Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1414 Returning to the Xiao Clan

Chapter 1414 Returning to the Xiao Clan

Qin An had originally slept very comfortably. Because of the burning of wine by fire, his spiritual energy was in a chaotic state. Therefore, he did not wake up until the warm body entered his embrace.

Outside, the sky was still filled with stars, while the interior was dark. Qin An was stunned for a moment before lazily hugging the naked girl in his arms and whispering.

"Weng Xiaodie, what are you doing?"

"What are you doing? I want to sleep with you."

"Sure … but I feel more comfortable sleeping in my clothes."

As he spoke, a pair of red shorts and a red vest had already been teleported out of the spatial ring and placed on Weng Xiaodie's body.

"How … how did you do this?"

Weng Xiaodie felt that Qin An's methods were really strange. She was actually frightened and woke up a little.

Qin An had a smile on his face. Since the small ones had come, then the big ones should not be too polite.

After Qin An's Level 64 mutation, his ability had greatly improved. In fact, after nightfall, his strength had already surpassed his previous strongest state, but he still hadn't reached saturation. Qin An could feel that his energy was still increasing. That was to say, his abilities, strength, and spiritual energy were still increasing.

Qin An was already able to allow his spiritual energy to invade other people's brains, leaving behind language messages to communicate with them.

Originally, Weng Die was tossing and turning in her room and couldn't sleep. Hearing Qin An say that Weng Xiaodie, who was drunk, actually ran to throw herself into Qin An's arms, she immediately panicked and hurriedly moved to Qin An's room.

Weng Die was naturally nervous and anxious. Weng Xiaodie was crazy, Qin An was overjoyed by the arrival of the two women. When he threw out Weng Lan as the topic, The two women quieted down. In this decently furnished room, On the warm and comfortable queen bed, Qin An hugged his two concubines and talked about the woman he loved the most. In the end, he fell asleep, Nothing happened to the three of them, Qin An became a person inferior to a beast, The reason why he said this was because of the story before the apocalypse … There was a man and a woman sleeping in the same bed, The woman drew a line in the middle of the bed and said to the man, "If you dare to cross the line at night, you are a beast." However, when she woke up the next morning, she realized that the man really did not cross the line and said to the man, "You are even worse than a fucking beast!"

This night's beast inferiority made both generations of Weng Die depressed. Weng Xiaodie finally understood Weng Die. Actually, she and Qin An originally had infinite possibilities, but because of a chasm, all possibilities became entangled. That was Weng Lan.

Sigh … Weng Xiaodie became depressed because of Weng Die's entanglement.

After staying in Earth City for a day, Qin An set off for the barracks, and then entered the territory of the Cyan Sword Clansmen.

Divine Primordial Festival will be held in two days, For this reason, the Azure Sword Clansmen had specially built a huge square at the center of the camp. There were also many small squares outside the camp where activities were held. Artists from various clans had already begun to give amusing praises. They had all come to the Azure Sword Clan to join the fun on the eve of the Divine Origin Festival, but they were trapped in the space together.

"Legend has it that in ancient times, A god-level curse token-divine essence descended from the world, The nameless giant was the first to discover the curse token, As a result, he was captured as a pet by the God-ranked Curse Keeper in the Curse Token, After countless years, the two souls who had been together for a long time had a sincere feeling. The Nameless Girl of the God-level Curse-Keeping Clan wanted to marry the nameless giant. This method clearly violated the laws of the curse token. The divine origin curse energy exploded and killed the two of them. After that, the powerful energy merged with their flesh and blood, creating thousands of lives! "Since then, some races have been born, including the Cyan Sword Clansmen. Therefore, the Cyan Sword Clan has also had the Divine Primordial Festival, and has been handing down this festival for a long time."

Walking on the road into the city, Xiao Beiyu introduced the origin of the Divine Origin Festival to Qin An, accompanied by Xiao Beilan.

Actually, Qin Sanchuan originally wanted to bring two super strong little wives along with Qin An, but Qin An refused.

This time, he only wanted to gain the support of the Cyan Sword Clansmen, That's why he came to participate in the selection meeting. He didn't want to fight. Furthermore, if he really wanted to fight, two more people might not be able to help. After all, there were really powerful experts among the Cyan Sword Clan. The Five Soul Sword Sect already had Demigod Realm strength, so there should be dozens of hidden Five Soul Sword Sect members in the entire Cyan Sword Clan, right? Therefore, Qin An did not intend to cause trouble. It was good that everything followed the rules.

Then there was another important reason why they didn't bring their son and daughter-in-law. Qin An didn't want them to witness the entire process of their participation in the husband selection meeting, so that they wouldn't talk nonsense when they saw Weng Lan in the future.

Therefore, Qin An followed the Xiao siblings into the territory of Azure Sword City in the name of visiting their relatives, and then planned to start the husband selection tournament by himself.

Now that Xiao Beiyu and the other two siblings had reached the Four Souls Sword Cultivation realm, it was all thanks to Li Suoqiu and Mu Xiaoci. They had taught the two siblings some breathing and Qi Condensation techniques, which allowed them to improve.

This method was naturally obtained from a mysterious nameless person. It required the cooperation of silver needles to seal acupoints. It was very wonderful, and it also had an effect on Sword Spirit Qi Adepts.

Qin An chatted and looked around with interest. The Cyan Sword Clansmen wore very simple clothes, and both men and women wore long clothes.

Of course, there weren't many women on the streets. Even most of them were tightly wrapped like mummies, accompanied by men.

Occasionally, they would encounter one or two single women who were not accompanied by a man. They were also tightly wrapped. Their waist was tied with golden iron belts. This was the symbol of nobility.

As a noble woman, she could travel alone, but she had to wear a golden belt to show her identity. Otherwise, she would be imprisoned.

Noble unmarried women also had the privilege of traveling with their fianc é without covering their faces. This was not morally acceptable. Normally, only men who felt that their fianc é e was a lowly woman would not care.

In other words, wrapping up one's body and traveling was a kind of love for one's own woman from the Azure Sword Race. This might be difficult for the people of Earth to understand, but it was a norm for the Azure Sword Race.

The women of the Azure Sword Race liked this festival more than the men, because in the days before the celebration ended, all women could go to the streets without a man. They didn't even need to wrap themselves in a mask. How could this not drive the women crazy? Actually, they were tired of this kind of unfair social constitution and atmosphere.

Qin An also saw that there were a lot of businesses selling things along the streets. There weren't many kinds of things to sell, usually some household goods. The food was only a minority. The food in the territory of the Azure Sword Race was extremely expensive now.

"Ah, there are so many people. Where can I find your home?"

Qin An asked with a frown.

'"Do you see the tall building in front of you? It's a relay house. It's different from the commentary on the word" relay house "on Earth. In the eyes of the Azure Sword Clansmen, the relay house is a police station. There's a complete household registration record there. We can go check it out."

"Do you have a computer and Internet?"

"There is nothing like that, but we have special abilities that are good at memorizing. These special abilities are natural computers, equivalent to search engines in your earthly network."


"What is Baidu? I'm not sure."

Qin An nodded helplessly. He thought to himself that Xiao Beiyu was an alien after all. It seemed that he did not know about Baidu in the pre-apocalyptic era.

The three of them quickly arrived at the relay hall. It didn't take long for them to find the Xiao Clan's residence. Qin An admired the efficiency of the Memory Adept.

Just like that, the three of them quickly walked on the streets. It took them an hour to find the Xiao Clan compound in the civilian area.

The so-called compound was surrounded by a wall pulled out of cloth. There were more than a dozen yurt-like houses inside the wall.

Qin An activated his Heaven Scrying Spiritual Sense and observed it. He discovered that the Xiao Clan had an estimated population of 70 to 80. They were Xiao Bai, Xiao Yu, Xiao De, Xiao Feng, and their servants.

Xiao Beiyu and Xiao Beilan were a little timid. They stood in front of the gate for a long time without going to buckle the door. Qin An felt that it was not a good idea to continue delaying like this, so he took the initiative to knock on the door. Not long after, footsteps sounded in the courtyard. The door opened and a thirteen-year-old child leaked his head.


"Bei Ming!"

Xiao Beiyu naturally recognized the kid in front of him as his cousin, Xiao Beiming. However, Xiao Beiyu did not recognize him. In the real world, he had originally left his home as a rogue for a long time. Now that he had spent another eighteen years in his space, it was already quite good to be able to remember that one of his cousins was called Xiao Beiming.

"Big sister, why are you here? You … you leave quickly!"

Xiao Beiming seemed a little excited.

"Let's go? Why did you let me go when I just came back? You brat, have you forgotten how big sister loved you when you were a child? Ah, eighteen years … I thought you would grow up to be an adult. It seems like only a few days have passed in the outside world!"

Xiao Beiyu had been a young mistress in the Liu Clan for a few years, but now it was still awesome. If it was in the past, he would not dare to talk to the man in the clan like this, even if the other party was her younger brother.

"Sister, let me ask you, are you already married in this space? Furthermore, you are an Earth person?"

Xiao Beiyu looked at Wei Hong and nodded, "Yes, how did you know?"

"It's not that Nanguang, he seems to be trapped here for more than ten years, now has sent people to inform the Nan family about the disappearance of Nanhe, as well as sister married earth people news. Right now, Nanguang's wife, Hongyue Niang, The two Four Soul Sword Sect experts of the male family, Nan Xing, Nan Lie was meeting with his uncle, Said that we had to give an explanation, "Even if Nanhe is dead, I still need the consent of my husband's family to marry again. So now, my sister has committed a great crime of insulting my husband's family. They want us to give all the women in the family to them as compensation. Otherwise, they will sue … Sigh, the four great families are the ruling class, and the government is their family!"

"Why … why is this happening?" Xiao Beilan's face turned pale.

Xiao Beiyu and Qin An exchanged a glance. Xiao Beiyu said awkwardly, "Qin An, I'm sorry to trouble you. According to the laws of the Azure Sword Clan, an engaged woman really needs the consent of her husband's family to marry someone else. Moreover, the wife's family also needs to compensate her husband's family for a lot of money. Therefore, if the Nan Clan doesn't let go, Bei Lan will be held legally liable."

'"Ah, your laws are really abnormal. Alright, we don't expect to stay here for long anyway. We want to stall them. When the time comes, let your parents and family go to our territory. Wait for me to finish participating in the husband selection meeting here, and then we'll deal with the annoying Nan Clan."

"But … we are in the wrong for this matter. If they insist that we give an explanation immediately, I'm afraid we won't be able to talk about it."

"Don't worry, I still have about 7,000 Sword Soul Stones. If we can't beat them, then we'll just give them money. Once I'm done with Princess Azure Sword Spirit Flower, how can we snatch them back from them?"

"Seven thousand! My tycoon, please take care of him!"

Xiao Beiyu had a cheap look on his face.

As a general of the alliance, he had experienced many things and had a lot of strength over the years. As a result, his thoughts had become more mature. He really didn't feel that his sister's matter was too big. Wasn't it just a remarriage? What's there.

In a sense, Xiao Beiyu had already been assimilated into the thinking of the earth people, which made him look down on the thinking rules of the Azure Sword Clansmen even more.

"You … are you Big Brother Beiyu?"

Xiao Beiming finally recognized Xiao Beiyu, but he asked in disbelief.

"That's right, my little cousin. Let's go in now. Isn't it just the two Four Soul Sword Sects of the Nan Clan? Big brother can handle it!"

As he spoke, Xiao Beiyu took the lead and entered the hospital. Qin An, Xiao Beilan, and Xiao Beiming followed behind him.

As he walked, Qin An had already activated his super hearing to search for the position of the Xiao Clan's Clan Head. Finally, he saw Xiao Bai, Xiao Yu, Xiao De, and Xiao Feng sitting opposite the person named Nan Xing and Nan Lie in the meeting hall. At the scene, there was also a woman who only used a veil to cover her face. She was actually not even wrapped in her chest.

Qin An opened his X-ray vision and looked at her face. He recognized that this person was Nangong's wife, Mother Red Moon.

Back then, when Qin An was spying on the Cyan Sword Race camp in the mixed camp, he learned from the conversation between Mother Red Moon and Nanguang that Ling Hua had already become a Sword God. I didn't expect to meet Mother Red Moon here. Actually, this happened a few days ago for Qin An, but it was also eighteen years for Mother Red Moon.

After an unknown period of silence, the middle-aged man called the male star finally said, "This is the condition. All the women of your Xiao Clan will come to my mansion as slaves. They will be able to get food for a day and return to your own house to eat without staying. How about it? Can you agree to give me an answer?"

The Xiao Clan's Clan Head Xiao Bai's eyes were already burning with anger. The male star's meaning was already very clear. That was to say, the women of his clan went to their clan to be slaves. If anyone was attracted to them, they would stay in the Nan Clan to sleep with the men of the clan! This was definitely a great insult. Although the Azure Sword Clansmen did not value women, how could arrogant and arrogant they tolerate their clan's women being played with by other clans' men?

As a result, the angry Xiao Bai was unable to remain calm. He suddenly stood up and whispered, "Gentlemen, if you want to go to the prosecutor, go and report it! I, Xiao Bai, will not accept your request even if I have my family annihilated!"

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