Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1589 Ding Haitangs Mindset

Chapter 1589 Ding Haitang's Mindset

After Qin An entered the house, there was always a smile on his face because he saw Ding Haitang tossing and turning on the bed in his room.

Hearing a voice coming from the courtyard, the woman who was originally wearing pajamas on the bed jumped up.

"You're back? What should I do? Am I wearing a little too much?"

After muttering to herself, Ding Haitang quickly took off her clothes and put them away before returning to her bed.

Qin An put down the cart and entered the bathroom. He activated his ability to pour warm water into the wooden bucket and then went in to take a bath.

Actually, Qin An's mood was still calm now. He just thought that Ding Haitang was very funny because he could hear Begonia's heart.

'"No way! Do you think I'm a frivolous woman if I wear so little? Although Qin An is young, he still feels like I was before the apocalypse! Right, I can't wear so little!"

This sentence was naturally what Ding Haitang thought in her heart. Although she didn't say it, it was also heard by Qin An.

The woman got up and put on her pajamas, and then began to feel annoyed.

'"I didn't notice it normally. How come I don't even have a better-looking pajamas? This dress is a bit big, and it doesn't show any sexy curves at all. Furthermore, my trousers are too fat. My long legs seem to be a few inches short."

Hearing Ding Haitang's words, Qin An laughed loudly and felt that she was really interesting.

Moreover, Qin An had never thought that Ding Haitang was such a woman with so many small thoughts in her heart. Seeing that she was usually careless, when fighting, she was like a tiger, but her heart was pure like a girl. She was really cute and not easy.

After hesitating for a moment, Ding Haitang took off her pajamas again, took out a set of purple underwear and put it on. She found a white shirt of Qin An from the wardrobe and put it on, only buttoning it.

Qin An narrowed his eyes slightly, and two bright rays of light shot out from his eyes.

Ding Haitang really knew how to dress up. This kind of dress made Ding Haitang different. She was sexy without losing her artistic aura, and she had a wild and unruly nature in her literature and art.

Qin An's aesthetic standards were perfect, so he was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the woman beside him was still a beauty.

Finally, Qin An felt that he was almost done washing, so he left the bathtub to wipe his body dry and walked into his room.

At this time, Ding Haitang had already got into bed and covered the quilt. When she saw Qin An at first glance, she was stunned.

"God! So this was what it meant to look skinny and fleshy! Originally, he thought that he was weak, but why were his muscles so good-looking? I can't stand it, why is my heart beating so fast! Haitang, you need to be calm, you need to be calm! Haven't you eaten pork? Haven't you seen pigs run? It's just a man. You were married by a matchmaker. You've been his wife for two years. Now, you're just fulfilling your obligations! "Calm down, calm down!"

After doing some mental construction, Ding Haitang tried her best to squeeze out a smile.

"Hey, you're back!"

Qin An chuckled and pulled his tight shorts.

"En, you're back. Are the blankets warm?"

"Huh?… Oh, it's warm."

Ding Haitang had already stuttered.

She swallowed her saliva and was so angry that she was going crazy.

Qin An did not continue to talk to her. He directly went to bed and drilled into Ding Haitang's blanket. He just lay close to her, his hands and feet honest and did not move.

'"Ah …" This person was really straightforward. He drilled in with a breath of cold air. However, it didn't seem to be that cold, because my body was originally too hot … So this was the husband and wife sleeping together. That's great, I'm finally going to be their legitimate wife! "

Ding Haitang's psychological construction was considered successful, and she finally comforted herself.

Five minutes later…

Ding Haitang was dumbfounded, because Qin An did not say a word from beginning to end. He just lay there and closed his eyes, as if he had fallen asleep!

'"Ah? It's impossible to fall asleep, right? How could it be? He actually fell asleep? Isn't he beautiful enough? Isn't he sexy enough? Oh my God! He just covered the quilt, and Qin An couldn't see me at all. Why am I so stupid? But he shouldn't have fallen asleep. Is this too unreasonable? What should we do? What should we do?"

Poor Ding Haitang was already going crazy. It was impossible for her to wake Qin An up at such a time. She wanted to sleep but was unwilling. What could she do?

After being depressed for another two to three minutes, Ding Haitang straightened her heart and quickly took off Qin An's white shirt. Only then did she lie down again and fearlessly hug Qin An's body.

Qin An frowned slightly and turned to lie face to face with Ding Haitang. Ding Haitang closed her eyes, and now it was her turn to pretend to be asleep.

Humph! I don't believe it. How can you bear it in front of you like this? Unless you're not a man!

Just as he was thinking, Qi Hao said, "Wife, let me tell you a joke."

"What a joke?"

F*ck, Ding Haitang almost went crazy. Is there anyone who tells jokes at such a time?

In fact, Qin An really wanted to tease Ding Haitang on purpose, because she thought that Ding Haitang, who was worried about gains and losses, was really interesting.

Ignoring Ding Haitang's doubts, Qin An began to tell the story.

'"Speaking of which, there was a taxi driver. He was driving on the road one night. Walk, walk, walk! Suddenly, a woman wearing white clothes and with her hair loose appeared in front of him! The driver almost hit her and hurriedly stopped. After stopping, he reached out and patted his chest. He was so frightened that his breathing became rapid!"

"Qin An! Is this a joke or a ghost story?"

Qin An's voice was very deep, and what he said was indeed a bit terrifying. Ding Haitang's body was numb when she heard it, and she wasn't sure what Qin An was talking about.

"Haha, of course it's a joke. Don't say anything, maintain the atmosphere!"

Damn it! Ding Haitang was so angry that she almost gritted her teeth on her tongue.

When is this? Qin An actually told her a joke that was like a ghost story, and let her maintain the atmosphere? Keep what atmosphere? What the hell!

Qin An continued seriously,

"When the car stopped, the driver pulled down the window and looked at the woman in white. Her face was pale, her eyes were dull, and she looked as if she was not angry at all. The driver was quite bold and an atheist, so he wasn't worried that the other party was a female ghost. He scolded loudly, "Are you blind? Didn't you see the car coming?" What would happen if ten thousand people were loaded by the car? The white-clothed woman slowly turned her head and looked at the driver with an incomparably cold gaze. She was truly frightening. The driver was stunned by what he saw, so he lowered his voice and asked, What are you doing? The woman in white finally opened her mouth and said in an incomparably deep voice, "I want to take a taxi!" I want a taxi! '"…"

"Qin An, can you stop talking? I'm a little scared!"

Ding Haitang's mind was completely ruined by Qin An's story. The little bit of passion and romance had all died in her womb. She simply hated Qin An to death.

This is a fucking ghost story, how could it be a joke?

Moreover, Qin An's voice was especially deep and frightening. Ding Haitang felt that she was really starting to tremble, so she was afraid that she didn't want to.

"Don't be afraid. This story is really not scary. It's just a joke. You'll know when you hear it!"

Qin An seemed to be addicted to her words and ignored Ding Haitang's resistance. He casually comforted her and continued.

Ding Haitang looked down on Qin An a little. What time was this? A man who didn't understand his feelings was destined to be single in this lifetime!

Qin An heard Ding Haitang's heart and burst into laughter, but the voice was still so serious and deep that he began to tell Ding Haitang the story.

"When the driver saw that he had money, he couldn't help but make money. Although this woman's voice was a little scary, he wasn't stupid. He was a man who shouldn't be afraid of anything. After thinking about it, the driver let the woman get in the car. Then he asked, Where is Miss going? The woman said in a similarly repressed voice, Western Mountain Graveyard! When the driver heard this, he was immediately frightened. This was in the middle of the night. He suddenly encountered such a strange woman. She actually wanted to go to the Western Mountain Cemetery? It was five kilometers away from the city. It was a barren mountain with many trees. Who would go to such a place? Although it was full of questions, the driver still subconsciously started the car and let it open the box at West Mountain Cemetery. After arriving with great difficulty, the driver was already covered in cold sweat. It was really dark nearby, making him feel a little scared. I thought that woman would immediately give me money to leave, but I didn't expect her to say to the driver, "I remember something. I left my things in the morgue. Take me to the morgue in the west of the city." Finally, the driver heard the woman's words and was scared. He came to the cemetery and went to the morgue again. Could it be that this woman was really a ghost? No matter what, let's talk about it in the city! The driver sweated even more and took the woman back to the city. When he got near the morgue, he let the woman get off the car quickly. He decided not to be stimulated anymore! The woman took out a meditation coin and said to the driver, "This money comes from the Underworld. Here you are. Keep the change!" The more the driver thought about it, the more frightened he became. Now that he saw the woman taking out the dead man's money, he felt that there might really be a ghost in the world, so he became even more frightened. He shouted, "No need, no need. You hurry up and leave. I don't want your money!" The female ghost-like person seemed to get cold for a moment before revealing a strange smile on her face. She withdrew her meditation coins and pushed the door open to get out of the car. The driver turned around and saw that the female ghost had disappeared without a trace after getting off the car. She could no longer see him! Mom! This was indeed a ghost! If it wasn't for the ghost, how could there be no one else? The driver was too scared after shouting, so he drove away! After the driver left, there was a horse gourd with no manhole lid in the parking space. After a long time, a dirty clay figure finally crawled out from inside. She cried out with a dejected face, "Damn it!" Didn't I just want to pretend to be a ghost and trick you into asking for a fare, you driver of the Five Liangs? You're damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn You win! "

After Qin An finished his joke, he laughed heartily. Ding Haitang was already adorable because she didn't understand?

"Is that woman in white a human or a ghost?"

Qin Anzheng's passion was also conflicted when he heard Ding Haitang's question.

"Of course it's human, don't you understand? It was this woman who wanted to pretend to be a ghost. Her home was actually near the morgue. She took a taxi to the cemetery and then returned to the morgue to scare the driver. She wore white clothes and smeared a lot of powder on her face. In addition, she went to these two places. When she got off the car, she had to give the driver some meditation coins. She had already scared the driver and got her wish. Unexpectedly, there was a horse gourd without a well cover where the driver stopped. The woman fell into the gourd as soon as she got out of the car. Therefore, when the driver looked back, he couldn't see anyone and thought it was a ghost! Do you understand this time? "A woman is retributed for her wrongdoing!"

Ding Haitang thought carefully for three minutes and finally understood what Qin An was laughing at, so she frowned.

Really, how could she laugh at such a moment? Moreover, this long and smelly joke that was like a ghost story was really boring, okay?

Ding Haitang raised her mouth and felt that if she didn't laugh, she wouldn't let Qin An watch the show.

Qin An smiled for a while and found that Ding Haitang ignored him. He smiled slightly and knew what the problem was.

Forget it, it's almost a joke. Looks like we need to get down to business.

"Darling, you smell so good."


Once these two words were spoken, Ding Haitang, who had originally felt that it was very boring and depressing, was extremely moved, but she actually burst into tears.

"Am I dreaming?"

'"No, you're really in my arms, hugged tightly by me. From now on, you're no longer the poor girl who grew up in the orphanage. You have your support. I'm in your home, and I will treat you well, love you, love you, and make you happy. That's my promise to you, darling."

Qin An knew Ding Haitang because he could understand most people. This was his ability.

Ding Haitang finally felt that the atmosphere was on the right track. Her mind was completely subdued by Qin An's words, and her tears flowed even more violently. Her tears could describe her current state.

She felt that Qin An was so annoying. She could make herself happy, but she still wanted to tell that damn joke.

Qin An's originally gentle expression suddenly stopped, and then became somewhat solemn.

"Darling, we may not be able to get married for the time being."

"Ah… What did you say?"

Ding Haitang did not understand what Qin An said.

"I mean, we can't get married for the time being. Good wife, can you keep warming the bed for me? I need to go out and do something."

"Do something?"

Ding Haitang tried her best to raise her hand, wiped away the tears on her face, and then looked up at Qin An.

Qin An hurriedly smiled again.

"Darling, what are you going to do? Are you in such a hurry?"

"Yes, I noticed a group of uninvited guests coming from the city. I want to take a look."

"Uninvited guests? Where are they? When and how did you discover them?"

"In the south of the city, as for how I discovered it, I'll tell you later! Darling, can I go?"

Ding Haitang had already received Qin An's promise. This was the moment when her mood was warm. How could she refuse Qin An's request?

Therefore, although she was extremely reluctant and filled with doubt, she still nodded heavily and did not continue to ask.

"Then come back tonight?"

"You should come back, but you don't have to wait for me. You can go to bed first. If you come back early, I'll wake you up. If you come back late, I'll carry you to sleep until dawn, okay?"


Ding Haitang had melted. She had never encountered such a gentle Qin An before. This made her somewhat unable to accept it.

Qin An smiled and got up. After putting on his clothes, he went to the bedside. He bent down and lightly kissed Ding Haitang's red lips. Then, he turned around and left.

When he arrived at the courtyard, his expression suddenly darkened. He activated his invisibility state. A teleportation had already arrived ten kilometers away, and he arrived at the Qin Clan in the south of the city in a short period of time.

On the tea stall on the left side of the Jiangnan Hotel, a sexy woman dressed in light blue sat upright.

In front of her was a pot of tea, a teacup.

The woman's expression was cold and indifferent. She hadn't said a word from beginning to end. She seemed to be resting with her eyes closed. Occasionally, she would accurately pick up a teacup and drink water.

Suddenly, the woman frowned slightly. Her tightly closed eyes suddenly opened and she raised her head to look at the sky.

A figure quickly descended from the starry night. When it landed, the earth trembled. The ground beneath his feet collapsed, creating a huge pit with a diameter of more than a hundred meters and a depth of one meter.

What a fierce aura! Who is it?

The woman's expression was gloomy as she stared fixedly at the person who had descended from the sky.

He was three meters tall. His skin was dark, and his muscles were like deformed pieces of meat. His facial features were ugly, his lips were bulging out, and his yellow teeth were covered in food dirt. He looked extremely disgusting.

The woman suddenly stood up, her face filled with shock and disbelief.

"Haha, Canghai Yucheng, my darling, are you okay?"

The blue-clothed woman was none other than Canghai Yu Qing Cheng.

"Voldemort demon clear! You've finally come to Earth! Back then, Yao Tian helped us become enemies with the Death Sect. Although this was because the Emperor wanted Qin An's body, our Qin Clan still appreciates Yao Tian's actions. Therefore, the Qin Clan and the Heavenly Seal Sect have remained calm all these years! "Now that you've appeared so arrogantly at the entrance of the Qin Manor, what exactly are you doing?"

Speaking of which, Canghai Yuqing City and Voldemort Yaozi Qing were old acquaintances. Back then, Yaozi Qing had fallen in love with Yu Qingcheng and wanted to pursue the Seven Seas Queen, but she had been beaten away by Yu Qingcheng countless times. All along, Voldemort Yaozi Qing had been unable to defeat Canghai Yucheng. The reason why Canghai didn't kill him was because he felt that he was his pursuer, Even if she was a little foolish and hated herself, she shouldn't have killed these people. From a physiological point of view, Canghai Yucheng had already become a woman. Therefore, she still liked things like having a suitor. If she saw one suitor kill another, wouldn't that scare even more people away?

Therefore, Canghai had never felt that Voldemort was a worthy fellow to her until today.

"Arrogant? Am I arrogant? Baby, don't forget how you treated me all those years! Every time, it's disgraced! No matter what, I can't defeat you, the Queen of the Sea! Now that you've taken the initiative to come to the Qin Clan, I won't stand on ceremony. I heard that you gave birth to a child for Qin An? "Hmph, the dignified Lord of the Seven Seas actually gave birth to a child for an Earth man. The face of the Sword Spirit Star Sword God has been completely humiliated by you shameless women!"

Canghai Yu Qingcheng was not angry at all because she maintained her calm.

Qin Ling quickly communicated with Tang Yu and Qiu Jinse with his spiritual energy, and at the same time, Qin Ling, the independent intelligent system of the Qin Family, began to issue an early warning.

Qin Ling was the latest version of the artificial intelligence system specially built for the Qin Family nine years ago by the Divine Machine Sword God, She has higher authority than Maya, Not only could he control Kowloon City, he could also control the Qin Family's independent defense system. He possessed complete artificial intelligence and could upgrade himself. He was able to merge with Ling'er's memories. His power was the strongest in Nine Dragons Empire's science and technology. This was also the reason why the Qin Family was able to maintain their position in the empire and possess the right to command their own troops.

It wasn't until Qin An and many other Qin Family wives died that Tang Yu took out the system.

Ling'er was a Sword God of the Divine Secrets Race. In order to miss Ling'er, many Divine Secrets Race girls were in the Qin Family. They had perfected the artificial intelligence system that Ling'er had developed before she died and installed it in the Qin Family. This gave the Qin Family a transcendent status in the empire, even though they had already left the power management center.

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