powerful.

In other words, as long as there were no internal problems, he would definitely be able to persevere until he returned. He was afraid that if there were internal problems, it would be bad.

In any case, he had to deal with the unknown enemies on the battleship immediately. After Qin An arranged everything, he dived into the water and swiftly swam towards the direction of the missile. Now, his ability had improved. Although he was still in danger when facing the zombies alone, he could easily avoid them.

This time, Qin An only brought along a solid iron rod that was about 1.5 meters long. To him, any weapon was the same. Relying on his extremely powerful strength, plus his accuracy and attacking two game attributes, killing anyone was like cutting tofu.

His HP stats were also applicable in this world, In other words, no attack could directly kill him. He had to first knock out his health before he could become an ordinary person. This invisibly made Qin An a super bug-like existence. Even if he didn't have many abilities that he could unleash, his strength was a bit exaggerated.

Nothing happened along the way. Qin An arrived outside the city at dawn and found the three warships and dozens of small boats. He also knew that the cause of the incident was caused by the Wu Jiaojiao who appeared in front of him!

Qin An's anger instantly rose. His heart became very calm. The calmer he was, the heavier his killing intent became. At this moment, Qin An seemed to be the calmest time in his life!

"Haha, second brother, this move of yours is really amazing! Let's just wait and see. After those people are tortured by the zombies, let's go clean them up and seize the Emperor Star Building! "At the very least, we have plenty of weapons on our side. Although it's not easy to clean up zombies, as long as we seize control of the Emperor Star Building, it's equivalent to having a super road base. I didn't expect that my treasure would be smart enough."

As Song Hai laughed loudly, he hugged Wu Jiaojiao and kissed her fiercely.

Beside Song Hai sat another woman, Liu Fang.

Liu Fang frowned slightly at this moment. The woman's intuition was very good. She realized that this Wu Jiaojiao was far from being as innocent as she looked.

She was seducing Song Hai subtly and subtly. She seemed to be very passive at times, but her passivity was just a method that made Song Hai feel refreshed.

She was pretending to be innocent.

Although this wasn't a big deal, Liu Fang vaguely discovered that the gaze Wu Jiaojiao occasionally looked at her was cold and emotionless, as if she was a dead thing.

What was her plan? Whether she wanted to obtain Song Hai's exclusive pet or not, after all, there were only herself and her two women left by Song Hai's side. If she were to get rid of him, then she would really become Song Hai's treasure!

Because of this concern, Liu Fang started to show off and toast Song Hai.

Wu Jiaojiao sat there obediently with an undetectable sneer at the corner of her mouth.

It was early in the morning. Because of the incident of fighting against the Emperor Star Building, no one slept. They had eaten a lot and Song Hai had drunk a lot of wine. It was obviously unwise to toast a drunk man who hadn't drunk much at this time. Didn't Liu Fang notice that Song Hai was burping all the time?

Sure enough, because Liu Fang was too attentive, Song Hai was a little irritated and waved his hand to knock over the wine glass in Liu Fang's hand.

"Damn it, drink, drink, don't you know that I'm fainting? Do you want me to fall asleep?"

Wu Jiaojiao finally smiled complacently.

Hmph, this Song Hai is completely a rough guy, so how can he know how to be merciful? The woman he likes should be someone like him, obediently letting him control her.

Wu Jiaojiao felt that she had almost taken control of the situation here. Song Hai was not an easy person to control. Although he was rough, he had some sense of urgency. Otherwise, he would not have become the boss here.

Li Bing's personality was a little hot-tempered, and he loved to lose his temper, but he liked to be complimented. Song Hai used this to control Li Bing, constantly praising and praising him. Perhaps Li Bing had never received so much recognition when he was in the navy before, right? Therefore, he willingly let Song Hai use it as a gun.

Wu Jiaojiao was pondering in her heart. She inadvertently turned her head and saw a figure standing in a corner of the cabin!

Eh, his eyes are dazzled? Why did you see someone? There was clearly no one there, right? When did someone come in and stand over there?

After being stunned for a while, Wu Jiaojiao suddenly turned her head to look at the corner and saw the man with a wet body and a gaze like lightning!

It was him!

Why is he here?

Wu Jiaojiao's face immediately turned pale and she suddenly stood up from her seat!

"Little baby, what's wrong with you?"

Song Hai was startled by Wu Jiaojiao. He raised his head and saw Wu Jiaojiao's bloodless face and her eyes that were as wide as a light bulb.

Did you see a ghost? Why are you so scared?

Following Wu Jiaojiao's gaze, Song Hai and Li Bing also saw the man in the corner of the cabin. Afterwards, they were all frightened.

"Who is it!"

Li Bing shouted angrily. He was sitting at the cabin door, so why didn't he see anyone enter?

"Qin An."

"It's you!"

Li Bing was stunned.

He already knew the name very well.

In terms of combat, Li Bing had his own professional accomplishments, so he was not limited to fighting uncertain battles.

Therefore, before launching the attack on the Emperor Star Tower, he had done some scouting. In the end, he took over the man named Qin An. He was indeed different from the others and very powerful. In close combat, even if the weapon was better than the opponent, there was no 100% chance of winning.

Therefore, after discussing with Song Hai, Li Bing did not enter the city. Instead, he used artillery fire to attack directly from afar, intending to knock on the mountains and shake the tigers.

In Li Bing's eyes, this plan of action wouldn't go wrong. He felt that they must be the main topic.

Now that the bombardment of the Emperor Star Building had only lasted for three hours, why did Qin An find their home?


Song Hai's wine had woken up a lot because of this sudden incident.

This was not a joke. A guy who might be a mutant was standing no more than three meters away from him. Song Hai felt the danger and shouted loudly.

There was no need for Qin An to talk nonsense. He came here to kill people. There was no need for him to make an opening statement, nor was there a need to accuse Wu Jiaojiao of not knowing how to repay gratitude and instead repaying kindness with vengeance. All he wanted was an ending. All the damned people would die!

As Song Hai shouted, Qin An also arrived in front of him. He picked up the stick in his hand and quickly dropped it.

This strength was too great, only the sound of bones shattering could be heard.

Song Hai's head exploded, and his body quickly collapsed. It was as if all the bones in his body had shattered, turning into a pile of rotten meat that was piled up there. Blood flowed wildly.


This kind of killing method, this kind of posture of death was truly too terrifying. Even in the bizarre social news, he had never seen it before.

Just how strong was this man? How could he beat someone like this with a stick?

Li Bing was dumbfounded. The other two women screamed as if they had been forcefully hugged.

After killing Song Hai, Qin An did not stop at all. He dodged in front of Li Bing and swept across the stick, sending him flying. He flew out of the gate and jumped more than ten meters into the sea. He was obviously dead before he fell into the sea.

Although the two women were so frightened that their bodies went weak and their legs and stomachs cramped, they still managed to climb out of the boat with the last bit of strength in their bodies.

They needed help. Now that Song Hai and Li Bing were dead, there were still dozens of sailors on board. They were eager to receive their help!

However, after leaving the ship, the smell of blood in the air quickly woke them up.

He tried his best to stand up and look around, only to see that the ship was already littered with corpses!

Amidst the rustling wind, this world seemed exceptionally peaceful!

How … how is this possible? When did all these people on the ship get killed? Why were they sitting on the boat unaware?

The two women no longer had any intentions of fighting. They saw the devil-like man leave the cabin and walk towards them step by step. Originally, he was still running around, but in the end, he could only be forced back to the edge of the stern. If he retreated any further, it would be the sea.

At this time, Liu Fang did not look. The surrounding dead people made her feel infinite fear. Because she had drunk a lot of wine before, she actually peed her pants under nervousness.

'"It's none of my business. I'm just a woman. I was trapped on this ship. I didn't participate in anything! It was her who brought up the Emperor Star Tower! You must be the owner of the Emperor Star Tower. Please let me go, let me go!"

In times of danger, Liu Fang finally regained a bit of her rationality. She thought that perhaps betraying her teammates was a good way to survive.

After listening to her words, Qin An indeed paused for a moment, and the gloomy aura on his face improved.

He coldly turned his head to look at Wu Jiaojiao. He saw that she was only trembling, but he did not beg for mercy.

Qin An suddenly sighed. He discovered that he actually understood this woman very well, and she also understood him.

She knew that she would definitely kill her, so she didn't even want to try to beg for mercy.

There was a kind of enemy that could actually be a confidant. Unfortunately, the enemy was still the enemy. The end result would definitely be a damn death. It was time for him to continue living.

"Wu Jiaojiao, you shouldn't have come to provoke me, you shouldn't have met me. Your life could have been incomparably brilliant. Do you have anything to say in the end?"

In the end, Qin An still had an ink stain on his words, which could be considered as a kind of respect for his best friend.

"There's nothing else to say. I'm a little scared. Do you know how scared I am? So can you hurry up and kill me? Let me die in an instant, without pain, without regret, okay?"

Wu Jiaojiao was clearly really scared. Her teeth were trembling as she spoke.

Qin An helplessly let out another long sigh and suddenly attacked, snatching Wu Jiaojiao's life from Liu Fang's shouts.

There was no hesitation, although Qin An still felt that it was a pity when he attacked.

The Emperor Star Building and the surrounding buildings were in danger. Countless zombies surrounded them. The other buildings had already fallen. Because their floors did not have good sealing methods, they were driven into the building by the zombies.

The Emperor Star Building was different. It was a very high-tech building. The staircase doors between each floor were electronically controlled. They could be freely opened or locked with a computer system. This isolated every floor, preventing the zombies from entering at this moment.

Even so, the people upstairs were still panicking to death. Most of them lay on the windows and looked down at the zombies surrounding the building, not knowing what their fate was.

On the lower floor of the top floor, Zheng Kai was isolated in a room. Because Liu Xiaomei had splashed a lot of blood on his body when she died, Qin An was afraid that he would be infected, so he gave the order.

Zheng Kai was a little depressed. He couldn't understand why Liu Xiaomei had turned into a monster.

Damn it, he even kissed her before, excitedly kissing her tongue.

Thinking that Liu Xiaomei had eaten Wang Yi's head with her long tentacles from her mouth, Zheng Kai couldn't help but want to vomit.

If she mutated when she was kissing Liu Xiaomei and spat that disgusting tentacle into her mouth, then…

"Eh …"

Thinking of this, Zheng Kai hurriedly ran to the bathroom and then spat out!

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