Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1335 Flee on a Grand Scale

Chapter 1335 Flee on a Grand Scale

Vanilla Sharjah could only separate a few people to enter the third basement.

She was busy, and Katrina was worried because the children had problems.

"Katrina, I… I'm so cold and scared! My body is trembling!" Er He was the first to speak.

"Me too. It's been a few minutes. My body is numb and my limbs are weak!" Gale, Sanchuan, Xiang Ming, and Yana spoke together.

Katrina's nervous body trembled and her eyes were bloodshot. What was wrong? The five children were in a situation together, and they were in such a dangerous situation.

She naturally didn't understand what was going on, but Qin An, who was fighting with the magic curse in the fifth floor, understood.

The Sword God warned!

The five children with the bloodline of the Sword God actually activated the Sword God Warning just like him. Does this mean that a real crisis is about to arrive?

Was the so-called crisis the situation everyone was currently facing?

The 100,000 immune zombies from the ground and the Black-armored Dragon Beast Curse Master God from the ground!

Damn it!

Qin An was furious. He didn't want to think too much. He must immediately get rid of the curse and return to the children!

The most difficult problem now was no longer the magic curse, but how to escape from this collapsing underground building.

Thinking of this, Qin An returned to the Necromancy Space, seized Gui Zi's life force, and raised his ability to the Sword God Realm.

After returning to reality, Qin An began to use the Curse Tablet regardless of the cost.

What one-spirit earth escape curse, two-spirit attack curse, two-spirit blood explosion curse, three-spirit armor piercing curse, and so on!

At that moment, the Demonic Curse Sword God was attacked by Qin An's strongest state. He was almost beaten to the point that his soul was shattered. He was completely dumbfounded.

What … what exactly was going on?

Why is Qin An so strong? His Sword God Sword Spirit Qi attack was ineffective, yet Qin An's attack was already able to break through his defenses? How is this possible? Even if it was just a soul body, then he was still the Ninth Master God! His strength was even stronger than ordinary Sword Gods who were ranked lower. Why was he now beaten to the point where he had no power to fight back and could only flee blindly?

The curse actually understood that it was mainly because of the curse tokens!

Even the Master God Aura was unable to completely immunize against the attacks of the Curse Token. These items belonged to the weapons on the Sword Spirit Star.

Then the question arose, where did Qin An get so many curse tokens? There were both defensive and offensive ones! There were even some curse tokens that he hadn't even seen before. Although their level wasn't high and they were both one spirit and two spirit curse tokens, they still allowed the curse to dodge and couldn't attack Qin An anymore.

Just as the spell was feeling extremely depressed, Qin An's teleportation had already broken through all the defenses and arrived at Caitlin's side. Then, he took action without hesitation and cut off Caitlin's head! …

"Ah! Qin An, you've ruined my good fortune. I will definitely make you wish you were dead!"

After Katrin died, the soul of the curse was completely separated from Katrin's body. The soul broke into black smoke and left the black top. It soared into the sky and was about to return to his lair, New Moon City.

Caitlin's body was dead, but her soul was still there. After lying on the ground for a while, her headless body stood up and picked up her head. It didn't take long for her head to fuse with her neck and resurrect easily. The situation was very strange and terrifying.

At this time, the black gyro's underground four-story building was already damaged beyond recognition. It began to gradually collapse, causing the upper five floors to sink, and the partition walls to break one after another.

Qin An was very annoyed that he had actually let the curse escape. Now that he was a Soul Body, he needed to strengthen himself to the Sword God Realm to be able to defeat him. If he were to revive, then it would be really difficult to deal with him.


This was the first time Qin An had faced a head-on battle with the nine Master Gods, and not only did it make him worried.

Forget it. In short, he didn't lose this time. Furthermore, he had won a certain amount of victories.

Looking at Caitlin who had just been revived, Qin An frowned. After thinking for half a second, he pulled her up and left the collapsing underground building. He moved upstairs and quickly met Katrina on the second floor.

"Qin An …"

The crowd was a little chaotic. The humans here were originally the problem children in the black top, and Vanilla Sharjah was not a good manager.

When Katrina saw Qin An in the chaos, she found the backbone and hurriedly shouted.

"The situation of the children is not right!"

"Yes, I know. Don't worry about it. I'll open the passageway. Let's go out first."

Putting Caitlin aside, Qin An picked up the cute little guy and kissed her on the cheek.

It was ice-cold. This must be the power of the Sword God bloodline's curse to warn of danger! The magic curse had already escaped, what kind of crisis would it be if it didn't arrive? Right, that guy said that he was the owner of New Moon City. He wouldn't drop a super bomb, right?

Qin An could no longer remain calm when he thought of this. Coincidentally, he was still maintaining the strength of a Sword God, and the effect of the Sword God skill was even stronger. Thus, Qin An walked to the edge of the black top and destroyed the wall. Then, he turned the soil on the side into a 4-meter-long cube and transported it to an empty place. Next, he continued to make a four-meter-long cubic alchemy lump and teleported it away. It didn't take long for a passage to be formed to lead to the ground.

"Katrina, bring the children and 24 women up first. I'll be there soon!"

"How can I climb so high?"

"You are an Adept. You can jump easily at a height of four meters, and so can the children!"

After Qin An finished speaking, Shibao Tai had already jumped onto the first staircase of the passageway. After that, she jumped four meters up the second staircase and began to climb up. A few days of training had already yielded results.

The women hurriedly followed them. They were like a piece of white paper. Qin An had instilled in them the idea of protecting their children and following them at all times. Therefore, at this time, they were practically reflexively moving.

Katrina finally came to her senses and quickly followed.

Qin An carried the cute little guy to Desana, who had just come downstairs. Before she could say anything, Desana said,

"This place seems to be collapsing! I feel like the earth is shaking! The entrance to the black top and the first floor have been taken by zombies. The people on the second floor are now moving to the third floor. What should we do now?"

'"I've already opened the passageway. However, the stairs are too high for non-abilities to climb up. Of course, zombies can't go up either! Aren't you good at wind magic? You can handle your people yourself!"

As he spoke, Qin An called Benita, Annie, and the Li siblings to leave first.

It was not that he was irresponsible and refused to help the people nearby. It was just that the situation was too chaotic now. Qin An could not meddle in other's affairs and put his children in danger. Therefore, he could only shrink his attention and focus on protecting the children.

This was a great escape. Qin An quickly caught up to Katrina and the quadruplets, and then continued upwards. Finally, he approached the ground. The exit of the tunnel had not been opened yet, because there were immune zombies outside. Qin An planned to wait for the people behind him.

It took Benita seventeen to eighteen minutes to bring almost three thousand people to the tunnel. At this time, the entire underground building had collapsed and zombies piled up everywhere. Hundreds of people who failed to enter the tunnel died.

"Let's go!"

Feeling that the timing was about right, Qin An opened the exit and everyone crawled out from the ground. They immediately attracted the attention of the nearby zombies and quickly surrounded them.

Qin An activated his strongest attack state, transforming into hundreds of shadows and instantly killing thousands of zombies nearby. Fortunately, the poison in the air had already been decomposed, so killing the zombies nearby would give everyone a foothold.

But before Qin An's heart could settle down, his face turned pale.

"Damn it! Earthquake!"

Qin An heard a terrifying tremor from the ground, stimulating his eardrums and causing him to have a splitting headache!

What should we do? Activate the Dream Space to dodge?

Qin An always felt that the timing wasn't right, but if he didn't do anything at this time, then the people in the tunnels would undoubtedly die!

Helplessly, Qin An could only open the Dream Space on the ground. Once this space was opened, it would be fixed on the space point and unable to move.

After that, Qin An put all the living people into Dream Space.

In the next moment, the Earthquake Mountain shook for an entire day. When the energy in the Dream Space reached its limit, the earthquake hadn't disappeared yet. The entire earth had already boiled like boiling water.

Qin An and Disana could only use their respective abilities to protect the civilians and run east, Whether they flew or walked, they traveled continuously through the night. It wasn't until the sun rose the next day that they found an open place to rest. This was Colombia on the Pacific Coast Plain, less than a thousand kilometers from Black Blood City in the north, and only three hundred kilometers from the territory of the Cyan Sword Tribe.

After turning around, there were actually less than a thousand survivors who escaped from the black top.

This also meant that Qin An and Disana were truly as powerful as non-humans. Otherwise, it would be impossible for them to escape from such a dangerous situation and run so far!

Fortunately for Qin An, the super weapon in New Moon City was not projected. Perhaps it was just an experimental item and there was no stock at the moment, so it was impossible to launch another one. Perhaps it was because the curse didn't intend to harm Caitlin, who he was interested in, and was prepared to attack again.

Caitlin was really a strange fellow, because Qin An discovered that she had no special abilities other than her Undying Body. She was just an ordinary little girl, and the one who ran to catch her breath was not even as good as a child, and the one who ran to catch her breath was even more pitiful!

In other words, once she encountered danger, she would not be able to protect herself at all. She really did not know how such a person would be favored by a magic spell, and why would she possess an immortal body?

At first, Qin An didn't have time to talk to Caitlin, because he had something more troublesome to deal with.

A temporary camp was set up in the open space between the ruins, Actually, everyone sat on the ground and rested in circles to recover their exhausted bodies and nerves. Qin An would occasionally surround his five children, but they were all sick. To be exact, it was because the curse of the Sword God Bloodline Warning was too powerful that they lost their spirits and even fell into a semi-unconscious state.

Qin An's condition was also not good. His Sword God's ability was clearly limited. It was impossible to activate a Spirit Consuming skill like Dream Space.

This was an 11-day warning from the Sword God!

He had experienced the blockade of Disana and Vanilla Sharjah, the explosion of New Moon City's super weapon, the encirclement of black poisonous gas, the encounter of the magic curse in the black top of the underground building, and the great earthquake on the way to escape.

Why hasn't the curse power of the Sword God's bloodline warning disappeared and become even more serious?

Could it be that the real crisis has yet to arrive?

How could this be explained?

Columbia belonged to a special economic zone in Watson Shanton before the apocalypse. It used to be a relatively large city in the United States, but now it is in ruins.

Within the city, there were many scrap pickers from the Earth race, and there were also many scrap pickers from the Sword Spirit Otherworldly Race.

It is now known as the abandoned capital.

Qin An's camp was just a few kilometers south of the abandoned capital.

Nearby, the earth's surface had already cracked open, and earth and rocks were everywhere. The scope of the earthquake was very wide.

This earthquake was actually global enough to be recorded in the history of the earth, but Qin An did not know that this earthquake was only a precursor to a catastrophe.

After coaxing the tired children to sleep, Qin An diverted his attention and called Catherine to the side, sitting on the ground and watching each other.

"What are you looking at?" Caitlin was still calm and composed.

"I was wondering where your miraculousness lies, how could the Ninth Sword God be interested in you?"

"What is a Sword God?"


Qin An was stunned. This girl actually didn't know about the Sword God?

Yeah, she's been locked up for so many years, so she shouldn't know anything.

"Your biological parents should be called Carmen and Carey. They left in such a hurry that they died in the black top."

"Oh, death is just a form. Their souls will always be there!" Katherine was still very calm. She was not surprised that Qin An changed the topic, nor was she sad that her biological parents had died. Qin An understood this very well. After all, Katherine should have no feelings for her parents.

'"I saw some videos about you before. You turned into a beast and killed everyone else on the ninth floor. It's understandable. Perhaps the magic curse was trying to steal your soul at that time, and you lost control of your body to resist him."

"No, you're saying the opposite. I wanted to escape from the cage, and he didn't want me to leave. That's why he released his spiritual energy and made me lose control of my body."

"Well, it makes sense no matter what. What I don't understand is how can you know so much after being locked up for so many years? I saw the video of your conversation with that Sudic. You said you figured out the earth and saw through the universe? Still saying that the earliest soul creatures on earth now lived underground? They even said that the moon was created by them to protect the earth from the impact of a meteor? There's also mantle life? Is all this true? "

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