Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1468 Original Spirit

Chapter 1468 Original Spirit

Qin An was dumbfounded.

Was this what the Heavenly Awakening Sword God predicted would happen in the future?

Perhaps the powerful monster from before was a space beast, then what was the monster that appeared afterwards? Magical beasts? Why are there three? Isn't there only space and mud? Who got another magical beast!

All of this seemed to be about to happen, not now, but definitely within these two days.

With the storm approaching, it was unknown how many people would die in the end because of this crisis.

Suddenly, another image appeared in Qin An's mind, making him frown.

This picture was of a man. He looked gentle and elegant. He was very handsome.

This person was so familiar!

Qin An quickly moved his gaze and saw a young man standing ten meters away from him, who was also one of the 32 candidates.

Why? Why would this person appear in the prophecy that Tian Qi had given him? Who is he? What does it have to do with me?

Qin An wanted to know more, but Tian Qi's prophecy had come to an end, so he didn't give Qin An any hints.

At this time, eighteen of the candidates had already flown into the sky. They either had the ability to fly or used various tools to achieve their goal. Then, there were still fourteen people who did not fly on the ground, including Qin An.

"Qin An? What are you doing? Aren't you coming up yet?"

Ling Hua used her spiritual energy to communicate with Qin An in the sky.

"Who is that person?"

Qin An raised his doubts.

'"Him? He seems to be called the Origin Spirit. He didn't attract much attention and somehow entered the top 32. According to the information, he is from the Third Eastern Continent. This is hard to distinguish because the Third Eastern Continent is the birthplace of humans. There are many types of humans there. Why? Why are you paying special attention to him?"

"Didn't you feel any powerful energy from his body?"

Qin An communicated with the four female Sword Gods at the same time.

"No, do you have any insights?"

Qin An was depressed. He did not feel that that person was very strong. He did not have the slightest aura of an expert.

But since that was the case, why did the Super God Realm Heavenly Awakening Trigram give this man a picture? What exactly did this mean?

"Qin An, I don't have time to think too much. If you don't come up, you will be counted as someone who can't fly!" Ling Hua appeared in Qin An's consciousness with a somewhat anxious tone.

"It doesn't matter anymore. I originally didn't plan to fly! This is an Azure Sword Race King Selection Tournament. How can I convince the crowd if I want to take advantage of this opportunity? Now that eighteen people have flown into the sky, do you really think the fourteen people below can't fly?

Immortal Turtle, who had once become a Sword God,

The singer Dongfang Changqin,

Devil Whistler Xiao Tian,

Spirit Speaker Hai Tian,

Ghost Speaker Gui Ling Xuan said,

The genius cultivator, Shangguan Tianzi,

Sword God bloodline and Demonic Beast bloodline inheritor Yao Wuji,

Ke Yangdi, a tolerant youth from one of the Four Great Clans of Azure Sword, said,

Probably the ancestor of the Mu Clan. Mu Jun,

Fang Jinnian, a middle-aged man who had revealed his identity as a Turtle Immortal, said,

This mysterious youth origin soul that I care about very much,

The four-meter-tall barbarian warrior, Titan,

And Xia Ji, who seemed to be the weakest, but had always been hidden away, making it impossible for anyone to distinguish between men and women!

Plus me!

These fourteen people couldn't fly? No, most people do. The reason why they don't fly is just a reverse choice. True kings are never afraid of a head-on confrontation. Small tricks can be used, but they are not used in public! A king must be upright in front of the people like a sharp knife. As for what he does in private, no one cares. "

Qin An expressed his opinion. One minute had passed. Eighteen people were flying and fourteen were standing on the ground.

However, the expressions of the eighteen people in the sky weren't relaxed at all, because they discovered that the fourteen people standing below were all very powerful Adepts. There were clearly a few of them who could fly, but why did they choose to give up?

Give up the game? No, no, no! They just gave up the chance to fly, and the next storm would sweep over from the ground!

'"Hahaha, Yao Wuji, you are indeed a hero with the same vision. I like this topic very much. Could it be that you can fight against experts on land if you can fly? This is simply a joke, but I don't want to fly. How about we join hands to pull down the 18 people on the top and then you and I will fill the vacant positions and advance!"

The one who spoke was Shangguan Tianzi. His attitude was somewhat arrogant, but no one would laugh at him on such occasions. How could a man who wanted to become a king not be so arrogant? Moreover, Shangguan Tianzi also had the ability to be proud.

Just as everyone's gazes were focused on Shangguan Tianzi and the female audience of the Azure Sword Race felt that this brat was a little handsome, a figure suddenly flashed.

No one could have imagined that Qin An would be the first to attack among all the experts on the ground. The target of his attack was not the sky, but the handsome youth's origin soul on the ground!

The scene that shocked all of the four female Sword Gods happened in an instant. The moment Qin An and the Origin Spirit clashed, they disappeared at the same time, and never appeared again!

What was going on? Into the void? Ling Hua hurriedly opened the Void World to search, but she found that she could not find the two of them.

Could it be that they had entered a deeper realm? Or went to another maze world?

The four female Sword Gods on this side were both shocked and anxious, but their contestants didn't care about this. They had already begun a chaotic battle between the earth and the sky.

Qin An lay on the bed, covered with a quilt.

Beside the bed, the woman was talking.

"The situation in the city is getting worse and worse. The Internet says that the T virus is global and has spread in many countries. Now, our country is not spared either. My friends in the government secretly told me that Hanghai City is going to become a quarantine zone soon. I plan to evacuate this place…"

I admit that I am a woman who worships money, and I have not been able to persevere with you!

I'm tired of worrying about mortgages every month, eating a bowl of beef noodles and thinking about whether to add an egg!

I chose a better life.

Compared to you, Cheng Gang has too many advantages. He is rich, handsome, young, and responsible. He can give me everything I want. Most importantly, he loves me!

So I chose to leave you. This could be my fault, right?

Who knows! Perhaps life is like this, perhaps in your eyes I am not a good woman, but a woman like me can live a better life!

I suggest you leave Hanghai as well. This suggestion is very sincere!

However, based on my understanding of you, you should not be able to accept the blow caused by our divorce for a while.

So I don't think you'll take my advice and leave!

I have prepared a lot of things for you, rice, vegetables, water, medicine, candles, cigarettes, a few full gas cans and some defensive weapons!

"There are incidents of vandalism happening every day. The police, hospitals and even the Armed Police Force are already in a daze. If you don't want to leave, just hide in your room and don't go out. This food will be enough for you to live here for a year. I hope that all of this will be over by then."

Why did he return to his original position?

This was what Weng Lan had said to her when she left at the beginning of the apocalypse, and this was actually her home!

Is this another maze world?

You bet it is! Because this space was different from the real space he remembered.

Qin An could hear the melodious sound of the flute. The sound made him fall into a daze. Although his mind was still clear, he was unable to move. Back then, when Weng Lan left the room, there was no melodious sound of the flute in the real space-time trajectory!

Just as Weng Lan was about to leave, Qin An suddenly lifted the blanket and pulled the woman into his arms.

"No! Don't leave!"

"Qin An, don't do this. I…"

Qin An's lips covered Weng Lan's small mouth, and then a rainstorm happened on the bed.

How could this be? He was now like a puppet in a movie, completely following the lines and plot. He clearly knew that everything was fake, but he couldn't control his body's movements!

Was that the flute?

Desire slowly rose, and it was finally vented.

Qin An lay flat on the bed, naked.

The scenery suddenly changed again. Weng Lan and the houses had all disappeared. What they saw was the pitch-black universe, as well as the super energy gathering nebula before the Sword Spirit Star had formed!

"See? This is the earliest me. What a beautiful and dazzling body. How happy was my soul as this super energy gathering? However, King of Qin and Qi Rou lied to me, trapping my soul in the cycle of life. I was destroyed, born with the Star of Sword Spirit as my body, and condensed into a mortal body at the same time! People think my singing is as beautiful as the sound of nature, but no one knows that it is actually me crying! The so-called Tian Ge is actually a reminiscence of my original state! A song of heaven sings, and I shed tears, and others laugh? This makes me even more disgusted with this world, so I want to destroy it! "Only destruction is a new beginning. The so-called primitive state is a starting point, but it is also an end …"

Behind Qin An, a male voice whispered softly.

Qin An controlled his floating body and turned around. He saw a human-shaped creature with a bare body and a very handsome face, but without any gender identification floating around.

"You've been resurrected? Tian Ge is an origin soul? An origin soul is an origin soul?"

"Yes, yes! I am the primordial soul of the Star of Sword Spirit, and as the first child of King of Qin and Qi Rou, you are the primordial gene! Actually, we are brothers … Haha, but in my world of consciousness, I can't understand the concept of brothers! I am the primordial soul. The origin of countless thoughts in this world, hatred, desire, emotion, sigh, yearning, fear, surprise, excitement … all of these are born from me! Why should I be brothers with others? Qin An, go tell True Fire not to treat me as her child. I no longer have any hatred for her. All I want is to destroy the myriad worlds and return everything to its original point. The origin of the high energy body in the universe, which created the myriad worlds of space and time, is the super energy aggregate. It's me! I should have been the ruler of countless worlds. Why should I marry in this world? "

Qin An was dumbfounded when he heard this. He only felt that the universe was too mysterious, it was really not something he could understand.

Looking at the ferocious Third Master God Tian Ge, Qin An slowly calmed down.

'"You're very strong. You can actually bring me into many hallucinatory spaces. But I don't understand why you didn't kill me. You're a primordial soul, and I'm a primordial gene. If I die, perhaps you wouldn't exist anymore, right? Just like you can't kill your parents, at least at this moment, you can't kill me, right?"

"Bullsh*t! Neither King of Qin nor Qi Rou are my parents! I am a primordial soul, and I am formed from the essence of the universe. I am the ruler of all things in this vast world! Why should I have parents? Why?"

After a burst of crazy shouting, Tian Ge finally calmed down and revealed a smile.

"You're right, now I can't kill you! This Earth was no longer the Earth of the past. It had become a gathering place of enormous energy. All of the energy was connected by energy, affecting the entire body! Therefore, your apocalypse will not end, because the energy web has already formed in the entire myriad worlds. All worlds are in chaos. If a person dies in this space-time, there may be a great earthquake in a thousand worlds. No one knows when natural or man-made disasters will arrive. What is the use of God? When there was no place for one to rest on, and there was no trace of life-sustaining gas in the sky, who would be able to live? Hahaha, the great war between the hundred races of the earth has arrived. This is an irreversible fact. I look forward to the war because the power of death will become stronger and stronger, and it will become closer and closer to achieving my goal! Qin An, you can't stop anything unless you and the people around you are willing to be killed! "Hahaha!"

"What exactly are you doing here? Did you appear in front of me to tell me these things?"

Qin An suddenly interrupted and asked what he was most concerned about.

"I'm here to help you!"

Tian Ge smiles coldly, and his gaze has a trace of playfulness.

"Do you remember the meeting I arranged for you just now? Tossing clouds and raining rain with your favorite woman in your sweet home."

"That's all fake, it's an illusion!"

'"That's right, it's fake! Weng Lan is fake. She's just a ball of air. I used the Heavenly Fantasy Voice to make you think that what you saw was Weng Lan. Then, I made you lose control of your body, which helped you increase your passion and bring you to the pinnacle of happiness! A good show! This kind of human behavior is disgusting. I want to vomit after watching it!"

"So, why did you do this?"

"Haha, of course, for your primitive gene! The moment you reached the climax, your primordial gene was already wrapped in the air! I will bring them to those who need them. After those Sword Gods are revived, they will come to find you! Although I can't kill you, it doesn't mean that the other Sword Gods can't kill you either! Primordial souls and primordial genes are not one after all. If you die with someone else's hand, the transmission of energy damage will not affect me in the slightest! Qin An, I want you dead! You have to thank me for this, because even if you don't die, you will eventually become King of Qin's resurrection body. He has been staring at you! Hahaha … "

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