Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1769 Attainments in Little Twisted Poetry

Chapter 1769 Attainments in Little Twisted Poetry

Lunch in this meal is obviously naturally different from breakfast.

Breakfast is just edible, but lunch is exaggerated.

Weng Lan, Weng Die, and Tang Yu were all people who had seen the world, but they had never seen such a table of dishes.

"This dish is called chrysanthemum round. It is a round flower with a full moon, not a garden. You don't know how good Qin An's saber work is! "These tofu are all tender tofu. Preserved eggs are placed in the center of the flower. However, these preserved eggs have been soaked in brown sugar water, so they look brighter. The seven chrysanthemums are of different colors. They are also treated with different seasoning water. Therefore, Qin An said that these seven chrysanthemums have seven flavors. You can taste them slowly later!"

Liu Xia had witnessed Qin An's cooking process throughout the whole journey, so she started to understand as she served the dishes.

'"Don't underestimate this shredded potato. Although it is fried, it needs to be grasped very well. The shredded potato is so slender that it will stick to the pot if you don't control it properly. Ah, you didn't see Qin An flipping the shredded potato. It's extremely cool. Qin An said this dish is called Golden Silk Flying Dance!"

Weng Lan frowned as she looked at the shredded potato. It was indeed very different. It was even thinner than the thinner shredded potato. Was this delicious?

"This one is famous, called three green tripod! The real vegetables are gone, so these vegetables are frozen and then thawed. The taste is naturally different from fresh vegetables. See? They are celery, lettuce and coriander. Qin An intentionally soaked them in kelp soup to restore their green color. Before this, these were all cooked in chicken soup. I don't know how it tastes, but look at its shape. Does it look like a towering mountain? "Haha, because they have undergone many treatments, their green color is somewhat impure and dark, but it is precisely because of this that they look like the green of a large mountain!"

"Xia Xia, you really are a good explanation."

Weng Lan was finally amused by Liu Xia's narrative and relaxed her eyebrows.

"Hehe, that's not what I said. It's all what that uncle said."

"Really? He's quite artistic."

'"I didn't see it either. This uncle is really omnipotent. I thought he was just a little powerful. I mean, he killed zombies! Of course, he's calm, he knows a lot, he's smart, and he can dive… In short, he knows a lot, but I didn't know he was so artistic!"

"What kind of literary style?" Li Na asked unconvincingly.

"Let's talk about these three dishes. The chrysanthemums are round and the golden threads are dancing. Are the three green tripod seekers very good?"

"Tsk, it's just nonsense. You're the only one who trusts him." Li Na was very unconvinced.

"It really isn't nonsense, Sister Li Na! I asked him!"

Seemingly because she was questioned, Liu Xia was a little unhappy, so she began to speak like Qin An before.

"Origin? Haha, this name really doesn't have any origins. It's just that I remembered it for a moment.

Ju Lao He Kufang was not around,

How many years has it been?

Full-sleeved Fresh Wind Butterfly Love,

Round-headed Fang Zuolei and Shi Yan!

This poem is called "tender tofu", right?

Don't look at me like that. What do you mean?

This Ju Lao He Ku was an idiom, a metaphor for a woman's aging face. From Shen Cai's "Thousand Gold Chronicles · Bulletin", the original sentence was "To let down the three spring sceneries of the peach blossom and willow, enduring the autumn of Old Chrysanthemum and Withered Lotus", which meant that a woman could easily grow old!

Then the second sentence was the first one. How many years could the red and green appearance last?

In the third sentence, the full-sleeved breeze came from Du Anshi's "Feng Qiwu" in the Song Dynasty


It had rained on the river building in his spare time. Full of breeze, scattered slightly who knows me. The lotus-faced beauty's face was unbroken. The mandarin ducks on the sandbar lie down in pairs.

There are fishermen's songs that correspond to. Die Xiuwei, Dai Ba Shan Qian Duo. It was a desolate place. There were still some left to worry about.

Haha, this word originally means "spring breeze". The love between the butterfly and the flower is so beautiful. Unfortunately, their love can only last for one season at most. When autumn comes, the gardener walks by and the flowers in the garden disappear, the butterfly also flies away.

Garden head Fang Zulei Shi Yan is the end of the love between butterfly and flower.

You may not understand the head of the garden. It is not an idiom, but it comes from a source.

"Huainanzi · Spirit Discipline" said: 'The head of the circle is like the sky, the square of the foot is like the earth.

Then the round-headed recipe is generally used as a subject, referring to a person, and in this poem it refers to the gardener.

As soon as the gardener passed, all the broken flowers and willows were cleared away, and Die'er could no longer accompany the flowers, so she could only shed tears and fly away.

Mm-hmm! Old Chrysanthemum, Lotus, and Withered Fragrance weren't around. How many years had it been? Full-sleeved Fresh Wind Butterfly Flower Love, Round-Headed Fang Zhiyan's What a beautiful, miserable love? The entire poem seemed to be made by a woman who was easily aged by fireworks, but in fact, Qin An compared it to tofu. Because tofu was originally an enchanting and soft dish, Qin An used a knife to shape it, but its beauty could only exist for a moment.

When we eat it, its beauty no longer exists, just like the butterfly and flower sad love, customers for butterflies, tofu for flowers!

Even if we don't eat it, the tender tofu won't last long, and eventually all the styling will collapse.

Therefore, Qin An named this poem Nen Tofu. Moreover, the hidden head of this poem was full of chrysanthemums, so Qin An used it to cook.

This place had the meaning of invisibility. Why seven chrysanthemums? Qin An said that because my sisters and I add up to seven people, we are reunited here, so it is called Chrysanthemum Full Circle!

Hehe, I asked him why he didn't have you? He told me badly that he was that preserved egg, in the hearts of all of us! "

Weng Die, Li Ying, Weng Lan, Tang Yu, Li Na, and Qin Xiaoyan were all dumbfounded.

Qin An thought to himself, "This Qin An is really not simple. He actually managed to create such an awesome poem."

Tang Yu was the first to react and said with a flushed face,

"Little girl is very stupid. This kid is taking advantage of us. You are still proud of yourself."

"Why did he take advantage of us?"

'"He said that he was a preserved egg, in our heart of flowers! This woman's heart of flowers is not something anyone can compare to. Haven't you ever read a novel like that, something that goes straight to the heart of flowers…"

"Ah!" Liu Xia's expression changed to that of an eggplant. All the other women's expressions changed greatly. They were angry and felt that Qin An was powerful. How could a small poem hide so many traps inside and outside? Sure enough, it has a literary aura.

After being angry and depressed for a while, the six women urged the little girl, Liu Xia, to continue. They all wanted to know the origins of the other two dishes. Were there any other mysteries? At this time, they had already recognized Qin An's talent.

If Qin An knew that he would probably be happy to death, his little twisted poem was an interest. He had not received any training at all, and it was not too much to say that he was making up nonsense.

However, if he wrote too much, it was inevitable that practice would make perfect. Now, it was no problem to take it out to bluff people.

In the living room, Liu Xia covered her hot face and continued,

'"Jin Sifei Wu this dish Qin An said very interesting, I still want to imitate his tone.

Gold and jade are useless,

The threads snapped into the cover plate.

Chuckle and transfer rates are still here today,

Waving a saber and leaping a horse was no ordinary matter!

Hehe, aren't you guys very imposing when you listen to this poem? Qin An shook his head when he said that, but such an imposing poem was called "Potato"!

Gold and jade are useless, which means that beautiful things are often useless.

For example, green vegetables, when they were in the field, they looked bright and fresh, but when they left the land, they would all wilt and rot. There was no way potatoes could be preserved for a long time.

This principle was fairly simple, and the women immediately understood it, so they all nodded in agreement.

Liu Xia glanced around and then stuck out her tongue and said,

"Sisters, Qin An has said something else. Do you want to hear it? Will you be angry when you hear it?"

"What else did he say? Just say it. How could we be so stingy?" Weng Lan was a little anxious.

'"He also said," For example, the seven of us are beautiful and beautiful. It's actually useless. Take breakfast for example. The noodles are all cooked together. I don't know who made the noodle marinade. It's so salty that it looks like it robbed the salt seller! The soybean milk is full of residue. He took a sip and thought it was tofu… "

Weng Die made soybean milk, Li Ying cooked noodles, and Weng Lan made marinated soup. Today's breakfast was made by the three sisters.

Life was too boring, so they wanted to adjust. They didn't ask the chef to deliver the food in the morning. Instead, they cooked it themselves. The results weren't unbearable. At the very least, everything could be eaten, but it tasted ordinary.

This damned Qin An, it turns out that this poem actually implied two elements, one was those vegetables, and the other was women like him.

I don't know how Qin An thought about it, but the women are really angry and admire him.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Liu Xia hurriedly continued,

"On the surface, it means that the potatoes are shredded and covered on the plate. In the dark, it means that all the useless people are trapped in this building as the commander of the bald staff."

Li Na was so angry that she got up and wanted to go to the kitchen to beat Qin An, but everyone stopped her.

This scoundrel, in turn, mocked them for being useless, comparing them to sliced potatoes! It was really irritating, but it was also very funny.

Li Na also laughed angrily under the pacification of the crowd, letting Liu Xia continue.

"Flying cud transfer rate is still today, this flying cud transfer rate, from the han dynasty, refers to the rapid delivery of grain.

Then potatoes are very easy to store, and they can be stored for a long time, meaning that they can be used as food for us at any time.

However, the invisibility of this sentence meant that the uncle was actually describing himself when he said that it was timely.

It was because he delivered himself to us in time that we were able to survive today. His momentum at that time was very impressive, but I think Uncle is right. If it weren't for him, many of us would have died.

The last sentence was "Leaping Horse with Dancing Saber"! The word "dancing saber and leaping horse" came from "The Romance of the Yang Family General", referring to heroic and skilled warriors.

On the surface, this implied the invisibility of the third sentence, but the uncle was still comparing himself to how awesome he was.

However, under the surface meaning of the fourth sentence, the invisibility meaning of the poem was to say that potatoes played an important role at the critical moment, just like the brave and fearless general on the battlefield, stronger than the other vegetables.

"So, the name of the poem is' Potato '. Uncle chose Tibetan Head as the name of the dish. It's called Golden Thread Dancing. Then I asked it this question. Is it as invisible as the chrysanthemum that is full of chrysanthemums?"

At this point, Liu Xia lowered her head embarrassedly, as if she had done something wrong.

"What did he say?" Qin Xiaoyan finally couldn't help but ask.

"He said, without any invisibility, but when he came up in the morning he saw us busily bringing breakfast to the table. We are all long haired. As we walk around, our hair dances around and blinks. It reminds him of the word "group of devils dancing". Golden threads dancing can also be used to describe us women with long hair, who do things carelessly… "

Li Na was about to get angry again. This time, the other women were also very angry. However, this kind of anger did not come from their hearts. The women's hearts were a little strange, and they did not know what kind of emotion it was.

"Alright, alright, let's continue." Tang Yu at least appeared to be the calmest on the surface. Of course, Weng Lan did not write too much emotion on her face.

Liu Xia cleared her throat and continued,

"I don't quite understand the poem about the dish, and Uncle didn't explain it to me clearly.

The uncle said,

Three lives, three lives, many sorrows, green mountains, beautiful waters, peach blossom pavilion, Wen Qing Wanli ice heart, the peak of the sea soul!

I couldn't understand him, so I asked him what he meant. The uncle was stunned for a moment, sighed leisurely, and said to me,

I once loved a woman deeply, we lived together as husband and wife for seven years, this was my first life with her; After the apocalypse broke out, we did not meet each other, have their own lives, this is our second life; Later, we finally met, but for a variety of reasons, we were unable to open our hearts to each other. This is our third life. It was truly a sad thing to gather so little in three lifetimes and leave so much in three lifetimes. In many years, my peach blossom luck is particularly good, inadvertently saw a number of confidante beauty. I once traveled thousands of miles to find my beloved woman, but I found out that she was frozen by someone. When we finally reunited, when we were finally together, my soul broke through the blue sea … Sigh, seeing this frozen cabbage, I suddenly felt something, so I used this poem to express that the Three Azure Cauldron actually had some hidden meanings.

I naturally asked him what he was saying.

He said, "The three women are gathered at the highest place. This is the Three Cyans Distance Cauldron. He just has something on his mind. That's why he thought of this word. When he saw the frozen vegetables, he had this poem."

I'm even more surprised. Isn't this the highest place here? But we clearly have seven women here?

I asked Uncle again, but he refused to answer … "

'"This poem is indeed a bit strange. I can be sure that Qin An will talk about the future. Then who is his wife? His many confidantes …"

The women looked at each other and their expressions changed. They had a bad premonition.

Qin An had always said that he and these women were good friends in the future world, but to what extent were they good friends? Could it be that these women on the top floor were all his confidantes?

Look at this kid, Normally, he wouldn't treat himself as an outsider when he went out freely. He was naturally familiar with the women here, but he wasn't fake with the women outside. For example, Xu Rantian obviously liked Qin An, but Qin An didn't pay much attention to her. She wasn't even allowed to go up the top floor. She was a woman. Why would he treat her so differently after that?

Impossible! Impossible! At the very least, Weng Lan, Tang Yu, and Li Na didn't believe what she was guessing.

Why would a woman like them fall for a man like Qin An? She even became his confidante! Must have thought too much.

Seeing their worried expressions, Liu Xia said after a long time, "Sisters, there are still a lot of dishes here. Do you want to listen?"

The girls immediately nodded. No matter what, they naturally had to continue listening.

Nowadays, four cold dishes, four fried dishes and four stews have been visited on the table. Each dish looks exceptionally gorgeous, making people feel terrified and unable to bear to eat it.

What was even more exaggerated was that every dish Qin An wrote a poem for it. Some of these poems had profound meanings, some were funny, some made people angry, and the women who heard them were full of worries, so they were even more unable to see through Qin An. Who exactly was this person?

Qin An had been busy in the kitchen for a long time and finally brought the last two dishes.

There were a total of 18 dishes. This was a big meal. Seeing Qin An busy visiting the dishes, the women were touched.

It was not easy to eat such delicious food in the apocalypse, and the women would never forget that Qin An had worked hard to obtain all the comfort now, and he was like their savior!

"Ah … don't think about it today, just be happy! Doomsday is like a day, day after day, year after year seems never to stop, in this strange world, you never think what will happen tomorrow! Therefore, it was very important to live in the present moment and cherish this moment! I, Qin An, am from the future world. I didn't expect to reunite here with all my little sisters. I said that in the future, you are all very important friends of mine. That's all. There's nothing else I need to say. Come on, pour each of you a glass of beer. Shall we raise our glasses and have a drink? "For the sake of … for the sake of this table of dishes, is it okay?"

The smile on Qin An's face was calm. The different emotions of the women turned into joy after all, yes! This glass of wine is worth eating just for the sake of the dishes on this table, not to mention that behind the delicious food is a man who is sometimes superhuman, sometimes understanding, sometimes divine, sometimes simple and sincere, sometimes cold and heartless, sometimes smiling, sometimes warm, sometimes talented, sometimes rogue and scoundrel …

The women were a little absent-minded after a glass of wine. Why did Qin An give them such a different feeling? How many years of his life had he experienced to be so omnipotent? So deep?

Then the next relief was to eat. When everyone put the food cooked by Qin An into their mouth, they were shocked again!

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