Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1746 Deep Sea Demonic Dragon

Chapter 1746 Deep Sea Demonic Dragon

Wu Jiaojiao was a petite girl with large eyes and a healthy blush on her face. She looked like a cute girl with a mature and sexy temperament. To put it bluntly, she was a baby-faced demon. She could not tell how scheming she was or how intelligent she was.

Sitting at the bow of the ship, Zhang Zhen was using a bamboo pole to propel the cargo ship forward.

The so-called cargo ship was only larger than an ordinary ship, but it was much smaller than a real big cargo ship.

In the sea of zombies, they couldn't use their power to travel fast, so they could only use bamboo poles to support themselves.

Wu Jiaojiao looked down on Zhang Zhen. In the end, this man did not avenge his wife, but he was finally unable to do that with her.

Wu Jiaojiao understood Zhang Zhen's thoughts, wanting her, but thinking of the dead woman. Hmph, indecisiveness is the most harmful thing. In the apocalypse, people like this usually die very quickly. Fortunately, Zhang Zhen has other personalities …

"Hey, there's food over there. Bring it over."

Wu Jiaojiao spoke like a queen, and it was her tone and attitude that allowed Zhang Zhen to listen. People's temperament was so strange. Some people liked to dominate others, while others were willing to be dominated.

The so-called food was a bag of plastic-sealed fried food. It could not be seen whether it was potato chips or chips. It floated in the water and was surrounded by a group of floating zombies.

Zhang Zhen took the pole for a long time, but he still couldn't bring it up. Wu Jiaojiao, who had already become the owner, looked at it angrily. She found the toolbox and drove a nail into the long pole. After that, she reached into the water and pulled the puffed food up with a hook.

"You … you're so smart." Zhang Zhen was a little ashamed.

Wu Jiaojiao put down the bamboo pole and walked back to the center of the ship, leaning against the cabin to prepare the food.

Zhang Zhen's expression was somewhat dim. Seeing that Wu Xiaoxiao ignored his intentions, he took the initiative to walk over and squat beside Wu Jiaojiao.

Wu Jiaojiao quickly ate the potato chips. In the end, only the residue was left for Zhang Zhen. Zhang Zhen took all the residue and poured it into his hand. Then, he swallowed it in one bite

"I found you to be a slave. Zhang Zhen, did that woman treat you like a slave at home in the past?"

"Mm … Yes. It's been a good year or two. I used to be a slave in her eyes."

"Oh, tell me, I want to hear it."

"She … I mean my wife, Dong Fanfang, was very beautiful when she was young. There were many handsome men and rich people chasing after her. We worked in the same office, one was an accountant, the other was a financial person. This was naturally a good opportunity for me to get close to the water, so I chased after her as well. She is very bad. She obviously doesn't like me and goes out to dinner with me occasionally. When we eat, she tells me about other men. She also tells me in detail how they hugged her and kissed her. Although I was sad, I still endured it. I didn't expect that she would choose to marry me in the end. "

"Hmph, she has taken a fancy to your servitude. She didn't know that she died because of this in the end. If you can control her, I don't have to kill her. After all, you once took me in. Sigh, you're really useless. However, people like you are just like me. If the apocalypse really breaks out and you are no longer so indecisive, it will be easier for us to survive. I am Lu Bu, and you are like that useless Ah Dou. "I can ask for glory from the seller, but you can give in … Oh right, you are one thing better than A-Dou. That is, you dare to kill people. This is also what I like."

Wu Jiaojiao said with pride. She felt that her analogy was too appropriate.

At this moment, a burst of shouts came from a seemingly distant place. Wu Jiaojiao was slightly stunned. She turned her head and saw the two figures standing on the roof several hundred meters away.

"Jiaojiao, you seem to be a survivor."

"Yes, I saw it. We won't go there. We'll bypass them."

Wu Jiaojiao almost made a decision without thinking. Nowadays, it was naturally better to do less than more. She had a boat, a man who obeyed her orders, and there was a lot of food to pick up in the water. Then she should not come into contact with anyone else, so as to avoid complications.

On the other side, Li Ying cried out in disappointment.

"Ah! Qin An, look! They haven't come over yet. They've changed directions. What should we do?"

Li Ying was extremely disappointed. After waiting for three days, she finally came to the boat that Qin An had mentioned. Now, she was about to leave a few hundred meters away. There was no possibility of communication at all. Even if Qin An was very smart, even if he had a way to deceive the boat, the prerequisite was to be able to speak.

"Don't worry, I guarantee that it won't be long before it comes back."

Originally, Qin An was also a little annoyed. In fact, he wanted to see if he could hide somewhere and then wait for the ship to come close to plunder him. Actually, as long as it was dozens of meters away, it wouldn't be a problem for Qin An. He believed that he could step on the zombie's head and run for dozens of meters, but he didn't have the confidence to go further. Once he fell into the water, he would be doomed.

While he was calculating, he didn't expect that Li Ying would suddenly shout loudly and be scared away by the other party's discovery.

Of course, this made Qin An very annoyed, but at the same time, he suddenly noticed that the giant thing that was swiftly swimming from the water to the cargo ship was also somewhat stunned for a moment.

Hanghai is a coastal city, a river that runs through the city and connects with the seawater.

The rainfall in Fan Wei caused waterlogging, seawater surged onto land, and marine life was brought along.

The zombie form of the sea snake was a super dangerous species, and it was known as the Deep Sea Demonic Dragon.

After turning into zombies, their bodies would grow larger. Some bone spurs broke out and formed claw-like shapes, hence the name Dragon Form.

Qin An grabbed Li Ying's hand and grabbed her by her side.

Using some differences, even when they were facing each other naked, Qin An was very disciplined. Why did he want to eat her tofu at this time? Look at that hand, it's already wrapped around her waist, making her numb.

Right at this moment, the waves near the distant cargo ship suddenly rolled, and all the zombies in the water flew up, and a few of them landed on the ship.

No matter how smart Wu Jiaojiao was, she did not realize that such a thing would happen. She did not know enough about this pattern.

"Quick! Zhang Zhen, hurry up and support the boat!"

As she spoke, Wu Jiaojiao quickly ran towards the cabin, intending to activate her power.

Of course, this ship was powered. The reason it didn't open before was because once the power left, it would make a noise and attract more zombies to surround the ship.

But now, she had no choice but to open it. Wu Jiaojiao did not know what was in the water, but she knew that it must be a colossus.

Zhang Zhen obediently used the bamboo pole to support the boat, but just as he put the bamboo pole into the water, a huge black shadow rushed out and pushed the bamboo pole upwards.

It didn't know how powerful it was, directly sending the bamboo pole and Zhang Zhen flying into the water.

The zombies in the water quickly swallowed Zhang Zhen up, leaving behind a miserable scream.

Wu Jiaojiao's heart beat wildly, but she was not so frightened that her hands and feet became weak and unable to move. She was different from other ordinary girls. She knew what she should do at this moment. She could use her brain to control her body.

After a while, Wu Jiaojiao quickly activated the cargo ship's power and the ship began to move forward at a moderate speed.

At the same time that Zhang Zhen was knocked flying, a huge black figure passed by the cabin.

Wu Jiaojiao turned her head to look. Through the cabin glass, she could see the enormous body that was more than a meter in diameter. It must be much longer than the cargo ship. It was estimated to be twenty to thirty meters long. It flew across the ship like that and scratched the hull of the ship. Wu Jiaojiao felt a wave of shaking.


Wu Jiaojiao broke out in cold sweat. She felt that she could no longer live. In this water, there were zombies everywhere. This monster could easily overturn the hull of the ship. If it fell into the water, it would be equivalent to death.

In the distance, Li Ying took the initiative to approach Qin An's embrace. Her face was pale and her voice trembled as she asked,

"What is that monster?"

"The Deep Sea Demonic Dragon's defense is extremely strong, and its strength is also very great. We have no way to deal with it."

"Can't you kill it?"

"If it wasn't a problem in the past, then now…"

Qin An halfway through his words, he opened his eyes from the Demonic Dragon and the ship and looked at a nearby building.

This building was about a hundred meters away from here and was 30 floors high. It should be the headquarters of a financial institution. Qin An stared at the building for two seconds before suddenly shouting at the ship over there,

"Wu Jiaojiao, hurry up and sail over. If you want to survive, sail over!"

Actually, the distance between the two points was a little far, but now there were dead people everywhere, so the sound was invisibly amplified in the silence.

Moreover, Qin An was extremely angry, so Wu Jiaojiao could vaguely hear Qin An's shout.

What's going on?

Who was that person on the other side? Why would he call out his name?

Before she could think any further, Wu Jiaojiao, who had already lost her balance, quickly turned around and set sail in Qin An's direction.

Previously, she had done the filing and was already familiar with the structure and operation of the ship. With her smart materials, it was not a problem to operate the ship now.

With the maximum horsepower, Wu Jiaojiao knew that the man who could call out her name might be her only hope for survival. In order to survive, Wu Jiaojiao could give up everything.

After the Deep Sea Demonic Dragon flew over the ship's hull, its enormous inertia caused it to directly leap more than 30 meters before falling into the water. When it fell into the water, a large pile of zombies were sent flying, and a few more landed on the ship.

Wu Jiaojiao ignored all of this and sailed in satisfaction, heading straight for Qin An's location.

When it was still more than fifty meters away, Qin An hugged Li Ying tightly in his arms and put his mouth on her ear, saying softly, "Stay here. That demonic dragon must find a way to get rid of it, or else we will all die."

"But what are you going to do?"

"Don't worry, I've come up with a way."

Qin An's expression was exceptionally solemn. How could Li Ying not be worried?

At this time, Qin An had already let her go, and after a sprint on the roof, he directly stepped on the zombie and walked forward.

Using the force of inertia in the sprint, he was able to temporarily receive a small amount of gravity. In addition, his physique was already different from that of an ordinary person. He actually ran more than 30 meters all the way and jumped onto the ship.

Qin An's departure made Li Ying feel a chill in her body, and her heart was even more empty.

It turned out that being hugged tightly by a reliable man was not lustful at all. It was warm and worth remembering.

He didn't know what was going on, but Li Ying's eyes were filled with water again.

She was a little surprised. Why did she want to cry?

Was it because Qin An left and was worried about his comfort?

After pondering for a while, a voice in Li Ying's heart answered her answer.

This voice was either other or her own subconscious.

Li Ying, have you been tired all these years? Is life boring? Why did you choose to live like this?

Li Ying couldn't answer all three questions, so she sighed with emotion. Her heart palpitated, so she had tears.

At this time, Qin An had already entered the cabin. Wu Jiaojiao turned around and saw that she did not recognize Qin An.

"Hurry up, don't look at me. Sail the boat towards the building over there!"

Qin An rushed out of the cabin and kicked the zombies out of the ship.

Wu Jiaojiao didn't dare to hesitate at this moment. Qin AntaShui's stance had already shocked him, so she also had a sliver of hope for Qin An.

Turning the bow of the ship towards Qin An's fingers, Wu Jiaojiao did not quite understand Qin An's intentions. Was he going there to dodge?

This question only lasted for an instant. Wu Jiaojiao immediately realized what Qin An was thinking-the corridor!

At this time, the Deep Sea Demonic Dragon had already turned around and rushed towards the ship again. Wu Jiaojiao's palms were covered in sweat. She controlled the direction and continued to drive the horse power to its maximum.

But Qin An was not idle. He picked up the bamboo pole and stood at the bow of the boat, jumping away the zombies in the water with the fastest speed possible.

This was a race to the death, seizing every minute and second.

Finally, the Deep Sea Demonic Dragon caught up to the cargo ship and opened its terrifying mouth to smash into the cabin.

Wu Jiaojiao kept looking back. When the black shadow appeared, she left the cabin and ran quickly. Her only belief was to reach the man, because she was a deity and he was her only hope of survival.

At this time, the cargo ship was only a few meters away from the stairs. Qin An also noticed that the Deep Sea Demonic Dragon was out of the water, so he prepared to jump off the ship. Seeing Wu Jiaojiao rushing towards him, Qin An hesitated for a moment before the divine beast pulled her over.

At this time, the Deep Sea Demonic Dragon's head smashed into the cabin and pounced straight on Qin An.

Qin An held Wu Jiaojiao in one hand and leaned over two meters tall. Then, he stepped on the enormous and disgusting teeth of the Deep Sea Demonic Dragon and leaned out. This flight span was more than ten meters. Finally, he crashed into the glass of the building opposite him and rolled in.

The Deep Sea Demonic Dragon obviously didn't pay too much attention to your target, and didn't fall into the water to continue flying forward. It directly rushed through the window that Qin An entered, smashing the entire window frame warrior into pieces.

Qin An quickly stood up inside the house, pulled Wu Jiaojiao out of the bedroom and ran into the living room. Then, the Deep Sea Demonic Dragon caught up.

After running out of the large room, Qin An quickly found the corridor. Basically, he ran into a room on the first floor and then continued running into the corridor. The Deep Sea Demonic Dragon chased after him.

Its body was more than a meter in diameter, but its length had actually reached fifty meters.

As Qin An ran, he searched for a narrow space. He found that the door to the room was an obstacle to the Deep Sea Demonic Dragon. Thus, he always passed through the door. When there was a balcony, he ran to the balcony. Then, he jumped into another balcony from this balcony, ran back into the room, and broke out again.

Just like that, Qin An took the Deep Sea Demonic Dragon and ran in the building for a few minutes before finally escaping from danger.

The Deep Sea Demonic Dragon's body had already been trapped in the corridors and rooms on the seventh and eighth floors of the building. Those narrow gates made it impossible for it to continue moving!

This was very easy to say, but in the distance, Li Ying felt that it was already soul-stirring.

Because Qin An had jumped onto the balcony from the window many times, Li Ying could see Qin An and the demonic dragon chasing after him.

Heavens! There were several times when the demonic dragon almost swallowed Qin An.

Tears finally dripped down from Shui Run's eyes. This time, Li Ying was really worried about Qin An, afraid that she would lose this man.

The ending was obviously satisfactory. When Li Ying saw that the demonic dragon's body was finally no longer stuck in the building, she not only cheered.

It was as if she had never been so happy in her entire life. It was as if she had never worshipped someone like this in her entire life.

Today, this person appeared. This man who made her happy was right in front of her. His name was Qin An!

After being happy for a while, Li Ying's body suddenly trembled and she quickly moved her gaze to the ship below the building.

It was already shattered and absolutely unusable.

Qin An had been trampling zombies to and fro these past few days when he went out to get food.

He said that running more than ten meters before coming back was already the limit. If he didn't run back and forth, he would at most run fifty meters and lose his inertia force and fall into the water.

In other words, Qin An's building was more than a hundred meters away from here, and he would never be able to return without the cargo ship!

Could it be that he would have to face everything alone in the future?

Thinking of this, Li Ying's heart turned cold.

After the cold, she found in disbelief that she was not afraid of loneliness, doomsday, or zombies.

What hurt her was that she would no longer be protected by a man called Qin An!

What did this change of heart mean?

On the top floor of the Emperor Star Tower, there was the most advanced urban panoramic telescope system.

A large screen was connected to 64 super telescopes, giving one a panoramic view of many cities.

Of course, this place was considered a scenic spot. According to the rules, these super telescopes could only be used during the day. They could only be used to observe the scenery, and indeed could not be used to peep.

The huge commotion caused by the Deep Sea Demonic Dragon attracted the attention of several women on the top floor of the Emperor Star Building.

Weng Lan, Li Na, Qin Xiaoyan, and Tang Yu all fought in front of the big screen. Weng Lan controlled the camera to capture the scene of Qin An attracting the demonic dragon into the building. She also saw the entire process of him trapping the demonic dragon on the building.

The four women were all stunned. After an unknown amount of time, Weng Lan said softly, "Could it be that this man really comes from the future?"

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