Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1423 Dongfang Changqin

Chapter 1423 Dongfang Changqin

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh … the beards of these two brothers are so luxuriant, but these chest muscles are a bit too wide, they don't match your figures …"

'"Huan'er, tell someone to watch the performance quietly. This princess is good at reading someone's poems. This viewing seat is just a reward. If anyone thinks that this princess is kind and easy to bully, you can help me slap her!"

Zeng Huan was dumbfounded, standing there without moving, not knowing what to do.

Qin An laughed and sat down at the round table. It was three meters away from the princess' table. The two tables were filled with all kinds of food. The semi-enclosed space made it impossible for the guests to see the inside of the table. There was naturally no other place in the square besides the square in front of them.

Actually, there were many such stands around the plaza, all of them were VIPs. It was estimated that the spectators inside were people with noble status like Ling Hua, right?

This was not the real podium. On the nearby hundred-meter tall platform, the Azure Sword King, Ling Hua's father, was leading the Queen and her concubines to sit there. Of course, he was accompanied by some of the Azure Sword Clan's royal officials.

Qin An was no longer bickering with Princess Ling Hua. While eating a lot of green sword clan specialty pastries, he began to let go of his mood and watch the fun.

When Ling Hua saw that Qin An had become obedient and quiet, she was still slightly disappointed.

Suddenly, the female Sword God, who had never been in love before, realized that it was also fun to fight with a man … For this reason, she began to review her attitude towards what she had just said. Wasn't her tone a little too heavy? So that's why he's being honest? Princess Linghua finally felt what it meant to be worried about gains and losses! She didn't know why she was like this, so she began to sulk.

When the festival bell rang, the Azure Sword King began to speak. He was a somewhat handsome middle-aged man, looking to be in his forties.

The first task of the opening speech was to worship the divine essence and thank it for the life it had bestowed on all living beings. After that, more than a thousand people walked out. They went to the rostrum and knelt before the king, thanking the royal father for allowing them to be born.

There were also some magical amplification equipment nearby. Qin An didn't need to turn on his super hearing to hear the voices from there. He was a little stupid at that time.

"More than a thousand people … are all your brothers and sisters?"

Qin An couldn't help but be curious, so he turned to Princess Linghua and said.

"No, they are my elder sisters or brothers. I am my father's last child. After me, father has not given birth to a child … This is not surprising. For the Azure Sword Clansmen, their average lifespan is tens of thousands of years. Father has so many concubines, but only a thousand children are considered to be a small number …"

The Azure Sword Clansmen's fathers didn't have much affection for their grandchildren. There were too many children, and they couldn't love them even if they wanted to.

Most of these children lived with their mothers until they were around 10 years old, and then entered the academy to live a collective life. They could graduate at the age of 100 and enter the official career at the age of 500. If their abilities were mediocre, they could only be ordinary nobles or commoners. The chance to see their fathers was just like today's Divine Origin Festival.

The Azure Sword Clan's large clan has no relatives from generation to generation. For example, my father. In fact, some of his concubines were born to sons. In other words, he married his own granddaughter …

This is not ethical in our world, because of the time span.

The father gave birth to his first son twenty thousand years ago. Then, he saw his eldest son's daughter several decades ago and thought that her appearance was adorable, so he let her enter the palace!

His eldest son hadn't spoken to his father for almost 10,000 years, so he naturally didn't have any family ties. He had long since become a commoner because of his unsatisfactory cultivation. He only hoped that his daughter could win the favor of his father so that the entire family could benefit and return to the nobility again …

"Ah, I am a special existence among children. When I was ten years old, I had already reached the Second Soul Sword Sect realm, so I was always raised by my father. Now that I have become a Sword God, I don't need to kneel down to greet my father like my brothers and sisters did. No one would want a Sword God to kneel down childishly!"

Qin An's words after stopping Ling Hua had already turned into dementia. Sure enough, they were aliens of different races. Isn't this f*cking weird?

Princess Linghua looked at Qin An and suddenly smiled wickedly, "In other words, if you marry a cyan sword woman and then have a son and a granddaughter, then when your granddaughter grows up, she will not object and will most likely thank you! Thank you for taking care of the mother clan so that they can contribute to the clan and continue to grow loose branches."

Qin An's face turned green and he hurriedly waved his hand.

Damn it, the Chinese can only be considered distant relatives after five generations. Only then can they get married. Even if the third generation of the Cyan Sword Clan is no longer related, it is indeed a weirdo. Qin An feels that it is unacceptable.

Princess Linghua laughed out loud. Actually, she knew Earth people. As an alien, she would naturally pay more attention to the planet's natives. Therefore, Qin An's reaction was already within her expectations.

Look at this scoundrel. His face is red. So he is still very innocent?

Actually, Ling Hua really wronged Qin An.

The reason why Qin An blushed was because he had already recovered his brain and was in love with his granddaughter … obediently, obediently, obediently, obediently, obediently, obediently!

After a group of children met their father, the king announced the beginning of the ceremony.

The smile on Ling Hua's face faded, and her expression became somewhat solemn.

Qin An noticed that all the men in the hall stood up at this time. After that, he bowed slightly to the women beside him and thanked them. Most of the women were moved to tears.

So this is the return ceremony, Every man expressed his gratitude to the woman beside him, Most women are touched by the word "thank you", Releasing her suppressed resentment for a long time, she continued to be a cow and a horse to serve men when the new year arrived, and then continued to kneel and crawl in front of men like a dog. This had always been the destiny of the Azure Sword Clan's women, and it was also the biggest injury in Ling Hua's heart. It was an obstacle that she wanted to break but felt powerless!

Women are so easy to deceive. The scary thing is not the strength of men, but how many women would rather accept their fate than choose to change?

The ideology passed down had already poisoned the souls of most of the azure sword women. When they felt that they could kowtow in front of men, and when they felt that those women who did not kneel in front of men were very unreasonable, how could they be liberated?

Qin An understood Ling Hua and how difficult it was for her to expect things to be. The cohesion of a nation could not be easily changed. What was right and what was wrong was even more impossible for an Earth person to evaluate. This was because most of the azure sword women's moral standards were obedient to men, and how many of them were as advanced as Princess Ling Hua? Therefore, if Ling Hua wanted to change the status quo of her clan, the resistance would not only come from men, but also from women. If she could not import the rented blood and the population base, it was almost impossible to change this culture.

After the third process was completed, the king finally officially spoke.

The first thing he did was to calm the emotions of the people, explain the situation of being trapped, and tell the experts in the large clans that they were studying how to leave the magical beast territory, but for some reason, they might not be able to get any results soon.

This matter was naturally brought up in a single sentence. After that, the king announced the official commencement of the celebration of Divine Primordial Festival, and expressed to all the people happy wishes for the festival.

When the red tape was over, the opening ceremony of the Divine Origin Festival that everyone was looking forward to finally started!

"Princess! Look! Isn't that the oriental harp? This is a very famous spirit-level singer amongst singers! Why is he also in this space?"

"What's so strange about that? He is also a participant in the selection meeting this time. He is a competitor to some people. It will definitely not be easy to become the king of the Azure Sword Race!"

Ling Hua looked sideways at Qin An with a responsible look in her eyes.

She had already sensed that Qin An was definitely not an ordinary earthling. That night in the hot spring lake, he had obviously concealed his strength, but she had actually not noticed it. He was truly a super liar.

But even if he was very strong, would he be able to enter the twenty-four-person list in the end? No one could say for sure, because the contestants this time were truly exaggerated. Although Ling Hua did not know the origins of these contestants, she could feel the occasional powerful energy fluctuations from different individuals and different attributes flashing through the Azure Sword Race camp in the quiet night.

"A singer?" Qin An subconsciously said.

"One of the nine God Races, a relative of the Third Master God! However, singers love freedom. Their strength comes from Tian Ge, but they do not necessarily believe in Tian Ge. They have their own beliefs and pursue different lives. Whether or not this oriental harp belongs to a trusted member of Tian Ge cannot be judged from his race."

Zeng Huan blushed and said,

"Well, Dongfang Changqin is a very famous spirit-level singer, but he is kind to people and almost never fights with them. Therefore, no one knew his true strength. The reason why he was famous was because of his singing. The Tian Ge Clan was originally good at charming music, and the Oriental Lute was even more awesome in this field. His song "Tears of the Night Stars" spread to almost all the continents of Sword Spirit Star, so his fame was even greater than that of the Sword God. His followers were even greater than that of the Sword God. People loved the zither, loved his romantic and unruly manner, and loved his devoted appearance when he sang! No one could imitate his songs, and no one could match them! Perhaps no one in this world could surpass him in singing except Tian Ge! As for Tian Ge, he rarely showed up and didn't seem to like singing. Therefore, everyone only remembered that he was only an oriental harp, but they had forgotten that there was also a third master god, Tian Ge! In a sense, this Dongfang Chanqin is the Spirit Cultivator of the Chanqin Speaker. Unfortunately, he doesn't like to fight, nor does he like to have followers. Most of the time, he is alone. Occasionally, there will be a folk tale of a woman and a Chanqin, but it is just a legend. "

In Zeng Huan's narrative, the two-meter-tall, white-clothed, demonic and handsome Dongfang Chanqin had already walked alone to the center of Nuoda's venue.

Naturally, the other spectators had already discovered Dongfang Changqin's figure, so it immediately boiled over.

The desperate shouting of the women scared Qin An to the point that his scalp went numb.

Clay Horse, this group of azure sword women are not normally locked up in their homes, how can they still be in the mood to chase after stars?

"Why do I feel that everyone nearby knows Dongfang Chanqin? He has also come to your festival celebrations before?"

"No, he has never been in the future. Perhaps everyone knows Chanqin from the photos." Ling Hua narrowed her eyes. Her gaze landed on the lonely figure in the middle of the square. In fact, it was also the man she liked. However, this kind of love was only in her heart. In fact, Ling Hua did not know Dongfang Changqin. She only secretly watched him sing and was intoxicated by it.

"The reason why people are so crazy is because they have heard the song of the harpsichord … Since father has invited the harpsichord as the first guest of the opening ceremony, you are fortunate to be able to experience it. Puppy, open your ears and listen to that moving melody …"


Qin An was confused. Just as he was about to say something to mock Ling Hua, a strange instrument with a length of two meters and a width of ten centimeters appeared in the hand of the oriental harp.

This instrument looks like a treasured sword, and it differs from ordinary treasured swords in that it has four thin strings from the tip of the sword to the hilt of the sword.

Dongfang Changqin slowly raised her hand. It was slender and long. It had the charm of a woman and the masculinity of a man. There was no disharmony between Yin and Yang. Qin An had super vision and could see clearly. His spiritual energy was slightly lifted because of his raised hand. Therefore, Qin An hurriedly activated the Heaven Breaking Invitation to stabilize his mind.

Even so, Strange images suddenly appeared in his mind. That face was clearly Weng Lan's, but the hand she raised was a zither. Her beautiful and indescribable fingers were gently brushing her cheeks. The emotions flowing through her fingertips made people feel disappointed and heartbroken. Qin An recalled the eleven years he had wandered around the United States in search of Weng Lan without any results. A depressed aura condensed in his heart.

Dongfang Zhangqin's fingers finally rippled the strings. The crisp and gentle music seemed to ring in her ears. It was clearly very gentle, but it still pierced through her eardrums and dispelled all the pressure in Qin An's heart. It was as if she had suddenly pounced into her mother's embrace. All her grievances were gone.

Qin An felt that his eyes were sparkling and translucent. They were actually wet. He almost shed a teardrop. The audience nearby, both men and women, were already tearing up. However, they still had happy smiles on their faces, as if they were very satisfied.

Princess Linghua's complexion was red, and she was not affected by the range of spiritual energy. Her gaze fell on Qin An's face. Seeing that he was only sparkling at the corner of her eyes, but did not shed tears, she couldn't help but secretly nod her head in surprise!

Sure enough, he was very strong, not touched by the first skill of the zither's divine sword, "Clear Heart Sound!" Could it be that Qin An's mental energy defense has already reached the Four Souls Realm?

That's impossible. She can't sense that Qin An's soul power is so strong. In other words, he is definitely not a Four Soul Sword Cultivator. In the blink of an eye, Qin An's mental energy fluctuation felt like that of a Two Soul Sword Cultivator. How could his defense be so strong?

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