Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1661 Zombie Explosion

Chapter 1661 Zombie Explosion

"Back then, I saw Hunger. It seems that the old man's strength should be the weakest amongst the top ten Death Sect masters, right? Ruoshui, I admit that you are much stronger than him, but you still want to kill me?"

As the roar fell, Yao Tian flew to Ruo Shui's side. The huge tail of the snake released the colorful light sword spiritual energy, quickly spreading out to form an energy halo of a thousand meters in diameter. The purpose of doing so was obviously to trap Ruo Shui.

Weak water can turn into invisible water, and once it escapes, it can go anywhere. Yao Tian didn't know if his energy magnetic field could trap the opponent. He could only do his best. At this moment, Yao Tian hated weak water to the death. As a Master God, it was naturally a great humiliation to be imprisoned.

While Yao Tian and Ruo Shui were fighting, Qin An found Hua Yue.

At this time, Hua Yue was in a sorry state. She could not control the zombies here. After being bitten a few times, she found that she could not tolerate the zombie virus that had been modified by the weak water three thousand toxins. Although she didn't directly become a zombie, she was still a little dizzy and confused.

As an Awakened, it would be too embarrassing for him to be infected after being bitten by a zombie.

Yao Tian's previous location was already very far away from her. Yao Tian was the main force, attracting most of the zombies to attack him. Hence, Hua Yue was still able to barely support him at this time. Moreover, when the weak water corroded the poisonous rain descended, she did not escape the calamity by Yao Tian's side and did not die of corrosion.

Qin An saw Yao Tian fighting with Ruo Shui, so he appeared behind Hua Yue and shot out light waves that swept across the army.

Hua Yue felt the powerful energy coming from behind her. Although she dodged, she did not completely dodge it. Her arm, including her shoulder, was directly cut off.

"You …"

Hua Yue frowned in pain, but when she looked back, she found that no one was there.


Is it that person who might be Qin An?

Hua Yue was anxious. Her strength could only be considered decent, but she was not a true expert. Yao Tian's purpose in coming here was to protect her.

But at this moment, Yao Tian himself was surrounded by zombies, and he went to look for weak water to fight, leaving Huayue Renshi alone, not knowing how to deal with it.

Qin Ansi was not polite, nor did she plan to waste words with this woman. As one of the two main sources of zombie virus transmission, Qin Ansi naturally wanted to use the most thunderous methods to kill her, and the timing was obviously just right.

Once again, Qin An used a combination of abilities to attack. Hua Yue was originally unable to defend herself, and in the face of such a strong attack, she was even unable to dodge. In just a few rounds, Hua Yue was killed by Qin An's corpse.

Yao Tian's single-handedness was stronger than Weak Water's, but Weak Water was not weak either. Therefore, he was unable to win for a while. It could even be said that he had no chance of winning in a short period of time.

Qin An's action surprised him. The things he faced were too chaotic. He had long forgotten about Qin An.

Damn it!

Yao Tian's heart was extremely conflicted. The purpose of this trip was to protect Hua Yue. Now that he had failed, he hated Qin An and even more so the weak water in front of him. Thus, all of his anger instantly turned into killing intent, causing the weak water to retreat repeatedly. However, Ruo Shui was not worried at all. After dodging Yao Tian's attacks, Ruo Shui suddenly laughed loudly.

"Haha, your companion was killed! That brat is said to be Qin An's reincarnation. Yao Tian, he killed your companion. You should go take revenge. Is it interesting to pester me here? I won't fight you anymore. You should go find him. There are also my zombies. They are tireless! "Your Sword Spirit Qi energy shield cannot trap me. Although you are the Eighth Master God, to me, you are nothing more than that. The era of the Death Sect is coming, and you, Yao Tian, are only one of those ants!"

As the weak water's voice fell, his body suddenly exploded, turning into pure and transparent water, which then dissipated into a mist of water.

Yao Tian could no longer feel the life aura of the weak water, At this time, all the flying zombie beasts in the vicinity flew towards Yao Tian's rainbow sword qi. Although these fellows weren't enough to destroy the energy shield, every collision would damage Yao Tian's energy. Moreover, their bodies would explode into blood mist after colliding with the energy shield. This mist was corrosive and would cause Yao Tian's body to feel uncomfortable after being infused with the Colorful Light Sword's spiritual energy.

Yao Tian could only withdraw the Spirit Qi barrier of the Colorful Light Sword and activate the slaughter mode.

At this time, Qin An also took out his staff and began to slaughter. Ruoshui obviously took good care of Qin An. The surrounding zombies surrounded him layer after layer, like waves. The nearby zombies had just been killed, and more zombies surrounded him from afar.

Time passed by like this. The entire Giant City was surging like a huge wave of sand. The zombies were not only attacking Qin An and Yao Tian, there were also some who were attacking the survivors hiding in the corner under the control of the weak water.

Qin Potian and the others were not spared the attack. Qin An's alchemized fortress was not completely sealed, and some of the windows on the top floor were still open.

The zombies quickly piled up below the building, reaching the roof and climbing through the windows.

Qin Potian was a true warrior. He stood in the corridor and was unable to break free. He killed all the zombies that rushed over and hacked their corpses into pieces with the giant Overlord God Sword.

In just over ten minutes, the corridor had already emitted a rotten smell. The meat paste had blocked the entire corridor's cross section, and fresh blood was lying everywhere, turning it into a small river.

The zombies didn't stop attacking because of this. Under the control of Ruo Shui, they still sprinted inside desperately. Because there were too many pieces of meat, the corridor space became increasingly narrow. Qin Potian was forced to retreat even though he didn't lose.

Qin Potian helplessly discovered that he could not hide in this building. The zombies' attacks were too turbulent. If he abandoned the top floor and ran downwards, they would have no chance of escaping when the zombies piled up here.

With this knowledge, Qin Potian smashed through a skylight at the top of the ceiling and brought all the survivors out of the pavilion to the roof.

No one was relaxed. Everyone had just gone from one desperate situation to another.

The zombies had already surrounded the entire building, so it was naturally easy to climb to the roof.

Qin Potian was unable to block all the zombies by himself, so the survivors all joined the battle.

Qin An found that the situation here was dangerous, because there were many types of zombies besieging him. If he went over, he would definitely attract these zombies, and the people there would be even more dangerous.

Kill him. Anyway, sooner or later, we'll have to face all of this.

At this moment, the scenery was a little strange. The zombies in the city formed two huge vortexes with Qin An and Yao Tian as the centers. The flesh and bones of the zombies piled up together, becoming more and more, higher and higher, the area becoming larger and larger, and the space was filled with the aura of death.

These were two true masters, and with just a raise of their hands, they could be covered in corpses.

In the slaughter, they gradually forgot themselves, forgot the world, forgot everything.

The night was dyed red with blood, When Dongfang Chaoyang appeared, The entire Giant City was in a slump. The zombie riots left few survivors in the city. The stench of rotting corpses made the air muddy. The zombie poisonous mist appeared blood red. Qin An and Yao Tian both opened their own spaces and isolated the zombie poisonous mist outside. Even they didn't dare to breathe too much into their bodies.

Qin Potian, Jin Bao, Alguri, Caesar Beit and Delevina were finally accepted into Dream Space by Qin An.

Qin Potian was fine, However, the others were no longer able to withstand the attacks of zombies from all directions. All of them had died. The girl called Thinking Dream Heavenly Horse Beast had not been spared. Her death had not touched Qin An at all. Everyone was not from the same side, but had gathered together because of suffering. Qin An naturally had no obligation to take charge of her safety.

Daytime seemed to pass very quickly and unknowingly. Although Qin An and Yao Tian had used their defenses, they had also suffered some injuries. The zombie poisonous mist they inhaled made them weak and the speed at which they released their abilities became slower and slower. After a day and night of slaughter, only about a quarter of the zombies in the city died. There were many mutated Elena zombies that were not so easy to kill.

Feeling that he couldn't continue fighting, Qin An himself entered the Dream Space. He hesitated slightly and brought Yao Tian in.

At this moment, Yao Tian's appearance was the same as Aimo, a beautiful and sexy blonde. Her skin was white and smooth, and her body was sexy and straight. She looked very attractive.

Qin An knew that his soul should be a man, so he found it unacceptable to see her naked. After entering the Dream Space, he immediately changed a set of clothes and wrapped it around him.

"Hmph, Nightmare Dream Space?"

Although the exhausted Yao Tian hated Qin An for killing Hua Yue, he really didn't have the strength to tangle with her. This was the view of a city. The place Qin An brought Yao Tian into was the roof of a building. There was a swimming pool, comfortable beds, and warm sunlight.

"Yes, I let my men in before, so Dream Space can still open for less than eight hours now. I think you also need to rest."

"Our relationship doesn't seem to have reached the point where you need to care about it?"

"I know, but back then, when Qin An was attacked by the Death Sect and Demon Race, you once helped him. No matter what the reason was, I feel that I should thank you. You should be exhausted by now, right? However, there is no place to stay in Giant City. I will provide you with this space for eight hours. It can be considered as repaying your support back then. Since then, we are still enemies! "I know that Emperor has no good intentions towards me, so I might have to go find him sooner or later!"

"Haha, why do you admit that you are Qin An from back then?"

"Admit it, there's nothing to deny, but I've forgotten a lot of things!"

'"Hmph, it's good that it's Qin An! If you don't have anything to do with the Emperor, I will kill you. You still want to go find the Emperor? How arrogant! Who in this world dares to say that they have the ability to challenge the Emperor? Death can't, True Fire can't, Tian Ge can't, and you, Qin An, are even more trash!"

After laughing heartily, Yao Tian did not speak to Qin An anymore. He raised his hand and tore open all the clothes on his body. He turned naked again and quickly walked to the side of the pool and jumped in.

When his body came into contact with the water in the pool, the water was immediately dyed red. It was unknown how much blood Yao Tian's body was stained with.

Qin An curled his lips. He did not mind Yao Tian's provocation at all, nor did he have the mood to pay attention to him. Right now, the enemy was Ruo Shui and there were a large number of zombies outside. This was also Qin An's true purpose of staying with Yao Tian. They had a common enemy, so they could at least cooperate for the time being!

Eight hours of rest was better. After that, he still had to face the dangers outside.

The zombie poison was truly annoying. Even if the Earth Seal space was opened, it would not be able to completely block the invasion of the poison. Moreover, Purdue's self-healing ability was actually unable to achieve much under the corrosion of this poison.

Qin An shook his head slightly. The exhausted Qin An was no longer thinking nonsense. He found a place to take a bath to make himself feel refreshed. After that, he took the opportunity to meet Qin Potian and the others.

At this time, the few of them had finished their grooming, but their spirits weren't very good. The previous battle had exhausted them, and they couldn't fall asleep even after entering the space for a few hours. Only Caesar Bette was in the best condition, and his legs had regrown. At this time, he had just woken up from a coma and looked to be the most energetic.

"Master An! You're finally back!"

Qin Potian said with concern.

Qin An nodded to him and said, "Sleep well. This Dream Space can only last for eight hours. It will take us a long time to open it again after we go out. I don't know how many of us will survive the battle before!"

"Ah, uncle, there are too many zombies. Furthermore, they are all very powerful. If we hadn't been protected by the Heaven Breaking Realm, we wouldn't have been able to survive." Jin Bao felt a lingering fear in his heart.

"Unfortunately, Si Meng is dead."

Qin Potian said dejectedly. He was a warm-hearted person and had already treated Si Meng as one of his own.

"Alright, don't think too much. Take time to rest."

Qin An patted Qin Potian on the shoulder and did not say anything else. He found a room and fell asleep on the bed. He was really too tired. Ever since he returned as Fang Xiaobao's soul, he had never been so tired.

Qin An didn't sleep for too long. He didn't sleep for too long. After two hours, he woke up with a clear mind. The impact of the zombie virus on his mental energy had basically disappeared. However, his body was still weak. He felt that it was still blocking when he used his ability.

Ah, the apocalypse is really hard to deal with. It's better to stay in the city for all the dangers. You can drink fine wine and have the beautiful tavern owner's wife accompany you.

The name of the Violet Lady Boss was Luo Lan!

Qin An actually knew that this woman used to be Qin An's high school teacher in her previous life. That was why she treated him so kindly after knowing her name, wasn't it?

Think about that Qin An. This life is really colorful. There are a lot of confidantes beside her. They have all kinds of identities. They can open a beautiful woman exhibition hall!

Perhaps the name Qin An is better?

His current relationship with women seemed pretty good, but it was all because of Qin An in his previous life. This feeling was actually quite strange, as if he had brought a cuckold on himself.

After thinking nonsense for a while, Qin An raised his hand and opened the video interface in front of him. Through these floating interfaces, he could see the situation of Giant City.

At this moment, the city had completely turned into a zombie city, and there were almost no survivors.

The outer space of the Dream Space was connected to Qin An's Heaven Scryer Spiritual Sense, so Qin An could also see some of the conditions inside the building.

He casually searched around and saw a few acquaintances.

In the basement of a building on the west side of the city,

Shennong, Yangyouji, Di Qing, Gongsun Lan, Li Siye, Yang Guang, Hu Chenghua, and Shihu were sitting together.

After Zhu Hai, Shi Bi, and Hui Qing died, Shen Nong and the others left the empire and entered the orc's territory.

They mainly didn't want to provoke Yin Yao, and they didn't want to let Qin An off, so even though they left the empire, they hadn't left. They planned to find an opportunity to attack Qin An.

Qin An appeared by the lake in March. Shen Nong and the others saw him on the Hada Illusory Beast video, so they followed Qin An all the way to Giant City. Unexpectedly, they encountered a zombie crisis here and were trapped.

Shen Nong still maintained his calm appearance. Yang Youji still had a cold expression. Di Qing's mask seemed to be rented from him. Gongsun Lan played with the sword while Li Siye wiped his saber. Only Yang Guang, Shi Hu, and Hu Chenghua were the most noisy and talkative.

"Hey, big brother, why don't we rush out! You and I are both former overlords, but now we are trapped underground by those zombies. This is too inexcusable!"

Yang Guang shook his head and expressed his opinion. At this time, he was holding Empress Hu in his arms and groping around.

Empress Hu was known as the number one prostitute in history. After that, she was already filled with desire for men. Unfortunately, only Yang Guang and Shi Hu were interested in her. She could only let the two of them enjoy themselves. At the same time, she was also entertaining them.

The person on the other side seemed to be displeased to see Empress Hu being hugged by Yang Guang. He was not jealous, but felt lonely in his arms. Looking at Gongsun Lan, he decided that it was best to forget about it. It was a rouge horse, so it was better not to provoke him.

Hence, Shi Hu leaned against Empress Hu and Yang Guang and reached out to secretly pinch Empress Hu's waist.

Empress Hu was a woman made of water. If she was lightly touched, she would immediately react. Her apricot eyes rolled and she glared at Shi Hu, but a smile hung on her face. She even let out a charming and romantic laugh.

Shi Hu's expression was Wei Hong. He secretly scolded Empress Hu for being so coquettish. It was good that he secretly took advantage of her, but she insisted on laughing out loud to attract the attention of others.

To conceal his embarrassment, Shi Hu loudly said,

"Yes, big brother! Then Qin An and Yao Tian have been killing each other all night. We don't know where they have seized them now. Why don't we find a way to find them? And then kill them all! Hmph, what bullsh*t Alien Master God? Isn't this Yao Tian on the same level as a ghost general? "We'll kill him and then tell the ghost general so that he doesn't want to yell at us. Doesn't he know that we're all Virtuous Paragons of the Earth?"

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