Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1473 4.63 Million Female Masters Who Finally Met

Chapter 1473 4.63 Million Female Masters Who Finally Met

Qin An's speed was extremely fast, and it didn't take long for him to enter Black Blood City, which had lost its defenders.

The so-called Black Blood City was somewhat huge. It was divided into three major parts: the Northson administrative province, the walls of Lodge Stronghold, and Asgard City.

The city of Asdar was a ten-meter-tall city wall made of mud, and it was a gathering place for people. The walls of the Rocky Stronghold were half a circle around the sea. They were twenty meters tall and formed the walls of Black Blood City. There were many forts and watchtowers built on the walls. Located on the east side of New York City, the administrative province of Noxus has its own 50-meter-tall walls.

It could only be said that there would be architectural styles of any era. Throwing anyone into the apocalypse would probably be a rack of brains trying to find a way to put themselves in a relatively safe environment. There was no doubt about the necessity of the height and thickness of the city walls. Most people would rather sit on the ground in the camp than build houses, but they also wanted to make sure that the walls around them were strong enough.

Because of the withdrawal of the Black Blood Army, half of the supplies in the city had been emptied. If it wasn't for the rush of time, they might have moved even more. Before Qin An and the others came out of the maze, the storm in the Magical Beast Territory had already touched the edge of Black Blood City.

The surroundings were chaotic, with a number of small civilian villages in the areas surrounding Asturi and the administrative province of Noxus, and slum kilns on the east coast.

The Black Blood Army left in such a hurry that many people were left with nowhere to go. When Qin An entered the Northside Administrative Province, he discovered that this place was already under the control of hundreds of Demon Race's abilities. They were gathering the poor people of Black Blood City into Northside and sealing the city gates to rob them.

Apart from Demon Race, there were also some youths from Silvermoon City. They were even more hateful than the people from Demon Race, because not only did they want to seize the remaining resources of Black Blood City, they also wanted to seize the women!

After closing the Dream Space, nearly 300,000 people poured out together, almost all naked. Qin An had known this would happen, so he also sent many clothes into the Heavenly Awakening Ring when he teleported people into the Dream Space! At this time, all of them were released, letting people snatch the beds from their bodies.

Come out? Has he really left the maze world and returned to the real world? Everyone cried out in delight, shocking Demon Race who was being robbed and the people who had been robbed in Noxus City.

"Xiao Beiyu, Mu De, Nan Qi, gather 50,000 people each to occupy Lodge Stronghold immediately. Yin Yao, Xia Ke, bring some experts to help defend the stronghold. The storm in the Magical Beast Territory has disappeared now. I think the Black Blood Army will most likely return when they know the news! Hmph, if you want to come back after leaving, then there's such a good thing. This city is ours now! Rest all the damaged parts of the city wall. I'll use alchemy to reinforce it later! He had to be careful of the invasion of other foreign creatures, and he didn't know if all the monsters in the maze world would run out!

Seven-Colored, Sanchuan, bring people to control Ah Si and Noxus. At the same time, wipe out the remnants of the Demon Race forces and the Black Blood Army in New Moon City. Centrally manage the citizens of the city. After screening, arrange for them to enter our control area! Weng Die, Ling Hua, you guys take charge!

Xia Xue, Zeng Huan, help Katrina take care of the children. Qin Potian and Qin Yabei, don't run around and be responsible for the safety of all the children! "!"

Qin An gave an order. The last one was aimed at all the children. In the past few years, all the children in the Maze World were protected by the Magicians. They needed to be guarded by the Magicians. In the event of a crisis, they could immediately set up a shield. No matter what era it was, the children were the future of a collective organization!

Upon hearing Qin An's order, everyone immediately scattered.

After Mo Yudongchen died, Qin An became the Azure Sword King. Within a few years, he eliminated the opponents from the four great clans and elected a brand new leading group. He had already firmly controlled the power of the Azure Sword King. It could be said that Qin An had occupied the heavens, the earth, the people, and it was easy to achieve his original goal in the complicated situation of the maze world.

"Are you … going to find your sister?"

Weng Die's expression was a little peculiar, and she didn't know what she was feeling. How should she explain herself to Weng Lan … Why did she come out of the maze world so quickly? It's a little hard to accept.

"Mm, I'll leave this to you, Ling Hua. I'll go find Weng Lan. Right now, no one can stop me from reaching her!"

With that, Qin An's figure disappeared and flashed a thousand meters away!

Weng Lan did not look very good, her hair was disheveled and her face was covered in dirt, which made her beauty concealed.

Juliet and Elvis were by her side, and the three women were sitting in a thatched cottage and sighing.

"Hey, why did you lose your memory? Weng Lan, do you really not remember who we are?" Elvis was a little unwilling and had asked this question countless times.

Weng Lan touched her greasy hair and did not reply to Elvis. Instead, she frowned and said,

"That man named Poseidon won't come looking for me again, will he?"

Poseidon, the prince of New Moon City, had already arrived in Black Blood City a few days ago. He had come to look for Weng Lan a few days ago. Unfortunately, Weng Lan had already looked a little old at that time. Years of suffering had made her haggard.

Poseidon was very disappointed. He didn't expect that the woman he was once interested in would be tempered to such a state by the years. Thus, he cast a One Spirit Spring Restoration Curse on Weng Lan.

This kind of curse token could make a person's body return to youth, making Weng Lan look like she was in her early twenties, and she immediately became Poseidon's favorite.

Poseidon wanted to forcefully take Weng Lan away, so Weng Lan was naturally unwilling.

For many years, she had been a little crazy and stupid because she missed her child. In her eyes, Juliet and Elvis were her only relatives now. Of course, she did not want to leave them.

Thus, Weng Lan chose to commit suicide. She took advantage of Poseidon's people's carelessness to bump into a nearby tree, and when she woke up, she turned into a dementia!

Of course, this was fake. Actually, Weng Lan had only lost her memories. After she woke up, she realized that Poseidon seemed to want to deal with her in a hurry. She could not figure out the situation, so she pretended to be dementia.

Then the so-called amnesia was not the complete loss of all memories. Weng Lan had only forgotten about the many years she had experienced since she felt good for Qin An.

In other words, she thought that she had just arrived in Hanghai City for half a year, just met Qin An for half a year, and then Qin An would appear in front of her house every morning and night.

Poseidon saw that Weng Lanning didn't want to go with him even if she died, and even turned into a dumb fool. He couldn't help but be furious and ordered people to send her to the underground casino in the slums to make her a dancer inside.

Since he could not obtain this woman, Poseidon intended to destroy her.

Weng Lan had been taken care of by Juliet's man, Odoca, all these years. Odorca was a saber-mouthed, tofu-hearted man, He usually had a bad attitude towards Weng Lan and scolded him when he said that. However, it was also because of his protection that Weng Lan had not been bullied by anyone these past few years. When she was a dancer in the underground casino, she did not compensate anyone for dancing. Most of the time, she was secretly taken to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

Not long after Odorca married Juliet, Onlan left the underground casino as a dowry and was sent back to the chaotic place by Poseidon.

Now that Weng Lan had entered the casino again, it was a bit dangerous. She had regained her youthful vigor because of Poseidon's Spring Restoration Curse Token, and had regained her spiritual energy and vitality because she had lost a portion of her bad memories. As a result, she had become an attractive woman again. As soon as she entered the underground casino, many men paid attention to her.

Odorca had worked as a security guard in this underground casino for many years, so he had some connections and connections.

In order to prevent Weng Lan from being taken a fancy to by men and being forced to profane her, Odoka dressed her up in a very sloppy manner and hid her in the kitchen to wash the dishes again.

All of this happened in the past few days.

Then three days ago, the Black Blood Army began to withdraw from Black Blood City. The city immediately became chaotic. Most of the power classes wanted to escape. The underground entertainment casinos in the slums were closed because of the chaos. Naturally, Weng Lan did not need to go to work anymore.

The Black Blood Army did not intend to bring all the poor people with them to flee. In principle, they simply did not care.

Even if the poor were willing to follow, they would not receive any protection or material assistance from the Black Blood Army along the way.

Because he left in such a hurry, As a result, many supplies were left in the city, some petty cheapskates are reluctant to leave, They were hoping that the storm wouldn't affect the entire Black Blood City in the end, so that they could find a place to hide. After the storm passed or disappeared, they could continue to live here. All they had to do was to try their best to gather resources and steal the remaining resources from Black Blood City.

Unfortunately, these people's calculations were in vain. After the Black Blood City army left, more than a dozen search ships descended from New Moon City. They were also here to snatch away the remaining resources of Black Blood City before the storm in the Magical Beast Territory arrived.

Odorca was not in the power class. He was just a worker.

As the army headed north, Odorca chose to stay. His former hometown was a small town nearby. After the apocalypse, he hadn't been far away from the area. He was a somewhat different kind of American survivor left behind by the apocalypse. He didn't want to wander around, but it was hard to leave his homeland.

As the head of the family, Olanca refused to leave, so naturally, Juliet, Elvis, and Weng Lan could not leave.

Now that the spies watching Weng Lan had retreated, Black Blood City's rights were finally obtained by Mary. Mary, who had become the leader of the party, had the support of the Martial Arch God. She began to prepare for her own path of hegemony. She no longer cared about the hatred of her ex-husband Baichuan Wulong being killed. Then, Weng Lan's small role was finally abandoned by her.

Therefore, Weng Lan's current condition was not bad, Once again, she entered Samsara and regained her youthful beauty. She forgot all her worries. She felt that the foreigner named Poseidon was a pervert. She felt that Juliet was giving her the wind. The coquettish foreign women felt that Elvis always talked like her mother. They only felt that Olanca was a bastard who talked about FUCK.

She could not understand why she had arrived in the United States. The only thing she remembered when she woke up after losing her memory was that she had spoken to the boy called Qin An downstairs last night.

In fact, she already knew his name. Qin An had said it several times, but she still pretended to forget it.

It was dusk that night, and she got off work a little early.

Wearing a red high heel and exposing her sexy thighs, Weng Lan was slightly drunk.

Her colleagues had all gone to dinner and called her to join them. She had only left for a few minutes. She hated the atmosphere. A group of so-called colleagues who weren't familiar with each other gathered together and said grand and polite words. It was as if everyone was the best siblings, but they would fight to the death for their own achievements in secret! Some people feel that doing business can also work peacefully with rival competitors and defend their own customers. Actually, this kind of concept was undesirable. In the field of competition, if one didn't kill their opponents, they would probably never be able to reach the front!

In short, in order to leave early, Weng Lan punished her with three cups of wine, so she was a little drunk.

She took a taxi all the way and staggered into her neighborhood. Sure enough, she saw the kid still standing at the entrance of the neighborhood downstairs.

Perhaps she had really drunk too much, so Weng Lan did something that she normally wouldn't dare to do and wouldn't do, so she said something that went offline.

She took the mineral water from Qin An like a queen and drank it all.

"Dear, aren't you tired of delivering water every day?"

"Hehe, don't bother! I can't sleep at night. I just happened to run to your side, so I bought you some water. By the way, I don't have any friends in Hanghai."

It was a man who could blush when he spoke, pure and pure.

However, his words were clear, and his words weren't trembling. He could intuitively express what he wanted to say. In fact, this kind of person should be very suitable for communicating with others. Doing business should be a good material.

"So you think of me as your friend?"

"En …"

"What's your name again, little brother!"

"My name is Qin An!"

"Oh, cyanamide? Melamine! Haha, you are the source of the poisonous milk powder!"

Qin An was stunned for a moment before he smiled foolishly.

At that moment, the slightly drunk Weng Lan was actually somewhat intoxicated.

She was stunned for about five seconds, then suddenly threw the water bottle to Qin An, turned around and left.

After taking a few steps, she stopped and said to Qin An, "Hey, I drank some wine today and drank a large bottle of mineral water from you! If you always go to the bathroom at night, I'll beat you to death tomorrow!"

The last sentence was somewhat charming, tactful, and melodious.

Qin An was petrified. After Weng Lan said those words, Hua Lili regretted it. She hurriedly ran upstairs and felt that she must have drunk too much fake wine. Otherwise, why would she say such words to that man? And he even killed him … This was like flirting!

Then after waking up that night, Weng Lan did not have the chance to kill Qin An, because when she woke up, she was completely stunned and did not know what kind of world she was in.

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