Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1752 Water Ghost Zombie

Chapter 1752 Water Ghost Zombie

When these ordinary foods were placed in front of Liu Xia, Liu Xia was dumbfounded. This was really a big feast. She couldn't believe her eyes.

"Uncle, who exactly are you? Did you lie to me about what you said before?"

"What do you mean?"

"You said you were looking for food, but you couldn't find it after searching for a long time. Why did you come back with it? Where did you get these things?"

"Haha, of course it was stolen from upstairs. I originally disdained to steal it, but in order to stop your stomach from cooing, I lowered my body. Am I touched?"

"Ah … stolen from upstairs … touched, uncle, you really have the ability. Can I eat all these things?"

"Of course."

Qin An smiled.

He had experienced many women in his life, and Weng Lan was naturally his favorite. Qiu Jinse was his confidant, and Liu Xia was also special in his emotional world. There was always some inexplicable emotion on this girl. Now that Qin An was alone with Liu Xia in front of him, he felt very comfortable and comfortable, as if he was completely relaxed.

Especially when he saw her rich expression, Qin An felt proud from the bottom of his heart. Women were happy with their looks, and men would also be filled with arrogance for women's worship of him.

"What are you looking at? Let's hurry up and eat. I'm also very hungry."

As Qin An spoke, he had already got a beating and was thrown under the window. The owner of the quilt had also fled to somewhere. The things in the dormitory were all casually used, and no one would pursue it. This was actually the charm of the apocalypse.

The power in the building had been cut off, and the room was completely dark. However, when they reached the window, there was a bright moonlight that illuminated the quilt that Qin An had pounced on the ground.

Qin An took out all the things and put them away. After that, he sat down on the quilt and waved his hand at Liu Xia.

Liu Xia finally couldn't resist the temptation of food. No matter where these things came from, she ran to Qin An and sat down. She picked up a bread and began to eat.

"Wow, it's delicious. This is mango cream cheese, isn't it?" It tastes so good. I have never tasted such delicious bread in my life. It reminds me of a bakery in front of our house when I was very, very young. I especially like to smell the bread there. It smells so delicious, as if it is the most delicious and delicious bread in the world. "I really want to eat that bread, but I was a little fat when I was a child. Mom was afraid that I would become a fat man in the future, so she wouldn't let me eat bread. I saved up money for a long time to buy the first bread there. The bread was really delicious, but even though it was so delicious, I didn't have the heart to eat it!"

Qin An's face was full of black lines. He really didn't expect Liu Xia to be such a talkative person. A loaf of bread could trigger so many emotions and memories.

Liu Xia ate very quickly, and soon the crumbs were all over her mouth.

Seeing this, Qin An felt heartache again. He raised his hand to rub Liu Xia's cheek and cleaned her up, as if he was treating his own child.

Liu Xia seemed to have sensed Qin An's kindness as well, so he allowed his big hand to wipe his mouth back and forth, only eating until it was dark, regardless of whether it was dark or night.

Qin An also began to eat. Naturally, he was hungry as well. Originally, he didn't want to steal it. If he was hungry all night, it would be fine if he persisted. But now that he had Liu Xia, he borrowed flowers to offer Buddha and also borrowed Liu Xia's light.

After the two of them had almost stolen everything from Qin An, they were finally full. Liu Xia's flat stomach bulged slightly. It could be seen how much they had eaten. When Qin An first came down, he also took a pack of cigarettes. Now that he lit one after dinner, he understood that life was actually very comfortable. As long as he didn't think about so many troublesome things.

Just as he was about to say something to Liu Xia, a ripple in the water a few hundred meters away suddenly attracted Qin An's attention.

Eh? What is it? Why are you swimming so fast in the water?

Qin An didn't need to press his head through the window and open his X-ray vision to look in the direction where he heard the sound. Then, he was shocked.

This should be a kind of zombie, right?

Its entire body was snow white, and its eyes and hair were also white. Its body was about 2.5 meters tall. Its legs were very long, and its feet were like frog's palms. When it swam in the water, it would emit an earth-shattering roar. This roar was similar to that of a zombie, but it was different.

Qin An tidied up Liu Xia silently, then pulled her into his arms and hid in a corner to watch the snow-white monster's every move.

Liu Xia didn't know what Qin An was going to do. She hadn't been able to react in the darkness. She just felt that Qin An's body was like a stove, roasting her hot.

Perhaps it was because she had just eaten her fill, but no matter what, the little girl was not as calm as before. She finally understood that even if he was an uncle, he was still a man.

For a moment, not only was Liu Xia silent, her entire body was also forbidden from moving. She was deeply afraid that any movement from her would turn the man who hugged her into a wild beast.

But after a while, Liu Xia was at ease, because Qin An didn't do anything else to her, he just hugged her.

And what really made Liu Xia at ease was what Qin An said in her ear: There were very strange zombies swimming nearby, don't speak.

For some reason, Liu Xia felt that his words could be trusted.

At this time, the white humanoid monster was still swimming around. Its speed was extremely fast, more than twice as fast as Qin An's swimming in the water. Qin An's swimming speed was no longer something ordinary people could compare to, so this monster was naturally more exaggerated.

After observing for a few minutes, Qin An came to some conclusions.

This should still be a zombie. He lacked intelligence, but he had the intelligence to hunt.

It swam under a building, got out of the water, climbed in, and searched the entire floor.

The building that they entered was 300 meters away from here. There were zombies everywhere, but there was a room trapped in which a couple was about to starve to death.

After wandering around the floor for a while, the monster actually found the room they were hiding in and destroyed the door.

From this, Qin An could see its two attributes. It had a good sense of smell and was much stronger than ordinary zombies.

After entering the room, it directly killed the man, gritted his throat with its sharp teeth, and sucked their blood like a vampire.

This made Qin An suddenly think of the jumping zombies. The jumping zombies also borrowed the bodies of human women to create their next generation. Moreover, their next generation was even more outstanding than theirs, condensing the essence of dozens or even more low-level zombies.

Then this water ghost zombie in front of him was clearly very similar to a jumping zombie. He had hunting behavior and used the body of a human woman to pass down the offspring. Perhaps this was a mutant that would only appear in the end of the ocean. It was a bit scary. Zombies that knew how to pass down the offspring were always the scariest in the end, because they were endless and frustrating.

After everything last night, the water ghost zombie did not continue to stay in the room and left to re-enter the water.

As he left, the door was not closed. The zombies outside naturally rushed in and ate up the man who had already been sucked out of blood. However, not a single zombie touched the woman. This scene was strange in Thailand.

The woman woke up from her daze and saw a pair of zombies eating away at her man's bones. She immediately let out an ear-piercing scream.

The scream attracted most of the zombies in the nearby corridors, They all walked over and piled up beside the woman, but they still didn't touch her. There were more zombies piled up behind them, and the zombies in front of them were pushed forward. However, once they touched the woman, the zombies would retreat like crazy. Even if they tore the companions behind them with their sharp claws, they didn't hesitate to do so.

Qin An observed everything. The story of painful menstruation also noticed that the water ghost zombie had already arrived under the building he was in. Not only was he a little nervous.

You have to protect the little girl when you make a move, just like when you were upstairs in the Gemini Tower. You can't let her suffer any injuries in the slightest.

The water ghost zombie's head fell to the water surface. Qin An could see its nose twitching, which meant that it was smelling.

So can it discover the people in the building?

Just as Qin An's question arose, the Water Ghost Zombie suddenly turned around and entered the water. Afterwards, it swam at a faster speed than before!

Qin An's face turned green when he saw this, and a series of question marks appeared in his heart.

What's going on?

Could it be that it discovered that there were a lot of people here, so it went to find a companion?

After thinking about it, Qin An's expression changed from green to white, and he felt that something was wrong.

"Hi Liu Xia, am I worthy of your trust?"


"I mean, I'll take you away. This place is not safe. We need to move immediately."


Liu Xia did not understand what Qin An meant, but when she heard that Qin An was going to take her away, her eyebrows furrowed slightly.

It's one thing to be nice to talk, but Liu Xia is not stupid at all. It's better to stay with her classmates in this situation. Although Qin An looks good, he knows that people don't know what to think. Liu Xia did not harm anyone else and was willing to treat a stranger well, but this did not mean that she could trust a stranger casually. Moreover, this stranger had just done something strange. He forcefully hugged her…

"Uncle, I can't go with you. Although my classmates are very annoying, I know them. No matter how bad they are, they just like to bully me. Call me big-breasted sister. Occasionally, they block me in the alley for a few bucks. I can accept all these things, because I am convinced that they can't be so bad. So I have to be with my classmates. Uncle Qin An, thank you for your dinner. It's really great. I'm full. If you want to leave, then you can leave by yourself. "

Liu Xia pushed Qin An away and stood up. She clearly did not know where the so-called crisis was and did not believe what Qin An said. After all, he looked ordinary, but thinking carefully, it was actually very special. Who would swim around in this dangerous water? Who could steal food so easily?

Seeing that Liu Xia had a crisis of trust in him, Qin An was a little depressed.

If she were to be taken away like this, it would probably take a long time for her to forgive her, right?

That's good. Anyway, he still needs to stay in this world for a period of time. Then he should know himself and his enemy. He should be invincible in a hundred battles. He would like to see what tricks that water ghost zombie has. However, this building could no longer stay. Even if Liu Xia hated it for the time being, he would still take her away.

Two hundred meters away from this building, there was a dormitory building that was even taller than this one. There were zombies all over it, and there were a few survivors trapped in their houses.

Qin An looked around and found that the roof of the building was safe. After opening his super vision, the entire building's profile appeared in front of him. Qin An quickly found a path to the roof.

"Little girl, it's impossible for us to leave by ourselves. However, we can move to another place and see if what I said is correct. You don't have to be afraid of me, nor do you think I'm a bad person. I have no ill intentions towards you. That's true."

Qin An felt that he could not explain it clearly with just an explanation, so when he finished speaking, he had already stepped forward to hug Liu Xia and then jumped into the water with her.

How could Liu Xia have the ability to resist in front of Qin An? Although she was reluctant, in the end, she was brought to the top floor of the building by Qin An, and her entire body was soaked.

"Uncle, why did you say that you are not a bad person and force others to do something difficult? It's really a loss that I trust you so much. This is simply the story of Mr. Dongguo and the wolf."

Liu Xia was about to cry. Actually, she was a little scared. She was brought to a strange place by a stranger. However, she still didn't want to believe her initial impression. She felt that this uncle really wouldn't be a bad person.

When Qin An jumped into the water with Liu Xia, a girl named Xu Rantian was leaning upstairs and drinking a cup of hot coffee at the window.

Xu Rantian felt that it wasn't easy to get instant coffee when she went upstairs to negotiate, while hot water was used to set people on fire in the corridor.

She couldn't fall asleep. Although she used to fight, kill, and play all day in school, she wasn't a heartless master.

Now that she was under pressure, how could she get food from the group of college students upstairs?

Just as she was thinking, she saw Qin An jump into the water with Liu Xia. Xu Rantian was stunned for a moment, and then she shouted angrily.

"Damn it! Who watched the night?"

After cursing angrily, she quickly went downstairs to check, and called out for Wu Jie and everyone else. After counting, she found that Liu Xia had disappeared.

"Little bitch NIMA, did you fool around with your partner again? I told you to watch the night without knowing?"

Xu Rantian was so tough that it was true. She kicked another vigil girl to the ground. She didn't even dare to breathe out, but she just cried silently. Her boyfriend was also a bear. Normally, he swore an oath. Now that his eldest sister was angry, she didn't dare to help her girlfriend.

Xu Rantian was naturally dissatisfied with this female student's vigil, but at the same time, she was also dissatisfied that the boy was as useless as a woman.

However, this was not the time to delve deeper into this matter. His own people had been captured. It was truly too shameful. This was Xu Rantian's way of thinking.

"Wu Jie, bring a few men with me. Lin Li, gather all the women together and stay in this room. You are not allowed to go anywhere."

"Tiantian, what are you doing?"

"What? My people have been captured. Of course, I will go and snatch her back. Otherwise, wouldn't I lose face? I can clearly see that that person took Liu Xia to the building over there."

"Who caught Liu Xia?"

'"It seems to be the old man who appeared at night. Didn't Liu Xia say that he left and somehow came back to capture Liu Xia? This idiot trusts others so much. Let's see how I get her back and deal with her!"

"But Tiantian, that building is two hundred meters away from here. How do we get there? Furthermore, it's obviously not safe. Didn't you see it during the day? The windows are swaying with zombies…"

"Cut the crap. If that man can bring my men there, I can go over as well. If you don't want to follow me, then I'll go myself. No one will care about you in the future!"

Xu Rantian's kung fu was really good. If she didn't protect these people along the way, they might not be able to survive. Now that everyone saw that she was really angry, no one dared to speak anymore. Thus, the four boys could only follow Xu Rantian helplessly.

They are a club in school, a swimming club, so they are good at swimming.

Xu Rantian brought the four of them into the water and started swimming towards the building where Qin An was.

Qin An's impression of Tian Tian changed a little. Standing on the roof of the building, he whispered, "Your eldest sister is coming to save you. At first, I only thought that she was bullying you. Now, it seems that this person is simply stupid."

At this time, Liu Xia was panicking. She hadn't expected such a thing to happen when she was brought all the way here. She was still too trusting.

"You're stupid. You big bad guy, why did you bring me here?"

"Bad guy? Haha, right, you should call me bad guy. I like it when you call me that."

It's over. Not only is this person bad, it seems that he's not just bad. Listen to his tone. Why does it seem like he's teasing her? Liu Xia really began to regret it. She felt that she really shouldn't have saved this person at that time, causing her to be so embarrassed and embarrassed now.

"Well, if they really rush into the building randomly, they will probably make the chickens and dogs uneasy, Death is a trivial matter. It will not be good if it affects our comfort. We will go down to welcome them. If they are willing to follow us, we can go back. In short, you will be mine in the future. I will be responsible for protecting your safety and bringing you to a safe haven. "

Really? Liu Xia could no longer believe Qin An. She could not understand this man. She was too immature in front of him.

Qin An brought Liu Xia downstairs. The river water had just come into contact with the window on the third floor and could not overflow.

Qin An arrived at a room and waited at the window. After a long time, Xu Rantian and the others swam over, holding the wall in their hands and panting.

After swimming two hundred meters, I'm really too tired.

"Hey, why don't you come in and rest?"

Qin An leaned on the window and spoke leisurely. Xu Rantian's aura was heavy. She looked at Qin An, then at Liu Xia behind Qin An. She angrily said, "Damn woman, what are you doing? Did you get caught or come with him on your own initiative?"

"Tiantian, I was caught, but he didn't do anything to me."

"F*ck, brat, I only want to ask you one thing. Why did you arrest my people?"

Just as Qin An was about to reply, his expression suddenly changed. He hurriedly said to the few people, "Come up if you don't want to die. There's something in the water!"

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