Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1654 Return Of Jin Gang

Chapter 1654 Return Of Jin Gang

At this moment, Alguri could feel Caesar Bette's fiery gaze on her. Although her personality was fierce, she was still a young lady, so her face could not help but turn slightly red.

Alguri walked over and sat down on the sofa. She looked at Caesar Bette and whispered,

"Why did you send Blackie away? We're trapped in this dangerous situation now, I don't have any other thoughts!"

"Hehe, wasn't I afraid that he would see you making out with me? Don't you know that this stupid kid secretly loves you!"

Caesar Bette sat down beside Alguri and spoke to her in the tone of an old brother.

He was indeed a capable man. Jin Bao had known Alguri for two years. He had only known her for a few days, but now he could be considered intimate with her. At least in Alguri's heart, she treated Caesar Bette as her closest friend.

"Move aside. It's so hot. Who wants to make out with you?"

Alguri frowned and pushed Caesar Bette to the side.

When she mentioned Blackie, she felt a trace of unbearability in her heart.

Of course, she knew that Jin Bao had secretly fallen in love with her for two years, but what was important between men and women was fate and feelings. She just didn't have any feelings for Jin Bao. Although Jin Bao was pitiful, she couldn't be blamed for it, could she? You can't force her to fall in love with him, can you?

Cizebert counted the time. He wasn't in a hurry to attack Alguri. This time, he intended to take a step further. He would kiss Alguri in a while and take off her coat. He needed to control a time node so that Jin Bao could see it when he entered.

Haha, at that time, this fool will definitely be stimulated to spit out blood, right? Alguri would also be ashamed of herself because of her chaotic feelings.

Caesar Bate liked this strange pleasure, which was an evil taste in his bones, so he was an evil man from the bones.

Next door, Jin Bao had already smoked three cigarettes in a row. Qin An used the time of these three cigarettes to tell him about Caesar Beit's character and some of the evil things he had done.

After saying that, Qin An looked at Jin Bao calmly. Jin Bao frowned for a long time before finally speaking in a somewhat hoarse voice,

"How did you know about this?"

"Not only do I possess the ability to read minds, I can also see through a person's past."

"Your abilities are really powerful."

Jin Bao was somewhat shocked by Qin An's powerful ability, but he was in a complicated mood and didn't have the energy to think too much.

Qin An finally sighed as he looked at the black man who had become more and more silent.

"Jin Bao, let me help you analyze this woman Alguri. In fact, she was as pure as a piece of white paper, because she had never interacted with a man. Therefore, she did not have much affection for Caesar Bette at all. She only liked his handsome appearance. To put it bluntly, she was a handsome person who had no resistance to men with high beauty. And you're actually not ugly at all. You're just too unconfident! A person's appearance will be affected by their temperament. If you feel that you are not handsome and that you are not good at it, then what you show others is that you are not handsome and incompetent! Do you understand what I'm saying? "

Jin Bao did not say anything, because at this moment, he was extremely sad. He clearly knew that Caesar Bette was a scum, but what could he do? He ran to Alguri's side and told her what Qin An had just told her about Caesar Bette? Can she believe it?

Qin An's words that he was not ugly did not save his weak heart. Jin Bao still lowered his head and looked lifeless.

Qin An finally frowned because he understood something.

In fact, no one could help him if he wanted Jin Bao to obtain Alguri's heart. He had to change himself first. He had to show his handsome and strong side before he could get Alguri to reevaluate him.

So how do we change Jin Bao?

After thinking for a long time, the real world suddenly stopped. Qin An's body disappeared and entered the dead space.

This Death Spirit Space is really lifeless now. The small town that Liu Xia and Lan Yu built back then is still there, but the farmland has long been deserted and is full of weeds.

Qin An had once entered this place, but he did not resurrect anyone because he was not ready to face Lan Yue and the others. As for the others, Qin An naturally would not consider letting them resurrect first.

There were many dead souls floating in the space of the dead souls. They were small transparent dots of multicolored light. They looked like fire-igniting insects. They were very beautiful as they flew around.

Among them were Qin An's former women, the Thirteen Wolf Cavalry, and many Qin Family warriors who had participated in the West Coast Battle.

Qin An pondered for a while before entering the Necromancy Space, because he felt that perhaps only Jin Gang's resurrection could save Jin Bao's weak soul.

Qin An had already collected a lot of Sword Spirit Stones during the battle with the barbarian beasts. Now, he should be able to revive a few people.

Looking at the decadent scene in the Death Spirit Space, Qin An muttered to himself softly.

"Sigh, this place should be fixed up as well."

With that, Qin An opened his spatial ring and summoned sword spirit stones.

These Sword Spirit Stones circled around Qin An. Qin An concentrated his mental energy to feel the tiny dots flying like fireflies.

This was the first time Qin An had done such a thing. He was a little worried, afraid that he would not be able to find the dead souls he wanted in these tiny dots of fireflies.

The first few dead souls he touched were all strangers. Qin An didn't know who they were, so he continued searching. Finally, a familiar spiritual energy was sensed by Qin An.

After continuing to feel this spiritual energy, Qin An's mind immediately showed a person's voice and smile. This was Qin Xiaoyan?

Qin An was somewhat surprised. It seemed that he was able to recognize the identities of these dead souls before they died. This should also be a special ability attribute of the dead souls space, right? He clearly didn't remember these people, but he was still able to know which of their dead souls they were.

Continuing to search, Qin An finally found three dead souls, Jin Gang, Liu Wenna, and Wu Zhen!

Alright, let them resurrect first, and then go meet with Jin Bao. After that, the three of them can tidy up this lifeless necromancy space.

Thinking of this, Qin An once again concentrated his mental energy, causing many Sword Spirit Stones to fly and fuse with the three Death Spirit Light Spots.

He had used up half of the Sword Spirit Stones in his interspatial ring, causing Qin An to feel extremely distressed.


Why do you need so much? If this bastard wanted to revive all the people in this space, it was simply impossible!

As Qin An struggled, the three figures slowly became clear and finally materialized.

There were a lot of clothes in Qin An's interspatial ring. They were all put inside by Qin An back then. There were some that he wore and some that he had prepared for his wives.

Seeing that the three of them were naked, Qin An hurriedly teleported three sets of clothes to them, and then waited nervously and quietly.


With a sigh, Jin Gang opened his eyes first, and then Liu Wenli and Wu Zhen also opened their eyes.

"This … Where is this?" Wu Zhen asked curiously. After that, she turned her head to look at Jin Gang and was stunned. Sparkling tears slowly appeared in her eyes.

She remembered the moment nine years ago, when Qin An died, the energy in the Death Spirit Space suddenly became violent. The wind and clouds surged in the sky. Everyone in the Death Spirit Space saw the scene that appeared in the sky, which was the moment Qin An died.

After that, everything disappeared, and all of his consciousness seemed to be suddenly plundered by a powerful energy…

What's the matter? Why did she come back to life? He also saw Jin Gang and his sister Liu Wenli?

Could it be that this was a dream? Could it be that Qin An is not dead at all?

Wu Zhen's consciousness was broken. She didn't know that nine years had passed in the outside world.

"Ah Zhen, Wen Li? What's going on?"

The black iron man, Jin Gang, was completely stunned.

Liu Wenli and Wu Zhen were even more confused than him.

The three of them were shocked for a while before discovering the strange man standing not far from them.

"Who are you?"

Jin Gang asked with a cold face. His current state was too bad, so his tone of questioning was also very bad.

Qin An looked at the three strangers in front of him and felt extremely conflicted in his heart.

It seemed that he was right. He did not resurrect Lan Yue, Qin Xiaoyan, Liu Xia and the others, because once he resurrected them, he would not be able to face these women! He didn't remember them at all!

Qin An sighed in his heart and spoke.

'"Jin Gang, Liu Wenli, Wu Zhen! I know that you are all Qin An's best friends, and I don't know what happened to you right now. So can you give me some time? Listen to me quietly, I will explain everything to you, okay?"

The three of them looked at each other and finally calmed down. Wu Zhen said,

"Alright, we can listen to you!"

Qin An nodded gratefully to Wu Zhen and began his narrative.

He started with Qin An's death nine years ago and the collapse of the necromancy space. The story was actually very short, because there weren't many fragments in Qin An's memories.

"Just like that, Qin An died. Qin Xiaoyan, Lan Yue and the others took the warriors in the middle of the sky to the United States to participate in the war on the West Coast. As a result, all the warriors went to the United States. At that time, Qin An actually did not die completely. Although he was under the Soul Breaking Curse, this curse token clearly did not work. Thus, after Qin Xiaoyan, Lan Yue, and the others died in battle, the dead souls were automatically taken into the dead souls space by Qin An's unconscious soul. It was only nine years later that a man named Fang Xiaobao awakened his spiritual sense in the Fang Clan… "

Qin An told them everything, including his own, including the Qin Clan. In any case, the space outside was relatively still while he was in the Death Spirit Space, so he had time to talk to Jin Gang and the others, so he would naturally explain it in great detail.

At last, Qin An stopped talking. Jin Gang, Liu Wenli, and Wu Zhen were completely shocked.

After an unknown amount of time, Jin had just recovered his voice.

"You … you mean, you're my big brother Qin An? Nine years ago, you did die, but now you borrow the corpse to return to your soul? Is that why you resurrected us from the Death Spirit Realm?"

Jin Gang said this with tears in his eyes.

"Borrowing a corpse to revive my soul? No, I borrowed a fool's body to revive. Although I have already confirmed that I am Qin An, I still have no memories."

"Big brother!"

Jin Gang suddenly roared and rushed forward to hug Qin An's body.

This real black iron man completely believed Qin An's words. If the man in front of him wasn't Qin An, why would he appear in the Death Spirit Realm? How could the three of them be revived?

Jin Gang was too excited. He had received too much information for a while. He didn't know what to do and could only vent all his emotions on Qin An.

Qin An felt Jin Gang's true feelings for Qin An in his previous life, and he was not only touched.

Nine years ago, he died in a foreign country. Many people from the Heavenly Residence moved from Europe to the west coast of the United States. As a result, they all died because of him!

How could he be loved so much?

Men have tears but not light tears, only because they have not been moved.

Seeing how sad Jin Gang was crying, Qin An finally shed two tears. When the tears fell, his mind suddenly fainted, and then a plot appeared in his mind.

It was the first time that Qin City appeared in front of Qin An in the square of Jin Gang Prison, pointing out the identities of Chen Yiku and Chen Sitian as mutants.

Memories only flashed by like this, but this was enough!

Qin An was stunned for a moment before suddenly hugging Jin Gang tightly.

"Hahaha! Jin Gang, I remember you! I remember the first time I met you! Hahaha, I remember another thing!"

Because of this sudden surprise, Qin An was even more excited, which made the scene a little chaotic.

After more than ten minutes, Jin Gang and Qin An finally regained their calm after being persuaded by Wu Zhen and Liu Wenli.

The emotions of the two women were implicit, and the man in front of them looked unfamiliar.

Qin An had a square face with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

The man in front of them was much more handsome than Qin An himself. Although he didn't lose his masculinity, he had a more delicate temperament. Although Wu Zhen and Liu Wenli also felt that the man in front of them was undoubtedly Qin An, they were a little embarrassed to immediately rush over and hug him like Jin Gang to call him Big Brother.

'"Ah… I'm so excited. Jin Gang, you don't know! After I woke up, I didn't have any memories. I forgot about everyone! It wasn't until this period of time that I remembered the scene of my death, the first meeting with Weng Lan, and now I think of you again! This is really great, haha!"

"Big brother! This means that my status in your heart is very high! I guess sister-in-law will be jealous!"

"Come, come, come! There should be a drink here! The house over there is too dilapidated now. Let's get drunk here in the wilderness!"

As Qin An spoke, he took out a large table and a few chairs, and instantly got another table of dishes from the space.

Jin Gang was not polite either. He drank happily with Qin An accompanied by his two wives. Another three to four hours passed after this drink.

Qin An told the three of them more about the outside world. Finally, he talked about the invasion of savage beasts and the encounter with Jin Bao.

After hearing what happened to Jin Bao for nine years, the two women cried out in pain.

"Wuwuwu, this child is truly bitter. I don't know how he lived when he was alone outside."

"That's right, Wen Li, don't be sad! In the future, it'll be fine. Big Brother is revived, and we can all revive in the Death Spirit Space. Even if we can't get out, we can at least let Big Brother use his spiritual energy to open the video. Then we can talk to him here … this poor child."

'"Alright! Mother loves me so much! I'm dead with all of you. This brat is just a fucking dead man! He's been wandering around for seven years? He's a beggar? Why isn't he going to die? Also, since he meets the woman he likes, then why the fuck should he go after him? I don't want to see him! I'm afraid he'll die from anger!"

Jin Gang slammed the table aggressively and drank a large glass of wine.

Qin An smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Jin Gang, now is not to make you lose your temper, but to let you solve the problem!"

"That's right. What's your name? You've been dead for nine years. Why does your soul resurrect like Ba Tian?"

Liu Wenli wiped her tears and blamed Jin Gang.

"Didn't your son follow you? Back then, Wen Li and I took the initiative to pursue you. Did you pursue us before we confessed to you? Humph! I'm a hero! Why would I blame you for being a loser?"

The two women joined forces and began firing at Jin Gang.

Jin Gang was speechless. He didn't know how he had become the target of the attack. He stared blankly and finally drank a large glass of wine. He didn't dare to go to war with his two daughters-in-law.

Qin An looked at it with a smile on his face, but his heart was numb.

I fucked a DJ.

Jin Gang was just two wives, and she couldn't even say a word when she clashed with him.

In his previous life, Qin An had more than a dozen women. If there was a conflict with them, they would still be eaten alive by the women, right?

Qin An frowned and drank a mouthful of wine. While admiring Qin An in his previous life, he was also reflecting on himself. He couldn't have a bunch of wives by his side. It was too dangerous.

Only after Liu Wenli and Wu Zhen worked together to completely tidy up Jin Gang did Qin An find an opportunity to speak,

"Well, Jin Gang, anyway, that's your own son! I think Jin Bao really likes Alguri. He died for seven years because of you, but he was reborn because of Alguri. This is enough to explain everything! I think I should help him, and you, father, have no shirk your responsibility! Right now, there was only one problem, and that was to make Jin Bao confident. Only when he was confident would his man's light be released, and he would be able to stun that Alguri! As long as Jin Bao's own problems are solved, I have a hundred ways to kill Caesar Bette so that Jin Bao can carry her back! "

Hearing Qin An's words, Jin Gang did not refute or lose his temper this time.

He secretly looked at his two daughters-in-law and saw that they were also looking at him with anticipation.

After coughing gently, Jin Gang sighed and said, "Hey, this brat, he really doesn't ease your mind! Big brother, what do you think you should do? I'll listen to you!"

"Simple! The current me is different from nine years ago. I don't know how much my ability has improved. That's why I can release all of you from the Death Spirit Realm! Although the time spent in the real world will be very short, I think as long as you father and son meet mother and son, the knot in Jin Bao's heart can be untied! I was afraid that trouble wouldn't have told him that I was Qin An. Now, it's up to you to tell him that he has the support of his parents. With the help of me, Qin An, and even the entire Qin Family, then with this background and background, Jin Bao is a super rich second generation! Wouldn't it be easy to soak up an Alguri? "

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