Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1331 The Strongest Brain

Chapter 1331 The Strongest Brain

Ah? Where is he?

Everyone was stunned, because Sara and Elena had actually disappeared from the arena.

Qin An was also stunned when he saw the two women sitting beside him. Then, he clicked his lips in envy.

Qin An did not possess the ability to guide others to teleport. His teleportation ability could only be used by himself, and he could not bring any living creatures with him.

"Little girls, don't be afraid. I'll help you kill these devils! The man sitting next to you is your kind. Come and watch the show with him!"

As she spoke, Disana stood up and walked forward, successfully attracting the attention of Roger, O 'Ronnie, Kurd, and the others.

"Who are you?"

Rogessna felt her hair stand on end. The third basement was sealed and outsiders were not allowed to enter.

The woman who had already walked a few meters in front of her was obviously an outsider, and she had never seen her before.

What shocked her even more was that she saw Sara and Elena appearing in the back seat.

Was this the legendary ability to guide and teleport? It was said that only Gurdan spirit-level mages could use it! Although Rogessna didn't leave the underground space very much, she could occasionally get some information from the internal information websites.

Could it be that the woman in front of him was a Gurdan Magician?

Rogessna couldn't believe the truth, nor could she accept this outcome. Facing a spirit-level mage, she didn't even have the courage to resist.

Disana didn't waste any time. It was already quite late now. She was still planning to continue walking with Qin An, but she wasn't interested in deciding right and wrong anymore.

As a Spirit Magician, Disana could use over a hundred magic spells. This was not surprising, because every Gurdan Magician could actually use many magic spells, but their strengths were different.

Of all the spells, Disana was actually the best at wind!

Seeing that the situation was wrong, O 'Ronnie turned around and wanted to run. He was the closest to the door.

Disana raised her hand like a Queen of Wind as she walked. A whirlwind rose, and O 'Lonnie flew up and landed on the ring.

"None of you can live! None of you can die easily! Although I don't know much, I can figure out the general situation! Although you are from different worlds, I am ashamed of you humans. I will make sure that you will not forget the slaughter today even if you die!"

As they spoke, hundreds of palm-sized whirlpools appeared in the room. They flew back and forth, making buzzing sounds.

Disana controlled all the whirlwinds and began to attack everyone present.

Her control was extremely strong. In less than a minute, at least a hundred wounds had been cut on everyone's body by the wind whirlpool. Their entire bodies were covered in blood and were covered in bruises. However, their vital parts were not harmed at all. All of the injuries were small wounds half a centimeter deep and two centimeters long that were left on insignificant parts. This allowed them to remain awake and not faint or die.

Miserable screams could be heard. Everyone wanted to escape like crazy, but after they left the ring, Disana would summon the gale whirlpool to bring them back to their original location, making it impossible for them to escape.

Of all the people present, Rogessna received the same treatment. Because she was a woman, she cried out the most miserably, and her voice was like a ghost.

Sara's face was full of tears. She cried and called for her mother. She even wanted to leave her seat to save her.

Elena also cried, but she hugged Sara tightly, preventing her from moving forward.

As an outsider, Elena was even more sober. She knew that Rogessna was not a good person. She was a real devil!

No matter who she was, Elena couldn't let Sarah get close to this woman. Sarah was her best sister and she couldn't let her get hurt again.

Three minutes later, everyone's cries finally weakened. There were already more than 400 wounds on their bodies. Although they weren't vital, they were bleeding too much and were already dizzy. They couldn't continue resisting. They could no longer even feel the pain in their bodies, because the pain was numb. Even if the whirlwind still slashed across their bodies like a sharp knife, they would still let out a muffled snort, and their voices were hoarse.

Qin An looked at Dissana and suddenly realized that her name actually sounded very similar to the little girl beside her, Sara.

Qin An sighed softly. He felt that this was a tragedy. No matter how happy Desana was, it was still a tragedy for Sara.

A few minutes ago, she had a happy life with a mother who loved her.

But now, Rogessna had been cruelly abused by Disana and did not ask for her opinion.

Looking at the two young ladies, Qin An calmly said,

"This story is a bit long, I can slowly tell you, now let's talk about it! This world is actually very vast. Your town is as small as a speck of dust to this world. Thirty-three years ago, humans suffered an apocalyptic calamity. The world was filled with monsters, and the heavens and earth changed color! Some were fleeing for their lives, while others chose to flee. Keeson, the head of the Black Umbrella Company, is a person who hides. He built the black top of the underground building. In other words, we are deep underground. When you reach the ground, you can see the endless blue sky. At night, there will be starlight shining all over the sky. Keeson is a bad guy. He has modeled your lives. The education you received after you were born is one-sided and very supervisory. So the world in your eyes is virtual. It was only set up for you. Sara's mother, Rogessna, was the first generation of the black top, which meant that she was Keeson's servant. She's in charge of your town. She's the one who made your world what you think it is. Occasionally, she would bring out some people from the small town and let the people outside have fun. Some evil-minded fellows like to see you panicked and unbelievable. That is a kind of spiritual satisfaction, a desecration of human nature! It's like what you're going through today. Fortunately, we came. My name is Qin An, and that woman's name is Disana. We came from the ground and from the big world. Whether you can understand it now or not, please be patient, because soon I will bring you back to this world and let you know all the beauty and ugliness of the world! To this world, you are actually newborn children. You don't know anything. This is very pitiful. "However, you are also very lucky, because I will help her to let you know everything when you meet that Master Devil Master!"

In the end, Qin An attributed the credit to Disana, mainly because he didn't want to become the hero who saved the beauty again.

Qin An had always thought that he was an ordinary man many years ago, but now he did not think so.

No matter how diabolical his heart was, in the eyes of outsiders, he had already become a golden son-in-law!

He was young and handsome, and had more than sixty years of experience in life. Thousands of people had memories and experiences.

When fresh meat and ripe meat were combined together, they were invincible male creatures! Moreover, his background was a bit awesome, and his strength was even more abnormal.

Hence, Qin An felt that he was masculine and very strong, so he could only be cautious at all times if he didn't want to cross the flower bushes.

The two girls did not react when they heard Qin An's words. The main reason was that the bloody aura in the room was too heavy, making them numb.

Finally, Disana's slaughter stopped. Everyone died. Before they died, they repaid the pain.

Disana summoned a spell and used an ability called Soul Exorcism.

This ability was similar to the Soul Extermination Curse Tablet, allowing the souls of dead creatures to be cursed and unable to be revived in any other way.

This was a very common thing on the Sword Spirit Star. To completely kill someone, it was not enough to destroy his physical body, but also to extinguish his soul.

"Alright, dear master, according to your instructions, I have already killed everyone!"

F*ck, Qin An, who was thinking about not accidentally offending the peach blossom, was very unhappy when he heard what Disana said. This woman was clearly shaking the pot.

"There is still a long way to go. There were 164 people in the outer layer. They were either the administrators of this place, and they were with Rogessna. Or the guests here, just like the Kurds. Go and kill them all, then the people in Psychedelic World Town are all good people with good hearts. There are many girls among them, and there are no people who are too old. You can choose a matriarch among them. I advise you to convince them to do so voluntarily. You can't force these people to do so, because they didn't feel that their lives were too lowly before this. They were suddenly allowed to give birth to children. This method is no different from this group of people. It ruins their lives. After dealing with this, you go to the fourth basement, The structure there was similar to this one. There were 32 managers on the outside. The enclosed space inside was a group of women and children. They were tools. They had to conceive, give birth, and raise their children until they were two years old. They would either be taken away, raised on the third floor, or had their lives formatted in other underground floors! Go and save them, they're all pitiful people. I'll leave it to you! "

As he spoke, Qin An ignored Disana and wasn't interested in comforting Sara and Elena. Instead, he activated his teleportation ability and entered the fifth level of the black top world alone!

Qin An decided to personally kill the people here!

On the ninth floor of the black top, the girl paced back and forth in the long corridor alone.

She did not have a name, did not know her origin, and did not understand the world.

She was a very beautiful girl with black hair, light golden eyes, raised features, a slender body, and some plump flesh.

She was naked because she had never worn clothes since she was born. The original living people on the ninth floor had no clothes to wear. This was a naked world.

Back then, when she was still a little doll, her world had always been a dark cell. Everyday, someone would deliver food to her, no one would talk to her, no one would communicate with her. No one cared the slightest about such a girl who was trapped 673 meters underground. No one would know that this girl actually had the strongest brain!

The brain is the most miraculous thing in life.

It is the highest level of the central nervous system, divided into left and right cerebral hemispheres, the two nerve fibers formed by the corpus callosum connected.

The surface of the cerebral hemisphere has many curved grooves called sulci, and the protruding part is called gyrus. These grooves and gyruses are like a piece of wrinkled silk. Once flattened, they are about the size of half an ordinary newspaper, about 2,250 square centimeters.

No one knew how much information the brain could hold.

The Guinness Book of World Records remembers most of the cards by an Englishman, who can remember 54 packs of shuffled cards with a single glance, totaling 2,808 cards! Of course, the reason why Qin An was able to do so now was because of his ability. If he threw aside his ability, Qin An would be nothing compared to this Englishman.

In the 1920s, Alexander Atkins was able to remember 1,000 decimal places in pi, but the record was broken in 1981 by an Indian memory master who remembered 31,811 decimal places; This record was later broken by a Japanese memory master who could remember 42,905 decimal places!

In other words, there are always some pioneers in the process of human development to constantly refresh the human brain capacity records, making the brain appear smarter and more miraculous.

After the apocalyptic explosion, there were also some brain mutants.

Actually, even if Weng Die was one, her brain mutation allowed her to have a stronger ability to imagine. Now that Qin An had already loaded her with the Sword Soul Stone, she had also obtained the Divine Sword. She had already assumed that the Sword Cultivator with the brain mutation was a Sword Cultivator.

Li Ying was one of them. Her mental energy was extremely powerful. She could become a brain mutant after infection, and she could also turn her soul into a ghost after death. Right now, Shangguan Feiyan, who was also Shangguan Yeying, had also obtained the Sword Soul Stone to become a Brain Mutated Sword Cultivator. She was already a two-soul female wargod who had revealed her powerful combat strength.

Then Weng Die and Li Ying's sister, Weng Lan, were also people with abnormal brains. She could instantly use her brain to control her every movement and expression, and then make her mediocrity intolerable to the crowd, releasing infinite light when needed. This was impressive. This could be considered a charm technique.

There was also Rongrong back then. She had the ability to never forget, and this ability was very exaggerated. It had already exceeded the scope of human cognition, because she could remember what had happened at all times in her life. This was under the premise that there were no abilities and the apocalypse did not erupt. At that time, she did not reveal her talent, otherwise, she would have shocked the world.

The girl trapped on the ninth floor of the black top had a brain that was different from that of an ordinary human.

If scientists compared her brain to ordinary humans, she would really be scared to death!

First, the normal human brain does not feel pain. Although it processes signals from other parts of the body, it does not feel pain.

As for the girl's brain, that was because her brain cells would divide and die more quickly. The cycle was very short. The energy released by this process was a kind of tactile feeling, and it would make her feel a headache all the time. She had been accustomed to this kind of pain for so many years.

Second, stress can lead to brain shrinkage in ordinary people, and several studies have concluded before the end of the world that stress has a negative effect on our brains, reducing their size.

But the girl's brain is the opposite. Stress can further promote the division and regeneration of cerebral cortical cells, which makes her brain hurt more, but it will become smarter.

Third, the average adult brain consumes 250-300 kilocalories a day. In other words, a brain weighing between 1,300 and 1,400 grams has about 15 watts of power. It took up a considerable proportion of the total energy consumed by the body, and the power of the fully functioning body was only 70 watts.

The girl's brain consumes more energy, more than 35 watts, which means that the girl sleeps more than 16 hours a day! She needs more rest to keep herself from fainting.

Fourth, ordinary people go to sleep when they are asleep, and their minds are no longer conscious.

While sleeping, the girl's brain was still active. She could clearly understand everything that was happening around her. She could even control her body to do all sorts of things that were more awake than a sober person when she was sleeping. Even Qin An couldn't do this. If Qin An fell asleep, he would fall asleep. He simply couldn't control his body to continue moving. It was as if a girl's brain was an individual. However, the key problem was that the girl's brain was not an individual. It was not as independent as Li Ying's mutated brain at that time. It was just a little different.

Fifth, the human brain has 100 billion nerve cells. If they are lined up in a straight line, the length will reach 1,000 kilometers. However, this hypothesis is not valid because nerve cells are highly differentiated and cannot regenerate.

The girl's brain was a little scary, because her brain cells could regenerate, like a high-energy source that wouldn't fail!

Sixth, babies cut off unwanted nerve connections, that is, during the first two years of their lives, they cut off those unwanted nerve connections and then develop into humans of different personalities.

The girl did not do this when she was a baby. She left all the nerve connections and let them thrive. This was the biggest difference in the structure of her brain from that of an ordinary human brain.

So such a complicated brain, In fact, even top human scientists were unable to come to a conclusion. Because of human cognition and technology, the brain in a girl's head actually looked similar to an ordinary human brain. Those complex neurons, as well as the brain cells that could regenerate and redivide at a high frequency, were the key.

As a member of the Divine Machine Sword God Clan, Ling'er was considered smart, but her brain structure was actually simpler than this girl's.

In other words, this girl's brain was probably one of the strongest existences on the Sword Spirit Star!

Such an extraordinary girl had been imprisoned in the darkness of the ninth floor for ten years!

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