Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1761 Nine Patients

Chapter 1761 Nine Patients

"Tell me again, how did you get to the building?"

Li Xiangdong asked with a gloomy expression. His gaze swept across the group of people and stayed on several women for a while longer.

He was not the Buddha of Rulai, nor did he know the world of fireworks. Moreover, a few women were pretty good-looking, especially Liu Xia. Her pair of heaven-defying legs made people feel terrified. Even if she used this thing to take photos and sell it for money, she would be able to make a fortune, right?

After coughing lightly, Li Xiangdong withdrew his distracted attention and looked at Qin An. He could tell that the real leader of this group of people was Qin An.

Qin An repeated what he said yesterday. Li Xiangdong snorted coldly,

'"Yesterday, I really ignored this question. Even if you have diving equipment and a group of people are not trained at all, you can actually dive for such a long time and a long distance. Furthermore, there are zombies everywhere outside. How did you get up from the water covered by zombies?"

"I'm an expert diver, so it's naturally much easier for me to guide everyone. As for why we were able to climb up, it's probably because of good luck."

Qin An's tone was relaxed and he did not have the slightest awareness of being interrogated.

Good luck? Li Xiangdong almost lost his breath.

At this time, soldiers came to report that the floors had been sealed off, and all the personnel were under control. At present, no clues had been found.

Li Xiangdong listened to the soldier's report and was even more suspicious of Qin An and the others.

Qin An saw through Li Xiangdong's doubts and shook his head helplessly. "When I came up, I heard that there were a few murders. Company Commander Li, I think you suspected us because something like this happened when we just arrived, right?" "That's normal, but we're really not murderers. Let me tell you a secret. I'm also an expert in solving cases. If you can trust me temporarily, I might be able to find the real murderer."

Qin An's words surprised Liu Xia, Xu Rantian and the others.

They didn't even understand what was going on. Now, Qin An actually said that he could help them solve the case? This man is really mysterious and unfathomable.

Li Xiangdong was naturally shocked when he heard Qin An's words.

"You can find the murderer?"

'"Mm, the murderer's methods are not very good. I think Company Commander Li might have been unable to find a direction because of the sudden incident. Why don't you let me investigate the scene with you and find out some clues?"

"Alright, let's look at this first, When my soldiers heard the shouts and rushed over, they discovered that there were two living people in the room, Liu Aina and Li Guanghua, as well as Prophet Guo's corpse. At present, it is judged that Prophet Guo died from poisoning after eating steamed buns. The poison might be potassium cyanide or something like that. Tell me what you think about the situation here. "

Li Xiangdong had a look of disdain on his face. Obviously, he didn't think that this man really had any abilities.

Qin An circled around the room and looked at a bag of steamed buns and a few dishes on the table. After looking for a while, he turned his head to look at Liu Aina and Li Guanghua.

"You didn't eat steamed buns?"

"No, although I'm hungry, I ate too dry and uncomfortable in the morning, so I just ate some small dishes." Liu Aina was still wrapped in a blanket, looking very embarrassed, her face blushing.

"I didn't eat either. I was a little reserved in front of Director Guo. I only ate two small dishes."

"Mm, so you guys decided that this steamed bun was poisonous. Because this Dean Guo died from eating steamed bun, did he eat small dishes?"

Li Xiangdong interrupted, "Hey, the two of them have already eaten the small dish. They're fine. What does it matter if Director Guo eats the small dish or not?"

"Of course there are. There are four kinds of vegetables in here. They are pickled vegetables, dried radish, shredded kelp, and salty chili pepper. I want to know which of those dishes Director Guo ate."

Hearing Qin An's words, Li Xiangdong frowned and pondered for a moment. He no longer spoke, but looked at the other two.

"I ate some kelp silk. I didn't eat anything else." Liu Aina spoke with a look of recollection on her face.

"I took a mouthful of pickled vegetables, only one mouthful. I didn't eat anything else." Li Guanghua said with certainty.

"Alright, so mustard and kelp are innocent. What's suspicious now is steamed buns, dried radishes and salty peppers, right?"

Liu Xia wanted to laugh beside Qin An but felt that it was inappropriate. This was the first time she had heard such a saying. Pickled vegetables and kelp silk were innocent? Hehe, this man is actually a bit funny. He will inadvertently reveal it. He is not as cold as he looks.

Li Xiangdong nodded and said, "You're right, but is there a need for such a trivial matter to be settled?"

'"Of course, if it's a steamed bun, then it must be a pot of steamed bun. The purpose of the poisoners is to kill a lot of people. If it's not that the steamed bun is poisonous, but one of the four dishes is poisonous, then the problem will arise. I really want to know, is this salty chili pepper spicy?"

Li Guanghua said first, "Spicy, very spicy! It's one of Director Guo's favorite dishes. Whether it's eating at home or in the hospital, he always prepares it. This kind of dish is our chef Master Yan's specialty. Anyone who likes to eat spicy dishes likes to eat it."

"Haha, then do you eat spicy food with this beauty?"

"I don't like it." The two of them replied at the same time.

Qin An looked thoughtful and smiled at Li Xiangdong.

Li Xiangdong also had a thoughtful expression. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he looked at Qin An, "In other words, someone knows that Director Guo likes spicy food, so this salty pepper is actually poisonous. His target is Director Guo alone! Let me ask you two, did Director Guo also eat this salty pepper?"

Li Guanghua and Liu Aina glanced at each other, and then Liu Aina said uncertainly, "It seems that I ate it. I took a bite of chili pepper, ate steamed buns, and then I was poisoned."

"Haha, that's right! Brother, what's your name again? You're so smart, you actually have such a delicate mind!"

Liu Xiangdong's attitude towards Qin An instantly changed, because it was not easy for Qin An to find clues to the matter within such a period of time. At least, Liu Xiangdong's mind was a mess just now, and he was completely unable to figure out what was going on.

'"Thank you for the compliment. My name is Qin An. Then Company Commander Li, there seems to be something going on. The murderer's goal may be to target Director Guo, and he is someone who knows his diet well!"

"So… the chef surnamed Yan is very suspicious? This person is called Yan Yikuan, honest and loyal. Doesn't he look like him?"

'"It doesn't matter if it's like it or not. The company commander only needs to send someone to control him first. Since it's to solve the case, we need to find evidence. After all, I want to know that Director Guo's habit is not uncommon, so the murderer could be anyone. Didn't he say that there were several homicides at the same time?"

"Yes, one of them was my soldier Zhao Zida who committed suicide, Another murder was even more bizarre. Nine patients were lying in the ward. They were shot overnight and all hit in the center of their foreheads. The strangest thing was, although the situation was chaotic last night, I arranged for soldiers to stand guard on every floor. It was impossible for them not to hear gunshots. Nine people died in a row. Or did the other party use a muffler? But it doesn 't look like a bullet hole. "

"Company Commander Li, I don't think it's meaningful for us to speculate here. Why don't we go and see the scene?"

"Alright, come with me. Don't move anybody here. We'll deal with it when we come to a conclusion."

Li Xiangdong looked forward to Qin An and brought him down the stairs with Liu Xia and the others to the room where the nine people had died.

Qin An already knew about the situation of these nine people, but he still pretended to go forward and check them one by one before turning to Li Xiangdong and saying,

"Company Commander Li thinks these people died last night?"

"Of course, nurses make ward rounds every day. If they had died long ago, nurses would definitely know."

"Oh, where is the nurse?"

Li Xiangdong heard Qin An's question and called his subordinates to ask. The soldier said that the nurse was unconscious and had not woken up yet.

Qin An secretly sighed and said to Li Xiangdong, "Go and see the nurse first, because she is a key person."

Qin An's attitude was somewhat unfathomable. Li Xiangdong did not hesitate to bring people to see the nurse.

Qin An went to the bed and curled his lips. He put his hand on her nose and said, "She's dead."

What! ?

Was this an uneven situation? The nurse actually died?

"How could this be?"

Li Xiangdong almost roared and asked the soldiers beside him.

"Company Commander, we've been watching over her. No one has ever touched her, unless she died on her own." A soldier replied in a very aggrieved manner.

"Company Commander Li, don't be excited. Perhaps she died on her own."

As Qin An spoke, he took out a small bottle of powder from the nurse's pocket.

"Hydrazine, a moderate-intensity antihypertensive drug, has a very toxic side effect on the heart, so most patients do not take it for a long time, but in combination with other types of antihypertensive drugs. This woman is so young, They shouldn't take such drugs themselves, But she seems to be pregnant, Hypertension during pregnancy is likely to occur. Hypertension during pregnancy usually uses methyldopa and hydrazine to reduce blood pressure. Although both drugs have side effects on the heart, it is also the key. Unstable blood pressure can easily cause massive bleeding in the operating room and many other complex conditions, which can be life-threatening. Well, I think this woman died of myocardial infarction after being overfrightened because of the damage to her heart caused by the long-term use of drugs. Perhaps it was a coincidence, but unfortunately, this incident caused us some trouble. I wonder if anyone else is familiar with the nine patients in the ward besides her? What about their attending physician? "

"The nine patients in this ward have no attending physicians. Their attending physicians have all died. Some of them have turned into zombies. So we gathered these patients together and temporarily stopped treating them. We only found this nurse to take care of their daily situation. It's been too messy recently. We don't know anything about these patients." An onlooker's life outside the room provides information.

"Alright, that doesn't matter anymore. Let's go back to the nine corpses. Since there are no witnesses, then the dead are actually the best evidence."

After Qin An finished speaking, he left first, followed by a large group of people.

At this time, Liu Xia admired Qin An a little. Wasn't this too strong? He could actually see a doctor? Moreover, the nurse was already dead, and her stomach did not bulge out, so he could know that she was pregnant. This was truly a miraculous mess.

In the surroundings, there were many people who shared Liu Xia's thoughts, including Li Xiangdong.

After Qin An returned to his room, he said straightforwardly, "Company Commander Li, these people didn't die last night."

"Didn't he die last night? How is that possible? The nurse checks every day."

"Yes, the nurse checks every day, Everyone died this morning, Logically speaking, it should have happened last night, However, these people really did not die yesterday, They have been dead for at least a few days. It's not hard to judge. There are so many doctors here. You can all come over and examine them. Judging from her blood, the extent of her cortex shedding, the color of her eyes, the blockage of her nostrils, the degree of her muscles and so on, these nine people did not die last night! So there was no gunfire last night. "

"Ah? Why is this happening?" Li Dongfeng felt a little dizzy.

At this time, dozens of people had already gathered outside the door. Hearing Qin An's words, three doctors immediately came in. After examining the corpses carefully, they agreed with Qin An's words. The minimum time these people would die was estimated to be more than 48 hours.

"Perhaps they died longer, but their bodies were well preserved and there was no odor. I think the place they were in should be a special place to park their corpses, perhaps the morgue of the hospital? There should be backup power over there, right? "In other words, someone switched nine patients in this ward last night and replaced them with corpses from the morgue. The purpose? I think it should be to create panic."

"Then … why are there bullet holes on their foreheads?" Li Xiangdong did not understand.

"Company Commander, I might be able to explain this matter."

A soldier came in through the door.

"Oh? Tell me."

"Mr. Qin is right, these people really may be from the morgue. On the day of the apocalypse, the morgue became a heavily affected area. Many corpses were resurrected from the dead. Zhao Zida and I were ordered to clean up the zombies and kill many of them, including zombies and dead people. Those dead people are even more terrifying than zombies. We thought they were dead, but all of a sudden, they would jump up and attack us like zombies. "We killed a lot. At that time, we were still competing in spear techniques. Let's see who could shoot their heads off with one shot. So … if these nine corpses died at that time, it's very likely that they were killed by Zhao Zida and me."

Qin An's eyes lit up and he asked the soldier, "Is Zhao Zida the one who jumped off the building?"

"Yes, yes."

"What a coincidence? Then why did he jump off the building? If he wasn't mentally unstable, he would have been under too much mental pressure. Did something happen when you guys used guns to blow up the zombies in the competition?"

The reason why Qin An asked such a question was because he noticed that the soldier's eyes were a little flustered when he spoke.

Hearing Qin An's question, the soldier's face turned pale. Li Xiangdong also noticed his abnormality.

"If you have something to say, don't hesitate to hide it. This isn't a soldier I brought out!"

"Zhao Zida shot a living person that day. She died after a bullet to the head. At that time, we could clearly see that she was calling for help. I put down the zombie behind her, but Zida couldn't control his aiming posture and accidentally accidentally shot the person to death."

"So he was guilty until today, and it seem like it was a coincidence, at least for that moment, it was the best reason. No matter what, let this matter go first. What I want to say is that these nine corpses appear to have been transported from the morgue, while the original nine patients were transported away. This was a big move. It should have happened during the chaos last night. The zombie nest outside was formed, and everyone's attention was attracted. This murderer secretly did this. "It seems that the chef named Yan Yikuan often goes into and out of the morgue, right?"

"Yes, because there is a lot of food there, the whole building is out of power. Only a few freezers and cabinets for parking corpses are still functional. The backup power supply is not broken." The soldier replied. Li Xiangdong's eyes were already wide open.

"Hmph, looks like this chef has a big problem. Vice Principal Guo and the people here are all related to him! Go, call him over. I want… no, let Brother Qin interrogate him." Li Xiangdong was now completely impressed by Qin An.

It had only been a while, and the seemingly chaotic things became clear in an instant.

Principal Guo had been poisoned, nine corpses, Zhao Zida's suicide, and the sudden death of a nurse had all appeared. Most of the murderers were closely related to Yan Yikuan.

Qin An raised his head and narrowed his eyes. He looked through the wall at Yan Yikuan. At this time, he had been taken to a private room by the soldiers to guard.

Yan Yikuan's expression was very natural, just like that of nervousness and fear.

Qin An had a strong ability to recognize facial expressions. He looked at Yan Yikuan for a long time, and only withdrew his gaze when Li Xiangdong's new team brought him away from the room.

What was going on? Why does it feel like there's something wrong with being strict and lenient? His expression was too natural. It was a panic caused by an unknown person being suddenly controlled. Could it be that his guess was wrong? Wasn't the culprit the real culprit?

Zhao Zida jumped off the building, the nurse was frightened to death, the vice principal was killed, and the four cases of the nine corpses really had nothing to do with each other? Was it really just a coincidence? Did he neglect something? All of the speculations were based on Yan Yikuan being the murderer, but he was not the murderer, and who was the one who had the motive of exchanging the morgue for nine corpses, and who was the one who had deliberately planned to kill Vice Principal Guo Prophet?

With these questions, Qin An hastily activated his monitoring ability to check the entire building. He had indeed overlooked a problem. If someone had used nine corpses to exchange for nine patients last night, then where were the nine patients now?

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