Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1744 Warm Sunshine

Chapter 1744 Warm Sunshine

Li Ying felt as if she had entered hell.

Countless hands wrapped around her, and countless terrifying faces appeared beside her.

Suddenly, her space-time seemed to stop, and she recalled that night many years ago.

At that time, she was a little girl and her parents divorced. She lived with her father.

But that father didn't care about her at all and left her alone at home.

One night, three thieves barged in. They had already stepped on it properly and knew that she was the only one in the house. They stole a lot of things. They all threatened the little girl with ferocious expressions. At that time, Li Ying really hoped that someone would come to save her, but no one came. The three thieves finally left, leaving her curled up in her corner crying until dawn. From then on, she was afraid of the night, and even more afraid of being lonely. Therefore, when Wang Yi appeared in her world, even if he had all sorts of problems, Li Ying was willing to follow him because they had the same life trajectory. This was like a newspaper group warming up.

In fact, there was only an instant. Li Ying had already thought about enough. A strong and powerful chest suddenly contained her. After that, she miraculously escaped from the dark hell and saw the rising sun in the east.

"Are you stupid? If you don't want to say it alive, I'll kill you directly, lest you turn into a walking corpse."

Qin An was a little anxious. He was actually angry with himself, but he didn't catch Li Ying and let her fall into the water.

Qin An rudely began to tear Li Ying's clothes after holding her up. Li Ying was not sure if she was scared silly, nor did her eyes shed tears for some reason.

"You … what are you doing?"

'"You're finished after being bitten by a zombie! The zombie virus can invade your brain and enter its incubation period within a second. I have to make sure that you haven't been bitten …"

Qin An was really too anxious. He had forgotten that he had a clairvoyant vision. It was mainly because he was thinking of a solution. What if Li Ying is bitten? At that time, he could only lock her up. He didn't know if his family would come looking for him. It was mainly Caitlin. Only when she came would he be able to turn the zombie into an adult. This was truly terrible …

Qin An took off all of Li Ying and wiped her body clean with her clothes. At this time, he remembered his super vision, so he opened it and scanned Li Ying's entire body. Not a single part of her skin fell down. Even that part of her body was inspected several times.

Li Ying cried even more ferociously. She was both scared and shy. She … she felt that Qin An's hand seemed to have sliced through that place … was he taking advantage of this opportunity? Would his mother's zombie bite into her place?

Heaven and earth conscience, Qin An really did not touch Li Ying's sensitive part of his lower body. His hand only shook. Perhaps Li Ying was extremely sensitive at this moment.

"Ah! Fortunately, the skin didn't break at all. Looks like the zombies are moving more slowly in the water."

"Wuwuwu … clothes … clothes …"

After resolving the crisis, Li Ying suddenly cried out in tears. Her voice was trembling as she called out the word "clothes". It was very gentle, but it also seemed to be very sad.

Qin An was very surprised. He didn't expect Li Ying to cry so weakly. She was the owner of human flesh. This had always been a dao hurdle in Qin An's heart. He felt that Li Ying's heart should be very sinister.

He wiped off the traces of water on his face. Qin An sat beside Li Ying and stared at her body for a moment before patting her shoulder. "Look, your meat is soaked in wet clothes. Now it's sunny and uncomfortable to wear clothes. It's better to take it off. Tell you the story of the apocalypse. In the apocalypse, nothing is important except life."

Qin An began to tell the story of the apocalypse in lengthy language. These stories were strange, some were tear-inducing, some were unbelievable.

Li Ying gradually stopped crying. She sat up and curled up her body. After adapting to the slight wind, Li Ying found that Qin An was right. Being naked was much more comfortable, and bathing in the sun was really warm.

When Qin An was telling the story, he was not idle. He went down to the edge of the water to kill a few zombies. After that, he took off their clothes and put them on the TV antenna on the roof to dry.

At this time, Li Ying had already adapted to Qin An's body, and watching him walk around didn't irritate her eyes anymore. She had also adapted to her naked body and was no longer curled up. The white flowers on her chest were exposed, and it was very useful for a mature woman in her 30s, Li Ying.

"There are more fun things. Later on, in big cities, there were very few separate baths for men and women, because they did not make money. The bathtubs for men and women were everywhere. People loved to go even if the fees were higher. Of course, men and women were bathed separately. Everyone could see each other, but the law stipulated that there should be no physical contact, unless it was voluntary. Haha, isn't that weird? In the apocalypse, many people no longer took the concept of a man and a woman seriously. Women were truly emancipated. When women completely exposed themselves to men, men felt that women were not rare anymore. In short, everything was so natural. "

Qin An always walks around on the roof. His voice is very magnetic and can tempt Li Ying's heart.

"Is there really such a world?"

"Yes …"

"Then … can you tell me my story? I'm curious about this."

"You and I" Qin An hesitated for a moment before finally sighing and explaining.

The shock in Li Ying's expression was more unbelievable.

Replacing her sister as Qin An's wife for more than two years, During this period, she took the initiative to have a one-night stand with Qin An. In the apocalypse, she destroyed her appearance, became an Awakened and began to eat people. She even wanted to kill Qin An. However, she died because of Qin An. Afterwards, she shared her body with others and died on the west coast of the United States for revenge. However, her soul did not shatter, but entered a dead space! This was like a legend, too sci-fi and too clever, how could Li Ying not be shocked?

After a long time, she asked in a trembling voice, "Why? We don't seem to be in love. Why should I have sex with you? I mean, me."

"Probably lonely?"

"Didn't you say that Wang Yi was also an old friend of mine in another world? Why would I be lonely?"

"I don't think you actually love Wang Yi. It's just that Wang Yi has been by your side for a long time, and you two are two pitiful people accompanying each other. "You're afraid of losing this kind of company, but this kind of company isn't what you really want. You want a better life, just like your sister. But you know that you'll never be able to. So you're inferior. You choose not to change and continue to be insignificant. You want more, but you're even more afraid of losing it!"

Qin An's human sophistication had already settled for many years, so it wasn't difficult to see through a person, let alone Li Ying.

Li Ying and Qin An looked at each other for a long time, but the excitement in their hearts was hard to conceal. In the end, they turned into tears again. This time, she cried silently.

People always meet a lot of people in their lives, but the hardest thing to meet is a confidante.

When one day we can meet someone who knows us better than ourselves, it is the greatest fate of our lives.

"Don't cry, I've been telling you stories all morning, and my mouth is dry. Tears are salty and salty, and salt provides strength for the body. We are trapped here without food or water. We must conserve our strength and adjust our body to its best condition. Why do you think I've been talking to you all morning? Do you think I'm gonna talk? I just want you to be distracted and relax. When your body relaxes, your metabolism will be stable and your strength won't flow too quickly. Li Ying, before I think of a way to leave this place, you need to be fine, you know? "

Qin An was naturally speaking from the bottom of his heart. He was afraid that something would happen to Li Ying because she was the key to clearing the customs.

Li Ying obviously didn't know about this. She just felt that Qin An was concerned about her because he had a child with another person in another world.

"Tell me about him …"

"Yes, his name is Qin Beichen …"

Qin An continued his narrative and sat beside Li Ying instead of wandering around.

The sun was hanging in the sky. Today's weather was exceptionally good. Qin An and Li Ying's bodies were completely dry. They were very comfortable.

Li Ying is a little tired. She didn't say anything last night and hasn't eaten yet. Unknowingly, she leans sideways and leans on Qin An. She imagines that Qin Beichen is asleep.

A fragrance fused into Li Ying's sleep and woke her up.

When she woke up, she suddenly saw a roasted chicken with a strange color in front of her?

"Is this, is this roasted chicken?"

Li Ying felt that she was still dreaming. She turned her head and looked to the west. The sun was indeed there. She said that the sun had risen from the west, so what if it wasn't a dream?

"Haha, it's roasted chicken, but it was soaked in water! We're lucky, The flood drowned everything, Let the zombies float, and wrapped some food in water, I slept for a while when you were asleep, When he woke up, he saw the roasted chicken not far away, "So I wasted a lot of effort to get it. Don't worry, the zombie virus is all coagulated on their teeth and claws. Only scratches can infect them. So although this roasted chicken has been in the water for a long time, it can be eaten. It's just that the taste isn't too good, but it can be considered a hard-won top quality now!"

As Qin An spoke, he pulled off a chicken leg and stuffed it into Li Ying's mouth. Li Ying's cheeks immediately bulged, reminding Qin An of some evil things. He couldn't help but look at Wei Hong.

"Qin An, wasn't I dreaming? Why is the sun in the west?"

"Darling, it's already dusk!"

"Ah …"

Li Ying was ashamed.

Next, Qin An brought Li Ying the clothes that were dried before, and then dressed them neatly with her.

Li Ying actually had some regrets in her heart. This small emotion would become a secret that she would never tell out in her life.

As expected, the taste of the roasted chicken was very bad. Even though it had been bathed in water, it still had to be eaten. Didn't Qin An just say that? In the apocalypse, those who were hungry and anxious would even eat their own sh*t, and those who didn't have sh*t to sh*t would go crazy!

Heavens! Heavens! Why would you think of such a disgusting thing! It was all Qin An's fault, it was all his fault! Tell her so much!

In comfort, Qin An and Li Ying enjoyed dinner and talked happily. The atmosphere was so good that the two of them couldn't believe it. Qin An could clearly feel the difference between Li Ying and her. She actually had confidence that belonged to her, not complete inferiority complex.

"Hehe, it gets up at two o'clock every day. You really don't know. There are many people in the wholesale market. Sometimes, Wang Yi says," Why don't you go find your sister? She's so rich. If you give me any, I won't have to worry about food and drink. Why do you have to work so hard? " "Ah, Wang Yi doesn't understand me … Actually, he's pretty good, because at least he made me persist in being stubborn. He didn't ask Weng Lan for money himself, and he achieved my insignificant self-esteem!"

"Ha, every self-esteem is not insignificant. Li Ying, it's good that you're doing this, really."

"Compared to Li Ying?"

"Of course it's you, but she doesn't have a belly, but you do, haha!"

"You! Hmph, I'm not your wife, I want you to take care of me!"

After Li Ying said this angrily, she was stunned for a moment, and then some regret arose in her heart.

Qin An was only laughing loudly over there, as if he wasn't worried about the situation in front of him at all. Li Ying suddenly felt that it was really good to have a man to rely on beside him!

On the surface of the river, a large boat slowly floated.

The ship was originally a cargo ship on the river. The heavy rain caused it to leave the river and follow the rising water into the center of the city.

Now there are three survivors on the ship, father and son, Li Chen Feng and his two sons, Li Xiang and Li Liang, who are just over 20 years old.

The two brothers were in a bad mood. The big ship had passed by their house before. It was the only bungalow area in the city center. Now that it had been swallowed up, the mother with both legs paralyzed in the family would definitely not be able to escape.

Sigh, they could have come home earlier, but the shore was full of zombies. They didn't dare to approach, but last night's heavy rain made them unfilial sons.

"You two brothers, tell me, what should we do now? I didn't pay attention to your father!"

Li Chen Feng sat on the boat and was very dispirited. As he spoke, he drank a mouthful of wine from the gourd at his waist.

"Father, why don't we go find the government? The government won't ignore us. They definitely have a way." Li Liang was holding a long bamboo pole and pushing the zombies away. This ship was really big, so there was no need to worry about the zombies climbing up.

"Children, this is the end. No one can afford to worry about the eruption of doomsday. What can the government do? How much food is left?"

"There's not much left. I don't think it's enough for dinner." Li Xiang said worriedly.

"Mm" Li Chen Feng's expression became even more worried.

At this moment, a cry for help came from not far away.

Li Chen Feng picked up the binoculars hanging around his neck and saw that there was a man and two women on the roof. From the looks of it, the two women looked alike, so judging from the difference in age, they should be mother and daughter.

Ah … what a beautiful woman. Both of them are beautiful, like female stars.

Li Chen Feng didn't have much knowledge about women, so although the two women could only be considered delicate and plump, in his eyes, they were beauties.

"Liang, get the boat over there!"

"Alright!" Li Liang picked up a long bamboo pole and put it into the water. He started to prop up the boat and soon arrived near the house.

"Great, let's get on the boat and pick up our brothers!" The seemingly incomparably tired man's eyes turned red with excitement.

Li Liang was a warm-hearted person. He tried to pick up someone by holding up the bamboo pole, but Li Chen Feng stopped him.

"Liang, don't be anxious. Let me ask you a question … are you family?"

"Brother, yes, this is my wife and daughter. My name is …"

"Alright, I'm not interested in your name. Do you have any food?"

"There's no food left. Brother, you didn't know about the heavy rain last night. There are also these zombies! Many people have died. It's really not easy for our family to survive!"

"En … we are not easy. We can't let you all get on the boat, because there is food on the boat."

"Big brother, please, if you don't let us get on the boat, we will die. My daughter is only seventeen years old. She is still a child!"

The plump woman had a wailing face, and her chest was much more upright from a closer look.

Li Chen Feng's mouth twitched. He felt that it was very exciting, but the parts below did not react. He was dejected, but now he was powerless when he saw a woman.

Li Chen Feng shook his head helplessly. He seemed to have thought for a while before shouting, "Women can come up, men can't!"


The people on the other side were obviously shocked. Li Chen Feng's two sons were also a little dumbfounded.

"Dad, if you want to save someone, of course you have to save a family of three. Didn't you raise us to be kind and loving since we were young? What's the matter with saving only two women?" Li Xiang felt that his father was a little unreliable and asked for his opinion.

'"Ah, my silly son. The world used to be peaceful. Being kind to others, even if you wouldn't do anything big, you wouldn't have to worry about your life. But now the world has changed. In this chaos, if you don't do it for yourself, then heaven and earth will destroy you!" At this point, Li Chen Feng actually let out a sympathetic sigh, as if he was a deep thinker. What he said was actually reasonable.

Twilight really came. After Qin An and Li Ying ate a rotten roasted chicken, the atmosphere became more harmonious. Qin An continued to tell Li Ying the story of the apocalypse. This story made Li Ying cry very special, because it seemed to be happening right now.

"Later … this man named Li Chen Feng refused to take the man away. He was only willing to take the woman and their daughter away. The family pleaded bitterly, but Li Chen Feng was not united. So the man compromised and decided to give in. He watched his wife and daughter get on the boat while he stayed on the roof."

"Ah, how pitiful! I think that man must have broken his heart."

Qin An nodded and shook his head.

He wasn't too sure either, because he had just discovered the ship 3,000 meters away and hadn't eavesdropped on much. However, he had known earlier that there were three survivors there. However, they weren't from the same family at all. Then why would they lie to Li Chen Feng?

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