Chapter 1454 Pigs

How could this be?


Xia Ke felt her heart beating very fast.

She closed her eyes and let her consciousness return to the previous moment.

She was dreaming, and then she was awakened. She saw a figure. The person's breathing was rapid, and he spat out an unpleasant smell from his mouth.

What she was very familiar with was the stench of Dong Zhian's mouth!

A man's digestive system is not as good as it used to be, and his body functions are weakened, often accompanied by this stench.

Xia Ke had already known, but in the situation just now, she had ignored this small problem, so she did not see through the truth.

Then… Then why didn't Qin An explain? He should have explained!

Qin An's face appeared in front of Xia Ke's eyes again. There was also a red palm print on his face, which was left behind by her.

At that time, his gaze was … astonished, then calm.

Yes, she saw calmness! He actually felt that it didn't matter if he was wronged? Was he not even interested in explaining?

This damn man!

Maybe he's not a pervert? The so-called Sword Spirit Seven Girls only treated them as merchandise? He gave them abilities, and he got abilities from them, that's all.

If he was one of the Sword Spirit Seven Women, wouldn't that be very sad?

Suddenly, Xia Ke was disappointed, inexplicably disappointed.

She suddenly stood up and ignored Dong Zhian, who was kowtowing over there. She directly left the tent and started searching around the nearby tent like crazy.

She wanted to find that man and ask him everything!

After walking through more than ten tents in a row, she could not find Qin An. Just as she was running towards the next tent, a warm hand suddenly grabbed her hand and pulled her body into a warm embrace.

Shortly after, Xia Ke felt as if her feet were empty. She actually flew up directly, getting farther and farther away from the ground.

Heavens! Did she really fly?

Xia Ke suddenly remembered the plot of the movie. It was the first time Superman brought his little girlfriend to the sky.

How did Superman's little girlfriend feel at that time? Could it be that she's so… Panicked?

"Qin An! Is that Qin An? Quickly put me down, I'm afraid of heights!"

Tragic patients with fear of heights would never experience the romance of flying.

Qin An hugged Xia Ke and didn't intend to let her go.

Originally, he wanted to go back to sleep, but he heard Xia Ke looking for him in every tent, disturbing his good dream.

So how could Qin An let go of this barbarian girl who had slapped him and disturbed his good dreams?

Borrowing the strength of the wine, Qin An wore a wicked smile on his face. He flapped his wings and flew 600 meters into the air.

"Haha! Afraid of heights? That's because you've never stood tall and looked down! Hurry up and open your eyes. Everyone is under your feet, and everything around you is floating in the clouds! This kind of experience is not something you can have as long as you want!"

"You … you're hoping that I just hit you!"

"I'm not so stingy! Grape wine glitter glass, want to drink pipa immediately destroy. Why laugh when they fall asleep drunk on the sand? How many soldiers ever come home? Little girl, don't sigh about gratitude and resentment. Let alone love and hate, I don't have much energy to waste on these things in my life! Today is my son's wedding day. Didn't you sit down as well? Isn't it a bit rude not to drink a few cups with me? Haha, since you didn't sleep at night and came looking for me, it means you have some intentions. Let's drink a few drinks here in the Profound Void. Brother has some good wine here! "

Qin An's mood tonight was originally not very calm. He actually attended his own son's wedding. As a father, how could he be calm?

After drinking some wine and getting slapped for no reason, his mood became even more uncertain. At this moment, he flew into the sky with Xia Ke in his arms, and immediately felt an interest in bringing wine to the wind.

As he spoke, Qin An had already brought Xia Ke to a height of 1,000 meters. Then, he casually threw her away and a huge white figure shot out from Qin An's finger.

Xia Ke tried her best to open her eyes and look over. After that, she forgot about her fear and grew up with her small mouth.

Heavens, it was actually a big round bed with azure gauze hanging on it. Xia Ke had seen this kind of bed before. Many sex theme hotels used this kind of round bed. It was usually used by couples.

What exactly is Qin An? Not only can he fly, can he even perform magic tricks?

After Xia Ke was shocked, she suddenly discovered that Qin An's trick was not over yet, because after Qin An threw the big bed away, it actually floated in the air and did not fall. What exactly was going on? The gravity of the earth has disappeared?

No matter what, Xia Ke would never have imagined that the Earth's gravity had indeed disappeared from this bed. The Level 128 mutated Fallen Leaf Body Technique had already allowed Qin An to control a portion of the area for a very long time without being bound by gravity. Then, combined with the Wind Moving Sword God's ability, Qin An could allow this bed to float in the sky.


Xia Ke let out a deafening shout. Qin An actually threw her onto the bed, which almost frightened Xia Ke to death.

"Hahaha, don't be afraid. Brother is rarely so interested. You should be stronger!"

As he spoke, Qin An also jumped onto the bed. The wind in the sky was a little cold. Qin An activated the Heat Fire ability and immediately swallowed the cold air, causing the surroundings to become warm.

Xia Ke finally calmed down. The fear in her heart disappeared. She felt as if she was dreaming. Was this a fairy tale? The stars in the sky seemed to be pluckable. The light on the ground was like a tiny firefly. She was in the sky, she was on the bed, but she still did not know where she was.

Qin An took out a small round table from his interspatial ring and placed it between him and Xia Ke. Then, he took out two plates of sushi and a small box of mustard melted with vinegar and soy sauce and placed them all on the table.

The space of the Heavenly Awakening Ring was absolutely still. The advantage was that the food would look like it was when placed inside, and it would still look like it was after being taken out, no matter how long it had been placed there.

"Have some sushi. It's different from before the apocalypse. It was cooked for me by Gui Zi. Ah, she's still in the state of a dead soul. I'm going to save her. Why do I suddenly miss the people in the dead soul space? I'm going to take a look later."

As he spoke, Qin An took out two glasses and a large bottle of wine, then poured a little into each of the glasses.

"Come on, Xia Ke. The first glass of wine apologizes to you. You entered this world because of me. I'm sorry!"

Xia Ke picked up her glass in confusion. The current environment was too poetic, so she couldn't help but be confused.

Since she was confused, she lost her mind. Since she lost her mind, she forgot the purpose of coming out to find Qin An. As a result, Xia Ke began to follow Qin An's rhythm.

"Alright! This lady only drinks this cup of wine from you. It is indeed because of you and me that we entered the space!"

As she spoke, Xia Ke drank all the wine in one gulp, completely losing her fear of heights. She felt that the strength of the wine from before had risen again, and it was actually fluttering.

Qin An naturally drank all of his wine, and then poured Xia Ke another cup of wine.

"This second cup is also an apology. I shouldn't have concealed from you the story of me and you in another world. I'm not honest enough! So I did it!"

Qin An's aura was very strong, and he was also very straightforward when drinking.

Xia Ke was completely confused. The main reason was that Qin An had sent her to the sky, so her brain was a little inadequate. She forgot that she had originally come to settle accounts with Qin An.

"That's right! How can you hide this from me? You slept with me in another space, man! You slept with me in another space! It's an 8P! I did it too! Haha!"

Xia Ke, who was dumbfounded by the wind, drank up a cup of wine.

"Third cup! I'm still sorry! I shouldn't have exchanged sex with an unfamiliar girl for benefits! I'm guilty!"

"Do it! Even if you are guilty, you are still seven girls! They are all big girls of the Yellow Flower Realm!"

The atmosphere had somehow changed into this strange state.

The two of them laughed foolishly at the height of a thousand meters and drank their third glass of wine.

The next moment, the wine was like water. The two of them drank it for various reasons.

"I shouldn't have saved you when you fell into the sea! After all, you're Xia Ke!"

"Haha, drink!"

"I shouldn't have used my clairvoyant vision to peek at your body. I'm guilty!"

"Ah, you can do such a dirty thing. It's really bad. Drink!"

"I shouldn't have noticed that Dong Zhian was trying to bully you, but I didn't stop him in advance!"

"Tomorrow, tomorrow you castrate him! Let him bully women!"

Qin An didn't know if he had really drunk too much. He actually felt that his mind was still very clear. After turning on his super hearing, he could still clearly see everything.

Perhaps he was intoxicated.

It felt like it had been a long time since he had drunk wine so happily. It was truly refreshing.

Xia Ke's alcohol capacity was surprisingly good. The more she drank, the more charming and energetic she became.

The two of them didn't know how much they drank until Qin An finally got to the point.

"Little sister, is big brother sincere enough today? I seem to have been apologizing to you all along. Tell me, can you forgive me?"

"Interesting. Of course I forgive you, hehe!"

"Then what about us in the future?"

"Forget all grudges!"

"Good, straightforward! Another cup!"

"Alright, but you still have to do something for me before I can completely cancel it out with you!"

"What is it?"

"I heard about your deeds with the aliens. I heard that you are very good at writing Tibetan poems. Don't even think about it. Write one for me. It must have my name inside!"

"That won't do!"


"I'm afraid you'll fall in love with me…"

"Bullsh*t! This miss will fall in love with you? Hurry up and write, otherwise I won't let you off!"

"Alright! Write as you please. Will I be afraid of you, little girl?"

"Then come!"

"Then I'm coming! Write a poem for you, and all our grudges will disappear. There will be no more entanglements!"

"Alright! All grievances will disappear, there will be no more entanglements!"

Qin An drank another glass of wine. At this time, there were already eight bottles on the bed.

"Xia Ye Dou drinks all over the stars,

Ke Lan had a Dream Intoxication Pavilion.

Zhu Men's wine friend Maple Forest was late,

Gentlemen, please don't let us have a long cry!


Xia Ke blushed like a ripe peach, which could be due to alcohol-induced body heat.

Hearing Qin An's poems and laughter, she also laughed loudly.

"Hahaha, what? It doesn't rhyme at all! What are you hiding? Xia Kezhu? Xia Ke pig? You… you big bastard, you're the pig!"

"Hahaha! Xia Ke is a pig! Hahaha!"

Qin An laughed happily, heartless and heartless.

He didn't have any schemes here, he just felt that when he was happy, he had to drink heavily. Only when he was drunk would he be able to sublimate his happiness.

Very late, Qin An sent the drunk Xia Ke back to the tent and let her sleep alone.

After Qin An left, Xia Ke rolled over, tears streaming down her face.

She did not know why she was not drunk, nor did she forget what Qin An had said to her at the wine table--

"Then I'm coming! Write a poem for you, and all our grudges will disappear. There will be no more entanglements!"

Why? He actually felt that he was the one who was at a disadvantage!

Hateful bad guy Qin An! Really bad!

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