Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1582 Butterfly Effect

Chapter 1582 Butterfly Effect

Qin An was like a cinematographer. Under the background of the city, he could instantly understand all the people and things in the city like the back of his hand.

Hanghai City has an area of 16,000 square kilometers. It is a square building system with a side length of 400 kilometers. Eighteen small towns along the border and the city walls connected together constitute the entire Hanghai City.

In other words, Qin An's Heaven Scryer Spiritual Sense's detection ability could now detect an area with a radius of 400 kilometers. This was a bit exaggerated.

When he closed his eyes and sank his mood, he would know everything.

An hour ago.

The daughter-in-law of Old Jin's family in the west of the city did not behave properly. Old Zhao climbed over the wall next door and went to the old woman's room to hug her directly.

"Darling, I miss you so much. How many days have it been since we last met?!"

"Ah! You damned bastard, you don't want to live anymore, do you? You actually dared to come to my house openly, aren't you afraid that your female tiger will cripple you?"

"Haha, as the saying goes, if a beauty spends her life, she will become a ghost. So what if she dies 10,000 times for you? I'm not afraid!"

"How dare you run over under the starry night?"

"I heard it at the door just now. Old Jin said that he was going to work tonight. He didn't come back until after dawn on the bloody night. Do you think tonight would be a good time for you and me?"

"Hmph, devil, aren't you Old Jin's brother? If he isn't at home, you can come and cause trouble. Let's see if you'll go to hell if you die in the future."

'"Tsk, you really are lying. You said that you want to die and live. Actually, aren't you still happy to see me here? Can't you be gentle with me? If you do this again, I won't come to look for you next time. I'll go to the next door to find Auntie Wang. I think she treats me better. She usually smiles!"

When Old Jin's wife heard this, she kicked Old Zhao out of bed and laughed loudly.

Old Zhao sat on the ground and was stunned. He looked at Old Jin's wife for a long time before saying angrily,

"What are you laughing at?"

'"Haha, I'm laughing at you, melon boy. Auntie Wang's head is sick, so she can only keep a smile on her face. When she sees a dog, she will laugh, not to mention you?! Alright, come on up. Do you want to sit on the ground all the time? Hurry up and go back, it's more embarrassing than here!"

"Hey! I'm coming!"

As he spoke, Old Zhao jumped onto the bed, and soon, he and Old Jin's daughter-in-law were thrown into turmoil.

Actually, this scene had been repeated. The two of them had been cheating for half a year, but today was obviously different. Because Old Jin had forgotten to bring the water bottle, he returned and just happened to hear all of this before entering the room.

He was heartbroken. His best neighbor and old friend were together with his mother-in-law. It was obviously not the first time that the two of them were so intimate and familiar.

What should he do? Rushing in to catch adultery?

The furious Old Jin originally planned to do this, but before pushing the door open, he stopped and withdrew his hand that wanted to push the door open.

He imagined what he saw after pushing the door open.

That must be unsightly. Heavens, Old Jin feels that he can't accept this happening in front of him. He might faint on the spot, or he might go to the kitchen and kill two people with a knife. However, does he dare? Maybe not? He had never done such a thing before! So he was weak, and in the end, he did not rush into the room, but ran to the street.

The starry night light was exceptionally beautiful, but it could not wash away a person's sadness or disperse a person's suppressed anger.

An old lady who was in a hurry while walking crashed into Old Kim and fell to the ground.

"Hey, you blind dog, aren't you blind? Bang him?"


These three words provoked Old Jin. He felt that he was indeed blind. How could he marry such a shameless woman? How could he be brothers with such a shameless neighbor?

He stood there in a daze, his body swaying and his head dizzy.

At this time, the matriarch cursed at Old Jin relentlessly, but at the same time, she got up and wanted to leave.

Old Jin finally couldn't bear it anymore and vent his anger on the old lady. He stepped forward and punched and kicked her, causing her to faint. In the end, she died!

In the dilapidated house that was only a hundred meters away from the scene of the matriarch's death, a man and woman hugged each other and wept with joy!

'"Da Qiang, my grandmother hasn't come! She hasn't come! I made an appointment with her. If she doesn't show up after this time, then she will agree to let me marry you! Darling, I can be your wife in the future!"

How could a girl called Xiao Cui know that her grandmother had been killed by an angry man on the street a hundred meters away?

"Really? Is that true? That's great! Grandma finally agreed to our marriage! Xiao Cui, I'm so happy! That's great!"

The young man cried with joy, and the young woman cried bitterly in the man's arms.

In the backyard of the house, a night pedestrian was about to pass by when he heard the cries of the men and women in the room.

What happened? Crying and laughing? Got a mental illness?

Night pedestrians were too curious, so they stopped and hid in the window to look. They saw a man and a woman embracing each other.

'"Haha, it turns out that this young man is making out here. What a good mood! This Nine Dragons Empire's city is really comfortable. The outside world is in turmoil. They are still in the mood to have sex here. If they live so comfortably in the apocalypse, they will be scourged by the heavens … F*ck, this girl is so beautiful!"

The night walker inadvertently saw Xiao Cui's face and a sinister smile appeared on her face as she spoke.

"Why don't I have fun first? Big brother should be able to wait for me too!"

As he muttered to himself, he suddenly broke through the window and killed the man. Then, he knocked the woman unconscious with his hand.

"Haha, you look really good. Little baby, I'm coming!"

As the night walker spoke, he had already taken care of all his clothes and pounced on the bed. He didn't want to waste too much time, but there were always some things that people couldn't control themselves. Therefore, the night walker accidentally delayed and didn't appear at the appointed place at the appointed time.

Five kilometers south of the city.

Six night pedestrians gathered in a small courtyard.

"What happened? Why hasn't Fourth arrived yet? Could something have happened?"

"Possibly, although we are extremely careful, but the Nine Dragons Empire's defense system is too strong! "Now that we have activated the Sound Shielding Magnetic Field, the other party's Adepts will soon be able to discover us. Although we are not the only ones who are activating the Sound Shielding Magnetic Field in this large city, once they monitor our whereabouts, it will be tantamount to a leak. It doesn't matter if we leak it, but the operation won't succeed!"

"Then what? Don't tell me the assassination plan isn't going to be implemented?"

"Fourth is the strongest of us. Our plan to assassinate the Qin Family Patriarch, Weng Lan, requires the seven of us to be together. Our abilities need to cooperate with each other in order to be able to display the effects of the Sword God Realm. "Now that Fourth Brother has an unusual problem and hasn't come to make peace with us within the time limit, then the plan can only be delayed!"

With that decision, the six of them quickly dispersed Hanghai City, who was hiding under the night sky, and disguised themselves as ordinary people again.

At this moment, Weng Lan was sitting alone on the balcony of the old house, holding a piece of paper with words in her hand. She raised her head to look at the clear night sky.

The Qin Mansion was very large, and it was built on the flat ground behind the old residential area.

The community was already abandoned. All the other residential buildings had been demolished and converted into cultivated land in the Qin Manor. Only the building where Qin An and Weng Lan had been married for seven years had not been demolished. Weng Lan built and tidied up the house and occasionally came back to live here alone.

Speaking of which, Weng Lan, the head of the family, was very incompetent, because she almost didn't need a steward.

The Qin Clan had Qiu Jinse inside and Tang Yu outside. Qin Beichen and Qin Sanchuan could stand on their own. As the leader of the Qin Army, Qin Potian could already manage the entire Qin Clan with the help of Ada Suli and Caitlin. The surroundings of the Qin Mansion were filled with artificial lakes, and the peace of the guardians' mansion in Jade Pouring City, Canghai, resided there.

Therefore, Weng Lan was really relaxed. The reason why she was able to become the head of the Qin Family was entirely because she was Qin An's favorite woman. She was the first wife who had been married to Qin An for seven years.

Nine years had passed since the Battle of the West Coast, but Weng Lan still hadn't recovered from her grief.

She missed Qin An and could not forget the scene of Qin Xiaoyan, Lan Yue, and the other female bloody enemies dying in the end.

So she is so narrow-minded, so there will be so many women in this world who love Qin An more than she does! They could tolerate Qin An having other women, they could die for Qin An!

A teardrop slowly fell down, and Weng Lan was sad again.

"Hey, why are you crying again?"

Tang Yu's voice echoed behind Weng Lan.

"Ah… You're here?"

"Yeah, why are you crying?"


Weng Lan put the paper in her hand behind her with some restraint, as if she didn't want Tang Yu to pay attention.

Who was Tang Yu? With a casual glance, she knew what Weng Lan's intentions were. Thus, she no longer cared about Weng Lan's privacy. Then, she asked,

"I'm afraid I can't bring you back to the manor. You want to come to the Temple of Eating and Buddhism? Those little heartless people are crying and making trouble all day long. Hai Yue, the girl from the Yu Qingcheng Clan, cries so much every night. That child has slept with you since birth, so she's not used to leaving you. Yu Qingcheng lacked motherhood a few years ago. Although living with us these past two years has been much better, she still lacks experience and patience in bringing up her child. She gets sullen with Hai Yue every day, and sometimes she can make herself cry angrily. Haha, it's ridiculous to say that such a big Sword God is helpless against his own daughter. Also, Yali from the Bei Chen Clan and Yahua from the Nine Thoughts Clan, it's strange to say that you don't take care of them much more than me and Qiu Jinse. However, it's not good to take care of these children after they are brought up by you. You actually like you and don't like us anymore. It can only be said that these children are too bullying. Whatever their grandfather or father, they are unable to part with you! "

Weng Lan smiled when she heard Tang Yu's sour breath. She wiped away her tears and said, "Are you an adult? You're jealous of the children! They're not your husband!"

'"Tsk, I'm too lazy to be jealous of you because of the child. It was Qiu Jinse who was sullen. A few years ago, she was the child king. Now, including her few kids, she likes to get closer to you more. Although Qiu Jinse was not neglected because of this, she may still feel unhappy in her heart."

"Nonsense again, Jin Se is not that petty!"

"Haha! Alright, alright! I'm the only one who's jealous. You and Qiu Jinse are both child kings, and they're Qin An's favorite women. Alright!"

Looking at Tang Yu's calm and gentle smile, Weng Lan had an apologetic expression on her face.

She walked over to grab Tang Yu's hand and said softly and gently,

"If he can still be revived, I will personally ask him to bring you into the palanquin and marry you! Speaking of which, he owes you a wedding and a promise!"

Tang Yu's expression did not change. She shook her head and said softly,

"First, he's dead, and he can't be revived! Second, even if he's alive, I still want him to voluntarily marry me. Why do you need to give me orders?"

At the end of her sentence, Tang Yu finally revealed a slightly aggrieved expression. Weng Lan had caught her, so she could only hold onto Tang Yu's hands with both of her hands as a form of comfort.

The piece of paper that Weng Lan had originally casually held floated away in the wind, and then floated into the distance.

Little Red Leaf and the paper with words twisted together, along with the wind, descended together.

In the end, Little Red Leaf became Qin Yana, and she held the piece of paper in her hand.

Qin Yana frowned slightly and then read out the contents on the paper.

"June 7, 2015, overcast!

Weng Lan has been gone for a long time. I, a man named Qin An, am still at home alone.

There were more and more zombies. I didn't know how to escape. I was in despair. When I woke up in the morning, I really wanted to die, so I went to the balcony. I thought that as long as I jumped down from there, I should be able to die. However, when I saw the zombies swimming downstairs, I dismissed the idea of jumping off the building. If I jumped down and turned into meat paste, then my flesh and blood would be eaten as food by these disgusting creatures!

I don't want this to happen, so I'd rather not die! Thank the zombies for saving me, thank them for saving my life!

He suddenly felt that he was quite lucky, and the zombies weren't that annoying anymore.

Compared to zombies, I should be more ruthless towards that heartless bitch! The person who said he wanted to be a couple for the rest of his life actually left me! I really want to capture her and kill her! Fuck… "

Qin Yana was dumbfounded when she read that there was no more content in the diary.

Ah… Is this Grandpa's diary page? Why are you floating here?

Was the bitch he was talking about Grandma Weng Lan?

Qin Yana's forehead seemed to be sweating because of Qin An's last words on the diary page.

How vicious! To even kill Grandma … In my memory, Grandpa was a handsome and graceful man. It turned out that he had such a vicious idea in his heart in the past few years. He even wrote it in his diary. Today, he was seen by his eldest granddaughter.

Who can look at grandpa's relic? Naturally, it was Grandma Weng Lan.

Qin Yana guessed that Weng Lan must have ripped it off after seeing this note. Who wouldn't be angry if she gave such a vicious narrative? Grandma probably wants to pull Grandpa Qin An out of the Underworld and beat him up, right?

Since Grandpa was unable to revive, this piece of paper was naturally unlucky. After it was abandoned, it finally fell into his hands.

Speaking of which, it was also fate. Qin Yana folded her notes neatly and put them into her interspatial container ring.

Since it was Grandpa's relic, it naturally had to be kept properly. Whether it was good or bad, it would always be about Grandpa's memories and smell.

Qin Yana missed Qin An. She had always kept the spoon that Qin An had given her back then.

Because of that spoon, Yana had the potential to eat since she was young, and she still couldn't change it.

In her heart, she was still recalling Qin An's scent for a moment, but in the next moment, she was attracted by the hot and numb fragrance. Thus, she found a very unlucky young man who was still quite handsome and was fiercely teased.

Not only was Qin Yana being followed by the handsome youth, she was also noticed by the other two when she changed from a little red leaf to a human form.

They were a man and a woman, one old and one young, one ugly and one beautiful.

"Hua Yan, did you hear what the little girl said?"

'"She is reading a diary. It was written by Qin An. I think she has something to do with Qin An, right?" Looking at her expression just now, she was shocked.

"Oh? A girl related to Qin An? That's great! Let's go and accompany Grandpa to take a look. She is very beautiful. If she is Qin An's descendant, that would be great! Haha, I was killed by Qin An back then. How can I get rid of this grudge if I don't get revenge?"

The woman named Hua Yan shook her breasts and put the old man's hand on her chest for him to rub and pinch.

"Grandpa, don't worry. If she really is Qin An's descendant, then Hua Yan promises to let you play with her! In Hanghai City, there will definitely not be more than five Adepts who can defeat me!"

"Good, good, good. You are indeed a good treasure of filial piety, haha!"

Events are like a net,

If Old Jin's daughter-in-law hadn't stolen someone, Old Jin wouldn't have taken to the streets to kill Old Madame.

If the matriarch had found Da Qiang and Xiao Cui earlier, they wouldn't have cried out wildly with joy.

Night walkers would not waste their time there if they did not hear the bitter laughter of women.

If the seven night pedestrians gathered together, they would have already launched an assassination attempt on Weng Lan.

If someone came to assassinate Weng Lan, Weng Lan probably wouldn't throw it away because she didn't want Tang Yu to see the contents on the diary page.

If the diary hadn't floated in Qin Yana's hands, Qin Yana wouldn't have read it out and revealed her identity.

If he didn't know that Qin Yana and Qin An were very likely related, then there wouldn't be such two guests at the Malatang stall!

Qin An sneered and handed two bowls of hot sauce to the man and woman before turning around and returning to the back of his stall.

He wanted to see what kind of play this was!

As a super expert who could control the information of the entire city, Qin An felt that it was a little ridiculous.

The other four people were actually related to him.

Qin An knew all the history of another Qin An. It was too easy to investigate a person with his ability.

Therefore, he knew that Yana was Qin An's granddaughter, and also knew that the youth was called Adadillan, the younger brother of Qin An's good friend Guo Sihai's wife Adana Ren.

As for the man and woman who came later, Qin An did not know their identities. However, before they arrived, Qin An heard their conversation. Moreover, Qin An had the ability to see through people's hearts and the past of others. Although the two of them were powerful, Qin An still understood a little bit about the origin of this ugly old man.

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