Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1575 True Fire Sauce Wine

Chapter 1575 True Fire Sauce Wine

Qin An lit up the eyes of the people in the restaurant like a ray of light.

After Qu Yingjia returned, she brought back her man, Qu Minglang, the restaurant owner.

Before they entered the private room, Ding Haitang received a text message from Qu Yingjia.

"After our incident, there will be trouble. My husband is coming. Be honest with your man. He is not a good person to talk to!"

Ding Haitang was a little surprised and showed the text message to Qin An. Qin An smiled and said,

"At last, you, a sister who grew up with you, have a bit of a conscience. She reminded me well that her husband is not a good thing."

"You know her husband?"

"I don't know him."

"Then how do you know that his husband is not a good person?"


"Fools still have intuition?"


Looking at Ding Haitang's snickering appearance, Qin An helplessly chuckled.

After drinking the wine, he felt very comfortable, and to Qin An, he did not remember anyone related to him, only Ding Haitang was by his side.

Although there was no throbbing between men and women, Qin An was also willing to get along well with Ding Haitang. She was nominally her wife and had lived together for a year.

At this time, Qu Minglang, who had just arrived, greeted everyone with a smile.

'"Welcome! Xiaojia grew up in the orphanage. She used to be good brothers and sisters with everyone. Everyone took good care of her. She often talks to me about how good you are. Our family owns a hotel. In the future, you will come to a party once a month. I will pay for the party. Please don't be too polite."

Qu Minglang's attitude was kind, his smile was amiable, and his tone was appropriate. He looked like a really good person.

At the very least, other than Qin An and Ding Haitang, everyone present had already had a good impression of him, and they all stood up to express their gratitude.

Originally, Qin An wanted to continue sitting, but Ding Haitang pulled him up and toasted with everyone.

After exchanging greetings, Qu Minglang finally got to the point.

"I heard Xiaojia say that we have a Dionysian here? We have already drank a box of Zang Xue? Could it be for the sake of a respected Adept?"

As he spoke, Qu Ming's clear gaze swept across everyone and finally landed on Qin An.

Qin An's aura was very calm and conspicuous, and Qu Minglang could not ignore it.

"Oh, it's me, Owner Qu. My alcohol capacity is indeed not bad. The Snow Concealing Wine is not strong enough for me. If only it could be exchanged for the True Fire Palace's specialty True Fire Sauce Wine!"

Qin An took the initiative to speak, and when he said that, everyone was shocked.

"True fire wine?"

This thing was not something that ordinary people could drink! There are many brands of True Flame Sauce, which True Fire Palace brewed in the early years and later produced many counterfeit products. To distinguish it from fake wine, True Fire Palace adjusted the recipe to include sword qi compounds.

In many fantasy novels, Spiritual Qi, Immortal Qi, and Dou Qi were all very powerful existences, but no one had ever described them in detail.

After the Sword Spirit Qi invaded the earth in large quantities, humans had conducted extensive research on it, and the research on Sword Spirit Qi of the Sword Spirit Race also had certain achievements.

The so-called Sword Spirit Qi was actually a mixed and stable element made up of multiple material elements.

This concept was somewhat complicated. The first thing that could be confirmed was that the Sword Spirit Qi was not a pure substance. It was made up of multiple micro-particles.

The reason why it was classified as a class of derivatives was because the multiple matter derivatives combined together formed another kind of derivative with unified properties.

The Sword Spirit Race had its own concept of microscopic particles. Microscopic particles were the most basic elements that formed the concept. They were infinitely small, and there were no instruments or abilities that could truly sense them. They could only be judged by the laws of matter evolution on the Sword Spirit Planet, and then they could react with other substances to form microscopic compounds.

Wei Zi constitutes everything, matter, law, character, life and death, emotion, fictitious, real, everything is made up of wei Zi.

On this basis, there is an extension of the concept of micro-son, micro-son is actually a kind of living thing, and there may even be some kind of wisdom.

So the universe actually operates under the control of weizi. Whether it's a cycle or a parallel crossover, this is really the source of the laws of matter evolution. It's really the science and giants that some powerful abilities can predict in the future.

Then the sword spirit energy itself is a kind of micro-particle, and the structure of this micro-particle is complex, so there is a Sword Spirit scientific point of view that there are still micro-particles below the micro-particle, the micro-particle elements composed of micro-particles have two contradictory characteristics, one is stability, the other is binding ability.

Any substance that combines with the Sword Spirit Qi Weizi will have all sorts of wondrous effects.

It was like sword spirit energy steel, sword spirit energy medicine, and sword spirit energy burning wine.

Ordinary Body Strengthening Adepts could only drink one cup of this soju, Transcendent Body Adepts could only drink three bottles, Psionic Body Adepts could only drink three bottles, and Sword God Adepts could drink more than ten bottles. True Fire Wine was a kind of spirit medicine. After drinking it, it could increase one's strength. Some mutants who reached the critical point of mutation could mutate directly after drinking it. However, this kind of wine would not be absorbed quickly in the body. It would stay for about a year. In other words, one could not drink it again after drinking it once a year. Otherwise, it would cause harm to the body.

Qin An was a bit arrogant now that he wanted to drink Zhen Huo Shao Jiu.

Although it wasn't priceless, True Fire Wine was indeed very expensive. Normally, only those with higher status would be able to drink it. There was a bottle of wine in the restaurant that was prepared for the reception of VIPs, so they wouldn't normally sell it.

Qu Minglang was not an idiot villain, and he was already very cautious when he looked at Qin An.

Why would he make such a request to provoke him?

Or was he trying to warn himself? If he could drink a cup of True Fire, then his strength would reach the Body Strengthening Realm, at least at the tenth level of mutation.

It was not easy for humans on Earth to reach the Transcendent Body Realm.

Qu Minglang smiled and said, "Looks like brother is really a Dionysus. Xiaojia, don't you introduce him?"

"Oh, he is the husband of our orphanage sisters. His name is Qin An! Do you remember the Ding Haitang I mentioned? She was our flower back then."

Qu Yingjia's tone was somewhat reserved, because she was already frightened by Qin An.

What was this really? Why would he want to drink True Fire Wine? If he didn't have the ability to drink this wine, he would have been burned to death!

Qu Minglang stopped Qu Yingjia's words and frowned slightly. He wondered why the name Qin An was so familiar.

At this time, Qu Yingjia added, "Qin An is the Fang Family's Fang Xiaobao."

Qu Minglang suddenly came to a realization and opened his eyes wide.


The man in front of him was actually the desolate youth from the Fang Clan, Fang Xiaobao?

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