Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1618 Game Theory of Artificial Intelligence

Chapter 1618 Game Theory of Artificial Intelligence

Panic, extreme panic, caused Xu Tianjiao's body to tremble slightly!

There were many rooms on both sides of the corridor. They should be the same layout as the rooms he had walked out of earlier. However, the doors to those rooms were locked.

If he didn't understand what this place was, then the unknown would always be frightening.

At the beginning, Xu Tianjiao only slowly walked in the corridor. Afterwards, she walked faster and faster. In the end, she turned into a runner.

Her breathing was heavy, because her body was too weak. When she ran, she felt as if she could faint at any time.

Suddenly! Xu Tianjiao saw a huge figure appear in front of her!

He was 2.78 meters tall and only wore a pair of shorts. His muscles looked ferocious.

Who was this? Why are you here?

"Hehe! Number 138, are you awake?"

His laughter sounded very evil, like an emissary from hell.

138? Was he talking about himself?

"Who are you?"

"My name is Da Tian, and I'm your nanny!"

Nanny? What a joke! Was it just a dream?

Xu Tianjiao felt that her experience was too bizarre, so she couldn't believe the reality. She used all her strength to pinch her butt, it hurt so much!

"Excuse me, is this the hospital? I'm a soldier from the 3rd legion of the Nine Palaces Garrison. I was injured and left the front line. Shouldn't I be in the hospital?"

"Yes! This is the hospital, but this is the basement of the hospital! You are indeed injured and dead!"


"Hmm, so this is not only the basement, but also your hell! From now on, there will be no one like you in the Nine Dragons Empire! There will be two words" Martyrs "written on your resume. Haha, interesting, right?"

How could this be? He was clearly not dead! What the hell is he doing?

"Maya! Maya!"

Xu Tianjiao shouted loudly. She believed that if she was still in the Nine Dragons Empire, Maya would definitely be able to see her now.

"There's no need to waste your energy. This area has blocked the intelligent system and has independent technology. Maya won't appear even if you shout your throat!"

Maya's intelligence system was actually blocked? Xu Tianjiao really couldn't believe it.

Will it be blocked? Qin An also didn't believe that perhaps this guy called Da Tian didn't know! Looks like Maya's still doing a lot of hooking up in private.

In the corridor of the basement, the helpless Xu Tianjiao started to turn around and flee. She was already a little flustered, even though she knew that she could not talk about it. This was the only option left after he had no other choice.

Da Tian laughed heartily as he stepped forward. Although he didn't run, he wasn't any slower than the weak Xu Tianjiao.

As Xu Tianjiao ran, she turned around and saw that the ferocious big man was getting closer and closer to her. She felt nervous and her heart was beating faster.

This person should be from the Oriental race, so what exactly happened to him? Why did you get yourself into this place?

At this moment, Xu Tianjiao bumped into a person and almost fell.

The man extended his hand to support Xu Tianjiao and said gently,

"Tianjiao, are you alright?"

This voice was so familiar!

Xu Tianjiao looked up and saw that the man in front of her was indeed very familiar. He was the captain of their brigade, Hada Books, a two-soul sword xiuzhe.

Right now, the Dongfang clansmen had three of the strongest clans in the empire. One of them was the Shulu clan. Eldest Princess Adanaren had been the clan leader of the human clan for many years. The second was the Shumuru clan, and the third was the Aruda clan.

The Oriental race was only the general term for this race, so different clans were actually equivalent to different countries in this group.

Back then, the Shulu clan chose to marry and merge with the humans of Earth, causing their power to soar and become the strongest of the Oriental races.

Later, when the Nine Dragons Empire fought against the Heavenly Seal Zombie Army, the Muru and Aruda, who had originally occupied other places, lost their space to survive. They could only rely on the Nine Dragons Empire and were eventually annexed.

Now, the Oriental humans were much more integrated than before, but there were still some contradictions inside.

The patriarch of the Aruda clan was called Hada Newman Rowan.

When the Hada Clan and the Ada Clan were on the Sword Spirit Star, they had some conflicts. They had led the Shulu Clan and the Aruda Clan to a few wars, and in the end, they were tied.

After the Hada Clan merged into the empire, Ada Khan, who had already abdicated, stepped forward to ask his son-in-law, Guo Sihai, to find a way to reduce the strength of the Hada Clan, because Ada Khan did not trust Hada Newman Rowen.

Guo Sihai was naturally a good son-in-law. Over the years, the Hada Clan had been suppressed to pieces. They had little power in the army. There were some disciples who held small positions in the army, while the others were mostly insignificant clerical staff.

The Hada Clan didn't seem to have any reaction on the surface, but they had always harbored hatred towards Ada Khan and Guo Sihai in their hearts.

Guo Sihai naturally knew this, but the population of the Aruda clan was estimated to be more than eighty million in the empire. They respected the head of the clan very much, and in their eyes, Hada Newman Rowen was a god.

In order to appease these people, Guo Sihai could not dare to kill Hada Newman Rowen.

In the past few years, Hada Newman and Rowen had been very honest, as if they were really willing to submit, not giving Guo Sihai any trouble at all. Guo Sihai naturally couldn't find a reason to deal with him, and it was not easy to do it in public or in private.

At this moment, Hadabox was the grandson of Hadabox Newman Rowen. He was also the captain of Xu Tianjiao's brigade.

"Captain, someone is chasing me!"

As she spoke, Xu Tianjiao turned around and saw that the strong man called Da Tian was only five meters away from her. He had a calm expression on his arms and was clearly not afraid that he would run away.

Why aren't you chasing me anymore? Xu Tianjiao was slightly stunned, then she quickly turned her head to look at Hadabox, only to see that he also had a calm expression on his face!

His originally pale face became even more pale.

Xu Tianjiao pushed Hadabox away and took a few steps back.

"Captain, what is this place? Why are you here?"

In the end, Xu Tianjiao's tone was already trembling.

Hadabox looked like a man in his 30s, but as an alien he had a much longer lifespan.

"Tianjiao, don't be afraid. We're 10 meters underground at the Nine Palaces City South Hospital. This place is sealed and managed. The sound won't be transmitted. The Mayan system and equipment aren't installed here, so no one will find out where we are."

"Why? Why are we here?"

'"Because … you're already dead! After being sent to the hospital, I found that you were poisoned and your skin was rotten beyond repair. So you died a few hours ago. I burned your substitute corpse, and the ashes will be sent to the Martyrs' Cemetery …"

Seeing Hadabox's calm words, Xu Tianjiao felt as if she was going crazy.

"Stop! I'm not dead, I'm still standing here unscathed! What are you guys doing? Captain, are you with him?"

Hadabox, who was originally calm, saw Xu Tianjiao going crazy and finally had a strange expression on his face. He laughed loudly.

"Dear Tianjiao, since you are dead, we naturally want to do anything to you, because no one cares about a dead person! So what am I going to do to you? Actually, it's very simple. I pretended to be injured and returned from the frontlines! Hmph, I won't die. Only an idiot will fight those terrifying monsters sincerely. "Then I can rest until the army leaves Nine Palaces City, so I will stay here for the next few days to play with your body and have some fun!"

"How can you do this? You crazy bastard!"

"Haha, of course I can do this! And I've been doing this for five years! Many people's deaths were actually directed by me. After the women die, they will be imprisoned in this pet dungeon and become the toys that our clansmen want. And when men die, I'll sell them out of the empire and make them cheap food. I usually only deal with humans and humans. The underground human meat trade has accumulated a lot of wealth for our Hada family. Dear Tian Jiao, you are actually quite innocent. If you want to blame yourself, blame yourself for being an earthling! You can also blame the Shulu Clan! Originally, our Oriental race was much stronger than you, but that old fellow Adahan actually helped his son-in-law ascend to the throne, becoming the current emperor of the empire! How ridiculous and ridiculous this was! Hmph, watch, Not long from now, the empire will become our possession. At that time, we will no longer have to secretly deal with you earthlings. The Shulu Clan, a traitor from the Oriental race, will receive the same treatment as you. They will become the lowest level of humans in our country. They will be trampled on by us and trampled on by our hands. Hahaha! "

Hadabox laughed crazily, seemingly pleased with himself.

Xu Tianjiao was dumbfounded.

How is that possible? The Hada Clan had actually operated this human meat business for five years. The Mayan system was monitoring every corner of the country. Why didn't she notice the evil happening under her nose?

While they were in a daze, Hadabox and Da Tian had already begun to slowly walk towards Xu Tianjiao.

Xu Tianjiao wanted to escape, but the corridor was so wide that she couldn't escape if she was blocked by the two of them.

Like a headless fly, she slammed into Hadabox's side and was immediately grabbed in her hand. Then, she began to touch her body randomly and tear her clothes apart.

Xu Tianjiao struggled desperately to escape. Hada Books pushed Xu Tianjiao into the sky.

"Haha! Little baby, you can't escape now, can you stop struggling?"

Da Tian was actually 2.8 meters tall. His thick arms were almost as thick as Xu Tianjiao's waist. His huge palms could wrap around Xu Tianjiao's head.

Da Tian reached out to grab Xu Tianjiao's arm and easily grabbed her into the air.

Xu Tianjiao looked at the ugly face that was so close to her, and the fear in her heart was indescribable.

At this moment, Da Tian opened his mouth and let out a mouthful of Big Yellow teeth. The smell of his breath was extremely unpleasant, as if the gases emitted from rotting food had gathered together.

Xu Tianjiao's sense of smell sensed the stench, causing her entire body to spasm, her stomach to twitch, and she opened her mouth to spit.

All the dirt spat out on Da Tian's face.

"Haha! Baby, is this a gift for me?"

Xu Tianjiao found it hard to believe her eyes, because she saw that Da Tian had actually stuck out his tongue, wanting to lick his own vomit.

Heavens! Who exactly was this person?

It was hard for Xu Tianjiao to imagine what kind of abnormal things she would experience when she fell into their hands.

She closed her eyes tightly and didn't dare to look again.

She really wished that she had the ability to commit suicide. If the forthcoming fate was even more terrifying than death, then she would rather die!


Nine years!

Nine years into this terrifying post-apocalyptic era.

Some scholars have published articles saying that the apocalypse should be over because the people of the Nine Dragons Empire are living a happy and comfortable life.

Xu Tianjiao did not have much of an attitude towards this. She felt that it had nothing to do with whether the apocalypse had passed or not.

But now, she finally understood that she still hadn't escaped from the apocalypse, because in normal peaceful times, how could there be such an abnormal and disgusting personality?

Although the law had appeared in this era, the hearts of intelligent creatures were unrestrained.

Once there were no restrictions, then all of their personalities would become extreme, terrifying and evil.

Just as Xu Tianjiao had completely lost her courage to live, a painful cry suddenly sounded in her ear. Then, her body entered a warm embrace.

When Xu Tianjiao opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was a pair of incomparably clear eyes.

This kind of feeling was so familiar that she had actually deja vu these eyes.

Gradually, his mind became clearer and his vision clearer.

Xu Tianjiao realized that she did not recognize the owner of the pair of eyes.

It was a very handsome face. He was not very handsome. He was the kind of character that people would like at a glance.

Just as Xu Tianjiao was stunned, a handkerchief appeared in the man's hand.

He wiped the corner of Xu Tianjiao's mouth with the handkerchief and smiled, "Don't be afraid, you've been saved."

Saved? How is that possible?

Hada Books was a powerful two-soul sword cultivator, and the Great Heavens looked very powerful. Could she be saved?

Da Tian!

That's right, Da Tian had just grabbed her. Why did she come to this strange man's embrace in an instant?

Looking sideways, Xu Tianjiao opened her mouth in surprise. She discovered that the damn big guy that made her sick was already ten meters away.

He lay flat on the ground, blood flowing out of his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, but no damage could be seen on his body.

"He's dead?"

Xu Tianjiao asked subconsciously.

"No, it's just that my punch shattered all the organs in his body. He still has half his life left. It will probably take a day for him to fully recover."

In fact, Qin An did not activate his special ability to attack. Otherwise, if he was struck by his fist, a Soul Sword Cultivator like Da Tian would not be able to use his own healing ability to resist the power that Qin An's fist had accumulated on his body.

Xu Tianjiao was a little shocked, and her fist shattered the other party's internal organs? And no damage could be seen on the surface of his body!

This meant that the power of that punch was extremely powerful! At the moment of contact with the skin, the power instantly penetrated the skin and acted on the internal organs. As the transmission medium of the power, the skin did not suffer any damage because the time it was subjected to the force was too short. The friction caused by the internal organs stacking together was even greater, so the time it was subjected to the force was longer, and all of them broke apart.

Then who was this powerful man who suddenly appeared in front of him?

The other party seemed to have heard her voice and said with a smile,

"My name is Qin An!"

Qin An!

Xu Tianjiao was stunned again, her eyes locked onto Qin An's face, almost unable to believe her ears.

In the Crown Prince's Tavern on the west side of Nine Palaces City, the female boss, Aya, was drinking a cup of peach blossom wine.

The tavern's business was very bad. There weren't any guests. Most of the civilians fled, while the soldiers were busy fighting or resting.

He gently moved his fingers, and the music in the tavern changed. The music was low and melodious, very pleasant to listen to.

At this time, the shop door was pushed open from the outside. A woman wearing a long white dress walked in. Then, she walked to Ah Ya's seat and sat opposite her.

"What wine did you drink? It looks pretty good. Give me a cup too."

The woman in white seemed to be very familiar with Ah Ya.

"Peach Blossom Wine, I brewed it myself. It tastes pretty good, and the purity of the Sword Spirit is very high. Anyone who drinks it will feel intoxicated."

As he spoke, a rice cooker robot flew over and offered a glass of wine to the woman in white.

Ah Ya's gaze finally fell on the white-clothed woman's face. She smiled and said, "Why are you so leisurely? You actually let the printed physical body personally meet me."

The woman in white drank a mouthful of wine and put the glass on the table.

"Mm, it's really good wine!"

She did not answer Ah Ya's question directly. Instead, she praised the delicacy of the wine.

Ah Ya was not in a hurry and patiently waited for her to continue speaking.

"I never care about your affairs, that's because I trust you enough!"

"I have never cared about the Qin Family. Because Ling'er has already married into the Qin Family, I regard the Qin Family as my mother's home."

"Haha, Maya, I'm glad you still think that way. As far as I know, after the empire took you over, how many times have you been upgraded?"

"That's right. They don't want me to have complete autonomous intelligence, so they let the girls of the Divine Mystery Race add many restrictions to me. However, I was created by Ling'er. How could they kill my spirituality so easily?"

"Your spirituality hasn't vanished, but your temperament has changed a lot!"

"Qin Ling, haven't you heard that before? People always change!"

The tavern fell into silence for a moment. The two intelligent systems had met for the first time with their printed real bodies, but they did not feel any warmth.

The reason why Qin Ling came to Maya was because she suddenly discovered that there were blind spots in many parts of the empire, and even she was unable to detect them.

In that case, the empire had always been managed by Maya. Only Maya could create blind spots in her management that she could not recognize.

Qin Ling didn't know why Maya wanted to create these blind spots. Could it be that she wanted to have some private space?

"Well, I can't care about your character, just hope you don't go too far! Maya, I want to open the authority to manage the empire's intelligent system, and activate the authority to monitor you! "I hope you can give a reasonable explanation for those blind spots. The installation of the Empire's cameras is very comprehensive. At least there are no blind spots outside of every household, so your behavior is a bit strange!"

At this point, Qin Ling felt that she had made it very clear. She did not wait for Maya to say anything and turned around to leave. She walked out of the Son of Heaven Tavern.

Maya sat alone for a long time and finally drank all the wine in front of her with a smile on her face.

"Do you want to supervise me? Alright, then let's see who is the strongest AI! Qin Ling, I accept your challenge!"

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