Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1671 Descendants Of Yanhuang

Chapter 1671 Descendants Of Yanhuang

After Qin An threw the demon away, he opened the Earth Seal space in the area of the Scarlet Bone Corpse King's meat patty.

As long as this fellow encountered a living body or a corpse, he would be able to quickly fuse and revive. The Demon Child's attack had caused damage to his spiritual energy, but it was clear that he had not yet killed him. He was still gathering. A large area of virus was formed. Qin An set up an alchemy floor wall and sealed it off with the Earth Seal space. Afterwards, he used all sorts of abilities to attack the meat pancakes.

After being attacked by the demon, the giant meat pie was already heavily injured and lost all inspiration. Although it still had a good offensive power, it no longer had a sense of direction to attack.

Its body continued to explode. The flesh and blood sprayed out could no longer hurt anyone, because there was no one else in the sealed space of Qin An's Earthen Seal.

The best weapon Qin An could use against a huge meat patty was fire. In an instant, the ground seal space was filled with flames. Under the flames, the Scarlet Bone Corpse King's mutated meat pie monster let out a shrill roar, making one's scalp feel numb. However, only Qin An could hear this kind of roar. Because of the barrier between the Ground Seal space and the alchemy wall, there was no idea what was happening inside.

Yao Zi was a little angry. How could she not be angry? She had never experienced such an awkward situation when someone threw her away.

Anger was anger, but at this time, there was no time to pay attention to Qin An. More zombies surrounded him, and the powerful Demon Child could only kill the zombies.

The zombies attracted by the Scarlet Bone Zombie King seemed to be even crazier, especially when Qin An burned it with flames.

Therefore, although Qin An was currently dealing with the strongest monster, the ones who really suffered were Yao Zi, Yao Tian, Shen Nong, and the others.

Yao Zi wasn't too serious at first, but in the end, his eyes were completely red. He only felt that Qin An was hateful. If Qin An hadn't stopped her earlier, she would have completely killed that big meat patty.

As he scolded Qin An in his heart, Yao Zi gradually treated the zombies as Qin An, and killing them felt extremely refreshing.

This battle lasted for three days and three nights. In the end, the zombies were almost all killed. Qin An finally managed to finish off the meat patty that the Scarlet Bone Corpse King had transformed into on his own.

However, the crisis has not been resolved, The Giant City within the Vault of Heaven was filled with zombie virus blood mist. The mist had reached a saturated state. It could not spread out in the sealed space. There was new air entering the sky, but the air inside could not escape. As a result, the concentration of poisonous substances in the air was still fixed. Even the demon didn't dare to leak such a concentration of poisonous gas into the air for too long, let alone anyone else.

What was even more troubling was that even though he had killed the Scarlet Bone Corpse King, there were still a large number of zombie viruses hidden in his body.

Qin An had thought of many ways to not eliminate these viruses. In the end, he could only gather all the viruses into the alchemy space where the Scarlet Bone Corpse King had been trapped.

At this time, Qin An's Dream Space could be activated again, and everyone was brought into the Dream Space by Qin An.

After experiencing a great battle, Shen Nong and Qin An temporarily let go of their grudges. Everyone was trapped, and they didn't have any life-and-death hatred that couldn't be resolved. They also knew that they were both super experts, so there was naturally no need to cause trouble for each other. The Eleven Dark Ghosts only had Shennong and Yangyouji left, causing them to sigh endlessly.

After resting in Dream Space for a day, everyone had to leave, and Qin An had already built an air castle during this period.

The so-called main structure of the air castle was an alchemy wall. The upper windows were sealed with energy barriers, and no outside air was allowed to enter.

The days became calm. In the blink of an eye, it was ten days.

The Demon Child was a little disappointed. The Spirit of the Supreme Divine Curse did not awaken.

Then why didn't Zi Yang awaken even after using other curses to invade the Sovereign God Curse?

For ten days, Zombie Qin An was still studying the zombie virus left behind by the Crimson Blood Corpse King. These things seemed to combine the characteristics of Erent. If the alchemy walls were contaminated with them for too long, they would also be infected. They could even form a living organism that liked to eat meat.

Qin An had no choice but to use the Alchemy Wall again and again to seal off the super virus.

After more than ten days of research, Qin An came to some conclusions.

Three thousand Ruoshui zombie viruses combined with Yang Guang's body formed a supergod zombie virus.

This virus had strong infectivity. It could fuse with organisms to form new zombie species. These zombie species possessed extremely strong cell binding abilities, and they were extremely difficult to kill because they no longer had the structure of their brains, which meant that they had no fatal flaws. The Super God Zombie Viruses were very small. In Qin An's eyes, they were pink glittering pink, but ordinary eyesight abilities could not see their existence.

Qin An was very worried. If this super-god zombie virus were to spread out, then the world would be in chaos.

A few more days passed. Three days of heavy rain fell outside the Vault of the Hidden Roof. The rain fell, making the originally blood-red ground muddy. However, the rain dispersed the blood mist. The mist merged into the rain and landed on the ground. There was no longer any strange smell in the air.

In the air castle, according to the ranking of strength, there were currently Demon Child, Shennong, Yao Tian, Oxygen Youji, Qin An, reckless, enchanting, Xia Yu and the unconscious Luo, Jones, Jin Bao, Alguri, and Caesar Beit.

It had to be said that Caesar Beit was lucky that several experts had joined forces to fight bitterly for three days and three nights, killing all the zombies. Otherwise, Qin An had originally planned to let him die.

Early in the morning after the rain stopped, there were actually colorful clouds in the sky. Qin An climbed up to the top floor of the air castle and put away the city wall to observe the scenery.

The sound of footsteps came from behind him, followed by Shen Nong's voice.

"This day has finally turned blue."

"Yes …"

Without turning around, Qin An paused and asked what he was interested in.

"We don't know each other, Shennong, tell me your story? History records that you existed between 3245 B.C. And 3080 B.C., namely, the Flame Emperor. You were born 5500 to 6000 years ago in Lishan, also known as the Sun God in ancient Chinese legends in Suizhou City, Hubei Province. The world respectfully calls you 'Medicine King', 'Five Grain King', 'Five Grain Ancestral Emperor', 'Shennong Emperor', 'Earth Emperor', and so on. One of the Three Ancient Emperors of China, the legendary inventor of agriculture and medicine, said that you tasted all kinds of herbs, taught people medicine and farming, and was in charge of medicine and agriculture. It could bless the harvest of agriculture and the health of the people. Later generations, you were even regarded as the patron saint by the clinics and medicine shops. I'm very curious about your story. "

"Haha! After I was revived, I also heard of these legends, so I went to study history and understood my status in the hearts of future generations. Actually, I am not Shennong. My real name is Lu Yan, and I am the sixth Yan Emperor of Shennong. The Shennong clan was a tribe of the Stone Age. The first clan leader was Shennong, followed by Linkui, Cheng, Ming, Zhi, Lai, Lu Yan, Li, and Yu Wan. In fact, none of the eight Flame Emperors conformed to the legends of Shen Nong in later generations. However, during the eight generations of the Shennong Clan, the Shennong Clan had indeed discovered many herbs and created some agricultural crops. The last Eighth Yan Emperor of the Shennong clan was a figure of the same period as the Emperor. After the rise of the Emperor Xuanyuan clan, along with the Eighth Yan Emperor's battle with Chiyou people, the Xuanyuan clan finally united many tribes and was called Huaxia in later generations. These histories were somewhat different from what they were at that time, but they were also about the same. "In other words, the Shennong you think is not a human, but a Shennong tribe. As for the compensation for the Hundred Herbs, it was not to find medicinal ingredients. However, at that time, it was difficult for people to obtain food. We could not catch wild beasts, so we went to gather wild herbs to eat. After eating for a long time, we knew which ones were poisonous and which could heal the injuries. Only then did the legends of the later period emerge."

"So that's the case. Then I'll call you Shennong. There's no gap between us. Could it be that you were all very smart at that time?"

"No, the people at that time weren't smart enough. I had the power of ghosts after I was resurrected. That's why I looked like you normal people."


"But the people of that time were not stupid, and in later generations we lived in a period called the Neolithic Age, which was a historical stage of the primitive society from its heyday to the decline of the gentile commune system. The so-called decline is actually progress. At that time, our farming and animal husbandry already had the momentum to emerge. We no longer relied solely on fishing and hunting. Actually, it's interesting to think about it. The Shennong Clan pays great attention to invention and creation. As people who know little about the world, we have boundless enthusiasm for exploring the world. For a long time, we will kneel on the ground on rainy days. We think that the heavenly deities are angry with us. Later, some people realized that they would not be punished by the gods if they did not kneel down, so they learned to avoid the rain. The desire to find a job spreads like a plague in the community, because some people know that they have to shelter from the rain, and most people learn it later. We started trying to get some shelter from the rain, Although things like houses weren't created yet, we've already built some shelters to shelter from the rain. Those shelters are becoming more and more complex. We've discovered that they can shelter from the rain, but they can also shelter from the wind and rain. These processes may be very understandable to you, but we've probably learned these things for ten years, several decades, or even more! The progress of civilization is not worth mentioning in history, but it is something that we cannot feel even after exhausting our lives. "

Hearing Shen Nong's words, Qin An nodded slowly with a solemn expression. After a long time, he sighed and said,

"Indeed, it's not easy. China has a history of 5,000 years. It has gone through the primitive era, the slave era, the feudal era, the short modern era, and the apocalyptic era. Every era is not simple … Shennong, do you really want to be a ghost general's lackey?"

Shen Nong had originally listened calmly, but after hearing Qin An's words, his expression became gloomy.

"What an ugly word. What do you mean a lackey? I'm just grateful for his kindness in reviving me. We didn't even think about returning to the Nine Dragons Empire this time."

"But you are the Flame Emperor of our ancient ancestors, the Three Emperors and Five Emperors. The current regime of the Nine Dragons Empire is the continuation of the regime of the pre-apocalyptic era and the inheritance of the descendants of Yan and Huang. The Black Gold Empire had already been controlled by the alien undead, and it had established a state in the Russian region, invading the country's borders several times. As the ancestor of our Yan Huang descendants, you didn't serve our descendants, yet you actually went to help outsiders? It really makes me feel embarrassed. "

"This …"

Shen Nong was stunned, slightly embarrassed. He knew history, but he spent most of his time in the Black Gold Empire after his resurrection. He hadn't had any contact with a few descendants of the Yellow Emperor, nor had he revealed his identity. Therefore, he really didn't have the intention of realizing that he was the ancestor of the Black Gold Empire.

'"I dare to guarantee that if you return to the Nine Dragons Empire and tell people that you are the Flame Emperor and Shennong, it will definitely cause the entire country to tremble, and then countless people will want to look up to you! You will become the idol of the entire people and become the god of the Earth natives in the Nine Dragons Empire!"

"What you said … is really a bit exaggerated."

"Not exaggerate at all, "Although the population of the Nine Dragons Empire is mostly aliens, our army is still from Earth. As a result, the culture of Earth has been passed down. There are still many children who claim to be descendants of Yan and Huang on the Internet. This proves the importance of your Yan Emperor, Shen Nong, and Emperor Xuanyuan."

As Qin An spoke, he mentioned many stories about people's faith in China and Yan Huang in the pre-apocalyptic era, causing Shennong's blood to surge.

"So ah Shennong brother, since you originally did not plan to go back to the Black Gold Empire, then follow me in the future? The Nine Dragons Empire needs the protection of your old race. Trust me, only in the Nine Dragons Empire can you find your own value. "Also, Yang Youji. From what I see, his temperament seems cold and he doesn't like to talk, but he is very obedient to you. Bring him back with you. Although he isn't as famous as you, he is still an ancestor of the Yan and Huang descendants."

Qin An said with both emotion and emotion.

He was obviously recruiting thugs. In the past few days, he had already gotten along peacefully with Shennong Yangyouji. If he didn't use this opportunity to drag him into the Nine Dragons Empire, he would truly be a bit sorry to Guo Sihai.

Qin An's words had indeed touched Shennong. As a resurrected ghost, he was originally like a duckweed, unable to find his connection with this world. Since the Nine Dragons Empire was the bloodline of the Yan and Huang descendants, and he was the Flame Emperor, why would he still be an enemy of the Nine Dragons Empire?

This was a very serious question!

Shen Nong frowned and said to Qin An after a long time, "Are you saying that I will already be welcomed when I join the Nine Dragons Empire?"

"Of course! You're asking nonsense."

The corner of Shen Nong's mouth twitched. After a long time, he said,

"Alright, then I'll go find Yang Youji and talk to him about it. I'll see what he thinks and give you an answer later."

After saying that, Shen Nong turned around and left, disappearing in an instant.

Qin An took a deep breath and continued to look at the rainbow and the rising sun. His eyes narrowed slightly and he looked like a surging wave.

"Hmph, you really are a cunning fellow."

Qin An did not need to turn around to know that the person who came was the demon child, and did not need to talk to her. Qin An also knew the meaning of the demon child in Hua Zhong.

"I'm not cunning at all. I just told Shennong the truth. Whether he is willing to join our camp depends on his own choice. "This is a big change. Nine of the Eleven Dark Ghosts have died. Shennong's mood has not been high these past two days. He needs to change his lifestyle. Returning to the Nine Dragons Empire is definitely the best choice for him and Nourishing Youji."

The Demon Child was barefooted and naked. She walked to Qin An's side. Qin An's gaze was inadvertently attracted by her. The sun and rainbow that were born lost their due beauty and were all compared to the Demon Child.



Yao Zi glared at Qin An, but he still didn't react. He said,

"My name is Yaozi, not Yaosheng! Qin An, I'm too tired these past few days, and I didn't come looking for you! Why did you grab me and throw me away during the battle with the Blood Bone Zombie that day?"

"It's been a few days, why haven't you forgotten? I felt that my spatial ability could trap him. At that time, all the zombies nearby came over. I was afraid that it would release a virus to infect those ordinary zombies nearby and turn them into Sword God-level mutated zombies. That's why I let you leave and trap him myself. "Facts have proved that I did the right thing. If I hadn't trapped the Sword God zombie virus, how could you have killed all the zombies in the city so easily?"


Yao Zi moved her wrist. She had been in a state of exhaustion these past few days.

It was easy for her to kill a zombie, but the problem was that there were too many zombies! She had been using her ability continuously for three days and three nights. This was simply more tiring than fighting with the other three Beast Emperors on the Sword Spirit Star Barbarian Beast Continent!

Yao Zi was actually not satisfied with Qin An's explanation. However, she had been annoyed by the fact that the Spiritual Will of the Firmament had not appeared in the past few days, so she did not want to quarrel with Qin An. She was also tired.

Suddenly, a set of white silk spirit underwear appeared and wrapped the demon.

The demon rolled his eyes and said in an atmosphere, "Get dressed again!"

She was very irritated and hated Qin An's practice of getting a set of clothes on her without her permission.

Just as he was about to reach out and tear his clothes, Qin An grabbed his hand.

"Don't move. Look at yourself. Doesn't it feel good to wear clothes?"

Qin An took out a large dressing mirror from his space and stood in front of the Demon Child. The Demon Child quietly looked at him in the mirror and then frowned. He just felt that his appearance was a little obedient. After all, she was not used to human clothes.

Qin An smiled and took out a large pile of things from his interspatial ring. They were all cosmetics.

Walking to the Demon Child's side, Qin An said indifferently,

"In the memories of the earth people, wearing clothes is not only to cover up embarrassment, but also for beauty. Perhaps it doesn't matter if you orcs see beauty or ugliness, but we humans are very concerned about it! And you happen to be a peerless beauty in the eyes of others! I have to admit that you are attractive when you are naked, but you are more attractive when you are dressed! "

As he spoke, Qin An was already using a brush to apply a faint foundation to Yao Zi's face.

Yao Zi was a little dumbfounded. For a moment, she did not react whether she should punch the man in front of her. She should have done this, but looking at Qin An's pair of black eyes, she was dumbfounded.

This man is so strange. Is he really not affected at all by the aura of his female beast king? How could he be so calm?

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