Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1345 Azure Sword of an Outsider

Chapter 1345 Azure Sword of an Outsider

"No, no, no, we are different! The sages of Azure Sword City had studied it! The humans on Earth are relatively low-level lifeforms. Although you and the humans on the Sword Spirit Star look similar in appearance, you are truly different from the humans on the Sword Spirit Star! For example, compared to our Azure Sword City, our children will be planted with Azure Sword Seeds after they are born. When they grow up, they will have their own Azure Swords and become powerful Adepts! And … and our way of thinking is very modern. You are too old! "

"Damn it, how is this possible? You guys are very ancient. I've heard of some things about Azure Sword City! Let me tell you, your current living conditions are like the slave era of the ancient East on Earth. Women actually need to kneel in front of men. This is too backward, too terrifying!"

"You … you people, don't laugh at us! Women should bow before men. We have lived like this for countless years. Also, you … you killed my fianc é. We are enemies, please don't get so close to me!"

Xiao Beilan looked really conflicted. As a woman of the Azure Sword Race, she had never come into contact with any male creature alone. Either she stayed at home or she could only go out with the Southern Crane. This was a custom.

Therefore, Xiao Beilan's life in the past was really not easy.

Women from the Azure Sword Race would be engaged after birth. They could not leave their homes for half a step before they reached adulthood. Moreover, they had to spend 2,000 Earth years before their bodies could mature. Xiao Beilan was just about to turn 2,000 years old.

Before that, if she wanted to go out, she had to send someone to visit South Crane with a letter, asking him to personally pick her up at home. In that case, Nanhe would usually refuse and ignore her, because in his heart, women had no status at all, so why would he listen to Xiao Beilan's request and accompany her to go shopping?

Therefore, Xiao Beilan was very innocent. She did not know what to do outside after leaving the man.

She thought that she should fight with Qin An who killed her fiance and clansmen, but she didn't dare because she knew that she couldn't beat him.

Moreover, was the brother that he hadn't seen for many years their friend? Why would brother be friends with humans on earth? Didn't they say that they were the lowest and lowest creatures?

But … but the legend doesn't seem to be right.

This was Xiao Beilan's first time coming into contact with humans on Earth. She felt that they were not much different from the men of her race. However, she was unwilling and unable to admit this because the facts did not correspond to what she had known after coming to Earth a few years ago. If she had doubts in her heart, it would be a disrespect for sages.

It's so hot!

Right now, even Qin An felt hot. This heat did not come from the direct illumination of the sun, but from the specific heat capacity of the moisture in the air. It was viscous and humid, causing people to sweat continuously.

Xiao Beilan wore a lot of clothes. There were underwear that looked like autumn clothes and trousers underneath her white robes. There were also breasts and buttocks wrapped around her underwear.

This was the standard style of dress for unmarried women of the Azure Sword Clan when they went out.

The chest and buttocks were naturally wrapped in order to cover the plump area. They believed that women were seducing men and disloyal to their fianc é when they walked on the streets with their bodies exposed! So it has to be wrapped up. If it was a married woman, there was no need for it. Married Cyan Sword Race women were not allowed to go out, except for the Divine Origin Festival.

The white robes outside were designed to show off their beauty. The men of the Azure Sword Race liked women to wear clothes made of yarn. This was their aesthetic view.

The reason why they wore thick underwear was because the clothes made of yarn were translucent. Women were afraid that they would be seen by other men when they went out, so they wore protective clothing.

Now that the temperature had soared to more than 50 degrees Celsius, the Azure Sword Clansmen were not sword xiuzhe, so they did not have the same ability to defend against heat as sword xiuzhe!

At this time, even Qin An would feel hot, let alone Xiao Beilan.

As she walked, she felt that she was having difficulty breathing. Her entire body was wet, and she was about to die of heat.

Li Chenxian, who was chattering beside Xiao Beilan, finally noticed the other party's abnormality.

"Hey, you're probably wearing too much. Do you want to take off the clothes inside? I can help you!"

"No, I don't want it."

Xiao Beilan was already a little dizzy. She blindly walked forward and unknowingly reached the seaside.

This sea was somewhat frightening, because it was formed by the seawater swallowing up the land. It was as if someone had suddenly poured half of the seawater into a thousand-meter cliff.

The sea breeze was very hot. Occasionally, a huge wave would hit the shore, causing the soil on the shore to collapse into the sea. The Jedi would become narrower as a result.

At this time, Li Shu and the others were also at the seaside. Seeing Li Chenxian and Xiao Beilan arrive here, they put away the containers used to pick up the shells and walked away.

Li Shu understood one thing. The so-called King of Hell was better than a little ghost. Before reaching a close relationship of mutual trust with Qin An, Li Shu did not intend to have any contact with Qin An's subordinates.

"Don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying I'm going to help you take off your clothes. Look, there's a stone path down there. It's also the only place we can get close to the sea. After you get down, I'll stand here and guard for you. Otherwise, other people will get close. Then you can take off the heavy clothes inside and wash your body. Really, this day is really too hot. Looking at your red face, swollen eyes, dry lips and peeling skin, if this continues, you will definitely have an accident! If you don't cherish yourself, then I can only help you. You must know that you are very weak now. Even if you can't beat me, do you really want to force me to strip you naked? "

Li Chenxian's words left Xiao Beilan speechless.

Yeah, what should we do now? It's really too hot. It's getting hotter and hotter. The heat is already accumulating on her body. If it doesn't lighten the burden, she will really get a heat bloo. D.y.

Forget it. Now that Nanhe and the others are dead and her own clansmen are gone, so what if she indulges? Anyway, other people didn't know that it was like being bullied by a bad person in front of them after fainting, right? Moreover, once she reached the seaside, wouldn't she be able to talk about leaving?

Thinking of this, Xiao Beilan glanced at Li Chenxian and said, "Then you…"

"I'll turn around and watch for you. Quickly take off the clothes inside and wipe the sweat off your body. I promise I won't peek!"

"Alright then!"

Xiao Beilan finally compromised. Seeing that Li Chenxian had already turned around, she slowly walked down the rocky road. She walked more than thirty meters below the horizontal line and finally approached the sea water.

There were no beaches here. There were only cliffs with broken arms. It was unknown how deep the water was.

After Xiao Beilan went down, she took off her clothes without any hesitation. After opening the cloth strip that covered her breasts and buttocks, she finally breathed much smoothly. She raised her head to look at Li Chenxian who was standing on the cliff with his back. Then, she bit her lips and jumped into the sea, making a loud sound of water.

Li Chenxian suddenly turned around and saw that there was only Xiao Beilan's pile of clothes left on the shore. He was not only disappointed.

Was this woman going to jump into the sea and escape?

Li Chenxian hurriedly ran down. He placed his hand on his eyes and looked around. He saw that Xiao Beilan was no longer there.

Qin An peeped into this place from afar and frowned slightly.

"Annie, pack your things. We need to get on the road ahead of time. Let everyone gather in the ditch landform area."

"What's the matter?"

"An uninvited guest is coming from the sea!"


Everyone was slightly stunned and was shocked. They hurriedly packed their things and followed Qin An's instructions.

Qin An's speed erupted. He quickly arrived beside Li Shu and said the same thing to their people. Only then did he open the teleportation portal several times to Li Chenxian's side.

"Boss, why are you here?"

"Look at you. What's wrong with you? Your complexion is so bad." Qin An asked knowingly.

"Ah … she's gone. That woman called Xiao Beiyu jumped into the sea under my eyes."

"Don't worry, she will come back. You should hurry up and put away her clothes. I'll decide which one to wear for her later. She's naked now."

"Ah? You can still come back? I think she hates me very much …"

'"She's only limited by her mode of thinking. In other words, she doesn't understand the true wonders of this world. Actually, she's no different from the people in the black top. All you have to do is let her see the beauty of this world! Kid, your chance has come!"


"A naked woman is attacking you! Bring her along and meet up with Annie and the others. After that, protect everyone across the ditch and head north. We'll go to Black Blood City!"

Just as Qin An finished speaking, Xiao Beilan actually crawled out of the sea and climbed onto the shore. Her face was pale and her breathing was heavy. Then, she fainted.

"This woman is yours now, hurry up and leave!"

Qin An's voice became loud. Although Li Chenxian could not figure out the situation, he did not hesitate. He stepped forward and wrapped the sandy gown around Xiao Beilan, then picked her up and turned around to run.

When Li Chenxian left the shore, the huge wave suddenly raised three hundred meters high. Xiao Beilan was pushed ashore by this powerful water force and fainted because of it. Of course, it was also an important reason that she was too hot.

Qin An stood there and ignored the ferocity of the waves. The Heavenly Punishment Divine Sword in his hand had already been tightly gripped!

In the past eight years, he had experienced countless scenes like this on the physical plateau. That was eight years without color, eight years when nerves were numb and bloodthirsty! When countless outsider monsters surrounded him, Qin An only had one thought, and that was to kill!

In the ocean, the Sword Cultivator Sea Beast called Land Rover was approaching at an extremely fast speed.

The Amphibians were in the Strong Body Realm. They looked like sharks four to five meters long. After landing, they could stretch six to seven times and then walk like snakes. Their defenses weren't strong, and their only special ability was terrifying. It was called the Square Realm! There were four innate sealing runes on the beast's body, As long as it was wrapped around its snake-like body, the seal runes would activate. Once the Square Realm was opened, it would completely trap the enemy inside. The Land Rover turned into a serpent-shaped coiling dragon that was like a stone statue. It would not revive until the trapped creature died. As for the creatures trapped in the Square Realm, it was very easy to die because the so-called Square Realm was an absolute vacuum!

Qin An was not afraid of many exotic beasts. Perhaps others were afraid of this monster called Land Rover, but he was not afraid at all.

Because he could activate his teleportation ability to escape quickly before being trapped, then the rest would be slaughter…

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