Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1601 Missiles Fly Through the Air

Chapter 1601 Missiles Fly Through the Air

"Do you really want to go?"

Haitang's eyes widened in shock.

"Of course it's true. Do you think I'm joking with you? They say they want to see the scenery, and we have to."

After saying that, Qin An's expression turned grim.


"Because in a few days, the beast tide will probably arrive at the gates. This city refers to the Hanghai City where we live. If you can, then go and support us. This can also be considered to be for our own sake."

"How can? Sparta is south of Hanghai City, Brave men, wolf smoke, Olgileon, Miyata, Xia Chen, Nine Palaces, Heavenly Wolf, eight defensive cities, There were many defensive facilities and equipment between the eight cities, General Adadillan personally led the Iron Hawk Legion to camp. Although the Iron Hawk Legion hadn't been fully assembled yet, it was said that more than a hundred thousand people had already passed. The eight cities originally had over five million garrisons, robot guards, ten million intelligent weapons, and countless ammunition. Their defensive firepower could stop hundreds of millions of corpses! The empire's stockpiles of weapons have been very strong these past few years. "

"Oh, don't say, you know a lot of things. However, what you said is just a broadcast on the TV network news. Let's not talk about anything else, just talk about those defensive weapons. If every bullet is concentrated on the vital parts of the enemy, then you can really kill hundreds of millions of zombies. But will the actual battle be that simple? A dangerous barbarian orc martial artist might not be able to die with a thousand bullets! Right now, on the southern side of the empire, the number of orcs had probably exceeded several billion! One by one, they were crowded together and had no living space, so they could only head north to invade! The empire's current space was limited. In fact, even if they wanted to negotiate, there was no room for the orcs to live a peaceful life. Hence, this was a war that had to break out without end! "It will be the largest, deadliest, and fiercest war on Earth since the end of the world. Its scale will definitely surpass that of the Battle of Heavenly Prison and …"

"And what?"

"A sea war against the West Coast of the United States nine years ago! Yes, it was much more intense than that one. I can foresee such a future!"

Qin An's tone was very serious, His expression slowly eased. The soldiers came to cover up the water and earth, Protecting his home is not his own business, All he could do was do his best, No matter how powerful he is, Whether he has become a supercreature or not, He still needed food, clothing, shelter, and transportation. He hadn't completely cut off his seven emotions and six desires, so he needed a place to survive. Hanghai City made him feel very intimate. Although the entire city had undergone reconstruction and there was no trace of the apocalypse, this place gave Qin An a sense of familiarity. He didn't want to lose it.

Seeing that Haitang was a little too shocked, Qin An smiled and waved his hand. A black sports car suddenly appeared beside the two of them, like a magic trick.

"Heavens! What is this?"

"Black armor, my pet is also my mount!"

This item was formed from the soul of the Black-armored Iron Beast's Sword Spirit. It possessed Sword God-level defensive capabilities and also possessed Sword God-level offensive attributes.

Qin An had tried to summon this thing a long time ago. It had two forms. One was a cool looking canopy trot, and the other was a combat robot. In other words, it was like a Sword God level Transformer. He had Sword Spirit as his body, the Ancestor of the Magical Beast as his soul, and Qin An as his main body to summon it.

"Let's go! Let's leave the city as soon as we speak. We're just south of the city right now."

"Are you leaving now? Aren't you going home to prepare something? Are you saying goodbye to Granny Silence and the others?"

"No need, because I want to make things difficult. We'll be back in a few days."



"What is unstoppable?"

Haitang did not understand what Qin An meant. "

"You'll know when you get to the front line. Don't worry, you won't be in any danger with the protection of the black-armored war chariot. However, you'll be bolder when the time comes, because you'll see a scene that you've never experienced before!"

With that, Qin An pulled Haitang into the car.

This machine was actually a creature that possessed complete autonomy, and its consciousness was synchronized with Qin An's.

So after Qin An and Haitang got on the car, it started quickly and drove out of the city by itself. After getting on the highway, it turned into a black phantom and sped forward.

There was still a distance of 1,000 kilometers from Hanghai City to the frontline. During this period, the area was filled with many small towns and defensive facilities belonging to the empire. Long-range heavy artillery, rocket launchers, airports, and land carriers are everywhere.

Qin An and Haitang set off in the morning, and a small genius slowly ran half the distance.

Actually, the car drove very fast, but the couple stopped to see the good scenery along the way, so the formation became slower.

"Darling, many wounded have been sent back. The battlefield ahead must be very intense, right?"

"Well, not only are there a lot of aliens, but also very powerful, The 49 Sword Gods were invincible among the creatures of the Sword Cultivation System back then, but their planet was so big that some of the species that accompanied the birth of the planet did not require sword cultivators. However, most of them lived in their respective territories and did not interfere with the sword cultivators. The Star Wars led by the 49 Sword Gods did not affect them.

"How do you know so much?"

Haitang felt that Qin An was not a thing in the pond.

Qin An faintly smiled and did not reply, making the hurried black-armored war chariot stop at the roadside.

"What's the matter?"

"Look over there, there's another long-range heavy artillery base. It's 500 kilometers away from the front line. It looks like they're about to fire!"


Haitang looked to the side with some doubt. A kilometer away from here was a large building. Its surroundings were surrounded by a 20-meter high wall. The position looked like a huge black rectangle, and the facilities inside could not be seen at all.

Just as Haitang was about to ask a question, a loud explosion sounded. Then, thick smoke rose up and ten rockets flew into the air at the same time in the giant cuboid. That aura frightened Haitang, this little girl, silly.

The sports car had front and rear seats. At this time, Haitang and Qin An were sitting in the back seats.

Qin An reached out and carried Haitang, who was stunned, into his arms.

"How is it? Are you afraid?"

"Mm, a little. Where are these rockets going?"

"Of course it's the frontlines. We can follow and take a look!"

As Qin An finished speaking, the transparent glass in the front windshield turned into a display. It quickly escaped from a small aircraft on the Black Armored Battlefield and caught up to ten rockets. The camera on it immediately transmitted the image back.

"This is one of the conventional long-range weapons of the Empire, the Longmen Armoured Arrow Missile. The explosion of the missile inside the rocket is powerful and can spread over a ten kilometer radius. The materials inside are Earth's traditional explosives mixed with Sword Spirit gas compounds. The rockets could reach their maximum speed in five minutes, and could fly more than twenty kilometers per second. This meant that they could attack any part of the enemy camp outside the line of defense in less than half an hour. Conventional weapons are often used, but they are not reported in detail on television networks. "

Just as Qin An finished speaking, another rocket was launched from the launch base. In the next 20 minutes, a total of 80 rockets left the base.

At this time, the first rocket to be launched had already leapt up Mount Braveheart, 8,000 meters away from the ground, according to the screen recorded on the display.

The Black-armored Chariot Mountain unleashed an aircraft that flew faster than a rocket.

Under Qin An's control, it temporarily left the flying machine and landed downwards. Not long after, the scene on the display left Haitang dumbfounded.

The walls of Brave City stretched for 130 kilometers and were 100 meters tall. At this moment, there were ferocious-looking savage beasts everywhere along the line below.

The so-called barbarian beasts had many types. There were all sorts of land beasts and flying beasts in the sky. They were currently attacking the city without any spare strength. On the city wall, all sorts of weapons were fired downwards. They were all controlled by an intelligent system. Maya herself had spent a lot of effort here to coordinate and command the battle.

Post-modern weapons mostly used Sword Spirit energy. These things weren't as easy to run out as traditional ammunition, but with the increase of firing times, they wouldn't be able to be used without adding Sword Spirit energy. Apart from these weapons, the empire also had Profound Heaven Golden Pancakes.

This was the weapon Qin An had used in Hanging Sword City, It's actually a giant, round, metallic cake that flies into the sky, Very heavy, floating in the mountains, When the weightlessness magnetic field is removed, it lands instantly, After the weight of the cake and the falling potential energy were added together, it could cause tons of damage. A large number of zombies would die immediately after being suppressed by this thing. Most of the savage beasts in the beast tide were unable to withstand the impact, but there were also some experts who could use their own strength to turn into giants to stop the Xuantian Heavy Cake from falling. Therefore, the lethality of this weapon was still very limited.

Apart from various weapons, there were also countless soldiers on the city walls and in various parts of the city.

Civilians had already evacuated, and other than the combatants, the entire city was filled with combat logistical personnel.

Faced with countless beast hordes, a hundred-meter city wall was unable to stop them, so the defensive belt actually covered the entire city.

Once the orcs broke through their defenses and rushed forward, the robotic warriors and the Adept Soldiers in the city would fight against them. The purpose was to expel the enemy, of course, or else they would take a step forward.

In the three days of battle, the Barbarian Beast Race had broken through the defenses of the city walls six times. There were already more than 50,000 corpses left in the city, while the human alliance army on the defending side had already lost nearly 70,000.

In such battles, warriors without special abilities were useless. They either used mecha or used logistics.

Since it was a battle between Adepts that ordinary people were unable to join, the moment they attacked, their destructive power would naturally be very strong.

Hence, Braveheart City now looked very miserable, with corpses everywhere, blood flowing into rivers,

There was no time to dispose of the corpses, so the people separated from the enemy only piled up all the corpses together to form Xiao Shan. In three days, the living people seemed to have turned a blind eye to them. Walking in front of the pile of corpses, there was no heavy pain on their faces, only exhaustion and numbness on their faces.

Just like Haitang, Qin An's face was filled with shock.

They have seen many apocalyptic movies and TV dramas on TV. Most of the movies and TV shows in the post-apocalyptic era are about apocalyptic themes, because people have lived in this environment for decades.

Therefore, Qin An and Haitang, who only had one year's memory, had actually seen many doomsday scenes on TV.

However, they were different from what they had seen at this moment. What they thought here was not that spectacular, but it was absolutely sad.

But death is everyday, but when everyone is lingering on the brink of death, the word "death" is not that scary.

It was impossible for all the soldiers in Brave City to be brave, but they were all numb. If they had stutters, sleeping had become the greatest luxury. Even if they lost their lives in a deep sleep, it seemed to be a kind of relief.

Qin An and Haitang saw this emotion in their faces.

The image of the aircraft leaving the city accelerated as it caught up to the flying rocket.

At this moment, the rocket had already separated and the missile propeller inside was activated. This allowed the rocket to fly even faster. After leaping over Braveheart City, the lower propeller activated, causing the rocket's flight direction to suddenly change from horizontal to tilted downwards!

Thirty li outside the city was the target of these rockets, and there were even more barbarian beast tribesmen gathered there.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

A series of explosions echoed across an area of fifty kilometers in diameter.

Below the mushroom cloud, the Barbarian Beast Race's wolves cried and howled.

Some of them were in the form of beasts, while others were still in the form of humans.

The sea of fire instantly lit up all the space. These creatures shouted, wept, and roared in the sea of fire.

Qin An and Haitang were surprised, because when the aircraft approached, the display brought close range images and the sound in the scene.

Unexpectedly, the Barbarian Beast Race also spoke Chinese. Their way of speaking was actually similar to that of humans.

They also had seven emotions and six desires, and they also had intelligence and spirituality, so their death was painful for them.

Some female orcs wept, and some male orcs died, but the flames of war were ruthless and eventually devoured them all.

Haitang finally couldn't stand such a scene. She turned around and threw herself into Qin An's embrace.

"Darling, I'm a little scared. Do we have to go to the battlefield? Can we not go?"

"Don't be afraid. Isn't there me?"

At this time, the scene suddenly stopped. It was estimated that the high temperature at the scene had damaged the aircraft.

Qin An patted Haitang's back gently.

"There's no place to hide. The empire is just like this. If the eight southern cities can't block it, then Hanghai, Pig's Ear, Ang, Kasley, and Autumn Fruit will become the front lines. If these five cities were unable to block it, then the beast tide would break through to the Sword Suspending City outside Kowloon City. So where can we go? "Although this world is big, leaving the empire can be said to be full of dangers. We can retreat five ways!"

Qin An's words were true. If he was alone, he could go anywhere no matter how dangerous it was.

However, if she brought Haitang along with her, then her life would not be easy in the future, because no matter what she did, she must be under her own protection and probably no longer have the right to move freely. Even if the black-armored war chariot could protect her, she had to go to the bathroom.

After Qin An's soul awakened, most of his abilities were preserved and became even more powerful.

However, some abilities were weakened or even disappeared, For example, his spatial ability, Heavenly Dwelling Space and Dream Space seemed to merge into one. They could no longer allow people to live in them for long. Moreover, the ability levels of Heavenly Dwelling Space and Dream Space did not seem to be high. Many Adepts who were skilled in spatial abilities could invade. This was something that Qin An felt very painful after studying his own abilities.

In other words, although Qin An was incomparably powerful now, his ability to protect him was actually much weaker than in his previous life.

It was easier to protect one person, but it was too difficult to protect many people. They could only attack and kill the enemy first.

Seeing Haitang's conflicted appearance, Qin An intended to distract her.

Thus, Qin An lowered his head slightly and lightly kissed Haitang's mouth.

Haitang's body trembled slightly, then she responded, and then … she continued to respond, and then she continued to respond.

Qin An's kiss was a little long, and it took him ten minutes to let go of her mouth.

Haitang's complexion had already turned red and her breathing had become short. This was not because she was nervous, but because she was kissed to the point that she lacked oxygen.

What the fuck is going on, dog? What's going on with Qin An? Will someone kiss you for ten minutes without letting go?

Heavens, I feel like my lips are swollen, my tongue seems to be numb, and my saliva is sucked dry.

Not only did this kiss come all of a sudden, but it was also too brutal.

Qin An finally laughed when he saw Haitang's blushing face.

"How is it? Young Master's kissing level isn't bad, right? Although I only have one year's memory, and although I only have a woman like you who doesn't have a bridal chamber, I should be considered an old driver! Haha, although I haven't eaten pork, I've seen many pigs run!"

Qin An had witnessed the marital life of the entire city in the past year, and he had even seen his father Fang Yunhai and his mother Xu Sanyue rolling on the bed. Of course, that was just an accident. Qin An immediately distracted himself from turning off his super vision and super hearing abilities. Of course, this did not mean that Qin An was a gentleman who knew etiquette. He was just not interested in seeing an old man in his fifties doing mechanical exercises on an old woman in his fifties. It was really boring and too eye-catching.

"You are the pig!"

Haitang, who was not in good health, did not understand what Qin An meant and casually counterattacked.

She pinched her nose and found that she was no longer so nervous.

"Alright, since we have nothing else to do, let's continue on our journey. The Orc Town ahead is a paradise for men. Let's go there and rest for the night."

"Boer Orc Town? Why haven't I heard of it? Why do you call it a paradise for men?"

"Haha, the empire now has billions of people, although the territory is not big, but the residential population is huge and crowded, in fact, we have passed through many small towns along the way, but have been walking on the highway you didn't pay attention to it. Not every town is famous, "For example, the name of this orc town has never appeared in the media. However, for men who often go out, this is a place to be praised. Because there is the most beautiful female orc race living on the Sword Spirit Star, let's go and experience the beauty of a real rabbit girl!"

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