Chapter 1416 Earth Man

"Sister Lan, did you really marry an Earthly?"

"This is hard to imagine. Big sister Lan, forgive me for being direct. I want to say, aren't the people of Earth very childish?"

"Of course they're childish! How old are they? The oldest is only a hundred years old, how can they not be childish?"

"Isn't it boring to be with a very childish Earth person? Are they really very small?"

The girls surrounded Xiao Beilan and chirped like birds.

Xiao Beilan's mother, Liangzhi, sat behind her daughter and combed her hair. She had already heard Xiao Beilan's story and knew about her daughter's experiences over the past 18 years. She truly sighed with emotion.

This feeling was the same as Qin An's. Her daughter had only left for a dozen days, but she had already become someone else's daughter-in-law. She had spent eighteen years. What was even more troublesome was, did she actually marry an Earth man?

Xiao Beilan looked at the three aunts and the many cousins with a rosy smile on her face.

"Yes! He is very childish …"

Liangzhi's body trembled slightly. Her daughter was really pitiful. She was trapped in this space after the double moon disaster, and then she married a man from Earth. She must have had a hard time over the past eighteen years, right?

The women nearby also cast pity, regret, sigh, or sympathy at Qin Beilan.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Xiao Beilan's smile became even brighter. She said,

"He is childish some people want to laugh!

You know what? Men on earth who fall in love with a woman will not go to a woman's house to propose marriage, but will find a way to pursue a girl.

The one in my family who chased after me wasted a lot of effort.

"I've received gifts, four-leaf bouquets tied together, delicious Sea of Nothingness sweet fish, little porcelain dolls made of mud, bicycles made of wood … Anyway, my family's guy used everything to give me gifts. He can come up with any idea. He's really annoying and annoying."

Ah? The women in the room were slightly stunned. Was it annoying to be given gifts? No, they like to accept gifts, but their men really rarely give them gifts.

"Just as I was about to die of boredom, the one in my family suddenly disappeared!

He didn't give me any gifts for ten whole days, nor did he appear beside me. This has never happened before. In the past two years, he must have come to me every day to say something good and obedient.

I really don't like him. I just feel that the people who would come every day aren't coming anymore. I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart.

Finally, ten days later, he appeared again. It turned out that he was going to follow the space beast with someone! After killing the space beast, he had accumulated 16 Sword Soul Stones! "He wore a bracelet on me after he smoothed and punched them … What a luxury. The Sword Soul Stone lost its energy after being processed by him with a sharp weapon. It can only be used as an ornamental item …"

As she spoke, Qin Beilan raised her hand and waved it in front of everyone. Only then did everyone discover the translucent bracelet on Xiao Beilan's hand.

Heavens! So beautiful! How extravagant!

It was actually polished from 16 Sword Soul Stones. The so-called Soul Stones naturally had spirituality. After polishing them to such a state, it was estimated that their spirituality had disappeared. Beauty was beautiful, but their value was much lower than before. How could Earth's men be so stupid? Doing such a waste of natural resources.

However, the hearts of the women were actually not calm, because they were beginning to imagine what it would look like to wear such a beautiful bracelet on their wrists? … Heavens, that was like a dream.

"Do you think it's a waste?"

A group of unbalanced cousins, aunts, and aunts immediately nodded.

"Yeah, I originally thought it was such a waste! Earth people are really stupid … But just as I was thinking this, my man …"

Oh, you don't know his name, do you?

His name is Li Chenxian. Actually, the eastern people on earth are very similar to us. They also speak our language, and the composition of their names is similar to ours. It's as if we have a common ancestor. The moment Li Chenxian gave me the bracelet, Hua Lili knelt down! Earthlings call this a proposal! "

"Heavens! How can a man kneel?"

"Yes, what kind of style is this!"

"So useless!"

The women began to attack Li Chenxian as if a tabloid reporter had finally discovered the incident of a celebrity cheating.

"Yes, I also feel that men should not kneel, but my husband told me that he will probably only kneel once in his life!

The man had gold on his knees. He knelt on the heavens and knelt on the ground to his parents, but he would not kneel on a woman!

However, he was willing to kneel to me that day. From then on, he begged me to be his wife. His kneeling represented his loyalty to me, his willingness to stay with me forever, and his willingness to protect me forever like a knight!

He doesn't want me to kneel to any man, including himself!

Because he was afraid that my knees would hurt because of this, his willingness to protect me was not empty words, but to protect every detail, including my knees and my mood!

He swore that he would definitely fulfill his oath to me and kneel down to humiliate himself so that he would never forget it!

Then the Sword Soul Stone bracelet that doesn't seem to be of any use in my heart and is a waste is actually a token of affection he gave me!

In the eyes of others, those were only sixteen damaged Sword Soul Stones, but they were all his wealth. He gave them all to me to prove that he was willing to share everything with me.

The reason he made the bracelet and destroyed the value of the Sword Soul Stone was because he wanted to tell me that I was his entire life, and that he could give up everything he had for me …

Sigh, do you think there are such foolish, stupid, and useless Earth men in this world? Perhaps because I pity him, I finally agreed to marry him softly, become his wife, and become the most precious priceless treasure in his life! "Really, he treats me so well. I'm always soft-hearted!"

When Xiao Beilan said this, she quickly moved her gaze to look at every woman's face.

They had all been deceived, and no one remembered to laugh at Xiao Beilan anymore!

Heavens! What a beautiful oath! A man's treasure? Held in the palm of his hand?

They had never dreamed of such a thing, what kind of feeling would it be?

Earth Man … What kind of creature is he! They were all curious!

It was no wonder that these women were short-sighted. The Chang Clan had brought them home, and the world in their eyes was instilled by men. They had always thought that women should bow down in front of men. They never thought that men on earth would treat their wives like that. This was completely different from the Cyan Sword Clansmen!

"Then … do you need to kneel down for him at home?"

"Of course not. The feet of humans are used to walk. Men are, and women are, too. Why should I kneel before my husband?"


Yeah? Why? Even though it was more comfortable to walk, why did they often kneel and crawl on the ground? All the women were speechless.

"Will you wash that Lord Li's feet?"

"I will …"

The women let out a long breath and finally felt a little more balanced in their hearts.

"But that only happens when he's doing something that I'm satisfied with. He usually washes my feet! He says it's scientifically justified!"

The women were so depressed that they were unable to speak. They all felt that Lord Li was so pitiful that he actually wanted to wash the women's feet. How embarrassing was this?

"My husband said that if a woman's feet are small and a man's hands are big, then use your big hands to touch them. Knead your small feet, your small feet will definitely be very comfortable! On the contrary, a man's feet are big and heavy, and a woman's hands are small and weak, so the comfort of a woman washing a man's feet is definitely not comparable to the former!

Therefore, when God created the human race, his division of labor was already clear. Men should wash the feet of women. This is a scientific principle that accords with physiology. Men should do this! "




Buddha Tathagata!

Bodhisattva Guanyin!

What Lord Li said makes sense! Then why didn't the azure sword man ever wash a woman's feet? Why, why, why?

At this moment, even Xiao Beilan's mother was considering this question.

"Will Lord Li also take you out to play?"

"Of course, but I would occasionally go out to play by myself."

"Can you really go out on your own?"

"Really, all women on earth can walk freely on the streets. They won't be mocked, and they won't be punished by the law!"

"How could this be?"

"Yes, I also asked my husband this question back then. He asked me why women can't leave the house?"

"Because being seen by other men is a form of disrespect for your husband!"

"Oh, since that's the case, why can men walk around freely? Why can they not respect their wives? That's my husband's answer."

The women were once again confused. Actually, they had thought of this question in their hearts and discussed it privately. Of course, there was no answer in the end, so they did not think too much about it.

Now that the question had been asked by an earthly man, the nature of the question had completely changed. Why do outsider men feel that they can't understand what their race men think is natural? Could it be that this matter … was actually really a mistake?

Inside the room, the women continued to discuss around the mysterious Lord Li. At this time, Qin An had already left the Xiao Clan's courtyard alone. He was not treated well by the Xiao Clan, so he could only go out to see if there were any special snacks.

Before leaving, he heard Xiao Beilan's story and saw the reactions of those women.

Qin An felt that it was a little funny, but at the same time, he also admired Xiao Beilan very much. As expected, he was just pretending to be like him!

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