Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1491 Take a Spin Around Oceania

Chapter 1491 Take a Spin Around Oceania

The Master God's spiritual energy was indeed powerful. Although the soul-pulling ability successfully pulled out his soul, it was not completely effective. Now, he could only slowly search for it. Fortunately, the activation time of this skill had become longer. Qin An had a full hour to use it to search. He believed that there would always be gains.

At this time, the body that Qin An possessed was called Diego. He was just an ordinary Earthly youth without special abilities. He was only nineteen years old this year.

"Brother Diego, do you think the God of the Spirit Race will protect us?"

Dalga, Diego's good companion, was trembling with fear.

The aliens have been here for several years, so the drivers have naturally adapted to their existence.

"Perhaps … will?"

Through Diego's memories, Qin An had a rough idea of what was going on here.

A month ago, a Four Soul Sword Cultivator named Mei Hong appeared in the vicinity. She was a member of the Demon Race. Her strength was very strong, so strong that it was frightening. What was even more frightening was that she was a member of the Death Sect.

The so-called Death Sect was a gigantic religious organization on the Sword Spirit Star. Its sphere of influence was very wide, covering almost two-thirds of the continent.

This was somewhat terrifying. One had to know that the Sword Spirit Star was extremely large. Other than the Death Sect, no other sect had such a large sphere of influence, not even the nine great sects led by the nine great Master Gods.

Then the reason why the Death Sect was so widespread was because of an idea.

Among the forty-nine Sword Gods that had been widely teleported, many of them had the ability to comprehend through killing.

For example, Xuan Tian, Hong Ye, Jiu Zi, and so on.

Then behind the killing was evil.

These Sword Gods had all done things that humans and gods were indignant about, but in the end, they were not punished by God. Instead, they had comprehended powerful realm abilities and became gods.

Therefore, the Death Sect pursued the doctrine of slaughter and sin. Death Sect disciples believed that slaughter could sublimate life forms and allow them to gain something on the path of sword cultivation.

Therefore, their philosophy was completely different from that of the Earth people. They viewed slaughter as a way of life, a habit, and a pursuit of survival.

The Rose Red who appeared nearby was from the Death Sect. After she appeared, she had already tortured and killed tens of thousands of ordinary Earthlings. Several villages nearby had been completely destroyed by her. Only the largest gathering place of Earthlings, Ayers Rock City, had become the last refuge for the Earthlings.

The Rock City Lord sent people to the Heaven and Earth Spirit Race to invite the Spirit Race's War God, wanting them to protect the safety of the humans on his side.

Mei Hong's ability was somewhat uncertain. Many of the Heaven and Earth Spirit Race's War Generals and War Gods had never heard of her name.

The earth people were very scared. Everyone hid in the walls of Ayers Rock City and didn't dare to go out. It was as if the apocalypse had just descended and the walls had just been erected.

Three days ago, Rose Red appeared in the south of Ayers Rock City. Thousands of people died overnight. When the Heaven and Earth Spirit Race's War God arrived, Rose Red still retreated, leaving only crimson red on the ground.

The people in the city could no longer sleep. After discussing with the Heaven and Earth Spirit Race War God, the City Lord of Ayers Rock decided to gather everyone to live near the Ayers Rock. Before the rosy red was removed, the people could only stay here. They did not dare to disperse any further and their range of activities became even narrower.

The Ayers Rock has been sacred to the nearby natives since ancient times, In the apocalypse, people still regarded it as a holy and bright existence. As a result, this kind of activity where hundreds of thousands of people knelt in unison was held every day, hoping to escape calamity and refuge. Hundreds of Spirit Race generals and dozens of War Gods were hiding in various corners of the crowd to defend themselves.

There were even more Heaven and Earth Spirit Race Adepts who spread their blame around Ayers Rock City, hoping to find Rose Red and kill him.

In short, there was a tense atmosphere in the city.

After obtaining these memories, Qin An looked around. This place was filled with people! Theoretically speaking, the body occupied by the cursed soul should be within a hundred meters of him, but now, it was uncertain.

Ah, his head was a little dizzy. It seemed that the Spiritual Energy attack of the magic curse had some effect on him.

Qin An frowned, feeling that something was wrong with him at this moment?

In the end, he still couldn't tell what was wrong with him. In short, he felt that it was very strange.

Just as Qin An was looking around to determine which one of the nearby people's expressions was a magic spell, a fiery red figure suddenly descended from the sky and landed at the highest point of the Ayers Rock.

"Rose! That's Rose! I recognize her!"

Someone nearby shouted loudly.

Qin An's attention was attracted. He raised his head and looked over. He saw that it was a human-shaped creature about four meters tall.

She was not a human, and other than her human body, she could not find any human feeling.

Her legs were very long and curvaceous, and her flesh was fair. Unfortunately, her originally beautiful thighs were covered with sharp red barbs, shining with a red metallic light.

Compared to her figure, her waist was very migratory. Her chest was rugged and sharp, and she did not wear any clothes. Her red muscles did not cover her skin. Therefore, although her body was beautiful, it did not give people any sense of beauty. It only made people feel that her body was bloody and terrifying.

She had four human-like hands, and her arms and legs were covered with seemingly incomparably sharp barbs.

On her back, there were three pairs of six transparent wings. Under the sunlight, the wings emitted seven-colored light. It looked quite beautiful.

The Heaven and Earth Spirit Race was one of the nine great God Races. Their individual strength was naturally extremely formidable. The so-called wargod experts were close to the Demigod Realm. They could use a variety of elemental powers and possessed formidable physique skills. They could be considered as special abilities like demon warriors.

After the appearance of Rose Red, the four Spirit Race wargods sped over from different angles. All sorts of spells were activated as they attacked Rose Red.

There was a strange smile on Mei Hong's seductive face that seemed to have been covered with a lot of makeup.

Seeing the attack arrive, she gently flapped her wings. All of the attacks with a flap of her six wings instantly turned invisible, as if they had never happened!

The demon race's ability was originally changeable. The ability of the rosy red flapping her wings to form a defensive wave was not unusual, but the defensive effect it had was somewhat abnormal.

One had to know that this was an attack launched by four Demigod Realm experts. If Qin An did not activate the Necromancy Realm to allow his strength to reach the Sword God Realm, it would probably be very difficult for him to dodge. Therefore, the ability of the Six-winged Rose Red Flapping Wings to break through all attack magic was naturally shocking enough!

After eliminating all attacks, Mei Hong's figure suddenly flashed and disappeared. She reappeared, escaping from the encirclement of the Four Spirit Race's Battle God, a thousand meters away and entering the crowd!


A wave of enchanting laughter sounded, followed by the screams of the crowd.

Wherever Rose flew past, the barbs on her body would fly out of her body. At the end of the barbs, there were spider-like threads connected to her body. These threads controlled the flying barbs to circle back and forth, killing all the civilians around her. Hundreds of people died in the blink of an eye when Rose flew past.

Everyone was crowded together, Rose's barb was as accurate as it was positioned. After piercing through one person's heart, it entered the next. After piercing through seven or eight people's hearts, these people were already connected by thin threads. The thin threads moved along with Rose's movement, becoming as hard as a laser, splitting everyone along the way into two!

The nearby Spirit Race Adepts shouted, causing the crowd to quickly disperse. This caused the chaos to intensify, causing Qin An to almost be trampled to death!

What was to be done? Now that he was being pushed into the crowd, he simply couldn't find a magic curse to possess him, or could he just go back? In that case, his ability to pull a thread of soul power would be in vain!

When you're depressed, The danger rose again, Mei Hong had already flashed less than a hundred meters away from Qin An. This was a massacre entirely for the sake of slaughter. Mei Hong's body was extremely fast and her defense was extremely strong. She did not fight against the Spirit Race War God, only killing ordinary people. For a moment, no one was able to stop her. More people were killed. Qin An almost died. She hurriedly turned off her ability to let her soul leave Diego and return to her original body.

Logically speaking, the curse would return when Qin An returned, However … what made Qin An feel helpless after crying and laughing was that the curse had actually returned to its soul state. He shouted to Qin An, "This sovereign will come back …" He should have escaped. Obviously, he should have been accidentally killed by Rose Red over there. However, because of his strong spiritual energy, he did not die completely, so he escaped with his soul after returning.

It could only be said that the Soul Drawing Sword God's Soul Drawing Skill was extremely powerful. Even the Demon Curse could not completely defend against it, so Qin An finally knew that his strength was insufficient through this battle with the Demon Curse. It seemed that he still needed to think of a way to continue to improve his strength! Now that he was unable to challenge the Master God, Qin An's mood became somewhat depressed and angry when he realized this.

Yes, Qin An was indeed very angry in his heart. He only felt that there was such a evil fire in his heart.

Was it because of the influence of the demonic will?

Ai, it's so heart-wrenching. I won't go and kill people recklessly from now on, will I?

It shouldn't be, because his subjective consciousness is still there, and his mind is not unclear.

I really don't know how long this situation will last.

Qin An didn't know much about the ability of magic spells, so he didn't know that the damage to his spiritual energy was actually permanent.

After being stunned for a while, Qin An remembered what happened before.

It was Oceania, which was opposite to South America. Who would have thought that the aliens and Earth's natives would get along well with each other. However, Death Sect killers like Red would often appear, making life extremely difficult for people. The weak would be killed at any moment.

Ah, this world is too chaotic. Perhaps it won't be able to return to peace and rebuild the Laws without decades.

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