Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1605 Heavenly Punishment Believers

Chapter 1605 Heavenly Punishment Believers

Killing is an original sin.

Qin An did not know what had happened to him. When the beautiful bunnies surrounded him and the noisy bunnies kept roaring, his blood seemed to have been injected with tyrannical poison.

He raised his hand and killed the first rabbit girl. His killing intent awakened, and after that, he became uncontrollable.

There were no enemies in front of him during the slaughter, and all around him was darkness!

In the darkness, he could see the blood-red waves, the huge castle floating on the sea, and an old man smiling coldly in front of him.


Suddenly, the Door of Memory opened and a name like this jumped out. The old man's voice in front of him became even more vivid.

"… Canghai, it's a pity that you can't keep him alive!"

Four blood red talismans flew over, causing Qin An to almost suffocate after the explosion.

"Haha, there are four Soul Shattering Talismans. This time, Qin An is dead. I want to see how the Emperor will be revived!"

So painful! It was as if his soul was crying! Qin An felt that he was locked in a dark cage. He wanted to escape but was unable to do so. His ears were filled with Hunger's laughter. It was extremely ear-piercing.

Everything in front of him disappeared, leaving only darkness behind.

Hunger! He was his enemy! Did he kill him?

Suddenly, Qin An had this kind of memory. After that, his mind became clear. It was no longer chaos.

According to what he had learned over the past year, Qin An, the head of the Qin Family, had been killed by a fellow named "Hunger" nine years ago!

He suddenly had such a memory awakening, proving that he was really Qin An's reincarnation, which became the most favorable evidence!

Death Sect!

No wonder he was clearly in a state of amnesia, but when he encountered someone from the Death Sect, his mood would still fluctuate like this. In the past, it was fine if he didn't remember. Now, the hatred hidden deep within his memories had already been aroused.

With a casual wave of the staff, the rabbit girl who was kneeling on the ground begging for forgiveness was slapped into meat paste. The black world in front of Qin An finally disappeared and was replaced by a bloody mess.

Stunned, Qin An was dumbfounded. Heavens! What's around here? He actually killed all the living people in the town?

After an unknown amount of time, the town had been completely destroyed. All the houses had collapsed. Everyone had turned into a mess of flesh and blood. Piles of corpses were like small hills, looking extremely tragic.


Why did he lose control? Suddenly, his consciousness broke through the shackles and released a bit of memories. He had actually become a demon that forgot to kill.

Turning on his super hearing, Qin An finally relaxed after listening carefully.

It turned out that only rabbit girls were killed when he realized the chaos. Those rabbit brothers and wanderers fled the town in fright. At this moment, only a small number of them were affected on the road. In other words, he had not indiscriminately killed the innocent yet. The Heavenly Punishment Judgment was free to judge good and evil according to his own laws.

Although the bunnies' strength was not bad, most of them were merely the defenses of a Soul Sword Cultivator. It was very easy for them to be killed by themselves, as if they were ordinary people.

Looking at his body, his entire body was covered in sticky blood.

Qin An's mind moved slightly, causing the stains on his body to teleport away. He took out a brand-new white suit from his space and put it on.

He was indeed strong enough. Even if his consciousness entered a state of wandering, he was still able to kill so many people! It was indeed a god-like existence.

Returning to the black-armored war chariot, it was naturally filled with blood and minced meat. Qin An activated the teleportation ability again to remove all the blood and minced meat nearby and pile them up. After that, a smile appeared on his face.

Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected harvest today. Not only did he recall his enemies from his previous life, he also heard a name from his enemies, Hunger.


This should be the Qin Family's Canghai Yu Qing Cheng, right?

Qin An never thought of going back to his previous life, But now, his memories had recovered a little. Although it was rare, it felt good. Perhaps when he returned to Hanghai City, he should visit Yu Qingcheng privately. According to what Hunger said, not only did they fight side by side in the previous life, but she was also the woman who guarded him when he was on the verge of death.

At this moment, Silk Dew appeared. Her excited emotions twisted her mental energy, and she finally condensed the energy of heaven and earth to become a Sword God in front of Qin An!

A ten-meter-tall giant Sword Spirit appeared. His body was almost translucent. He looked like a man. He was bald, naked, and sat cross-legged. He held a string of Buddhist beads in his hand. Each of them was of different colors, totalling 128 colors.

The shape of the Sword Spirit would not change after birth. In fact, its initial shape was very random. The main determinant was the owner's emotions, and the secondary factor was the external environment. In the end, the Sword Spirit had its own shape with a variety of parameters.

The four abilities of the Aurora Shadow Sword God were Space-Time Traversal Strike, Space-Time Traversal Flash, Overlapping Shadow Heavy Strike, and Heaven Return Self-Rescue Technique!

The time it took for the Space-Time Strike to break through from 10 seconds to 30 seconds.

The Flash of Time Traversing allowed the Sword God to dodge any time within thirty seconds, escape the enemy's attacks, and return to the real world to attack the enemy at any time.

Double Shadow Heavy Strike was an ultimate killing move. The Sword God could maintain 30 times the strength of a Sword God-level body technique, directly producing a supergod-level offensive effect. It would only take an instant to instantly kill an ordinary expert.

The Heaven Returning Self-Rescue Technique was an undying ability. If the Sword God died in the real world, she could summon any one of the past 30 seconds to become a living creature in the real world. In other words, she had 30 lives!

Actually, before becoming a Sword God, these four abilities weren't as perverted and powerful. Naturally, becoming a Sword God would undergo a great change.

Qin An felt a little surprised, but this was not a big deal. The laws that were circulating on Earth now were obviously easier to make sword cultivators become gods. The number of Sword Gods on Earth, even without the Death Sect's Sword God Makers, was no longer only 49. No one had counted the exact number of Sword Gods. In short, it was countless times more than the number of Sword Gods in the Forty-ninth Sect.

Was he going to fight a real Sword God today?

Qin An's expression was indifferent. He was actually looking forward to competing with a Sword God.

Now that he had escaped from the restraints of a sword cultivator, he thought that he would be able to accomplish it. It was a heavenly punishment for doing things according to his own inner laws!

His strength was indescribable, because he was already considered a kind of law, a super intelligent creature, different from any other mutant on Earth. It was a creature that appeared after the collapse of the Star of Sword Spirit Laws and the re-establishment of the Laws of Earth's galaxy. Its status was comparable to that of Sword Spirit, Emperor, True Fire, and Tian Ge. However, no one knew that such a perverted existence existed in this world.

At this time, the Flame Flute that had finally healed its own injuries also appeared. When he saw Qin An who was calm, and Silu who had already become the Sword God, he was immediately dumbfounded.

How could this be? He originally wanted to use this battle to break through to become a god, but he didn't expect the enemy to succeed one step ahead of him.

Also, who was this man who drank with him before? Was the town slaughtered because of him? The fight with Silu was too intense, he actually didn't notice what was happening outside.

In just two hours, what kind of strength would it take to slaughter all the rabbit warriors here?

Although he was conceited, his original plan was to come here to kill and escape after venting his anger. If he was defeated by the bunny warriors in the chariot battle, his final outcome would be to exhaust his sword spirit energy and lose.

Under the starry night, Flame Flute felt that tonight's events were extremely strange, making it impossible for him to see through them.

After a few minutes, the Aurora Shadow Sword God Silu finally understood clearly. The substantial increase in her spiritual energy made her no longer so excited. She looked at Qin An with a gloomy expression. Flame Flute had already become an absolute supporting character in her eyes.

"Did you kill this sovereign's clansmen?"

Qin An curled his lips.

"You've just become a Sword God, and even your true self has appeared? Could it be that your character has inheritance in the Sword God System? Are you all so arrogant and spoiled? Or do you usually watch too many TV dramas?"

TV dramas about the God of the Sword are now as popular online as apocalyptic themes.

In the TV series, all the Sword Gods were Long Aotian, and they were all characters who were like uncles in the mortal world.

Qin An would occasionally watch a few TV dramas to relieve his boredom, so he felt that the appearance of the Aurora Shadow Sword God Silk Dew in front of him was similar to that of the group of uncle-like Sword Gods on TV.

"Cut the crap. This sovereign asked me if you killed my clansmen?"

"Right? I just had a dream. I saw the sea and the battlefield. When I woke up, all of these people died."

Qin An was telling the truth, but even if he pulled the Emperor over, he probably wouldn't believe it. What kind of ability was it that allowed an Adept to kill the entire town in his dreams?

Silu's breathing became serious and her eyes were incomparably cold. She decided not to listen to Qin An's nonsense anymore. It was something that made her happy to have just become a Sword God. Then, she should kill a Qin An to sacrifice a sword! This meant that the Aurora Shadow Sword God would soon ascend to the apocalyptic stage.

The first skill was activated. In an instant, Silk Dew returned thirty seconds ago. Her Aurora Shadow Divine Sword was already in her hand as she walked. In her opinion, as long as she cut off Qin An's head, Qin An would be dead after returning to space. No matter how powerful Qin An's strength was, it was impossible to resist the might of her sword after summoning the Sword Spirit, right?

Just as the Silk Dew Sword was about to strike Qin An, Qin An's body suddenly disappeared. A large hand appeared behind Silk Dew and grabbed her clothes. Then, a powerful force tossed her into the sky.

What was going on? Why was Qin An still able to move in the instant space 30 seconds ago? Theoretically speaking, everyone except him should have a background, right? He had killed Qin An in this instant space, and even if he didn't die, Qin An had already suffered heavy injuries when he returned to the real world!

Then the reason it was called instantaneous space was that it would disappear immediately after it appeared. If it didn't disappear, wouldn't it mean that she had really crossed space and time to return? What she had was her speed attribute, not space. Not to mention that she could not return to the past, even if she did, how could Qin An follow up?

Qin An threw Silk Dew 500 meters into the air. By the time she was about to descend, Qin An's figure had already appeared in the air in front of her.

'"I have already fused the instant space you opened with the real space. This means that your Sword God skill will lose its effectiveness in the fusion space. This is all of your past space-time, but it is also my real space!" Queen Silu, although you are already a Sword God, you still seem to be unable to defeat me. What should I do? "

With that, Qin An's punch had already hit Silk Dew's bulging chest.

The power of this punch was naturally boundless. After Silk Dew landed on the ground, the clothes on her body had been crushed by the strong wind. Her Sword God-level defensive power had been directly broken open, and bloodstains had already appeared on her skin under the strong wind.

What the hell?

The moment Silu was injured, she felt like she was going crazy. She had already become a Sword God, so how could she not be an enemy of her opponent? Could the other party really be one of the nine Master Gods?

But even if it was the Nine Great Master Gods, could he defeat him without even summoning the Sword Spirit? Could the nine Master Gods really be this strong?

Qin An did not have the slightest bit of pity. He shot Silk Dew down and quickly followed her. The golden staff was already in his hand, and a stick fell down, causing Silk Dew's brain to burst and she died.

Flame Flute's heart trembled as he watched the battle. Silk Dew's becoming a Sword God was already unacceptable to him, but now, this Sword God who had advanced in front of him had actually been instantly killed by someone else?

Flame Flute and Silu fought for two hours without a winner. What about her ability to dodge through the flashes of time and space? He actually didn't have a chance to activate it? Why? This was originally the ability to activate instantaneously!

At this time, Silu's self-saving ability allowed her to revive. She stood a meter away from Qin An naked, her face pale and her eyes incomparably empty.

How could this be? She simply couldn't believe what the monster in front of her was. To actually be able to restrict the activation of her Sword God level ability? Could the legendary Nine Great Master Gods actually do such a thing? In that case, wouldn't an ordinary Sword God be a different kind of creature compared to the nine great Master Gods?

Qin An's gaze was cold as he looked at the resurrected female Sword God's aurora shadow, and his heart was filled with excitement.

Killing a Sword God was as easy for him as killing an ordinary Adept. The golden staff was too heavy, and the energy it carried was incomparably ferocious. It was definitely not a stick in the traditional sense. If that was the case, he would be able to instantly kill a Sword God who had just condensed a Sword Spirit with the power of the Golden Cudgel.

Since he had the ability to resurrect, why not kill him again?

Qin Anti's staff flashed towards Silu. Silu did not dare to be careless, nor did she dare to fight back. She was afraid. She never dreamed that the day she became a Sword God would be the most terrifying moment in her life.

Her speed had already reached its peak, but this speed was like a teleportation ability. Without opening up more space, Silu could only flash for a few kilometers in a few seconds. Qin An could naturally do it as well. Hence, a few rounds later, Silu was beaten to death by Qin An again.

She could resurrect 30 times in a single natural day. Each resurrection point was near the place where she died for the first time. Although it wasn't difficult for Qin An to kill her, killing 30 times would take some effort because Silk Dew's ability would be stronger every time. Moreover, she could also make some defenses after understanding Qin An's abilities.

However, Silu still lost in the end. In just 20 minutes, she had already died 29 times. She realized that no matter how hard she tried, she would not be able to escape the pursuit of the other party, because he seemed to have countless abilities!

Death was a horrible thing for anyone, let alone 29 consecutive deaths.

Silu knew that if she died again, she would really die. There would never be someone like her in this world again.

Ever since she was a child, she had longed to become a Sword God. She never expected that this day would finally come, but it was the time for her to die.

Every time Silk Dew was revived, she would be like a newborn. Her skin was smooth and exquisite without stolen goods. She was as white and delicate as a baby.

At this moment, Silk Dew's condition was not so good. Her eyes were bright red, tears surged wildly, her breathing was rapid, and her nose was running. In fact, her mental energy had already collapsed long before she died a few times.

"Master God, I believe in you. Please don't kill me. I am willing to form a lifelong slave curse. I have it! I have this Four Spirit Curse Token! Once formed, I will never be able to resist you! If you let me live, I will live. If you let me die, I will die. All of my thoughts will appear in your mind! You only need to think about it for a moment to make my entire body feel as if it was being burned! Even if I die, I will still become your soul slave. I will never be able to be reborn, so I can only follow you around! Please don't kill me! This is my last chance to resurrect. I really will die! I believe in you, I believe in you! Please don't kill me, Lord God! "

Silu knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing. She had no intention of resisting or escaping. Her mental energy was too unstable to summon Sword Spirit. This was a fallen Sword God. Qin An's fearfulness had already been rooted into her soul. Even without the slave spell, she would not dare to resist. Because she had been doing this 29 times before, but in the end, she could not escape the fate of death.

"Master God? Believe in me?"

Qin An stopped his slaughter and gasped for breath.

After all, the opponent was a true Sword God, so Qin An did his best to fight against him. Every attack had to break through the defensive energy of the Sword God Realm in order to kill it.

The Sword God Realm defense here naturally referred to the defensive energy formed by the Sword Spirit Gas Shield on the surface of the skin. An expert who possessed this defensive power might not die even if struck by a missile before the end of the world.

Of course, the so-called God was not the traditional concept of God on Earth. It was just a synonym for a type of creature. It was a symbol of the strong.

The weapons of the post-apocalyptic era were very advanced, and some Sword Spirit heavy artillery could kill the Sword God with the help of magic arrays.

Qin An raised his hand to wipe away his sweat. Then, he looked at the naked woman who was kneeling on the ground and kowtowing. "Don't you believe in death? You wrote to me because you're afraid of death? That so-called slave curse really can guarantee your sincerity? I don't want to put a time bomb next to you."

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