Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1322 Beautiful Magician

Chapter 1322 Beautiful Magician

Who is Qin An? Even the current Sword God, Yin Yao, was not necessarily his opponent, so Qin An really couldn't think of any other crisis that could make him feel this unprecedented fear.

Li Chenxian got a pickup truck and everyone sat in it.

Actually, Qin An could turn into a giant and quickly leave with everyone, but he was too uncomfortable. Although his ability did not disappear, he was unwilling to move.

So he lay in the back of the car. There were four seats in front of the car. Li Chenxian, Li Chenfei, Rhine, and Carter were sitting,

Katrina brought four little ones to take care of Qin An in the back fight.

She didn't know what was going on, but Qin An was having a fever again, and her entire body was boiling hot. Katrina didn't even dare to put her hand on Qin An's forehead.

The four little ones were worried to death. They didn't know why Qin An, who had been coaxing before, couldn't do it immediately.

"Don't worry, I'm just a little tired. I just need to rest."

Qin An naturally wouldn't forget to care about the little fellows, even though he really wanted to go to sleep immediately.

"Drive east. That's our destination. Weng Lan is in Black Blood City!"

Qin An's voice was very weak. He tried to use the Healing Skill of the Pudu Sword God on himself, but it was useless at all. He really saw a ghost…

At the same time, the entire global village was in chaos. News of the killing of more than a dozen experts from the East Side quickly spread.

Attomi was the leader of the Earth Village and immediately called a meeting of his subordinates after receiving the news.

"Leader, we don't have the ability to deal with this matter. I summoned the people from the West Side Ballroom. Arnaz sent two witnesses. They said that the intruder had killed all the Adepts in a dozen seconds. This terrifying strength is truly unimaginable. "So let's ask the Gurdanites for help. Anyway, their constitution can't absorb the Sword Soul Stones. If that person is killed by them, it will be us," Attomi's think tank told Attomi.

After walking back and forth in the conference room for a few rounds, Attomi also felt that this plan was good.

The East Side Adepts weren't too strong. A dozen or so Adepts at the Body Strengthening Realm were already one-third of their strength. If they were killed instantly, as witnesses had said, it would be useless to send some Adepts over. Moreover, Attomi didn't know the background of the invaders, so he had more misgivings.

"Someone, go inform the Queen of the Gurdans and ask her to send a mage to deal with her! We live here under their protection. I believe they will give us some face."

The last words were to say to himself, because there were already soldiers who had gone out to convey the message.


The pickup truck Qin An was in was currently driving in the driveway of the East Side of the Global Village.

East Side. The area here occupies half of the global village, but the population is only one sixth of the population of the West Side. Therefore, the roads are very spacious, and there are more brick and tile buildings.

Qin An closed his eyes and lay in the carriage. Nine kilometers away, the words of Attomi and the others had already entered his ears during the meeting of the Eastern District Administration Department.

A mage among the Gurdans?

Qin An had yet to come into contact with such an ability, so he didn't know if their so-called magic was similar to what he saw in the fantasy novels before the end of the world.

Is the danger coming from these so-called mages?

It shouldn't be. He has so many curse tokens and the ability to devour life force of the Necromancy Space to the level of a Sword God. He shouldn't be afraid of the many abilities from the Sword Spirit Star.

Of course, in the real world, mutation levels didn't represent everything. All the parameters were combined. The weak might not necessarily be unable to defeat the strong, but this situation was extremely different.

Therefore, Qin An really did not feel that the danger came from the mo teacher. It must be more dangerous than this situation, so he would be like this.

Sigh, it was not easy to meet the children and granddaughters. I haven't been close yet, but now I have become half a patient.

Forget it. Let's take a look step by step. If he really can't, he still has the last chance to retreat. That's the Dream Space.

The Dream Space was different from the Heavenly Residence Space. It could not exist forever. At most, it would allow these people to stay inside for twelve hours at a time. After that, they would automatically shut down due to energy exhaustion. If they wanted to open it again, they would need to wait for a natural day.

Qin An looked as if he was asleep. His eyebrows were tightly knitted, but he did not dare to relax in his heart. He was just too uncomfortable to move.

The car sped forward without any hindrance and finally left the global village for the wilderness.

A large forest appeared in front of him. Fortunately, there was a four-meter-wide dirt road in the forest.

Continuing forward, after walking for about ten kilometers, two women finally appeared in front of them!

They were all very beautiful and looked around twenty years old.

The Gurdan mages wore long magic robes. They were like Japanese maids. Their upper bodies were very tight, and their waist was tightly tied. There was a short skirt at the hem, clean legs under the skirt, and small cloth boots on their feet.

"Heavens! Why are they here!"

Lacey cried out in alarm, her tone trembling as she spoke, her face turning pale.

Li Chenxian, who was driving, had no choice but to stop because the road was blocked by the two of them. At the same time, he asked, "Who are they?"

'"The woman in red is called Disana, she is the only Spirit rank Magician in our clan! And the woman in black beside her is called Vanilla Sharjah, a Spirit rank Magician. She is already close to Spirit rank! How did these two women come out? It's simply too terrifying!"

"Lacey, aren't you also a mage?" Carter turned his head and asked.

"Me? I'm an ordinary mage, There were many races of mages on the Star of Sword Spirit. The people of Gurdan were just one of them. Not many mages could reach the Soul level, and even fewer could reach the Spirit level. There seemed to be only one who could reach the God level. That was the Second Sword God True Fire. She was the only mage who used magic to summon Sword Spirit to become a God! Together with his spiritual will, the Thousand Cremation Blades were extremely terrifying! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "They are the pride of the people of Gurdan, and they don't leave the mountain easily. What exactly is going on?"

Lacey spoke very quickly. He was obviously very nervous. It was a pity that he had lived for so many years.

Disana was about 1.7 meters tall. She had long blonde hair, petite features, and a fiery figure. Her long legs were white and flawless. She looked like someone with bloodline spurting out.

Vanilla Sharjah was about the same size as Desana. She had long silver hair, and her face was slightly more mature than Desana's, but her figure was similarly hot.

The two of them had already waited here for a while. Actually, they could have attacked long ago. However, most of the magicians' attacks were extremely destructive. That was why they chose to go to an uninhabited place in the wilderness.

Seeing the car stop in front of her, Disana smiled but didn't say anything.

Vanilla Sharjah took a step forward and said loudly, "Hey, who is the kid who killed on the streets of the West Side? Come down and take a look. We don't want to hurt the innocent either. The people of Gurdan are not the race that killed, but they are not the race that is soft-hearted! So if the person concerned doesn't come out, then don't blame us for being impolite!"

Vanilla Sharjah's voice was very pleasant to hear, and her voice, Hong Liang, could be heard clearly by everyone.

Inside the carriage, Katrina was a little nervous. She felt like she was dreaming tonight. She originally thought that she finally had someone to rely on, but why was Qin An so haggard now? What happened to him?

If something happened to Qin An at this time, Katrina would really not be able to survive. It didn't matter if she didn't get it, but if she got it and lost it, it would be the most painful.

Qin An did not make Katrina worry for too long. After Vanilla Sharjah finished speaking, he had already activated his teleportation ability and appeared in front of the car. He sat cross-legged on the ground.

It hurts! As expected, the moment he used the Sword God's ability, his entire body ached, as if he had been cursed.

Ah, what a terrifying power!

Qin An understood that this was still due to the energy of the Sword God's warning. Moreover, the pain was even more severe than before, causing his entire body to feel as if it had been pierced through by ten thousand needles.

"It's you?"

Vanilla Sharjah took a few steps back and returned to Disana's side, her expression a little surprised.

Qin An's ability to teleport was too strange, making her alert. Just now, she seemed to be a little careless. If this fellow suddenly attacked her, although he would not be defeated directly, it would still be a bit difficult to deal with.

After examining Qin An carefully, Vanilla Sharjah whispered, "Master, he is from Earth!"

Disana's expression was very relaxed. She tilted her head and looked at Qin An. She nodded and said, "He really is a human on Earth. I didn't expect that there would be such a powerful Adept among the humans on Earth."

The mages of the Sword Spirit Star all had the ability to deduce the laws of things. This was only an algorithm for spatial matter. It could be called prophecy.

Of course, this algorithm was incomparable to the Heavenly Awakening Sword God's calculation ability. Otherwise, if the Heavenly Awakening Sword God was here, he would definitely be able to predict the impending apocalyptic danger at the first possible moment!

Now that Guo Shuai had merged with the Heavenly Awakening Sword to become a Death Spirit and enter the Death Spirit Realm, there was no Heavenly Awakening in this world.

Qin An closed his eyes and listened to the conversation between the two women. He did not move first because his heart was beating faster. Does this mean that a crisis is coming? What could it be?

Disana and Vanilla Sharjah looked at each other and felt a little unhappy.

The man on the other side of the globe was estimated to be only twenty years old. As a human, he was fundamentally different from the Gurdans.

Although Desana and Vanilla Sharjah looked to be in their twenties, they had lived for hundreds of thousands of years. Therefore, in their eyes, Qin An was like a newborn baby.

Moreover, the Gurdans were matrilineal societies, and men had no place in their race.

The reason why Lacey was extremely nervous when she saw these two women was actually precisely because of this.

He was wanted by the Gurdans because he had sex with a woman other than his wife, which was absolutely not allowed in the Gurdan community.

A Gurdan man can only have one woman in his life.

Gurdan women, on the other hand, can have many men.

In the past, the men of Gurdan also felt that it was nothing, because they lived on an independent continent. Although they were not isolated from the world, they rarely had cultural communication with outsiders.

On Earth, the ideas of Earth people spread into the Gurdan race, and very few Gurdan men had other ideas, or good wishes.

They are also eager to get more emotional release and venting.

Of course, most Gurdan men only thought that Lacey was the first person in the group to eat crabs.

He had sex with other Gurdanian women behind his wife's back, and when the woman offered to let Lacey live in his house, Lacey naturally could not agree.

Just like that, the matter of Lacey sleeping with two women was exposed, causing a huge wave in the entire tribe. Lacey became a celebrity and a person who had to die for blaspheming the tradition.

The bad old man naturally didn't want to die, so he crossed the prison and wandered between the wilderness and the global village.

He didn't dare to flee too far. Although he was also a mage, his physical strength was about the same as ordinary humans on Earth. If he went to the wild, he might not be able to survive. Therefore, he could only hide his tracks. There were 100,000 humans on Earth in the global village, so it wasn't difficult to find a place to hide.

In short, the Gurdan women were awesome.

Disana and Vanilla Sharjah were naturally a little angry when they saw that Qin An did not react to their questions.

"Vanilla Sharjah, do it. I want to see what kind of strength this brat has. He's actually so arrogant!"

Disana actually spoke in a childish voice, a bit like Lin Chi-ling, a Taiwanese celebrity from before the apocalypse.


Vanilla Sharjah replied. He raised his left hand at the same time, and a three-dimensional rune ball appeared on his palm. The countless runes on it were emitting brilliant colors. It looked very impressive.

This item was called magic, and it was the lifeblood weapon that every mage summoned to transform everything in the world into magic power.

The mages of the Star of the Sword Spirit were somewhat different from the mages in some early Apocalyptic literature. They did not need to chant spells when using magic, and magic was cast smoothly.

Moreover, the types of magic they could use were very diverse, and there were no categories of magic they could use.

Of course, ordinary magicians could only cultivate a type of magic with great precision, just like the Second Master God's True Fire. She was best at fire elemental magic. Although the other attributes of magic were also very powerful, they were unable to reach the Divine level of lethality.

Suddenly, a magical red light flashed, and a five-meter-long square wall of fire had already burned around Qin'an.

This wall of fire was no ordinary magic. It had the ability to lock onto a target. In other words, once Vanilla Sharjah locked onto Qin An with his psychic power, even if Qin An activated the teleportation ability, this wall of fire would move along with his body through space, keeping him in the sea of fire.

If it was an ordinary Adept, they would probably have been burned to the point of screaming in the face of such an unavoidable flame attack.

The temperature of the magical flames was extremely high. The grass within ten meters of them turned scorched, and then burned with flames.

The car Li Chenxian was driving was about ten meters away from the wall of fire. At this time, the two wheels in front of him had actually begun to melt.

Vanilla Sharjah could not see Qin An's figure at this moment, he only knew that he was trapped in the sea of fire.

With a faint smile, Vanilla Sharjah tilted his head and said to Disana,

"Master, he doesn't seem to be that difficult to deal with. People trapped in the Limitless Flame Wall, even four-soul sword xiuzhe will have their souls destroyed!"

Disana's originally calm expression finally changed slightly, and her eyebrows furrowed.

"What's wrong, Master?"

Seeing Disana's expression, Vanilla Sharjah couldn't help but ask.

"No, I can't feel his soul power. I mean, his soul doesn't look very painful! Isn't he afraid of fire attacks?"

"Ah? How is that possible?"

Vanilla Sharjah's face turned a little pale, and his voice was filled with disbelief.

At this time, Qin An was indeed safe and sound in the flames.

One had to know that the sword soul in his body originally belonged to the Second Master God True Fire, while the sword in his body was originally called the Three Fire Moon Seeking Heaven Sword.

In that case, Qin An was not afraid at all when facing the fire attack.

His clothes soon burned to ashes, and Qin An used his ability to change his clothes on the surface of his body.

This was his Sword God ability item, and with the attributes of his body, he naturally wasn't afraid of the flames burning.

Therefore, not only was Qin An unharmed, he was also dressed neatly.


A red shadow pounced towards Vanilla Sharjah.

Qin An moved, followed by a wall of fire.

Vanilla Sharjah was a little panicked. He didn't expect his attacks to be useless against the enemy at all.

Magic flickered quickly, and a water vapor magic shield formed around his body. It was like a large goose egg that emitted a faint blue light.

The red shadow arrived beside her. The scorching fire wall was not offensive to Vanilla Sharjah. After all, she had released it herself.

However, Vanilla Sharjah had lost sight of Qin An in the wall of fire for a moment, and he couldn't see his silhouette.

"Be careful!" Disana shouted.

Vanilla Sharjah felt his magic shield tremble, and then it shattered into energy.

Heavens! It actually didn't have the slightest bit of defensive effect on the enemy? Vanilla Sharjah was dumbfounded.

Qin An used his fist to shatter the magic shield. After that, his fist changed into a palm and grabbed Vanilla Sharjah in his hand. Then, he put it into his embrace.


Vanilla Sharjah, who was hugged by the bear, was frightened and couldn't break free from his shout.

Disana found it hard to accept that her disciple had been captured.

Because the two spells that Vanilla Sharjah cast were comparable to the Four Soul Sword xiuzhe, how could they be useless against this Earth cub? How could a living being that had only lived for several decades be so strong?

Raising her hand, she summoned her magic. Disana used her first magic, Spatial Teleportation, to teleport Vanilla Sharjah out of Qin An's embrace to her side.

Shortly after, a ten-meter radius around Qin An suddenly turned into a vacuum. This was still Disana's teleportation ability. She teleported the air away and locked onto Qin An to create a vacuum magnetic field.

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